C.M.U.A. Annual Meeting.
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Colonel R. E. Crompton, C.13., presided, in the 4.'ommittee room of the Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall,on Wednesday afternoon of last week, at the ninth annual general meeting of the Commercial Motor Users Association, The Proceedings. r.r112 Secretary (Mr. F. G. Bristow) having read the notice con +'ening the meeting, the Chairman remarked that, whilst the attendance was representative—there were only 25 gentlemen present—its smallness, in relation to the total membership, was testimony to the satisfaction which the general body of members evidently felt as to the handling of the business by the Committee. (Hear, hear.) Whilst the Association was not a trading company, the parallel held good, that. there were only large annual general meetings when there was a desire to turn out the Committee because it had been doing something wrong. (Laughter). They had evidently given satisfaction.
The Chairman then proceeded to deal in succession with the principal points in the report. Our own summary was published last week, so we refrain from reproducing the major portion of his remarks. He, of course, emphasized the importance of the Association's Parliamentary work, its organization for free legal advice and various legal defence, its success in obtaining the Local Government Board's approval of the reckoning of a reversible steam engine as a brake, . and the participation of the Association in the work of securing independent supplies of fuel for internalcombustion-engined motors.
The Parades : Night Shelters : Badges.
On the subject of the Parades? the Chairman expressed satisfaction that the entries and general Sill)to t for this branch of the Association's work were thoroughly well maintained—in fact, that new records had been achieved in respect of the arrangements for the Parade now under organization. He thought. that the night-shelter programme in hand, which scheme brought both it and its officers into close touch with road conditions, as well as with the police and local authorities, could not fail to be attended in the near future with results of the greatest importance and benefit. He was glad to find that the -Association's vehicle badge was coming into more general use month by month. Considerably more than 1000 of these badges were in use upon vehicles at the 31st December last, and he was confidently assured that that total would be doubled by the end of 1913.
Income Not Hoarded.
So far as finance went, they naturally spent nearh, all their income ; the surplus for the year was only -[:21. This indicated that the members received practically the full benefit that it was possible to give, and they would see later on that a revision of the unlimited defence scheme had become necessary. They were not. out to hoard or save money, but the members in general meeting had to fix the limits. He formally moved the adoption of the report. The. motion was seconded by Mr. E. W. Rudd, nod ea rried rinanimou sly.
Committee: Accounts: Auditors.
The Secretary read out the nominations for membership of the committee, and the Chairman declared these gentlemen duly elected. Their names will be found on page 114.
On the motion of the Chairman, seconded by the Hon. Treasurer, the audited accounts and balance sheet were received and adopted. On the motion of Mr. W. F. French, seconded by Colonel C. F. T. Blyth, Messrs. Andrew W. Barr and Co., chartered accountants, of 1, Queen Victoria Street, E. C., were reappointed auditors.
Extension of Legal Defence Programme.
The Chairman then called upon the Hon. Treasurer, as Chairman of the Finance Committee, to submit the scheme for the revision of the unlimited legal defence arrangements. Under this, the Chairman pointed out, it was proposed that the free legal defence on two summonses in any financial year, which free protection was now enjoyed, might in future be limited to six vehicles belonging to any one member. Some members of the Committee thought it should be a less 1111Mber, and it was for thegeneral meeting to decide, In any event, the unlimited defence scheme, which had been arranged on the best possible terms, was not a compulsory one, but an optional one..
The Hon. Treasurer, in moving the adoption of the report, agreed with the Chairman that it should be left to the meeting to decide whether the number should be six vehicles or four vehicles. He went carefully through the scheme (reproduced hereunder), and gave the reasons for the various provisions.
• ' The Finance Gimmittec has made the following recommendations, and the necessary rules in respect of the Legal Defence branch of the Association's work will be submitted, as under : • ill That the provision of free legal defence on two summonses under the Motor Car Acts in any financial year or less period (ending the 31st December) be limited to summonses which arise from the ownership and use of it maximum of six commercial vehicles or tractors by any one member ; 12) That any member who owns more than six commercial motors shall declare in writing the registration particulars of the six to' which such free legal defence on two summonses in any financial year shall apply; (3) That the provision of unlimited free legal defence by the Association shall, for the time being, and subject to termination by the Committee on its giving to any member three months' notice in writing, to expire on the 31st December in any year, be obtainable in consideration of payments in advance according to the under-noted scale. the adoption of which by any member is, of course, optional ;
(4) Ni defence shall be provided by the Association in respect of any occurrence giving rise to a summons which occurrence takes place on, or prior to, the date of declaration in writing (addressed to the Secretary) by the member of the vehicle concerned as one which is to be so covered ;
(5) No member shall be allol+ed unlimited defence facilities unless he shall at all times have declared, covered and paid for two-thirds of the total number of commercial vehicles or tractors which he owns; (6) No substitution of z. vehicle can be made for a less period than three months, and no such notice of substitution shall become effective until the date of acknowledg• ment by the Secretary, and all such notices roust be in writing;
(7) Except in respect of commercial motors which shall already have been covered for unlimited defence at the date oi this notice, the foregoing resolution shall apply forthwith (the 2nd April, 1913), whilst to all such corn mercii.1 motors as are now covered for unlimited defence they shall apply as from the let January, 1914.
The adoption of the report was formally seconded by Major 11. C. Wilder, and a general discussion ensued. Mr. H. W. Wigan (Eastern Motor Wagon Co., Ltd.), Mr. E. W. Rudd (E. W. Rudd, Ltd.), and Mr. D. S. Kennedy (Pickford's, Ltd.), supported the reduction of the minimum from six vehicles to fonr vehicles, whilst Mr. French thought that an increase of the annual subscription from one guinea to two guineas was a preferable course, the legal-defence arrangements to be left as they were. Mr. Lyon Thomson pointed out that such an increase in the annual subscription would be tantamount to letting the smaller owners pay for the owners of fleets, and the suggestion of an increase in the anneal subscription was also opposed by other speakers.
On a vote being taken, the proposal to substitute " four" for " six" was carried by a majority of 19, and the subsequent. motion, that the scheme be adopted as amended, was carried unanimously.
Vote of Thanks to Chairman.
Mr. Rudd proposed, Major Wilder seconded, Mr. Lyon Thomson put it to the meeting, and it was carried by acclamation, that the best thanks of the Association be accorded to the Chairman for his services during the year.
In the course of a brief reply, the Chairman acknowledged the valuable and unremitting work of the Secretary, whose interest in the work of the Association, he stated, was far in excess of that which was probably realized by members outside the Committee, Introduction to West Riding Circular.
The incorporated Association is now being substantially backed in many parts of Lancashire and Yorkshire. Applications for particulars of membership of the North and East Lancashire Association, which body has been in existence for several years, should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary, Mr. J. Ti. Anderson, 79, Rossall Road, Ansdell, Lytham, Lanes. The latest situation in regard to the West Riding G.M.U,A., which has only recently been formed, may be gathered from the circular letter which we now reprint in the next column. Any proposals re additional centres will be considered in due course.
-West Riding Conunerc al Motor Users' Association.
" Prudential Buildings, Bradford.
" Dear Sir,—
(8) (0)
Referring to the public meeting of commercial motor vehicle owners of the West Riding held on 30th January in the Mechanics' Institute, Bradford, I have pleasure in advising you that it was unanimously decided to establish a local association with the above title in order that, primarily, future defensive action with regard to legislation or taxation should not be left to meetings called haphazard, and, secondly, to secure certain Material benefits only to he obtained by the organization of those interested.
" A provisional committee was appointed, with power to add to its number and to conduct the business of the Association until a general meeting of the members be called to place the Association on a regularly constituted basis. With the object of at once securing the support and benefits of the Coamiercial Motor Users' Association (incorporated) London. negotiations were immediately commenced with a view to atfiliaticn with that body, and arrangements have now been made whereby each member of the West Riding Commercial Motor Users' Association is also a member of the Commercial Motor Users' Association and an Associate of the Royal Automobile Club.
" I beg to summarize the benefits offered : ii) The advantage of being connected with three powerful bodies for defensive and protective purposes, viz., the West Riding Commercial Motor Users' Association, the Commercial Motor Users Association (Incorporated) and the Royal Automobile Club (Associates).
(2) Free legal defence an any two summonses in cases where members or their drivers are summoned for some technical offence.
Free services of the Royal Automobile Club road guides. Free legal advice and information in connection with the ownership and use of commercial motor vehicles and tractors.
5) Free, THE COMMERCIAL MoToa weekly (value 6s, 6d.).
i6) Free, The Royal Automobile Club Year Book for 1913. (7) Free expert engineering advice respecting the, purchase, repair, or working of commercial motor vehicles. Free information on commercial motor matters generally. Financial assistance, after approval by the committee, in appeals or other cases where questions of principle are held to exist.
(10) The right to carry the badge of the C.M.U.A.
" The annual subscription is a nominal one of £1 1s. only. with no entrance fee for the first 100 members, after which an entrance fee of Li is. per member will be payable ; in view of the above concession immediate application for membership should be made.
"I submit that the advantages of the free legal defence scheme, the touring guides, and the free copy of THE ComNIERCIAL MOTOR are alone worth the subscription, without taking into consideration the other benefits.
"lit conclusion I would remind you that ' United we stand, divided we fall:" the near future will certainly demand vigorous action and much time and expenditure on the part of the organizations in order to resist unjust national and local taxation and legislation.—Yours faithfully,
" C. C. FELL, Secretary."