Motor Bus Bodies.
Page 19

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We give below a reprint of the regulations in force throughout the metropolitan area, with respect to motor omnibus bodies, because it is often found by persons anxious to begin new services that delays arise entirely from a lack of acquaintance with them.
x. That 16 inches, measuring in a straight line, are allowed for each passenger on every seat, which must be fit and proper, and convenient for sitting on. 2. That the number of passengers which the vehicle is licensed to carry is painted legibly on the outside and inside.
3. That the fares are legibly painted on the inside, also the words "Metropolitan Stage Carriage," and the number of the number plate. Tramway cars must have the fares painted both inside and outside.
4. That the words "Metropolitan Stage Carriage," with the number of the number plate, are legibly painted on the outside, behind the carriage, on the near side.
5. That the Christian name and surname of proprietor, and the names of extreme places are painted on each side of the carriage, clear of the wheel.
6. That the carriage is suitably lighted inside and outside.
7. That no printed, written, or other matter, shall appear on the inside or outside of the carriage, by way of advertisement, except such, if any, as shall be approved by the Commissioner.
8. That no celluloid or xylonite fittings are placed inside or outside.
9. That there is proper ventilation without opening the windows.
io. That there is sufficient height for each passenger inside when sitting, not less than 4oin. from the seat to the spring of tile rcof, measuring from the top of the cushion.
xi. That the carriage is of sufficient width inside (not less than 541n. from the back of one seat to the back of the one opposite) to allow persons to pass up and down.
12. Carriages with " cross " or " garden " seats on the roof must have at least 26111. clear from the inside back of one seat to the back of the seat in front of it, so that there shall be room for the knees. The backs of all such seats are to be so closed as to prevent the pockets of passengers being picked.
13. That the roof, seats, cushions, lining, panels, etc., are clean and in good repair ; the springs, wheels, doors, and win. dows in good repair and working order, and the paint and varnish bright and in good condition. 14. That the steps for getting inside, on roof, etc., are safe and convenient, and that efficient means are provided by rails or straps to assist passengers entering and leaving.
15. That the top guard-rail on roof is at least loin, above the level of the seats, and the hand-rail at least 21t, 6in. above the top tread of the staircase or landing-board. There must also be an intermediate guard-rail (where necessary) between the hand-rail and the stringer of the staircase.
z6. That some efficient means (battens or otherwise) be provided to raise the feet from the bed of the carriage. Clean straw may be used in wet or cold weather.
17. That the harness and the horses drawing the carriage are in perfect order and in every respect fit for public use. 18. That the cushions of seats are covered with morocco leather or cloth of good quality, and are not stuffed with hay, straw, seaweed, or whalebone shavings. (Inferior American cloth is not regarded as suitable for carriages.) t9. All stage carriages must be provided with sufficient brakepower, and tramway cars must in addition have a guard or fender, placed in such a positiort as to be effective in removing or pushing aside anything that may fall in front of the wheels.
20. Proprietors of tramway carriages propelled by mechanical means will be required to produce a certificate from the Board of Trade to the effect that the requirements of the Board have been complied with.
21. Proprietors of stage carriages, other than tramway cars, propelled by mechanical means will be required to furnish a certificate from an independent firm of engineers, that each carriage submitted for licensing is, so far as the mechanism is concerned, fit for public use.
22. Stage carriages, other than tramway cars, propelled by mechanical means, and subject to the Light Locomotives Act (59 and 6o Viet. cap. 36), and Motor Car Act (3 Edwd. cap. 36), must also comply with the requirements of those Acts, and of the Orders of the Local Government Board made in pursuance thereof.
NOTE.-Though the above conditions may have been complied with, yet if there be anything in the construction, form, or general appearance which, in the opinion of the Commissioner, renders the carriage unfit for public use, it will not be licensed.