News of the Week.
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There are seventeen entries for the van trials in the preliminary list issued by the Automobile Club.
It is a peculiar feature in all competitions that nearly all the entries arrive during the last few days.
Under the rules, which appeared at length in our issue of June 8th, the entry fees are now raised 25 per cent.
Manufacturers or agents can enter until 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday, the 23rd instant, but not more than two vehicles of the same type by the same maker will be accepted in any one class.
There are four classes. The first (A)
is for vehicles carryingscwt. or any less weight, the augmented entrance fee being 4.18 is. Class B is for loads exceeding, scwt., but not exceeding rocwt., and the entrance fee is .4,2 r 172. 6c1., including the extra 25 per cent. Class C (mewl. to x-ton loads), with an entrance fee of .&s, and Class D (I-ton to ii-ton loads) for which the entrance fee is ,4;28 26. 6d„ complete the divisions.
Entry forms and all other information concerning the trials may be obtained from the Secretary, Automobile Club, x In, Piccadilly, W. The competitors who have already entered are as follows :— Class A—Alldays and Onions Pneumatic Engineering Co. Ltd.; the Simms
Manufacturing td.; and the London and Parisian Motor Co., Ltd. Co.,dlass B--The Wolseley Tool and Motorcar Co., Ltd. Alldays and Onions, Ltd.; De Dion-Bouton, Ltd. Class Ltd.; and Browne, Ltd.; Milnes-Daimler, Ltd.; Dennis Brothers, Ltd.; the Simms Manufacturing Co., Ltd. ; the Thames Ironworks Shipbuilding and Engineering Co„ Ltd.; and the Bickford Burners Co. Class D —The Motorcar Emporium, Ltd. • MiInes-Daimler, Ltd.; De Dion-Bouton, Ltd.; and the 1-4cre Motorcar Co., Ltd.
For the A.C.F. trials, which are now in progress, the entries were in a very backward state at the same relative date, six weeks before the beginning of the competition, but they came in very rapidly thereafter. By the final day for receiving entries no less than 65 had come in from 28 different constructors. Of these only 57 vehicles were presented for trial, the eight defections being in respect of seven separate makers, some of whom had entered in several classes. As a matter of fact, 25 separate builders were represented in the tests, compared with rz who have so far entered for the A.C.G.B.I. trials, and from this we gather that the number of makers, if not of machines, will be greater than in the French trials.
The Bromley Borough Council has resolved, as the result of a report from its surveyor and engineer, to include a clause authorising it to run motor omnibuses in its next Parliamentary Bill. A meeting of the council of the Society of Motor Omnibus Engineers will be held this (Thursday) afternoon, Motor at 5.30 p.m., at the registered office, 86, Strand, W.C.
An application form for membership will be found as a supplement to this number. The annual subscription is /.,"i Is., with an entrance fee of Li is. after the first so members have been elected.
We have received many letters acknowledging the utility of the chart which was contained in our issue of June 22nd. This enables one to read off instantly the legal diameters, tyre-widths or axle-weights for any heavy motorcar. Copies will be sent gratis to any readers who send two penny stamps to cover the cost of packing and postage.
The chief constable of Hanley, Staffs., has reported to the local watch committee that coal carts are a much greater nuisance in the streets than motor vehicles. He finds that they are always either in the middle of the road or on the wrong side.
We have pleasure in drawing attention to the fact that the consumption of lubricating oil reported to us in connection with the six weeks' trial of a Lacre van by Messrs. I Shoolbred and Co. was 4i gallons, and not 26 gallons. This is much more in keeping with what one would expect, and there is no question that it will be still further reduced in these vehicles now that they are being fitted with the Murray patent mechanical lubricator.
The Rt. Hon. Ear! Cadogan, E.G., has been re-elected president of the Roads Improvement Association, and the Hon. Arthur Stanley, M.P., has been re-elected vice-president. At the last meeting of the council a proposal by Colonel R. E. B. Crompton and Mr. Howard Humphreys that the association should co-operate in the laying of a stretch of dustless road in one of the London parks was adopted. The association is now in communication with the Office of Works on the subject. German Commercial Vehicle Trials,
The Guildford Rural District Council has passed a resolution to the effect that, owing to the rapid development of long-distance motor traffic and steam transport, a portion of the upkeep of main roads should be contributed by the Imperial Exchequer.
Success continues to attend the operations of the ,municipal motor wagons in use by the City of London Corporation. Two separate statls are employed to work these vehicles, which have resulted in a great economy notwithstanding the crowded sate of the City.
The Hon. J, Scott Montagu, 11-1.P., in the "Car Magazine" for August, expresses the view that the Royal Traffic Commission has been somewhat rash in respect of its recommendations for extensive tramway schemes, in view of the probable development of the motor omnibus movement.
It is a matter of surprise to read that the Kensington Borough Council has found street watering by motor to cost to.52d. per thousand gallons, compared with 8.26d. by horses. This is at great variance with the results obtained by l.iverpool, Westminster, Chelsea and other authorities.
An lye] agricultural motor, during the recent harvesting at Hillside, near Biggieswade, did good wprk throughout in hauling two reapers and binders, and cutting a width of loft. Had this been done by horses, it would have been necessary to employ at least nine horses to do the work in the same time, The chairman of the City and South London Railway Company, in presiding at the general meeting held last week, remarked that the London County Council tramcar competition had practically annihilated the company's id. fare traffic. He did not think the shareholders need have any fear on the score of motor omnibuses, which would probably bring them additional traffic.
At Vienna three motor fire engines now form part of the municipal fire brigade's equipment, and as yet they have answered very well. They are electric-driven, with front wheel propulsion, and huilt on the Lohner-Porsche system. Each has five speeds, these being 9, ii, 20, 28 and 3s' kilometres an hour, or a minimum of a little over five miles an hour and a maximum of nearly 22. When the engine is running in the third speed, the accumulators will suffice for a trip of between 28 and 3r miles. It is the intention of the Vienna City Council largely to extend this plant.
The following is a copy of a petrol license recently issued by the L.C.C. (fee five shiliings) :—" That the total quantity oi petroleum (including substances containing petroleum) kept upon the premises hereby licensed, do not at any time exceed lour hundred gallons. That such petroleum be kept only in the manner and at the places hereinafter specified, viz :—in
a securely closed iron tank in concrete vault in yard at position shown on plan submitted with application, provided— (a) that the spirit be pumped into and trom the tank as required for tilling the storage tank or charging the tanks of motor vehicles; (b) that explosives, matches, or other inflammable or explosive substances be not in or near any store, workroom, or other place where petroleum is kept or used; (c) that petroleum be not kept or used in any part of the premises other than as specified in this license; (d) that due precautions be at all times taken for the prevention of accident from lire, and that fire or such artificial light as will ignite inflammable vapour be not within or nearer than twenty feet of the openings of buildings, workrooms, or places where petroleum is kept or used; (e) that buildings or workrooms in which.petroleum is kept or used be at all times thoroughly ventilated into the external atmosphere, and that sufficient sand be kept in such buildings or workrooms; (f) that the licensee do take effectual precautions for preventing unauthorised persons, and all persons under the age of 15 'ears, from obtaining access to the place of storage; (g) 'filar vessels containing petroleum be only opened for the lime absolutely necessary for the purposes of the business, and that every precaution be used for preventing the escape of inflammable vapour; (h) that petroleum or any product or residue from petroleum be not allowed to enter any inlet or drain communicating with a public sewer; and that every such inlet be provided with an intercepting chamber or trap so constructed as to effectually prevent the accidental discharge into a drain of petroleum or any product or residue therefrom ; (i) that the arrangements for the storage or use of petroleum as approved by the Council, and as seen by the Council's inspector last before the granting of the license, be in all respects kept and maintained, unless the consent of the Council is given in writing to any departure therefrom ; (j) that every authorised officer of the Council be at all times allowed free access to the premises of the licensee, for the purpose of ascertaining if the above conditions are properly observed; and that the licensee do, by himself or his representatives, give any assistance for that purpose which such officer may require, and furnish samples of substances alleged to be petroleum."
A trial of the Halle spring will be carried out by the A.C.G.B. and I. Messrs. C. S. Rolls and Co., of Conduit Street, W., are the entrants.
Oxford, Kidderminster, Leicester and Cambridge have been decided upon as the four centres from which the forthcoming English van trials will radiate.
In reference to the new conunercial motor which is illustrated on pages 427s and 42713 of this issue, we learn that Mr. Atkey expects to have this wagon on the road in a fortnight, and it is his intention to test it thoroughly over fields and rough country. He will then proceed to South Africa with it, in order further to acquaint himself of its powers and capabilities.
The Royal Lancashire Agricultural Show had its usual support from the motor industry, particularly as this year's show was held at Liverpool. 1 he society's gold medal has been awarded to the lye! Agricultural Motors, Ltd., for the best motor adapted for agricultural purposes, and its silver medal for the best five-ton motor wagon has been gained by T. Coulthard and Co., Ltd., of Preston. The judges in the motor section werc the Hon. Arthur Stanley, M.P., Mr. R. K. Fenton, J.P. (of Longridge), and Mr. J. A. Brodie, M.Inst. C.E., M.Inst.Mech.E., the city engineer of Liverpool.
The •Northumberland county surveyor has spent Zso,193 on the 629 miles of highways under his care during the last official year, a saving of j.-;,2,529 over the preceding period of twelve months. We are pleased to note in his report a recommendation that a good foundation should be speedily provided for the weaker roads in view of the increase of motor haulage traffic.
In reply to a question in the House of Commons, Mr% Gerald Balfour gave the following printed reply on Monday last :--" The Royal Commission will be appointed to enquire and report as to (I) the working of the Motorcar Acts 1896 and 1903 and of the regulations under them ; (2) the law and practice in relation to motorcars in the principal foreign countries; () what amendments, if any, should be made in the Motorcar .Acts and the regulations under them; (4) the injury to the roads alleged to be caused by motorcars; and (5) whether any, and, if so, what, additional charges should be imposed in respect of motorcars, and how any money thus raised should be applied, with power to issue an ad interim report on the first three heads if that course should appear desirable. The King has been pleased to approve of the following as Commissioners :— Viscount Selby, chairman ; the Marquis of Winchester, chairman of the County Council for Hants ; Sir William Bower Forwood, late Lord Mayor of Liverpool, and chairman of the Lancashire Quarter Sessions ; Mr. H. C. Monro, C.B., one of the assistant secretaries to the Local' Government Board; Mr. E. R. Henry, C.B., chief commissioner of the Metropolitan Police ; Mr. W. J. Mure, C.B., formerly legal secretary to the Lord Advocate, It is proposed to add to these a seventh commissioner, whose name I hope shortly to be able to announce."
The Metropolitan Asylums Board has accepted the tender of James and Browne, Ltd., to supply a 14-16h.p. chassis for motor ambulance service at .4;465. Nine tenders were received. An electric vehicle will be hired from the Electromobile Company, at -LAO per month, for three months, and a single-deck Clarkson omnibus (second-hand) will he purchased at 1:,400.