German War Authorities as Motor Contractor5
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Interesting but Impracticable Conditions.
A short while ago, it was announced that the Military Transport Section, of whose motor rolling stock our Berlin correspondent recently furnished a list, intended to let out its vehicles to private persons or firms, and it may interest our readers to learn on what terms the automobiles IMO' hi' hired. We subjoin a translation of the conditions of hire :—
(1)—The letting out of industrial vehicles owned by the War Office serves the purpose of giving interested parties alt opporioniry of forming an opinion of their own on the :idyantage• and econmm. 01 worleieg freight-automobiles. That the numerous demands may be satisfied, the period it hire must, as a rule, be of short duration
(2)—Vehieles are manned exclusively by soldiers attached to the Experiment:II Section of the Transport Department.
(3)—Vehicles may not be hired for transporting goods within the metropolitan area, or such goods as are calculated to bring the Army into disrespect. In this matter, the War Mire alone decides.
141—Vehicles are lent at hirer's risk. The War Office accepts no responsibility for damages or injuries occurring to goods or persons in the vehicles used, excepting, however. such claims on the part of persons of the military profession in charge ngainst the War Office, in respect of whom the General Maintenance Act applies.
(5)—No expenses shall be incurred by the War Office through the letting out of the vehicles. All costs must be borne by the hirer. They are as follow : • (a) Conveying, vehicles and men in charge from Ber, fin to the destination.
(b) Commando additional charges for the men in charge, thus : (t) For the non-commissioned officer, is. 6d. a day ; (2) for the driver, Is. a day ; (3) for the attendant, 8.75d. a day. (r) Working costs : (1) Fuel ; (2) lubricant, polishing and cleaning material; (3) lighting material; (4) tools and spares used up.
(d) Putting vehicle in working order on completion of period of hire. (e) Insurance against fire and accidents during wor i ng. (0 Housing of material and men (for the housing the vehicles, there must be a weather-proof space, dr able, easily heated in winter, yet excluding ail clang of fire). (g) Any costs arising through wear and tear of roar etc.
the letting out of automobiles owned by the NV Office is possible only to a limited extent and for a shr time, it is advisable that, in the first place, application f hire should be made to one of the firms whose makes ha already been declared to be entitled to the subventic namely : (a) Daimler Motoren-(iesellsehaft, Marienfelde; Buessin:!, Brunswick ; Neue Automobil-Gysellscha Berlin (d) Siiddeutsche Automobilfabrik. Gagg,enau; • Automobilfabrik Scheibler, Aix-la-Chapelle; (f) Automoh fahrik Gebriider Stoewer, Stettin. IThis list does not i dude the firms whose vehicles recently underwent with sr cess the subvention test.—Etel
(7)—Applications for the hiring of automobiles owned the War Office are LO be addressed to the Experimeni SLction of the Transport Department (Schiineherg, near BI lin), which will impart the :derision of the Inspection of t Transport Department.
The undermentioned particulars must accompany ea application (a) Nature of the goods to he carried. (b) Average loads to be carried daily. (c) Average distance Lo, be traversed daily, and t+ mini of transport. (d) Condition of the roads in question, also the he: ing capacity of bridges. The existence of a firm roc surface for the working is indispensable. (8)--In respect of the hire, a contract will be conclud between the hirer and the Experimental Section of the Tram .port Department, which requires the confirmation of t Inspection of the Transport Department.