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MR. ROBERT MACLEOD, manager of Edinburgh Corporation's transport department, who recently underwent a serious operation, is stated to he progressing favourably.
MR. H. SicraT, manager of the Victoria branch of Leyland Motors, Ltd., is now on his way on a business trip to England. It is 12 years since he was last in this country.
MR. J. RUSSELL ROSE, chairman of the Central Garage, Ltd., Bradford, was again elected to Bradford City Council, last week. Mr. Rose, who stood as a Conservative, .topped the poll with 1,286 votes.
SIR HENRY KEITH, of Hamilton, has been appointed by the Minister of Transport as a representative of local authorities in Scotland, to fill the vacancy on the Transport Advisory Council caused by the death of Councillor Shaw, MR. A. H. V. MUIRHEAD has been appointed secretary of Rootes Securities, Ltd., and of certain subsidiary companies, including Sunbeam Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., CominerHarrier (Midland), Ltd., and Transport Acceptances, Ltd.
MR. R. R. PA NTER, .A..C.I.S., has been appointed secretary of ' the Conn-tier, Karrier and Talbot concerns, He was, for some time, assistant to Mr. E. W. Rogerson, and, since the latter's death, has carried on the duties of acting secretary.
Prominent Lines Hauliers Have Licences Suspended.
Two haulage concerns which were stated to own a third of the local lorries, working from Boston Dock, appeared before the East Midland Licensing Authority, at Lincoln, last week,to show cause why their licences should not be revoked or suspended.
They were Frank Thompson and Co., Boston, which owns 26 vehicles, and the Boston Haulage Co., Ltd., on behalf of which it was stated that suspension would entail the unemployment of 17 drivers. The Licensing Authority (Mi. 1. H. Stirk) decided to suspend the whole of the Boston Haulage company's fleet for a week, beginning December 6, and seven of Thompson's lorries for two weeks immediately following the expiration of the suspension on the Boston Haulage concern's vehicles.
Mr. A. E. Curtis, for the Licensing Authority, said that in April, this year, Mr, Stirk organized a comprehensive cheek throughout the country upon Lincolnshire vehicles. That check was rendered necessary by reason of the volume of " faking " of records which, it was evident to the Authority's officers, was going on. Mr, E. W. Roythorne, for Frank Thompson and Co., blamed the drivers, and Mr. Moffatt, a director of the Boston Haulage Co., Ltd., said that the company had always taken every reasonable precaution to see that its drivers complied with the law.
The Law and Taxation of Farm Tractors.
A booklet entitled "Your Farm Tractor : Law and Taxation," by Mr. P. G. Carribray, secretary of the Tractor Users Association, 66, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, has been published by that body at 8d.. including postage.
Purified Charcoal in Paper Bags. _ In view of the increasing use in France of producer-gas vehicles, more attention is being devoted to improving the facilities for obtaining supplies of the necessary fuel. A Paris concern, with works in six different parts of France, is now, producing what is known as "purified charcoal," specially prepared for motor-vehicle use.
The fuel is claimed to be instantaneously ignitable and the engine may, it is said, he turned over from petrol to charcoal gas in a minute. The fuel leaves no deposit, contains no tar and is perfectly dry. Known as Carboepure, it is supplied in either sacks or paper bags containing 14 kilogs., or just over 25 lb.
Death of Tyre-trade Pioneer.
We regret to announce the death of Mr. T. V. Bateman, governing director of Westminster Motor Supplies, ad., 39, Victoria Street, London, SW.]. He had been connected with the tyre trade for over 35 years, and founded the company in 1927. We are advised that Westminster. Motor Supplies, Ltd., will continue under its present management.
The address of the Massa Sparking Plug Co., Ltd., for all correspondence, with the exception of that dealing with finance, is now Zephyr Works, Freemantle Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk.
An. industrial-design concern, Consultants, Ltd., 200, High Holborn, London, W.C.1, has been commissioned to design the bodywork for Eugene's new fleet of' Bedford 12-cwt. vans. The first van to be delivered is illustrated on this page.
It is painted a metallic light blue throughout, with the exception of lettering in white and a band of corrugated aluminium running along the waist line, which corresponds with the horizontal louvres on the bonnet. The radiator is the only standard component visible.
The whole body was designed by a member of Consultants' Staff, with wide experience. in coachwork design and production. It was built by the REAL. Carriage: Works, Ltd., London, W.5. In spite of its stylish appearance, it has, we. learn, a larger cubic capacity than. the standard van body available on the same chassis.
Royal Commission Investigates Ontario Transport.
The Royal Transport Commission in Toronto last week opened its sessions with evidence that there will be a bitter dispute between the railway, haulage and bus companies over rates and competition. Mr. Justice E. R. E. Chevrier, of the Ontario Supreme Court, heads the three-man Commission. His associates are Professor C. R. Young, of the Civil Engineering Department, University of Toronto, and E. Roy Sayles, Renfrew publisher.
Ancillary users fall within the terms of the inquiry. Rate systems will be investigated and compared with those of other forms of transport, The Commission will also consider the cost of public roads in Ontario and to what extent the cost should be met by owners and operators of motor vehicles.
At the opening session, the underpayment and overworking Of roadtransport drivers were alleged. The Automotive Transport Association of Ontario replied that the road-haulage industry was giving a service in the short-distance field that could not be provided by any other transport organization.