New Long-life Non-skid Tyres
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A Michelin Design to Obviate Dangerous Running on Smooth Tyres
nNE of the most-debated clauses in
the Road 'Traffic Act (1930) is that referring to the condition of pneumatic tyres, which states that all tyres must be maintained in such a condition as to be free from any defect which might in any way be dangerous. This has been read to refer to tyres which have worn smooth, the assumption being that such tyres are liable to cause skidding.
Fear of the law, combined, in some cases, with the views of operators that skids are hazardous and may be expensive, has often resulted in the scrapping of tyres which, so far as their actual life is concerned, are only part worn.
The Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd., Stokeon-Trent, states that for the past 18 months it has been engaged in an enMichelin giant pneumatics with the deavour to find a solution for this probnew Zig Zag treads, They are designed hem, and has now succeeded in producto permit rebuilding. C48
• The Advantages are Long Life and No Heel-andtoe Wear jag a new giant tyre, which is claimed to be an exceptionally good non-skid capable of retaining its full-tread pattern for two-thirds of its life—in fact, it can retain remarkable non-skid properties uhtil the tread is completely worn, after which it can be rebuilt to give a further mileage amounting to 60 per cent, of the original.
The new tyre has been appropriately named the Zig Zag, tend has a very deep staggered tread nattern of the continuous-rib type. The continuity of the rib design has a further virtue, in that it is practically impossible for the tread to develop heel-and-toe wear, such as is comparatively common on many fast vehicles equipped with front-wheel brakes. It is anticipated that the authorities will make fewer complaints to operators as to such tyres being dangerous.