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10th February 2000
Page 29
Page 29, 10th February 2000 — A FRIEND INDEED...
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Through your magazine I should like to thank the following people for their kindness and generosity: Mike and all at Adams Morey (Leyland Daf); Phil Bascornbe Transport; Steve Butler Haulage; John Coakes: Steve Cook Heavy Haulage: Torn & Jan of Dorset Heavy Haulage; Bob Farrell of Farsons Transport; Dave Folley of Marsh Plant; F&B Skinner of Dale Valley Transport; John Weaver Transport, Poole; and Brian White Transport.

In December my yard was sabotaged. In total 74 tyres were drilled, fuel lines, brake pipes and wiring looms were cut through, and every truck and trailer I own was rendered unusable.

Being just a small and specialised transport company, such damage forced me off the road, which meant I was unable to honour my contracts. I received overwhelming support and offers of both help and equipment from fellow haulage companies.

At Christmas I was so very touched to receive a Christmas card from the above people containing a most generous gift, which, together with the support I received, has put me back on the road. I am now once again fully operational.

My many many thanks go to all my dear friends, too numerous to mention. I can't begin to tell you how much your kindness has meant to me.

May I also take this opportunity to commend my wonderful staff. Their loyalty and hard work during this difficult time has made me so proud of them. My very best wishes for the new millennium go to each and every one of you.

Malcolm Elvy,

Elv,v international Matte & Heavy Haulage,

• It's sometimes easy to forget that an industry as competitive as ours can breed such generosity—what a pity that it takes some form ot disaster to remind us that hauliers are, if you'll pardon the cliche, the salt of the earth. CM's compliments to all concerned: let's hope the miscreants are brought to justice in the very near future—Ed.