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A Survey of the Many Agrimotor and Transport Exhibits of Major Interest to Agriculturists and Others Concerned with Rural Industries.
THIS year the venue of the annual show of the Royal Agricultural Society of England is Nottingham, at least; that is the nearest centre, for the actual showground is some two miles out at the right of the Wollaton, Road. The site of this 87th Exhibition is a pleasing one, wooded in sections and with a central lake, and our readers, who will no doubt be interested in the implements section rather than in those devoted to livestock, will find that this is quite close • to the main entrance, although there are a few stands some
what isolated.'.
To-day (Tuesday) the showyard opened at 8 a.m., at which hour • it will open .eacir day, closing each evening at 8 o'cloCk, the laSt day being Saturday: The charges for entry 'are: To-day, 10s.; Wednesday, 5s.; Thursday and Friday; 3s.:' Saturday, -1s., or a ticket for the.whole'period can .be -obtained for Although there are not very many novelties amongst the agrimotors, road -tractors and commercial vehicles displayed on this occasion(because it is not So very long since the Commercial • Vehicle Exhibition at Olympia).,'yet the showyard is Well worth a visit, particularly as this is the most important display of motor and steam-driven vehicles and applianceswhich takes place between the Olympia Exhibitions..
An important feature of this year's display Is the development of the road tractor—both petrol and steam-driven. Even in the, preparation of • the show we noted much use being made of a Chenard-Walcker pnetimatic-tyred tractor and an International equipped as a mobile crane, the two giving yeoman service.
An .increasing number of road. rollers and tractors is being equipped with heavy-oil engines. This, it will be rerneinbered,was a tendency which we also noted at the Leipzig Fair.
There are some excellent examples of petrol and steam vehicles, including several rigid-frame wheelers, such as the Leyland, Foden, Morris, Yorkshire; Sentinel and Garrett, and at least two articulated, Six-wheelers, the ,International-Dyson and the Latil, which are proving excellent outfits in hard service.
It must not be thought by those who have not previously visited a show .of .this description that the Petrol, and steam exhibits are all concerned directly with agriculture. There are some very fine examples of goods and passenger vehicles in the petrol classes, . and of goods vehicles in those propelled by steam.
The only complete vehicle on this. stand is the Leyland Eagle gully-emptier, embodying the well-known Eagle equipment, consisting of a large-capacity tank of churn shape set at an angle to give easy discharge to the rear, where there is a door of the full size of the tank end. The vacuum is provided by .a neat suction pump driven by a chain from a take-off at the top of the gearbox and controlled by a lever at the left of the driver. The suction pipe is balanced by a weight sliding between two posts mounted at the near. side of the cab.
An exhibit which is new to us is a two-wheeled trailer for Fordson and other tractors, of this type, which is equipped with an each-side tipping body operated by hand-screw gear. A novel feature of the trailer; however, is the hinged corner Supports, each provided with a screwed foot. When these supports are dropped and the feet adjusted they take the extra loading due to tipping, and thus relieve the springs from excessive stressing.
Attached to an International tractor is a 5-ton hydraulic end-tipping trailer of the JG type. The pump for this is driven from a power take-off on the tractor.
Amongst other exhibits are three four-wheeled trailers, a 3-ton platform-type on pneumatic tyres, a 2-ton model with hinged sides and equipped with solid tyres and a 5-tonner. A Ford 30-cwt. tipper and cab are shown without the chassis.
MASSEY-HARRIS, LTD. Stand 54 There is only one exhibit of interest to our readers here,this being the Wallis agricultural tractor.' It is a type very well known to our agriculturists, as it has been on the British market for a considerable number of years. It has certain special features, including a pressed-steel main frame, which also constitutes the sump of the engine and gearbox, and to the back of this is bolted the cast casing, containing the final-drive gearing.
The machine is designed to run on petrol or paraffin. A novel feature is the power take-off drive in the longitudinal centre line, which can be used for operating binders, etc., and has already proved to be a great convenience for ninny farming operations.
(LONDON), LTD. Stand 59 The exhibit of chief interest to us on this stand is the Case 12-20 hip. tractor, which is the successful model which has been on the market during the past three years. It is an all-round farm tractor, with a turning radius of 12 ft. and two speeds, 2.2 m.p.h. and 3 m.p.h. The clearance of 11i ins, permits operation on rough ground, whilst the centre of gravity is kept low. Under ordinary conditions it will handle three 14-in. ploughs, ploughing to a depth of 7 ins., whilst for heavy work two 14-in, bottoms are recommended. ROBEY AND CO., LTD. Stand 72 The latest Robey is a 10-ton three-roll petrol-paraffin machine, with an engine capable of developing 40 b.h.p. on petrol and 32 b.h.p. on paraffin. It is water-cooled and equipped with Ricardo cylinder heads. Two road speeds rf 2 m.p.b..and 4 m.p.h., forward or reverse, are provided. The clutch is a double-cone pattern, giving the quick reverse so essential to meet modern conditions. The total rolling width is 6 ft. 4 ins., and there is a large overlap to prevent ridging.
For light work there is a 3-ton Clear-side tandem roller, which is so designed that it is possible to roll close up to walls, fences, etc. It has a 12 b.h.p. engine and two speeds. The rolling width is 3 ft.
_ The Robey .Tunior weighs only 25 cwt., and has an engine of 4 b.h.p. It is also of the Clear-side type and embodies similar features to the heavier model.
Finally, there is an entirely new three-roll general-purpose compound steam roller, known as the Lion type.
Two steam wagons, one of 6-7-ton overtype and the' other an undertype of similar load capacity, are displayed by Clayton Wagons, Ltd., on the stand occupied by Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd. Dealing first with the overtype, this is equipped with a three-way tipping body with oiloperated gear. The boiler is claimed to be 30 per cent, larger than is generally fitted, and the working pressure has been raised to 230 lb. per sq. in. A feature of the firebox is that the crown is entirely .devoid of all stays, and being of curved construction keeps free of deposit. Ball bearings are utilized for the crankshaft and the front wheels. The springing is particularly good. There are two semielliptics for the front axle as well as for that at the rear. The engine cylinders are larger than formerly and the chassis has been strengthened.
As regards the tutdertype, this has piston-valve which gives a variable cut-off in five positions between a quarter and three-quarters of the stroke. . Clayton and Shuttleworth also show a 7 n.h.p. single-cylinder ate am traction engine for agricultural and general-pur pose work, and a 40 h.p. chain-track tractor for ploughing; or hauling heavy loads over bad ground. It rune on petrol or paraffin.
AVELINO. AND PORTER, LTD. Stand 75 Amongst the most interesting, exhibits of this old-established company is a roller employing a crude-oil engine. This is the Type X with a weight in working order of approximately 4 tons. .
There are also several steam rollers, a compound-type F weighing about 12 tons empty and a quick-reversing tandemtype weighing 81 tons. The latter is known as Type P, and is produced for work on bituminous carpeting and tar macadam. The quick reversing is obtained by utilizing an engine with two H.P. cylinder, with a double-throw crankshaft and a special valve gear operated by a single lever.
Finally; there is a compound steam tractor, Type M, on rubber-tyred wheels. This has a Belpaire multi-tubular boiler and piston-valve engine.
JOHN FOWLER AND CO. (LEEDS), LTD. Stand 76 A steam wagon embodying many refinements and special features is the 6-7-ton Fowler. It has a. patent stayless vertical boiler, and the steam is highly superheated before passing to the compound engine with Vee cylinders, the heads of which are under the seats. A three-speed gearbox is provided and the gears can easily be changed :while the wagon is in motion.
The fina:-: drive is effected by overhead-worm gear.
Two steam rollers are exhibited—one an 8ton nominal compound steam pattern with complete steam-jacketing of the cylinders and a modified Belpaire firebox, which permits fitting the shafts and gearing into the actual boiler side plates. The other is a standard 8-ton motor roller of the three-roll type. Except for the engine and the first reduction gear, it is totally enclosed; the whole design follows steam-roller practice. Although liquid fuel is more expensive than coal, the fact that the machine does not require a supply. of water gives it a great advmatage. It is also less noisy and cleaner for working in towns.
Finally, there are a 70 h.p. cable-ploughing engine 'with a Diesel motor and a 40 h.p. motor shnnting locomotive, MARSHALL, SONS AND CO., LTD. Stand 77,
This company's exhibits occupy. a prominent position in front of the entrance and the stand is well worth a visit. The display includes two steam road rollers, a steam traction engine, etc. One of the steam rollers is of the 10-ton . single-cylinder pattern with piston-valve engine, radial-valve gear, and ring-oiler bearings for the crankshaft.
As regards the eonstruetion of the rollers, each has its hub, spokes and rim in one steel casting, thus obviating trouble with loose or broken' spokes.
The other roller is the Marshall-Universal, a type brought out to meet present-day requirements for a roller equally serviceable for . ordinary consolidation and for carpeting with asphalt.
Here is to be found a 7 n.h.p. single-cylinder agricultural traction engine mounted on springs at each end and equipped with winding drum and 50 yds. of steel rope. The travelling speeds are 2 m.p.h. and 4 m.p.h. In addition, there is a 5-ton compound steam tractor on rubber tyres, those at the rear being twins. This has the Foster patent springs for the rear axle, and is provided-with a third speed.
DENNIS BROS., LTD.• • Stand Si This famous company has a striking and comprehensive exhibit of passenger and goods vehicles and fire-fighting appliances.
One of the largest vehicles is the 50-70 h-p. F-type saloon bus to heat 32 persons. This has two entrances at the near side. The driver is accommodated in a separate compartment at the side of the engine, and against the back of this portion of the vehicle are three seats, which face to the rear.
The type F, with the same-powered engine, but with driver in the normal position, is exhibited with a parlour coach body. As regards goods vehicles, the larger is a 6-ton lorry with 15-ft. 6-in, wheelbase and a special brewer's body. The other is a 30-cwt. -van on pneumatic tyres. It was noted that the
sprre. Wheel slung under the centre of the body was equipped -with a 110 mm. for 720 mm. Avon air-cushion tyre.
The fire-fightifig appliances consist of a 250-gallon-perminute turbine pump and small portable estate fire-pump, which can be -equipped with trolley wheels; it gives 00-100 gallons per minute.
J. AND IL McLAREN, LTD. Stand 92 The progress which is being made in the development of the Diesel engine is well marked amongst the exhibits of this old-established company. The engines of this class are built under licence from the Benz Co., and they are of the highspeed pattern.
Prominent amongst them is a new and particularly neat tractor with a 30-35 b.h.p. lightweight engine and gearing providing three speeds forward and a reverse. In its dimensions this machine is approximately the size of the Fordson, but, unlike the latter, it has a frame of stout channel steel to which is bolted the casing containing the final-drive gearing. The front axle is centrally pivoted.
The Diesel type ha.s a 60-70 b.h.p. engine, 450 yds. of steel rope and numerous drum speeds. The steam model has two speeds for road and ploughing and a winding drum with 500 yds. of rope.
Here the visitor will find a new exhibit taking the form of a class C.O.R. three-roll road roller, propelled by a heavy-oil engine of the medium-compression type. This machine presents certain noteworthy features as compared with those propelled by steam. Briefly, they are as follow : There is no delay caused by the necessity for getting up steam, fuel is consumed only when the appliance is actually working, the cost of carrying a dead weight of water is obviated, boiler insurance is not necessary, the smoke nuisance is abated, no boiler cleaning or inspection are required and oil can be more easily transported than coal. RANSOMES, SIMS AND JEFI.ERIES, LTD. Stand 97 The two exhibits of this old-established maker comprise a 7 single-cylinder traetion engine equipped with gearing providing two speeds and the usual form of winding drum close inside the near-side rear wheel. A band brake operates on the rim of the winding drum, the engine constituting the other brake.
The second exhibit is a 4 n.h.p. compound steam traction engine, this also having two changes of gear, but the brake, in this case, acts on the rims of the road wheels. It is sprung back and front. This model is equipped with a canopy and side curtains.
BARFORD AND PERKINS, LTD. Stand 100 Three rollers, all of most interesting types, constitute this exhibit. The Q.6 is a tandem roil machine with a petrol engine and a quick-reversing gear. It develops 28 b.h.p., the engine being governed to prevent over-running. There are two plate clutches within the gearbox—one for forward motion and the other for reverse; thus the three gears give three speeds in each direction. A particular feature is that the steering is assisted by a special servo device, consisting of a member rotated from the gearbox and provided with two clutches, one turning the front roll in one direction and the other having the same effect in the other direction.
he largest model is a type T.11/D, and this embodies a McLaren Helois Diesel engine.
The Garrett rigid-frame six-wheeler may be considered to be a pioneer in this form of construction for steam vehicles ; at least, in the modernized editions, becauae there were others many years ago, which, however, did not develop to any great extent. In its most recent form, with the driver sitting beside the boiler, this wagon is an excellent example whieh provides maximum body space for the permissible length. It is suitable for carrying 10-ton loads, and has a body of the type with hinged sides and tailboard.
The arrangement of the rear axles is such that the drive is effected through all four rear -wheels.
There are over 12 paraffin tractors of various types on this stand.. The, smallest ratalel iS a 10-12 h.p., with a worm-driven winding drum close behind the driver's seat and hauling from .the.:rear: "A drop anchor at the rear locates the machine. . Then there are several examples of the larger 1530k.p. model, and an interesting new pattern called the ' Farman." This is designed for, orchard work; • etc.. It .has two wheels, set close together at the front and. arranged so that the tractor, can turn .within its own length. The rear wheels are designed to be the correct distance apart for the average rows of potatoes. It has three forward speeds and can be arranged for self-steering along the furrows:
One two-purpose road and cross-country tractor has spring-held strokes carried between the tviind rubber tyres of the driving wheels. Another has a windlass and cable drums at the front, where is also a drop anchor.
There are, in addition, two industrial tractors, both with cabs and pneumatic tyres. The second (for the 1....IVE.S.)s has stout push-buffers at front and rear.
Another striking exhibit is the International-Dyson tractor-trailer to carry 8-10-ton loads.
The bus is a 20-seater International of ..the ono-man-coiltrolled type. The Other vehicle is a tilt wagon with a folding tailboard ramp.
SENTINEL WAGGON WORKS, LTD. Stand 105 One of the most striking of the recently constructed rigidframe six-wheelers in the steam class is the Sentinel, which has already won considerable popularity amongst users and has passed through some strenuous tests.
There are two models at the Show, one the D.C4.6 and the othtn. the D.O.6T. The former has a brewer's body and the length of the platform is 21 ft Twelve tons to 15 tons can be carried and the fuel consumption for a 12-ton load is ap proximately 1 cwt. per 20 miles, and for a 15-ton load 1 cwt. per 17 mile's.
The bore and stroke of the two cylinders of the engine are 6 ins. and 8 ins. respectively, and the engine speed on top • gear at 12 m.p.h. is 390 r.p.m.
It is chained that the braking system is so effective that the wagon can be brought to a standstill from 12 m.p.h. in 22 ft., whilst the minimum turning radius is 31 ft. The weight of the new engine is no more than that of the SuperSentinel, this being achieved by using, wherever possible, • aluminium and high-tensile alloy -steel.
The rear 'bogie consists of four strong cast-steel arms pivoted at their centres upon the ends of the hollow steel axle. The free ends of the arms are connected togethet by short stub axles which carry the wheel. The main axle is. of course, sprung. Radius rods are connected to the forwari ends of the arms carrying the wheels rind the final drive is by chains to all four wheels. .
The D.G.6T. type has hydraulic tipping gear, and two speeds are provided: D,32 ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT CO; LTD. • Stand 1110 Three conaplete vehicles will be found on this stand. One • is the model 418, 35-50 h.p., high-sided lorry to carry 31 tons. The body of this vehicle is panelled in aluminium and was built by the North London nngineering Co.
Both the Other vehicles are for passenger work. One is a model 426, 35-50 h.p., single-deck servite bus to carry 32 passengers in seats of the semi-btieket. type. The body, in this ease, is the product of :Hall, Lewis and Co., 'Ltd. The " othei passeneer'vehicle is a de luxe Coach to seat 26-28 passengers. Here, again, the body is a Hall, Lewis product, but the chassis utilized is the model 427, with-an engine of 35-50 h.p.
The 426 and 427 chassis both have poppet-valve engines, four-speed gearboxes mounted separately and rear axles driven by underneath worms. The foot brakes act, on all four wheels and the hand brakes on the rear wheels only. The frames are, of course, in this Case, humped over the, rear axles.
MORRIS COMMERCIAL CARS, LTD. Stand 107 Of considerable interest on this stand is the new_ super 30-cwt. chassis, which is beam shown for the firat time as a lorry at £3.30 and as a van at £3.55.
" As regards vehicles for the &rater, there is a , useful livestock lorry on the heavy-duty 1-ton chassis. This has lath sides and a folding tailboard ramp, which gives an easy incline for the loading of cattle, etc. This vehicle is convertible into a standard lorry.
Cross-country vehicles are represented by the 2-ton rigid six7wheeler, which, has proved so .suceessfril. '
The remaining exhibits are a standard 1-ton van, which is claimed to be the only one coming within the £16 tax rating and a de luxe ambulance on a specially adapted 1-ton chassis, This has a MoseleY Pleat-on-air 'bed and Curtis
stretcher elevating gear. . FODENS, LTD. Stand 108 To those interested in steam vehicles the Foden exhibit should prove a great attraction. Perhaps the most striking machine is the 10-12-ton rigid-frame six-wheeler, which has a platform 18 ft. G ins. long.
The drive from the engine to the second axle is by a Stout roller chain, and from this axle to the third by a shorter chain. Two adjustable radius rods convey the drive to the frame, and also serve to adjust the forward chain as wear takes place. The rear suspension is particularly good and efficient. There is a single inverted semi-elliptic spring at each side. The spring ends are forged convex and bear on concave seatings on the axle-bearing blocks. The spring is secured in a steel buckle extended downwards to hold a cross-pin, which in turn carries two mounting blocks, on which rest large steel brackets suspended from each side of the frame. Both axles are positioned in rela tion to the blocks by means of short connecting rods. The blocks can slide and thus allow for chain adjustment. Each wheel can move 101 ins, above or below the other.
We noted that a new type of rear rale is being employed. This has a cast-steel outer casing, bolted together over the chainwheel and cut away to permit the chain to pass through.
WALLIS AND STEEVENS, LTD. Stand 112 To the credit of this maker can be placed `the primary development of a really modernized type of steam roller, which is appropriately called the "Advance." The example shown, is a 10-tonner with a two-cylinder overt3rpe engine and a valve gear which permits extremely rapid reversing.
The appliance is of the three-roll ty'pe with equal distribution of the weight, which is faciliated in the case of the back roller by the provision of automatic cambering. To obtain this the axle is divided and each half is sprung at the centre. There is also a patent locking forecarriage. The second exhibit of interest to us is the 1928 type light road locomotive with two-cylinder compound engine. YORKSHIRE PATENT STEAM WAGON CO, Stand 113
The very latest example of a steam-propelled rigid-frame six-wheeler, in this ease equipped as a 10-12-ten lorry, is shown by this Yorkshire company. It is known as the W.J. model and it is only a few weeks ago that it was described very completely in the columns of this journal.
In many respects it is -similar to the W.G. four-wheeler, in that use is made of the Sfime type of boiler and combined engine and gearbox unit. The drive is taken to Li: spur-gear distribution box via a propeller shaft equipped with flexible fabric joints. From the distribution box, two propeller shafts, each with block-and-die universal joints permitting a .plunger action at one end, convey thettlrive to the overhead worm wheels of the respective bogie axles. The gearing provides two changes of ratio ; in addition, there are two points of steam cut-off and by working these in tonjunction ' with the gearing the equivalent of four speeds is obtained.
LOCOHORILE ENGINEERING CO., LTD. Stand 115 Several examples of a German heavy-oil-engined tractor, known as the Lanz "Bulldog," are on view or giving practical tiemonstrations. This type of tractor was entered last year as a new appliance, and was recommended for the silver medal subject to practical tests in the field, and the entry was automatically carried forward to this year. It is a 15-28 lip, machine with a haulage capacity on good roads of 10 tons and an average fuel consumption of half a gallon per mile.
The engine runs at 500 r.p.m. It has a single cylinder without valves, carburetter or magneto, and is, of course, of the two-stroke-cycle pattern. The fuel employed is crude oil, lignite tar oil, gas oil or paraffin, and the censumption is .5 lb. per b.h.p.-hour. No radiator is employed and the machine evaporates about 4 gallons of water per hour. The gearing gives four speeds and is totally enclosed.
The engine is reversible; consequently, the four speeds can be operated in both directions. The driver can reverse the engine without leaving his seat. The weight of the standard model is about 2-i tons.
LTD. Stand 116
The only exhibit staged by this company is the 6-ton steam wagon with a mechanically driven tipping gear consisting of a .rack driven through an internal-cone clutch, chain, worm and bevel gearing and a rack pinion. Use is made of the patent side-fired loco-type boiler and a compound engine equipped with a gear for permitting working with double high pressure.
Three speeds are previded and a notable feature is that the shafts are carried between the horn plates, so preventing overhang frOm the bearings. A single roller chain drives to the enclosed differential on the live rear axle. Capacious water tanks are Slung each side of the frame. Tubular spoked cast-steelwheels are employed and, band brakes act on the wheel drums and on a drum bolted to the chain wheel on the differential casing. . . LATIL INDUSTRIAL VEHICLES, LTD. Stand 118 Agriculturists and transport contractors should find much of interest to them displayed by this company. There is, for instaiice, the Type TL agricultural and forestry tractor, which is suitable for all kinds of work in this connection, and is particularly adapted for the haulage of beet on soft ground as well as on hard surfaces. This tractor can be .•• equipped with three types of wheel: (1) With plain pneumatic tyres ; (2) spoked-wheels carrying triangulated spuds ; and (3) a pneumatic-tyred wheel on which is arranged a series of folding spuds, which can be sprung either out or in, so making the tractor particularly applicable to road and country use.
Then there is the 30-ton tractor of the TAR4 pattern with four-wheel drive, and the 5-ton 11T2 pattern operating a trailer. The Type B 30:35-cwt, chassis is shown with a cattle-float body. There are two other lorries—a 2-21tonner B2 and a 5-ton low-loader, the NP5LL.
Last, but not least, is a two:horse box on the NEL frontwheel-driven chassis.
A particular feature of the tractor-trailer is the automatic braking of the trailer when it tends to overrun the tractor.
FIAT (ENGLAND), LTD. Stand 119 On this stand we found a Spa model 21 5-ton petrol lorry and a Fiat model 603 2-ton petrol lorry, a light 25-cwt. 505 F.-type Fiat lorry with tilt hood, and a 15-cwt. Windsor box van, the body of which is of a somewhat uncommon shape, with bulbous sides.
The van also has unit construction of engine and gearbox mid a propeller shaft with fabric uniVersal joints, but the final drive in this case is by overhead worm gearing.
Overhead-worm drive is also employed for the platform lorry and the light tilt lorry.
A 24-seater Spa bus is to be shown, but had not arrived when we left.
G. S. OSCROFT_AND CO., LTD. , Stand 120 The exhibits displayed here are all products of General Motors, Ltd., and comprise 10-cwt. and 25-cwt. Chevrolet and 2-ton G.M.C. chassis, all equipped with bodies. • In the passenger ,class there is a G.M.C. T.20 model carrying a Waveney 20-seater saloon-bus body of the one-man-controlled pattern, complete with emergency door and built in every respect to comply with the Ministry of Transport regulations. There is a partition behind the driver, and springback seats, whilst flip chassis has cast-steel wheels. An interesting vehicle is the 25-cwt. cattle float which woa a silver medal at the recent Leicester Show. It has a D34 special ramp and slatted sides which can be replaced by other sides to convert the vehicle to a hay wagon ; in addition, the sides can be folded down to make a platform lorry.
Other chassis are equipped as a fruiterer's and market gardener's truck, a hand-operated tipping .wagon and a seven-seater rural bus with seats which can be stung from the roof, making a handy van. There are also a Chevrolet 14-seater, one-man-operated, with it body by London Lorries, and a 10-cwt. box van.
This is a particularly interesting stand, as it includes the first exhibited model of the new Leyland Terrier rigidframe six-wheeler, which has already received the approval of the War Office, and is eligible under its subsidy scheme. It has a capacity of 4 tons on the road or 3 tons over rough or sandy country, whilst if a trailer be used a total of 8 tons can easily be carried. The main features of this model are an overhead-valve engine with a bore and stroke of 4 f96ins. and 51. respectively. It develops 80 b.h.p. and has monobloc cylinders. Oil pressure to the bearings is 'regulated automatically by 'the position of the throttle. The gearbox is formed as a unit with the engine. It provides four speeds forward and a reverse, and the provision of an auxiliary gearbox gives a further reduction of 2.22 to 1 on all speeds. The drive to the rear axles is by overhead worms, with axle shafts of large diameter.
Other exhibits in the heavier goods class are a 4-tonner and a 6-tonner, belonging to the GH and QH classes respectively. On the 4-tonner is a hinged-sided body, and the equipment hacludes pneumatic tyres, whilst the 6-tonner has solid tyres. Each has an engine of 4i ins, bore and 6 ins. stroke, the final drive being by bevel gearing.
Trojan exhibits include a three-door model with drop tailboard to carry light loads, and a light lorry.
ALBION MOTOR CAR CO., LTD. Stand 122 Only two vehicles are being displayed this year by this well-known Scottish maker, Of these the most striking is the 32-seater, forward-dash, front-entrance saloon-bus mounted on 36-in. by 6-in. pneumatic tyres, singles at the front and twins at the rear. The engine is the 30-60 11.P. pattern with four cylinders. The braking has received particular attention, there being drums on all four wheels. The foot brake acts through a Dewandre vacuum servo, whilst a hand lever controls separate shoes in the rear drums.
This vehicle is being supplied to Haxby, Tealey and Co,, Ltd., of East Retford, and is finished in their colours, which are scarlet and cream. The body is equipped with drop windows and Muirhead roof ventilators, whilst the seats arc up holstered in real leather.
The second vehicle staged is a 35-55 h.p. forward-drive lorry to carr; 5 tons, and it is a point of interest to note that this comparatively heavy vehicle is mounted on pneumatic tyres of 36-in. by 8-in, dimensions, singles at the front and twins at the rear. Here, again, use is made of the Dewandre servo mechanism.
The internal dimensions of the platform are 14 ft. 9 ins. by 6 ft. 9 ins., and although the overall length is 21 ft. the turning circle is only 48 ft. This vehicle also is equipped with a complete electric-lighting set.
There are two vehicles of -Thornycroft manufacture exhibited, by this agent, both being on 4.2 model chassis—one of the lorry type and the other the long passenger.
The lorry is designed to carry a net load of 2 tons and is equipped with band-operated screw gear. It is being sold to a firm specializing in grotto and crazy-paving, and is shown loaded with earth and rocks.
The passenger chassis is equipped with a 20-seater Emerald-type body, arranged for one-man operation. There is a partition behind the driver, and a spring blind is also provided. The seats are of the spring-back semi-bucket pattern, upholstered in leather.
Both bodies were designed and built by the exhibitor.
This t xhibit is most comprehensive, consisting entirely of Reo vehicles, including a horsebox, a farmer's wagon, a furniture-removal van, a bus and a saloon coach.
The wagon is, appropriately, on the Speedwagon chassis.. It has a lorry body and roomy, well-upholstered cab. Both the furniture van and the horsebox arc on Pullman chassis.'
The dimensions of the van are 15 ft; 6 ins, behind the driver's seat and height 8 ft. 4 ins., whilst there is a space over the cab 3 ft. 4 ins. high, 7 ft. 3 ins, wide and 3 ft. long. The horsebdx is for carrying two horses.
MARTIN'S CULTIVATOR CO., LTD. Stand 125 Some useful little fire-fighting appliances will be found displayed by this company. Two are of the trailer type.
The larger of the pumps is of 250-300 gallons capacity. The machine is equipped with cushion tyres on its four
• wheels and has hand brakes.
The second trailer pump is mounted on motorcycle wheels 4 and tyres. It has a capacity of 100 gallons per minute.
On this occasion the only exhibit here displayed is a 7 n.h.p single-cylinder general-purpose traction engine with Stephenson link-Motion, and an injector as well as a water pump. The gearing, which provides two speeds, is machinecut. There is the usual winding drum and a band brake acting on the second-motion shaft.
PICCARD, PICTET AND CO. (London), LTD. Stand 176 The latest addition to the family of Rototillers is the Simar Rototiller 5, which is shown in the company of a larger model propelled by an 8-10 h.p. engine of 850 c.c. The smaller model is propelled by a 5 h.p. two-stroke engine, and can be put to a number of uses, including deep tillage or surface cultivation. An appliance of particular interest on this stand is the Red E power cultivator, the distribution of which is now being undertaken in this country by Piccard. Pietet and Co., Ltd.
DENNIS BROS. AND SON, LTD. Stand 177 Here is displayed the Lonsdale motor horsebox manufactured and patented by the exhibitor, whilst the chassis is the 26 i.p. model esTecially built with underslung springs by any Motors, Ltd., and equipped with small wheels to give extra low loading. The body is built for two horses, the chief feature being that it can be turned around apart from the cab, so that the horses can walk in and out. AUTO-MOWER ENGINEERING CO., LTD: Stand 295
Two interesting new appliances are exhibited here. One is a tandem motor roller of 29j-ton weight and covering an effective width of 4 ft. The other is a mole-draining and pipe-laying machine, which includes a tractor and a draining plough.
In the roller the power is transmitted through two clutches, which give instantaneous movement in either direction, so that there is no appreciable pause. The power unit is self-contained and may be removed for overhaul or repair
by releasing four bolts. Steering is effected by worm and segment, and tanks can be fitted over the rear ztd1 for ballasting.
As regards the other machine, when travelling the mole plough is attached direct to the tractor, but after arriving at the desired position the plough is detached and placed with the mole ready for insertion. The tractor is then driven forward until the wire rope on the winding drum is fully paid out, after which an anchor is lowered to the ground and the winding drum brought into operation. As the resistance of the plough becomes apparent, the tractor tends to move towards it, when the anchor is gradually drawn into the ground.
The outfit has a four-cylindered water-cooled engine and a three-speed-and-reverse gearbox, which transmits its power either to the road wheels or to the winding drum. ROBERT HUDSON, LTD. Stan.d 301 This can hardly he called a stand, as it really constitutes a small railway system of 2-ft. gauge on which runs a 20 h.p. petrol or paraffin locomotive built up mainly from the power plant of a Fordson tractor. The forward axle of this is driven by a roller chain from one side of What is normally the differential casing, but in the locomotive the differential is dispensed with and replaced by a plain shaft. From the forward axle. the second chain drives back to the rear axle.
There is also a second locomotive resembling that just described, but constructed f07 the wide gauge of 4 ft. 8 ins.
MERRYWEATHER AND SONS, LTD. Stand 372 ' This company, as usual, is entrusted with the honoured task of safeguarding the Exhibition from fire, and has a most complete fire-fighting equipment staged partly for this purpose and partly for displaying its many excellent products.
The largest engine on view is the latest-type Hatfield motor pump, similar to that supplied to UM. the King mid to many public and private fire brigades in all parts of the world. It develops 35 blip. and the pump will deliver 250 gallons per minute ; a first-aid apparatus and a 35-ft. Teleseala extension ladder are carried. There are two trailer fire pumps, one a Hatfield of 275-gallonsper-minute capacity, and the other a smaller machine which will deliver 165 gallons per minute. Other specialities include chemical portable fire-extinguishers of the KonusKetnik pattern and the Fire-Suds pattern for dealing with oil fires, etc.
• T. SHIPSIDE, LTD. • . „ Stand 37%
. This company is the district distributor for Morris products, but at the time we left the Show -the actual exhibits had not arrived. We understand that they will include a Morris:Cowley commercial traveller's car, a 10-cwt. Morris van, a bare chassis for this class of vehicle. and .a Morris; Cowley specially equipped with an interchangeable sheep:
truck body. . • • VINCINTS OF READING. Stand 390 This firm is well known as the maker of high-class horseboxes for use on motor vehicles, and the two on view are both excellent products. In each case use is made of a Star chassis. The larger is built to carry three horses. It has two side doors at the rear and two ramps—one at the back and the other at the off side—so that the horses do not have to be backed. Seats for the grooms are provided in. small compartments at the back.
CURTIS AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD. Stand 397 Apart from being agents for Lancia and Bristol chassis, this company is well known as a specialist in the design and construction of motor horseboxes, and those exhibited should make a strong appeal. One on the Lancia 35 h.p. passenger chassis is that originally patented to carry three horses and yet to comply with the regulations with regard to width. It has one ramp for loading and off-loading, and can be adapted to carry a mare and foal and one horse, two horses tind a foal, as a complete loose box, etc. The other boa is the Berkeley, intended for two horses, and mounted on a Star Flyer six-cylinder low-level passenger chassis, especially sprung for horse-box use. One of the features of the box is the exceptional ease with which the horses can be handled.