Latest Municipal Bus Results
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THE following are the latest results of municipal transport operation during the past year: Birkenhead. The corporation's transport undertaking made a profit of over £36,000. On the motorbuses there was a surplus of £32,738, of which £31,130 has been allocated towards rate relief, whilst the remainder is to be devoted to the motorbus reserve fund. On the tramways, which consist of only one route, the total surplus was 43,695, ol which £3,070 has gone to rate-aid and the remainder to debtredemption.
Southport. The total working expenses amounted to 2.73,785, representing a cost of 8.28d. per mile. The net profit was £9,476, after £13,834 had been expended fel interest and debt redemption. The amonnt of the appropriation account was increased to 231,602, of which 215,845 was expended, leaving. a balance to be carried forward °I £15,737.
Lytham St. Armes. Increased profits frona the buses have resulted in a substantial reduction in the net loss, compared with the result of a year ago. On the past year's 'working, the net loss was £1,833, against 24,659 in 1935. Bus profits rose by £2,000 to £2,864, whilst tramway losses were reduced from £5,524 to £4,697,
Income from the buses totalled 220,365, against £15,557, and expenditure £/7,139, compared with £14,462. On the tramways the receipts amoented to £37,245, against £40,089, and expenditure to £31,916 (£33,902 in 1934-35).
Bury. After meeting various charges, the gross profit of £52,809 was reduced to a net figure of £2,291. The revenue for the whole undertaking rose from £141,081 in 1934-35 to
i £146,445 n 1935-36, the tramways contributing £30,521 towards last year's figure (a decrease of £5,812) and the buses, 2115,924 (an increase of £11,175). The total working expenses rose by £2,654 in .8112,232, the trams accounting for £24,874 and the buses, £87,358.
The trams carried 5,684,688 passengers and the buses, 17,609,377, the total of 23,294,065 being 1,143,524 higher than in the preceding year. The mileage covered rose by 92,229 to 2,524,209; the tram figure was 418,469 and the bus mileage, 2,105,740.
Belfast. The buses showed a surplus £9,410 and the trams, 441,443.
On the bus side of the undertaking, the total revenue was £103,237, against £89,215 in 1934-35, whilst working expenses at £85,154 compared with £76,320 a year earlier. The bus mileage amounted to 2,201,413, against 1,919,261 in the previous year, the figures for passengers carried being 12,959,775, and 11,407,044 respectively.
The trams produced a total revenue of £601,266 (£581,265 in 1934-351, against which had to he set working costs of £428,469 (a rise from £421,012). This section ot the undertaking bandied 116,418,452 passengers, against 111,905,335, the mileage results being 9,523,538 last year and 9,092,200 in 1934-35. Birmingham. A good year was again ex
perienced, the buses in particular showing much increased revenue. Of the total gross revenue
of £2 404,847, the trains contributed 41,107,49, the motorbuses, £1,184,870, and the • trolleybuses, £112,028. • These figures (except in respect of the trams) are increases on those of the previous year, the motorbus revenue alone being higher by £92,755. • Altogether, 379,978,99/ passengers were carried over 47,843,988 smiles; As in the case of receipts, the tram traffic declined, the number of persons carried, at 191,318,526, being. 31,140 lower than in the preceding year. The motorbuses and trolleybuses carried increased traffic; the respective totals were 167,557,566
and 21,102,899. Mileages covered by each form of transport rose, the aggregate of 37,843,998 being made up as follows :-Trams, 16,725,769; motorbuses, 19,518,478, and trolley:Juges, 1,599,751.
The fleet now comprises 612 motorbuses, and 120 are on order. It is expected that, by 1940, .the motorbus fleet will have increased to 1,000 vehicles, apart from machines required to replace trams. The tramways and omnibus committee recommends the substitution of motorbuses for trains on a certain section, although it does not intend to use this type of vehicle for all future replacements.
Derby. The trtai profit on the trolleybuses, last year, was £13,140, but there was a lass ,of nearly £2,000 on the motorbuses. The net profit of 211,176 has been disposed of by allocating £4,417 for via new shelters, and £6,759 to the reserve fund.
In the next 12 months, approximately £40,000 will be spent on the purchase of 16 buses and the electrification of the Osmaston Road route.
Nottingham. A credit balance of £130,804, compared with £127,307 for the previous year, was shown in last soar 's report. Interest on stock and loans absorbed £15,825, redemption of debt, £77,410 bank interest, £580, purchase of motorlanses, £19,087, and reserve and renewals fund, £17,902. Income increased by £20,105 to 2596,747. Working expenses showed a corresponding rise of £16,607 to £465.942. Increases were also recorded in mileage and traffic. The number of miles covered was 9,776,859 (384,077 more than in 1934-1935), whilst traffic showed a rise of 3,262,985 to 94,544,964 passengers. Salford. Buses saved the situation. The loss on the trams increased from £2,386 to 216,652, but was more than counterbalanced by the profit on the buses of £46,179, against £14.219 in 1934-1935. The total profit rose by £17,694 to £29,527. Despite these figures, the tramS carried 47,587,670 persons, whereas bus passengers . numbered 35,990,582. The train traffic, however, showed a decline from. 53,655,433 pas-. cengers, whereas the bus . traffic rose from 26,082.222. Train revenue dropped from. £304,873 to £259,782, but bus receipts rose f rem £248,249 to £306,595. Cardiff. Ens revenue increased by £8,076 to 2190,540. 'The mileage covered was 4,110,016, whilst 16,117,288 bus tickets were sold. The combined gross 3:andt on the buses and trams increased by £5,331, and the net sum transferred to the appropriation account was £5,222.