Transport education index
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ABINGDON North Berks Coll of F E, Northcourt Rd, Abingdon; tel Abingdon 1585 /8. M. Comely, Principal. loT Grad, RSA Dip, loTA Grad. Half day per week. Short courses on specific tpt topics arranged to meet demand as required. C and G MVM and MVT. Registration early September.
ACCRINGTON Coll of F E, Sandy Lane, Accrington, Lanes; tel Accrington 35334-33090. S. R. B. Swan, Principal, IRTE, I MI,C and G. Day release and block release.
ASHFORD (Kent) South Kent C of Tech, Ashford Branch: Elwick Rd, Ashford; tel Ashford 713/4. J. Ward,, Principal. C and G Mech Eng Craft courses. Fulland part-time. IMI, evening course. Enrolment: Sept.
BANBURY North Oxfordshire T C, Banbury, Oxon; tel Banbury 2836 loTA Grad if sufficient demand.
BARNSLEY Barnsley C of Tech, Church St, Barnsley, Yorks; tel Barnsley 4066. G. V. Hargreaves, Principal. loT Grad, RSA Dip. Part-time evenings.
BARNSTAPLE North Devon T C, Sticklepath, Barnstaple; tel Barnstaple 5291. J. F. Hird, Principal. IMI and IRTE. Part-time.
Basildon Evening Institute, Pattiswick Sq, Basildon, Essex; tel Basildon 20599.1 T. J. Williams, Principal. RSA Dip. Part-time evenings. Enrolment middle Sept.
BATH Bath T C. James St, West, Bath; tel Bath 64191. C. A. Thompson, Principal. loT Grad. BEDFORD Mander College, Cauldwell St, Bedford; tel Bedford 51021, G. Thomas, Principal, IRTE, IMI. Part-time.
BIRKENHEAD Birkenhead T C, Borough Rd, Birkenhead, L42 9QD; tel 051-652 1521. R. J. Evans, Principal. loT Grad. Part-time evening. loTA Grad if required. Enrolment early Sept.
BIRMINGHAM Brookly6 T C, Oldbridge Rd, Great Barr, Birmingham 22A; tel 021-357 4278. loT Grad. Part-time day.
Erdington T C, Edwards Rd, Erdington, Birmingham 24: tel 021-373 4214. G. A. Edwards, Principal. loT Grad. Part-time day. Handsworth C T, Golds Hill Rd, Handsworth, Birmingham 21; tel 021-554 5614. C. D. Graham, Principal, loT Grad. and AM Parttime day and evening.
City C of Comm, Aston St, Gosta Green, Birmingham 4; tel 021-359 3611 Ex 557. P. F. Payne, Principal. loT Grad. and AM. Part-time evening. Enrolment early Sept. Matthew Boulton T C, Brasshouse Passage, Broad St, Birmingham 1; tel 021-440 2681. E. K. Gifford, Principal. loTA and AM, RSA Dip. Part-time evening. loT by arrangement. Enrolment early Sept.
BLACKBURN Blackburn C of Tech and Design, Blackburn, Lancs; tel Blackburn 54111. J. Rose, Principal. loT Grad. Part-time day and evening. RSA Dip part-time evening. IMI and IRTE part-time.
BLACKPOOL Blackpool C of Tech and Art, Palatine Rd, Blackpool, Lancs; tel 025-3 29071. Miss F. M. Hulse, Head of Department of Business and Professional Studies. RSA Dip. Part-time evening. Enrolment 1st week of Sept.
BOLTON Bolton T C, Manchester Rd, Bolton, Lanes; tel Bolton 27621/3. A. G. Pearce, Principal. loT Grad. Part-time day and evening only. C and G, ONC and HNC.
Inst of Tech, Deane Rd, Bolton, Lancs; tel Bolton 28851. A. J. Jenkinson, Principal. !RTE. Part-time. Short courses normally one day a week on rd haul man.
BOURNEMOUTH Bournemouth C of Tech, Lansdowne Bournemouth, BHI 3JJ; tel Bournemouth 20844. R. Bailey, Principal. I MI sandwich, C and G. Part-time, RTITB approved vehicle mech. course. Registration early Sept.
BRIDGEND Bridgend T C, Cowbridge Rd, Bridgend, Glam; tel Bridgend 2678. IMI, IRTE. Part-time.
BRIGHTON Brighton T C. Richmond Terrace, Brighton; tel Brighton 66544. L. H. Farnsworth, Principal. loT Grad, RSA Dip, ONC, HND Eng, C and G, !MI. Part-time day and evening. Enrolment 1st week Sept.
University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton. A. E. Shields, Registrar. One year full time MA in Tpt Econ. Similar course in regional studies which includes rd tpt. In selected cases the MA course in both fields can be two years full-time.
BRISTOL C of Comm, Unity St, Bristol 1; tel Bristol 23016. W. C. Henshaw, Principal Lecturer in Business Studies, loT, loTA Grad and AM by arrangement. IMI, IRTE. Part-time evening. Enrolment Sept. New courses HND. Business Studies on sandwich basis with Rd Tpt options in 2nd and 3rd yrs. Rd Tpt options available for Diploma in Management Studies. Short courses on Garage Man and for Bus Insp available, Soundwell T C, St. Stephen's Rd, Kingswood, Bristol; tel Bristol 671427. W. McFarlane, Principal. IMI, IRTE. Part-time. Rd Tpt Man courses. BROMSG ROVE Bromsgrove Coll of F E, Stratford Rd, Bromsgrove, Worcs; tel Bromsgrove 3881.
M. Ross, Principal. loT Grad. Part-time evening. New courses: Three year Transport Eng Dip course (block and sandwich release) qualifying for IRTE AM. BURTON-UPON-TRENT Burton-upon-Trent T C, Abbey St, Burtonupon-Trent; tel Burton-upon-Trent 61041. F.
Wilson, Head of Department of Engineering. ONC and HNC Eng. Full time. C and G MVT, MVM and MV Bodywork. Full-time. Enrolment early Sept.
CANTERBURY Canterbury T C, New Dover Rd, Canterbury; tel Canterbury 66801. Ml. Part-time evening. CARDIFF C of Comm, Colchester Ave, Cardiff; tel Cardiff 22121. G. W. Cogar, Head of Commerce Dept. loT and loTA Grad and AM if required. RSA Dip. Part-time evening. Enrolment early Sept. Short courses for eight days over four consecutive weeks based on gen approach to man and the use of man techniques applicable lord tpt.
Llandaff T C, Cardiff; tel Cardiff 561241. J. Cotterell, Principal. IRTE, !MI. Part-time. Rumney T C, Trowbridge Rd, Rumney, CF3 8XZ; tel Cardiff 78615. L. F. Howard, Principal. IMI, !RTE. Part-time.
Carmarthen Pibwrlwyd T C, Pengarn. Carmarthen; tel Carmarthen 7375. Edmor Phillips, Principal. IRTE, IMI. Part-time. CARSHALTON Carshalton Coll of F E, Nightingale Rd, Carshaiton, Surrey; tel Wallington 1086. L. P. Lawrence, Principal. RTITB recommended MV course for apprentices. 24 wks leading to C and G certificates CV Much integrated course in three sections. Satisfactory completion of all three sections is a requirement for IRTE AM. Part-time day.
• CHATHAM Medway and Maidstone C of Tech, Horsted, Maidstone Rd, Chatham, Kent; tel Medway 41001 /4. H. R. Orr, Principal. ONC HNC Mech Eng. C and G. IMI, IRTE, loT Grad and AM, RSA Dip. Part-time day and evening. Enrolment Sept.
CHELMSFORD Chelmsford Coll of F E, Upper Moulsham St, Chelmsford, Essex; tel Chelmsford 53493. L. G. Hitching, Principal. RSA Dip if required. ONC, HNC, C and G. Part-time day and evening. Enrolment Sept.
CH ELTEN HAM North Gloucestershire T C, The Park, Cheltenham; tel Cheltenham 28021. A. W. Hildrew, Principal. IRTE, IM I. Part-time. CHESTER Coll of F E, Eaton Rd, Chester; tel Chester 26321. ITA Grad. Part-time evening. CHESTERFIELD Chesterfield C of Tech, Infirmary Rd, Chesterfield; tel Chesterfield 76761 /4. R. F. Bowler, Head of Department of Mech and Prod Eng. ONC and HNC Mech Eng, C and G (Motor Vehicle), IMI, IRTE. Part-time day and evening. Enrolment early Sept. COLCHESTER North East Essex TC and School of Art, Sheepen Rd, Colchester, Essex; tel Colchester 70271. G. 0. Stephens, Principal. C and G, I MI, !RTE. Part-time day and evening. Registration and starting, Sept.
CONNAH'S QUAY Flintshire C of Tech, Connah's Quay, Deeside, Flintshire. CH 5 4BR; tel Connah's Quay 3491 /3. A. McDonald, Head of Department of Eng. C and G. MVM, MVT. Part time. COVENTRY Coventry T C, Butts, Coventry, CV1 3GD; tel Coventry 57221. H. Heywood, Head of Dept. Special short courses to meet RTITB requirements.
DARLINGTON Darlington C of Tech, Cleveland Ave, Darlington; tel Darlington 67651. C. E. Beynon, Principal. C and G. IMI, !RTE. Part-time day and evening.. Registration: Sept.
DARTFORD North West Kent C of Tech, Miskin Rd. Dartford; tel Dartford 25471. IRTE, IMI. Part-time evenings.
DERBY Derby and District C of Tech, Kedleston Rd, Derby. DE3 1GB; tel Derby 47181. F. C. Jones, Head of Department. loT Grad and AM. Part-time day and evening. ONC HNC Eng, C and G.
DEWSBURY Dewsbury and Batley Tech and Art Coll, Halifax Rd, Dewsbury; tel Dewsbury 5916. loT Grad. Day and evening. RSA Dip. evening.
DUDLEY Dudley T C. The Broadway, Dudley; tel Dudley 53585. D. Bailey, Principal. loT Grad. Part-time day or evening. DUMFRIES Dumfries T C, George St, Dumfries; tel Dumfries 4351 /2. F. R. A. Morris, Principal. C and G.
DURHAM • Durham T C, Franwellgate Moor, Durham; tel Durham 62421. G. Garland, Principal. IMI, IRTE. Part time.
EASTBOURNE Coll of F E. St. Anne's Rd, Eastbourne, Sussex; tel Eastbourne 22704. F. H. Murray, Principal. IRTE, C and G, IMI. Part-time day and evening. Enrolment Sept.
EASTHAM (Ches) West Cheshire Central Coll of F E. Carlett Park, Eastham, Cheshire; tel Eastham 1253. A. V. Harrison, Principal. loT Grad. Part-time evening.
EDINBURGH Telford Coll of F E, Crewe Toll, Edinburgh, EH4 2NZ; tel 031-332 7631. R. G. McLeod, Principal. RSA. Part-time evening if required. Enrolment Aug.
EXETER Exeter T C. Hele Rd, Exeter EX4 4JS; tel Exeter 76381. P. H. Merfield, Principal. loT Grad, RSA Dip, IMI, IRTE approved Dip in Auto Eng. Part-time evening. Registration: Sept, Rd Tpt Man courses, six-day held at weekly intervals.
FARNBOROUGH (Hants) Farnborough T C, Boundary Rd, Farnborough, Hants, tel Farnborough 45061. R. A. Marshall, Head of Dept. IMI day release and evening. C and G day release. Registration early Sept.
GATESHEAD The T C, Durham Rd, Gateshead, NE9 56N; tel Gateshead 70524. C. E. Darlington, Principal. RSA Dip, C and G, IMI, !RTE. Part-time day and evening. Enrolment Sept. GLASGOW Central Coll of Comm and Distribution, 300 Cathedral St, Glasgow, Cl; tel 041-552 3941. F. Ebbage, Principal, loT Grad, RSA Dip. Part-time evening. Enrolment first week Sept.
Strathclyde University, George St, Glasgow, Cl. tel Garelochhead 434. Management courses for road transport from 2-day to 2 weeks' duration.
GLOUCESTER Gloucester T C, Brunswick Rd, Gloucester; tel. Gloucester 29102. H. K. Heppell, Principal. loT Grad and AM new courses: transport managers' courses of 3-4 days' duration.
GRAYS Thurrock T C, Woodview, Grays, Essex; tel Thurrock 3073. N. Abbot, Transport Course Tutor. loT Grad. Part-time day, 4-week full-time residential road transport management courses. ONC with transport options, loTA Grad. Part-time evening if required. GREAT YARMOUTH Coll of F E, Fredericks Rd, Gorleston, Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk, tel Gt Yarmouth 55261. loTA Grad. Part-time evening if required. GUILDFORD Guildford County T C, Stoke Park, Guildford, Surrey: tel Guildford 73201. I M I, IRTE. Part-time day.
HATFIELD Hatfield Polytech, Bayfordbury House, Hertford, Herts; tel Hertford 3067. H. R. Harris, Principal. Eight-week one-day per week, day-release courses on transport management subjects.
HEREFORD Herefordshire TC, Aylestone Hill, Hereford; tel Hereford 0432-6731. A. T. Bardo, Principal. loT Grad. Part-time day and evening.
HIGH WYCOMBE C of Tech and Art, Queen Alexandra Rd, High Wycombe; tel High Wyoombe 22141/9. E. E.
• Hoyle, Head of Dept. C and G, IMI, Part-time day and evening. Full time. Enrolment: Sept.
HODDESDON East Herts Coll of F E, Turnford, nr Hoddesdon, Herts; tel HocIdesdon 65081. loT Grad, IMI,. RSA Dip. Part-time day and evening.
HUDDERSFIELD Huddersfield Ramsden T C, New North Rd, Huddersfield; tel Huddersfield 32311. Dr. H. T. Taylor, Principal. RSA Dip. Part-time day and evening.
HULL Hull C of Comm, Queen's Gardens, Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire, HU1 3DH; tel (0482) 28381. T. Gardiner, Head of Management Studies Dept. loT Grad and RSA Dip. Day and evening. Transport economics and principles of management. 12-week courses afternoons, throughout year. Plans to bring road transport options into HND course.
KEIGHLEY Keighley TC, Cavendish St, Keighley. Yorkshire; tel Keighley 4248.9. H. McKechnie, Head of Dept. loT Grad and AM. Part-time day and evening. C and G MVM or MVT integrated basic training course in MV maintenance and repair. 23-week course. Commencing August and January.
KIRKBY Kirkby Coll of F E, Cherryfield Drive, Town Centre, Kirkby, Nr. Liverpool; tel 051-546 4078/2368. F. Gledhill, Principal. loT Grad. Part-time evening. C and G. Part-time day release. Enrolment Sept.
LANCASTER AND MORECAMBE Lancaster and Morecambe Coll of F E, Tomsholme Rd, Lancaster; tel Lancaster 66215. H. Gregson, Principal. Short courses usually one day per week in road haulage management. IRTE, IMI. Part-time. loTA Grad if required.
LEAMINGTON SPA Mid-Warwickshire Coll of F E. Warwick New Rd. Leamington Spa; tel 0926-23144. H. M. Marklew, Principal. loT Grad. Part-time day or evening.
LEEDS Park Lane Coll of F E, Park Lane, Leeds LS3 1 AA, tel. Leeds 24779. G. Hume, Principal. loT Grad, RSA Dip. Part-time day or evening. Enrolment 2nd week Sept.
Leeds C of Comm, Calverley St, Leeds; tel Leeds 36191. E. V. Roberts, Principal. loT Grad. Part-time day and evening.
Kitson Coll of Eng and Science, Cookridge St, Leeds, LS2 8BL; tel Leeds 30381. R. L. Wilkinson; Principal. IMI, IRTE. Part time. University of Leeds, Leeds 2; tel Leeds 34874. N. A. Jepsom, Acting Head of the Dept of Adult Education. 3-year part-time Certificate in Transport Studies. Evenings only at present. MA one year full-time and part-time in Transport economics and transport engineering.
LEICESTER City Polytech, P08143, Leicester LE1 98H; tel OLE 3 50181. D. E. John, Head of School. loT. Part-time evening if required. Enrolment Sept. Five day residential courses arranged for I FVVR F.
LEIGH Leigh T C, Railway Rd, Leigh, Lancashire; tel 71271. loT Grad. Part-time day and evening. LINCOLN Lincoln C of Tech, Cathedral St, Lincoln; tel Lincoln 24416. G. A. Church, Principal. loT Grad. Part-time evening.
LIVERPOOL C of Comm, Tithebarn St, Liverpool L2 2ER: Tel 051-227 1781. M. Stephens, Head of Dept. loT, loTA and ITA AM. Part-time day and evening. Enrolment: Sept. HND (Business Studies-Transport options).
Millbank C of Comm, Bankfield Rd, Liverpool, L13 OBQ; tel 051-228 6744. T. J. Lyon, Tutor-Transport Courses, loT, loTA, ITA Grad, RSA Dip. Also College certificate course, qualification for entry to loT Grad. Part-time day and evening. Enrolment: early Sept, Riversdale T C, Riversdale Rd, Liverpool, L19 3QP; tel 051-427 1227. J. Lever, Principal. IRTE, IMI and C and G block and day-release add evening.
ION DON Acton Acton T C, High St, Acton W3; tel 01-992 3248. W. F. Giddings, Principal, C and G, IMI and IRTE. Enrolment: prior to Sept start.
Bloomsbury Princeton Coll, Princeton St, WC1; tel 01 405 1048. M. P. Burnes, Principal. Ord Cert in furniture removals and Cert in practical estimating of I FWRI. Part-time evening. New courses; General cert in removals management of IFWRI day-release or part-time evening if required.
University of London, Dept of Extra Mural Studies, 7, Ridgmount St, WC1; tel 01-636 8000. W. Burmeister, Director. Cert and Dip in transport studies. Part-time evening and day release. Cert two-' or three-year course, Dip following one-year part-time transport research. Higher awards in Dip lead straight to MA courses full-time one year, in transport econ or eng at Sussex, Southampton and Salford. Urban land studies and transport management courses beginning Oct. Also university extension courses in transport studies. Management studies in Rd Trns. Eng.
Catford Catford Coll, Plassy Rd, Catford SE6; tel 01-698 4843. A. G. Donald, Head of Dept. loT and ITA Grad, RSA Dip, loTA Grad if required. Part-time evening. Enrolment: Sept.
City of London City of London Coll, Moorgate EC2; tel 01-606 8112. W. H. Stebbings, Head of Dept of Shipping and Commercial Products. loT Grad and AM. Part-time day and evening, Enrolment: summer for Sept start. Also BA hon-degree ICNAA) course in business studies with the transport option. Four years' full-time sandwich basis. Min qualifications: GCE five subjects including maths, English to 0 level and two A level; or ONC, OND or equivalent.
Chelsea Coll of Aeronautical and Auto Eng, Sydney St, King's Rd, Chelsea SW3; tel 01-352 0021. J. A. C. Williams, Principal. IRTE exemptioncourses, loTA Grad. Part-time and block release.
Croydon Croydon T C, Fairfield, Croydon, Surrey; tel 01-688 9271. IRTE, C and G and IMI. Part-time evening.
Ealing Ealing T C. St. Mary's Rd, Ealing W5; tel 01-579 4111. J. P. J. Kehney, Head of School. loT AM. Part-time evening. Transport short courses, road haulage management, garage management, personnel and training, one-day and three-day courses. Held in autumn and spring terms. Part-time commercial management course for the rd tpt industry. New courses HND business studies. BA (Honours) CNAA business studies with transport option in part 2. BA (Honours) Economics CNAA including transport subjects.
East Ham East Ham T C, High St. South, East Ham, ES; tel 01-472-1430. I Ml. Part-time day. East London East London C of Comm. Davenart Annexe. 179 Whitechapel Rd, E 1; tel 01-247 7020. ITA Grad and AM. Part-time evening if required, loTA Grad also if required.
Hackney Hackney T C, Dalston Lane, E8; tel 01-986 8434. IMI. Part-time evening.
Harrow Harrow C of Tech and Art, Northwick Park, Harrow; tel 01-422 5535. R. T. Chappell, Head of Department. loT Grad. Part-time and evening if required. Supervisory study courses biased toward road transport if required. Hounslow Isleworth Polytech, London Rd, Isleworth; tel Isleworth 331. loT Grad if required. Part-time day.
Kingston-upon-Thames Kingston-upon-Thames Coll of Tech. Penrhyn Rd, Kingston; tel 01-546 1127. L. E. Lawley, Principal. IMI, IRTE. Part-time evening. Lewisham South East London T C, Lewisham Way, SE4; tel 01-692 7296. loT Grad, RSA Dip. Part-time evening. ITA part-time day and evening. New courses: ONC and HNC with transport options if required.
Northwood Northwood, Battle of Britain House, Ducks Hill Rd, Northwood, Middx. Warden, H. E. Dalton. Residential four five-day courses on road transport management arranged with RTITS.
Paddington Paddington T C, 25, Paddington Green W2; tel 01-402 6221 ext 56. R. C. Champion, Head of Engineering Trades Dept. C and G MVM and MVT. IMI and IRTE parts 1 and 2. Putney Putney Coll for F E, 50-52, Puttley Hill, SW15, tel 01-788 442. A. Marr. Principal. RSA Dip. Part-time evening, C and G part-time day and evening. Enrolment Sept. St Pancras North-Western Polytech, 125-133, High St, Camden Town NW1; tel 01-495 0101, ext 48. A. F. Beckenham, Course Director. loT Grad and AM. Part-time day and evening or on sandwich basis, enrolment Sept. Also a number of short courses covering transport operation and management, one week; operating management in the road haulage industry, one week; transport management for local authorities, one week. New course: Dip in management studies with transport management operation and economics option.
Southgate Southgate T C, High St, N14; tel 01-886 6893. A. J. Bullock, Head of Dept. of Mechanical Eng. C and G MVM and MVT, part-time from Sept. IMI and IRTE available if required. Enrolment Sept.
Stepney Walbrook Coll, East London Tech Coll, Toynbee Hall, Commercial St, El: tel 01-247 7020. A. J. V. Perry, Principal, loT, and ITA Grad. Part-time day or evening. RSA Dip part-time evening. ONC with transport options. Enrolment middle Sept.
Waltham Forest Waltham Forest T C and School of Art, Forest Rd, Walthamstow; tel 01-LAR 2272. IMI. Part-time evening. Wandsworth Wandsworth T C, Wandsworth High St, SW18; tel 01-874 2355/7. P. E. Fussell, Head of Dept of Mech Eng. C and G MVM and MVT. IRTE, loT Grad, IMI if required. loT Grad apply to Head of Business Studies St. John's Hill, SW11.
West Ham West Ham Coll of F E, Welfare Rd, Stratford, El 5; tel 01-534 4545. K. R. Bishop, Principal. RSA Dip, C and G. Part-time evening. Enrolment early Sept for mid-Sept start.
Willesden Willesden C of tech, Denzil Rd, NW10; tel 01-459 0147 /9. L. L. Allen, Principal. IRTE, IMI, C and G. Part-time evening. Road transport manager's certificate in supervisory studies to suit individual requirements. Part-time. Enrolment Sept for mid-Sept start. Woolwich Woolwich Coll of F E. Villas Rd, Plumstead, SE18; tel 01-855 1216. L. V. Bisphan, Principal. C and G, IMI, IRTE. Part-time day or evening. Enrolment first week in Sept.
LOUGH BOROUGH Loughborough University of Tech. Loughborough, Leicestershire; tel Loughborough 3171. Short courses at Post Graduate level to meet demand from industry covering a wide variety of fields. Usually one week's duration consisting of lectures, practical work and seminars.
LUTON Luton C of Tech, Park Sq, Luton; tel Luton 29441. IMI. Part-time day and evening and block release.
MANCHESTER C of Comm, Aytoun St, Manchester 1; tel 061-236 7702. loT Grad. Part-time evening. Moston Coll of F E, Ashley Lane, Manchester 9: tel 061-205 4158. H. L. Hill, Principal. RTE. IMI. Part-time.
University of Manchester, Dept. of Extra Mural Studies, Manchester, M13 9PL; tel 061-273 3333. Prof. E. Wedell, Prof of Adult Education. Short-term management courses both general and directed to transport with weekly courses of 10/12 meetings.
University of Salford, Salford 5, Lancs; tel 061-736 5843. E. T. Sharman, Registrar. BA Honours Degree full-time course with transport subjects in all three years. Subjects operational until 1971 when engineering options will be introduced. One-year MSc Courses in transport and traffic eng, including the influence of transport on urban structure, urban transport planning, operation of public transport systems, methods of traffic measurement, economics and land valuation, civic design and planning.
St. John's Coll of F E. Hardman St, Manchester M3 3FP: tel 061-834 5058 /9. B. C. Crouch, Principal, loT and loTA AM day and evening. ITA AM, RSA Dip evening. Enrolment early Sept for mid-Sept start. New courses full-time and sandwich courses for transport management trainees. Ordinary cert in furniture removals and cert in practical estimating of IFWRI. New courses general cert in removals management of IFWRTI if required.
Salford C of Tech, Frederick Rd, Salford 6 Lancs; tel 061-736 6541. loT Grad. Part-time day and evening. Short courses for road transport management usually on one day per week.
MIDDLESBROUGH Constantine C of Tech, Middlesbrough, Teesside; tel Middlesbrough 44176. J. Houghton, Principal. loT Grad and AM. Part-time day and evening. Enrolment second week Sept for end of Sept start.
Kirby Coll of F E, Roman Rd, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough, Teesside; tel Middlesbrough 83706. R. D. Widlof, Head of Department of Business Studies. loT Grad (loT AM held at Constantine Coll). Part-time day and evening. Full-day courses if required. Enrolment early Sept.
NELSON and COLN E Nelson and Colne Coll of F E, Scotland Rd, Nelson, Lancs: tel Nelson 62461. D. Moore, Principal. Short courses for road transport management normally one day per week. NEWCASTLE-U PON-TYNE Newcastle-upon-Tyne Polytech, Ellison Place, St. Mary's Place, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; tel Newcastle 26002. Dr. G. S. Bosworth, Principal. loTA Grad if required. HND business studies (Transport) sandwich basis. Other single-day and day-release courses available on transport management subjects. Newcastle Coll of F E, Bath Lane, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; tel Newcastle 22752. J. H. Hicks, Principal. RSA Dip, loT Grad and AM. Part-time evening.
NO Northampton C of Tech, St. Georges Ave, Northampton; tel Northampton 34286. E. Jewitt, Principal. loT Grad, IMI, !RTE. Part-time evening.
NORTHWICH Mid-Cheshire Central Coll of F E, Chester Rd, Hartford and London Rd, Northwich, Cheshire; tel Northwich 75281. H. Burrows, Principal. Short road haulage management courses on one day a week basis.
City Coll, Ipswich Rd, Norwich; tel Norwich 24177. J. F. Croft, Principal. IMI, !RTE. Part time, loT if required.
NOTTINGHAM Basford Hall Coll of F E, Stockhill Lane, Nottingham NG6 DNB; tel Nottingham 71946. J. C. Wilkins. Principal. loT Grad, RSA Dip. Part-time evening. Enrolment Sept. People's Coll of F E, Castle Rd, Nottingham; tel Nottingham 47721. H. Humphreys, Principal IM I, IRTE. Part time.
OXFORD Oxford C of Tech, Headington Rd, Oxford. H. Buckley, Principal. IRTE, IMI. Part-time. PLYMOUTH C of Tech, Tavistock Rd, Plymouth; tel Plymouth 6800, ext 3058. E. Bailey, principal. loT Grad, C and G, IMI, 1RTE, IOTA Grad. Part time if required. Transport managers' courses available if required. Enrolment second week Sept for third week Sept start.
Plymouth Polytech, Dept of Maritime studies Plymouth, Devon; tel Plymouth 68000. BSc in Transportation (subject to CNAA approval), sandwich type course expected to start in October 1970.
PORT TALBOT The coil of F E, Port Talbot, Glamorgan; tel Port Talbot 2107. J. G. Nicholas, Principal. loT Grad, RSA Dip. IRTE, IMI. Part-time if required.
PORTSMOUTH Highbury T C, Dovercourt Rd, Cosham, Portsmouth, Hants; tel Cosham 70351. S. W. B. Leathlean. Principal. loTA Grad and AM. Part time. Enrolment early Sept.
Portsmouth Polytech, Dept of Mech Eng and Naval Archit, Anglesea Rd, Portsmouth P01 3DJ; tel Portsmouth 31471, ext 18. J. Walters, Lecturer. Planned 4-year sandwichtype CNAA degree course for transport executives.
PRESTON Harris Coll, Corporation St, Preston, PRI 2T0; tel Preston 51831. G. W. Cobham, Head of Dept. loT Grad and AM, IRTE, IMI. Part-time afternoon and evening. Enrolment early. READING Reading C of Tech, King's Rd, Reading, RG1 4HJ; tel Reading 54451. J. Dimmick, Principal IRTE, IlV11. Part time. loTA Grad if required.
REDCAR Cleveland T C, Redcar, Yorks; tel Redcar 2518. L. Robinson, Principal. loT Grad. Part-time evening, RED DITCH Redditch Coll of F E, Archer Rd, Redditch, Worcs; tel Redditch 3607, N. R. Trout, Principal. loT Grad. Part-time day and evening.
REDHILL Redhill T C, Hawthorns, London Rd, Redhill, Surrey; Tel Redhill 61402. W. A. L. Smith, Head of Eng Dept C and G MVM. Dayrelease one-day per week or nine-week block release. RSA Dip. Part-time day and evening. Enrolment Sept.
REDRUTH Cornwall T C, Redruth, Cornwall; tel Camborne 2911. K. Farnell, Principal. loT Grad. IRTE if required.
ROCHDALE Rochdale Coll of. F E, Baillie St, Rochdale; tel Rochdale 45849. A. lbbotson, Principal. Short courses in road transport management one day per week.
ST. AUSTELL Cornwall T C, Palace Rd, St. Austell, Cornwall; tel Si. Austell 4844. J. M. Oades, Principal. IRTE if required.
ST. HELENS St. Helens. C of Tech, Brook St, St. Helens, Lanes; tel St. Helens 25441. H. Livesey, Director of the School of Management studies 1qT Grad, MI IRTE. Part-time evening. Dip in management studies with special emphasis on transport. Block release over three years. Entrants must be company sponsored. Courses start in alternate months Sept-June. Management in road haulage; finance and costing in road haulage. Two-day residential courses, mid-week and weekend, supervisors in road haulage, part-time one day per week, starting Sept. May be available on block release basis. RSA Dip two-year part-time evening.
Passenger transport courses. Introductory course for supervisors, one-week residential. Short course for inspectors, starting Sept if required.
SHEFFIELD Richmond Coll of F E, Spinkhill Drive. Sheffield S13 8FD; tel Sheffield 396973. H. McL. Smith, Principal. loT Grad, RSA Dip. ITA if required. Part-time evening Enrolment Sept.
Granville Coll of F E, Granville Rd, Sheffield; tel Sheffield 29007. G. Croft, Principal. IMI IRTE. Part-time.
Sheffield Polytech, Pond St, Sheffield, SI IWB; tel Sheffield 29671.. A. R. Corbett, Education and Training Adviser. loT AM. Part-time afternoon and evening. Enrolment 2nd week Sept.
SHREWSBURY Shrewsbury T C. Shrewsbury; tel Shrewsbury 51544. L. B. Daley, Principal. IM1 IRTE. Part-time.
SLOUGH Slough C of Tech, William St, Slough, Bucks: tel Slough 27511. J. D. Derbyshire, Head of Dept of Professional and Business Studies. loT Grad. Part-time evening and full time. Enrolment Sept. Dip in management studies block release course for the road transport industry. HND business studies with transport subjects option. Min qual: ONC or OND in business studies or equiv in GCE A-level in at least one subject. 3 yrs sandwich.
SOUTHAMPTON Southampton C of Tech, St. Mary St, Southampton, SO9 4WX: tel Southampton 26181. E. F. J. Haine, Head of Dept of Business and Social Studies. loTA Grad and AM. Part-time evening. loT Grad (AM if required). Part-time day and evening. C and G, ONC and HNC. Enrolment early Sept.
The University, Highfield, Southampton; tel Southampton 56331. One-year full-time MSc in transportation planning and engineering including operating problems.
SOUTHEND-ON-SEA C of Tech, Carnarvon Rd, Southend-on-Sea, Essex; tel Southend 49606. W. N. Aplin, Head of Dept of Eng. C and 0 ONC HNC Eng. Part-time day release. Enrolment Sept. Cert in supervisory studies (road transport). Day-release and evening. Short courses, transport management, transport costing, supervisory training. Residential and day release. loT and loTA Grad. and AM. Part-time evening.
SOUTH SHIELDS Marine and Tech Coll, St. Georges Ave, Westoe, South Shields; tel South Shields 60403. Dr. J. Hargreaves, Principal. RSA Dip. Part-time evening.
STIRLING F E Centre, High School, Denny Stirlingshire; tel Denny 569. C. McDougall, Principal, loTA and RSA Dip. part-time evening. Enrolment last week in Aug for first week of Sept start.
STOCKPORT Stockport C of T, Wellington Rd, South Stockport; tel 061-780 7331. loT Grad, IMI !RTE. Part-time evening.
STOKE-ON-TRENT City of Stoke-on-Trent Coll of Building and Comm, The Concourse, Stoke Rd, Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent; tel (STD 0782) 24651. C. Knapper, Principal. loT Grad and AM RSA Dip. Part-time evening. C and G part-time day release. Enrolment first week Sept.
STRETFORD (Lams) Stretford T C, Talbot Rd, Stretford, Lancs; tel 061-872 3731. I MI IRTE. Part-time. SUNDERLAND Monkwearmouth Coll of F E. Swan St, Sunderland; tel Sunderland 71193/4. J. Stevenson, Principal, loT and (TA Grad, RSA Dip. Part-time evening. Enrolment early Sept. SWANSEA C of Tech, Mount Pleasant, Swansea, Glamorgan; tel Swansea 50722. E. G. Cowley, Principal, IRTE IMI. Part-time.
SWIN DON Coll, Swindon, Wilts; tel Swindon 29141. W. Gillespie, Principal. loT Grad.
TAUNTON Taunton T C, Wellington Rd, Taunton; tel Taunton 81076. R. A. Pomeroy. Principal. loT Grad.
TORQUAY South Devon T C, Newton Rd, Torquay; tel Torquay 39456. A. V. Ebdon, Principal. RSA Dip, loT Grad, IRTE IMI. Part time. TROWBRIDGE West Wilts and Trowbridge Coll of F E, College Rd, Trowbridge; tel Trowbridge 4081. E. A. Chilcott, Principal. loT Grad. TUNBRIDGE WELLS West Kent Coll of F E, 88 Grosvenor Rd, Tunbridge Wells, Kent; tel Tunbridge Wells 29343. Dept of Eng and Science. RSA Dip, loT C and G MV and MVT IMI [RTE. Part-time day and evening. Enrolment Sept. Transport managers /operators course planned.
WARE Ware Coll, Scotts Rd, Ware, Hertfordshire; tel Ware 4941. J. Tiplady, Principal. loT Grad. Part-time evening. Enrolment 2nd week in Sept. This course could be held in Bishop's Stortford if required.
WATFORD George Stephenson Coll, Water Lane, Watford, Herts; tel Watford 29232. IMI. Part-time day and evening.
WELWYN GARDEN CITY Mid-Herts Coll of F E, The Campus, Welwyn Garden City, Hens; tel Welwyn Garden 26318. IMI. Part-time day and evening. WEST BROMWICH West Bromwich C of Comm and Tech, High St, West Bromwich; tel 021-553 0019. N.N. Brown, Principal. loT Grad, !RTE. Part-time evening.
WEYBRIDGE Brooklands County T C. Heath Rd, Weybridge; tel. Weybridge 4 3286 /7. D.R.C.
Holmes, Head of Dept. C and G MVM day release. C and G V repair and manufacture and V body building; day release. Registration Sept.
WEYMOUTH South Dorset T C, Newstead Rd, Weymouth; tel Weymouth 3133. A. H. Buttolph, Principal, IMI IRTE. Part time. Road transport management courses.
WIGAN Wigan and District Mining and T C. Parson's Walk, Wigan, Lancs; tel Wigan 46296. loT Grad. Part-time evening. Short courses in road transport management training on one day per week basis.
WINDSOR East Berks Coll, Claremont Rd, Windsor; tel Windsor 62111. J. Martin, Principal. IMI 1RTE. Part-time evening. Enrolment Sept. WOLVERHAMPTON Wulfrun Coll of F E, Paget Rd, Wolverhampton; tel Wolverhampton 90 26512. J.E. Greenhalgh, Principal. loT Grad.
Part-time evening. Ordinary cert in furniture removal and cert in practical estimating, of IFVVRI part-time evening. New courses general cert in removals management, I FWRI day-release or part-time evening, if required. WORTH! NG
Worthing Coll of F E, Broadwater Rd, Worthing; tel Worthing 31445,17. N. Walker,
Principal. ONC and HNC Eng, C and G Mech Eng, MVM and MVT body and welding courses. Part-time day and evening. ON D Eng two-year full-time. loT Grad. Part time. Short course in road transport economics. Enrolment Sept.
YORK York Central Coll of F E, Dringhouses, York; tel York 67161. C. D. Macmillan, Principal. loT Grad. Part-time day and evening.