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10th June 1924, Page 4
10th June 1924
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Page 4, 10th June 1924 — WHEELS OF INDUSTRY.
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crosier.

The Derby Day Traffic.

The traffic organization in connection with Derby Day seems to have been based upon a confident expectation of fine weather and upon a desire to get the people there, whereas the soaking rain that fell nearly all day produced chaos when.the crowds began to leave the course.

More than ever the race-goer is relying upon omnibuses and motor coaches. The L.G.O.C. let out 500 buses, and, if any of the regular services were robbed in order to complete the munbers required for Epsom, the diminished traffic on those routes effected a new balance. The greatest difference was observable in London itself throughout the day. For once in a way it was easy to get about, and any main artery could be traversed from end to end with but two or three short traffic checks, instead of dozens of protracted ones.

Without reliable statistics it is impossible to say how many buses and coaches were concentrated at Epsom. They constituted grand-stands of exceptional merit, affording coigns of vantage for viewing the races,_and offering shelter against the elements and accommodation for picnic meals. Many of these vehicles arrived on the course and took up their positions so early that. their occupants were able to take their breakfast al fresco—and, as it happened, this was the driest period of the day. Later on the difficulty was to keep the water out of the food and the wine !

It is a mistake, however, to allow motorcars, coaches and buses to remain on the high roads adjacent to the course, and the evil of it showed up badly on Wednesday last, for those vehicles which had taken up positions on the grass were held up and delayed, and the efforts to restart on the soddened ground • merely resulted in deep ruts being cut by the churning wheels, from which the engines were powerless to move the cars. The trouble was vastly aggravated by the chokage of the main roads by stationary vehicles, and there were many people at Epsom who really thought that they were not going to get away until summer his set in to dry out the place and give firmer wheelgrip. As the wheels of the vehicles spun and dug the vehicles in, horses had to be brought and passengers had to get out and, standing and sliding in the treacherous ooze, had to push to the best of their ability. It was after dawn next morning before many of the buses and coaches got away.

Thornycroft 6-tonners in Demand.

We are interested to hear that Arthur Guinness, Son and Co., Ltd., the wellknown brewers, of Dublin, have placed an order with John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., for six of the 50 h.p. type W 6-ton Thornyeroft lorries.

Large Users of Leylands.

In our issue for May 27th, in the feature entitled "Passenger Travel News," we referred to the suitability of the side-type Leyland chassis for carrying large-capacity bus bodies, and we stated therein that the Crosville Motor Bus Co. possessed 11 Leyland largecapacity vehielet, in addition to several of a similar pattern. Actually, we understand that the company in question have as many as 82 Leyland buses in regular use.

£400,000 for Welsh Roads.

The Glamorgan County Council has decided to carry out the road scheme, estimated to cast £400,000, for linking up by short direct, routes the mining valleys of North and Mid Glamorgan. This important scheme has been referred to in previous issues af The Corantercint Motor. Its importance may be gauged from the fact that the recently opened Bryn road, between Maesteg and Port Talbot, shortened the journey between the two places by 24 miles. This is typical of the purpose which the pro. posed new roads will serve. The 2,400,000 is to be expended on making only 30 miles of roadways, which will vary in length from two to six miles.

The Ministry of Transport will contri.. bute one-half of the cost of the scheme, and of the remaining £200,000 one-half will be refunded, with interest, to the county council by the local authorities concerned. The inter-valley road will take four to five years to complete owing to territorial 'difficulties.

In addition to this work 276,600 is to be expended on the other roads of the county.

A Ferry Service Re-established.

The Royal Scottish Automobile Club advises us that it has installed at Kyleeku Passage, Sutherlandshire, motor-driven ferry boat capable of carrying vehicles up to three tons weight. The ferry service at this point has not been in operation .since prewar days, 4nd its loss has been severely felt by road users generally. A full sei vim is now in operation again, and it permits of an unbroken circular route being taken round the extreme North-West of Scotland.

Formerly road users visiting the South-West Coast of Sutherlandshire, who were desirous of continuing their journey to Sconiie, Durness or Tongue, were forced to return to Lairg to do so. As a result of the reinstitution of the ferry service, this journey is shortened by about 70 miles.

New Vehicles for Teesside.

With a view to giving A more adequate service, the Teesside Railless Traction Bc.ard is contemplating the purchase of a mint of new vehicles, and, as a prelimina , is taking delivery, during the next few weeks, of a new design of car for experimental purposes, and, if the results are successful, further orders will be placed.

The traffic returns of the undertaking show that for the last month the number of passengers carried was 22,788 in excess of the corresponding period of last year, this increase being attributable in some measure to the Easter traffic, and also teethe reduced fares which have recently been put into force. The Board has de-0Am], in view of the detnand for return tickets, to continue to 'provide these facilities for a further period of one year.

A Preston Company's Comprehensive Road Transport Service.

We have received from H. Viney and Co., Ltd., transport engineers, of Strand Road, Preston, a copy of a display map which gives a very good idea of the distriets which are covered. by

the company's motor vehicles. The area covered is clearly tinted, and extends north of Preston so far AS Cornforth and so far south as Liverpool, Warrington, Altrincham and Stockport, other busy centres of commercial and industrial activity which are embraced within the scope of the company's operations being Manchester, Wigan), Bolton, Blackburn, Burnley and Rawlenstall. Stress is laid upon the great saving which results from the collection and delivery of goods by motor vehicle as against the railway.

Thornycrof Vs Empire Trade.

John L Thornyeroft and Co., Ltd., have just issued two photogravure pamphtets which have been specially produced for the benefit of those journeying to the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley, their main purpose being to impress visitors with the extent to which Thornycroft productions are being used throughout the British Empire and countries overseas.

One of the pamphlets deals with Motor boats and marine engines, whilst the other is devoted to a presentation in pictorial form of the types of vehicle in use in various parts of the world. The many pictures of Thornycroft vehicles in different guises provide graphic evidence of the value of the motor vehicle for goods and passenger transport. • Levy on Private Bus Services.

The ,annual report of the Warrington Corporation for the year ended March 314 last states that 41,295 was received from various motor omnibus concerns for the privilege of running motorbuses in the town.

Outside Representative Wanted.

We know of a position available for a man as an outside representative of a company of manufacturers of component parts pf vehicles, including railway ears, tramcars, motorbuses and motorcars. We shall be pleased to place applicants in communication with the company referred to if they address letters to "Welbeck," care of the Editor of this journal. .

A Welsh Bridge Freed from Tolls.

Erwood Bridge, which crosses the River Wye at Erwood, on the border of Breconshire and Radnorshire, hat just been freed from toll by the county councils of the counties named assuming responsibility for its maintenance. For half a century the. bridge has been maintained by a private company, who have exacted tolls from the owners of vehicles which have used it.

Hints on Tyre Upkeep.

Moseley cable tyres are dealt with in a folder which has recently been issued by D. Moseley and Sons, Ltd., of Chapel Field Works, Ardwick, Manchaster. Apart from references to the company's tyres, certain informative particulars relating to the .subject of tyre pressures are given. The scale of pressures which is included in the peen-, phiet has been carefully calculated to give the maximum comfort combined with a satisfactory margin of safety.

Certain notes are also included in the folder on the prevalent causes of failure in tyres, and a careful study cif these should enable road users to correct faults and secure a maximum h. e from their tyre equipment.

Birmingham Bus Results.

The accounts of the Birmingham Corporation for the year .ended March 31st last show a gross profit of 433,741 on the petrol motorbus services and a gross profit of 48,237 on the trolley bus ser

vices. The total expenditure on the petrol bus services was 4108,740, or 11.976d. per bus mile, and the expenditure on the railless ears was 417,182, or 12.150d. per car-mile, The corporation. has 78 motorbuses and 12 Tailless cars in service.

Manchester's Miniature Railway.

In connection with the provision of a miniature railway in Heaton Park, the Manchester Corporation Parks Committee proposes fares of 3d. a journey for adults and 2d. for children. There is no experience upon which to base an accurate' estimate of the fares to be charged. An estimate of the running costs (including depreciation) is given at 41,300 for a season of -26 -weeks, and in order to meet this expenditure 52,000 adult and 78,000 child passengers would have to be carried at the fares proposed. These figures are considered to be reasonable of fulfilment.

Engineering Diplomas.

The council of the Institution 'of Mechanical Engineers 'has agreed to the principle of the endorsement by the Institution of Automobile Engineers of diplomas in mechanical engineering in respect of automobile engineering sub jects. This will mean that it will be possible for members of the I.A.E. to obtain a Special diploma endoreed by the Board of Education, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Institution of Automobile Engineers in regard to their technical qualifications, in addition. to passing the institution examinetion.

Goodyear Centralization.

In order to enable the Goodyear Tyre and lubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., more effectively to .concentrate the leholesale business of their various departments, the head office and London branch offices have been consolidated. The new address of the ebrepany is at Chelsea Wharf, Lots Road, London, S.W.10. The new offices adjoin the 'company's London warehouse_

A Record Desert Journey.

The Nairn Transport Co., who operate a motor vehicle service between Haifa and Baghdad, on which mails and paa.sengers are carried, established a record a few days. ago by running a vehicle from Beyrout to Baghdad, a distance of 614 miles, in 10i hrs. The company have been operating the service for a period of nearly nine months, daring which time nearly 16,000 lb. of mails and 700 passengers have been carried. The mileage accomplished on this transport work during this period amounted to 125,000.

To Deal with Street Congestion.

In view of the increasing congestion of traffic in the streets of large towns, Bradford watch committee proposes to request the Association of Municipal Corporations to consider the advisability of making representations to the Home Office, or some other appropriate department, for legislation requiring that motor and other vehicles approaching a stopping-place at which a tiamcar is discharging or taking up passengers shall be brought to a standstill until the roadway is clear.

Petrol Pump Legislation.

The annual report of the weights and measures department of the Birmin.5ham Corporation states that a communication was received from' the Board a Trade suggesting a voluntary system of inspection in regard to measuring instrumsints used in connection with the sale of petrol, as the time at the disposal of Parliansmat had not permitted of legislation on the subject. The committee did not favour tbe suggestion, arid asked that the Measuring Instruments i11, which appeared to he of a non-contentious character, should be proceeded with as speedily as possible.

Inverness and Dingwall Road Traffic.

The Inverness and Dingwall highway stands in need of drastic improvement, and the road authorities of Ross-shire and Inverness-shire are much perplexed as to how this is to be carried out. Even mere maintenance imposes a heavy burden on the local ratepayers, for the district is mainly pastoral, and the assetsable rentals are extremely low.

Motor traffic in this region has always

been rather heavy, especially during the shooting season, as most of the supplie for the lodges and mansions have to he conveyed by motorvans and motor lorries. from long distances. Within the past two or three years, however, the traffic on the road has considerably increased, as motorbuses now run regularly between the two county towns, and the highway is much used by motor coaches. The National Road Board gives little or no assistance to local authorities unless gradients are reduced, new surfaces laid or awkward turns lessened_

In the case under notice, such schemes are scarcely to be contemplated, and the local authorities are left to face the matter of maintenance as best they may. A clearer argument for the centralization of road control could scarcely be advanced their the situation that has here arie,en.

Parking at Gravesend.

Gravesend Town Council has arranged the fallowing parking places for motor vehicles :—Berkley Crescent, east side; Woodville Gardens 4old cab rank); St. James's Street; Wakefield Street, east erd; Parrock Street (old cab rank).

Portsmouth Buying Runabouts.

We have on many occasions in the past referred to the successful operation of Guy motor runabouts by the Bournemouth Corporation, and it is inkreating . to learn that other municipalities, impressed with the handiness of these vehicles, . are considering their use. Members of the Portsmouth Cerporation recently visited Bournemouth far the purpose of seeing these machines in actual operation, !and they Were .so impressed with their popularity amongst the public that the corporation has favoured • Guy Motors, Ltd., With an order for five vehicles of a similar type.

A Combined Lathe and Milling Machine.

Many motor vehicle manufacturers and those engaged in the industry will be interested to learu that Messrs. _ Scott Bros. (iceighley), of Albion Works, Keighley, wl.o are makers of all classes of machine tool equipment, have just introduced a new combination tool -which is particularly adapted for general engineering work. It takes the form of a lathe and milling machine in one, And the design provides for the use of the tailend of the lathe spindles for milling purposes, the whole of the mechanism connected with these ope;alions being situated at this end of the lathe. We hope to be in a position to publish fuller details of the machine in an early issue.

Colwyn Bay Bus Licences.

The Colwyn Bay Urban Council, in renewing licences to motor omnibus proprietors, appealed for an all-round reduction in fares. Mr. Woodyait, representing the Llandudno Coaching Co., said he would consult his directors on the matter, but reminded the council that at Colwyn Bay the winter service did not pay. The council granted an equal number of licences to J. Fred Francis and Sons, Ltd.,of Colwyn Bay, and the Llandudno Coaching Co., Ltd., and also addi• Urinal licences to the Silver Motors. Ltd., who hitherto hare only been allowed two licences te ply for hire between Llandudno and the centre of Celeryn Bay.

Stockton's Fire Brigade.

• Very economical working of a service which has proved itself thoroughly • efficient and capable of meeting all deMands made upon it is shown in the annual statement Rrepared by the superintendent of the Stockton Fire Brigade. The appliances of the brigade consist of two motor fire-engines and a motor ambulance, and the total net cost of operating these vehicles over the year worked -out in the vicinity of .£1,600. During the 12 months 33 calls were received, or eight more than the previous year and seven more than the average for the past ten years. The corporation is to consider, in the near future, the question of housing the brigade in more adequate and convenient quarters.

Overcoming Barrel Leakage.

Those of our readers who find that they experience leakage from oil barrels during or after hot spells of weather should write to Sterns, Ltd., Royal London House, Finsbury Square, London, E.C.2, for a free copy of "Hints onHandling Barrels." This is printed on stout card, and is intended for hanging 'in the garage. Based on the company's long exporienc,e of storing oils

under all conditions, the hints give simple and concise instructions on the means 'to be adopted for preventing unnecessary deterioration of the barrels and consequent wastage of oil.

Proposed Bridge at Alioa.

The Earl of Mar and-Kerne is taking a leading part in providing ways and means for building a new road bridge over the River Forth at Alloa. As already explained in these pages, this structure would shorten the road along the eastern coastline of Central Scotland bY something like 15 miles, and relieve the streets of Stirling of much of their congested traffic.

Sir Henry May bury has provisionally given his sanction to the scheme, and the Ministry of Transport will provide 75 per cent, of the cost (calculated at £110,000), if the prelithinary surveys and soundings warrant the expenditure. Lord Mar has addressed several meetings 'of representatives of the neighbouring authorities, and with one or two exceptions they have agreed to pay a share of the initial costa without committing themselves definitely as to their future action.

The Stirling Town Council has hitherto held aloof, on the ground that the proposed bridge would materially lessen the • passing traffic and adversely affect the kcal shopping trade.

It also pleads that it has already made full provision for any vehicular traffic that can reasonably be expected within the next 30 years Or SO by surfaeieg the through roadway in its area with Lake Trinidad asphalt,

Production in America..

The Department of Commerce of the' United States announces that 337,037 passenger cars and 36,102 commercial vehicles were produced in America In the month of April. The figures were based on reports received from 202 manufacturers.

The refusal of the Washington Urban District Council to grant motor omnibus licences to the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., was the subject of an inquiry held by the Ministry of Transport at Washington a few days ago. The company are desirous of establishing a throagh service, linking up Gateshead, Washington, Sunderland, Rybope, South Retton, Seahain and Easington, but their application to the Washington authority for licences for 20 vehicles was not sanctioned when they were applied for in February, the, contention being that a sufficient number of lieence.s had already been granted, in the eeighbourhood.

The inquiry was conducted by Mr, H. Fisher, of the Ministry, and the appeal on behalf of the undertaking was presented by Mr. H. A. Stagg, resident director, whilst Mr. J. R. Carr appeared for the council. Each side presented its case, and the result of the inquiry will be announced at a later date.

Plymouth's Bus Profits. .

Accounts relating to the Plymouth Corporation motorbus services for the year ended March 31St last show a net surplus of £1,703, which is equivalent to 1.046d. per bus-mile. The running expenses were at the rate of 11.98.5d. per. bus-mile and the receipts 16.341d. per mild.

-Morris Distributors in London.

We learn with much interest that Stewart add Arderni Ltd., of 103, New' Band Street, London, .W.1, have been appointed sole distributors id London for the new Morris 1-ton commercial chassis by Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., of Birmingham. This new model, it will be remembered, was ,fully described in our issue of May 20th, 1024,

Fodens for Special Uses.

On page 516 of this issue we reproduce illustrations of two Paden wagons with rather unusual types of body. One is a large pantechnicon van body which is mounted on a 6-ton chassis, and reference to the picture will show how the cubic Capacity has , been increased by extending the front end of the body over the engine and driver's cab. This partichlar vehicle is in the service of a Bireningham user, -who undertakes iurnitaire removals over long distances. The second machine is also a 6tonner, and, in this case it is' fitted up for showman's pnrposes. The smokebox plate is extended to carry a dynamo which is driven from the engine flywheel. The body is of the lift type, and it. is held in position on the chassis by strong steel hooks. It has large side and end doors, which facilitate loading and unloading operations.

I.A.E. Prize Awards.

The £50 prize placed at the disposal of the Institution of Automobile Engineers by Humber, Ltd., and allocated by the council for the paper which would best enable the British manufacturer to regain the Gabinial market, has

been awarded jointly to Mr. F. A. S. Acres for his paper entitled " The Requirements of the Colonial Market" and to Mr. E. A. Roueh for his paper entitled " The Overseas Automobile Market."

The paper by Mr. Acres will be read at a special conference to be held in No. 3 Conference Hall at the British Empire Exhibitian on June 23rd at 11.30 a.m. The paper by Mr. Reach will be read at. 3 p.m. on the same day. "Each paper will be followed by a discussion.

Warrington Licences.

Warrington Watch Committee has granted 48 hackney carriage licences, 50 hackney carriage. drivers' licences and 54 cauductors' licences to. the Lancashire United Tramways,' Ltd.; and 14 hackney carriage liCetices, 12 hackney. carriage drivers' licences and 13 conductors' licences to the Crosville Motor Co., Ltd.

. Petrol Pumps on Private Lands.

After. lengthy consideration the Middlesbrough Corporation' streets . committee has decided to serve notices upon owners of kerbside petrol pumps to . terminate their, agreements, in order to conform with a regulation that the Pumps should be on private land and have a swing arm from which to supply fuel.

Local Proceedings.

'Worksop Urban District Council has authorized the purchase of a motor fireengine.

Glossop Corporation has postponed for the present a proposal to purchase a 1-ton motor lorry.

Glasgow Corporation has•asked a subcommittee to report as to experiments with highways used by one-way traffic.

Plymouth Corporation has authorized the electrical engineer to invite tenders for the supply of three motor vehicles.

Manchester Corporation has purchased two motor vehicles for the paving department from J. Blake and Co., Ltd, Chelmsford Corporation has asked the borough engineer to obtain a trial of a motor attachment for a lawn mower from Messrs. Randle and Co.

Wimbledon Corporation has authorized the borough engineer to invite prices for the supply of reconditioned 1-ton and 2.ton motor lorries, with side and end tipping bodies.

Dudley Corporation highways committee recommends the purchase from Messrs. Tuke and Bell of a 1-ton Ford Rimy with road-gritting attachment at a cost of £206.

.Worksop Council is purchasing a new motor fire-engine at an estiraated cost of £1,620, to replace the present horsedrawn engine which has been in use for a period of 35 years.

Peterborough Corporation has accepted the tender of Messrs. J. Fairiveather and Co. for the hire of a motor wagon at £1 18s. a day of 84 hours, the mileage not to exceed 50 per day.

Wimbledon Corporation Electricity Committee, which voted £650 for the purchase of a motor lorry, now suggests increasing the sum to £750 in order that a Leyland vehicle may be purchased.

Darlington Corporation Streets Com

mittee has accepted theof Messrs. George and Johling, of Darlington, for a 4-ton Leyland motor lorry, complete with hydraulic tipping gear.

During the past three months 34 lamp-posts have been knocked down in Kensington, and the borough council is taking steps to recover the cost of the repairs—£107—from those responsible for the accidents.

. The ambulance committee of the Metropolitan . Asylums Board recommends the acceptance cif the tender of J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., for the supply of two 3-4-ton petrol lorry chassis at £735 each. The bodies will be -built and fitted at the Mead Ambulance Works.

Darlington Corporation is, subject to operation costs bearing favourable comparison with those for steam rollers, to place an order for a motor road roller, and for the purpose of gleaning. firsthand information regarding costs, the borough surveyor is paying a visit to Sheffield.

High Peak Hospital Committee of Chapel-en-le-Frith invites tenders for the supply of a two-stretcher motor ambulance for the conveyance of cases of infectious disease. Tenders have to be delivered not later than Monday, June 16th, to the clerk of the committee, High Street, Chapel en-le-Frith. B22 Hull Corporation Electricity Committee has purchased a Ford van for light transport.

Watford Corporation has asked the borough engineer to report on likely sites for parking purposes.

. Manchester Corporation has accepted the tender of Messrs. J. and G. Finch for the supply of a 2-3-ton Daimler tipping wagon.

Dudley Corporation parks committee recommends the purchase of an Atco motor mower for use at Buffery Park at a cost of £75.

'Bradford Education Committee has contracted with the A.T.C. Motor Transport Co. for the transport of food to schools at £4 a day.

Birkenhead Corporation has prepared a scheme for a new garage at the Central Depot at an estimated cost of £11,500 and £1,000 for machinery and £3,000 for weighing machines.

The L.C.C. proposes the purchase of six light trailers at a cost of £300 for the motor lorries employed in the distribution of materials to the gangs engaged on tramway track maintenance.

Wimbledon Borough Engineer has submitted prices for tipping lorries, motor sweepers, road rollers, etc., and the highways committee recommends application for sanction to raise a loan of £4,000 for various purchases.

Glasgow Corporation cleansing superictendeht has received an offer from Laffiy (England) Co., Ltd., to supply a new Laffly motor road sweeper for 1875 and to allow £275 for the old spareparts now held by the cleansing department. The cleansing committee ha 's postponed consideration of the proposal whilst the superintendent obtains further information.

Municipal Bus Activities. •

Manchester Corporation records a balance of £2,669 on the motorbus services last year.

Warrington Corporation has referred tenders for the supply of two motorbuses to a sub-committee.

Long Eaton Urban District Council ha a granted two motorbus licences to the Long Eaton Motor Co.

Eestboarne Corporation Bus Committee is seeking consent to run services ever Firle Road, Avondale Road, Channel View Road and Royal Parade East.

Application to the Ministry of Transport for urban powers with regard to the licensing and control of motorbuses and. vehicles plying for hire is to be made by the Durham Rural District Council.

Northampton Watch Committee has given permission to the Birmingham and Midland Omnibus Co., Ltd., to run their buses into Northampton from West Haddon, Daventry, Towcester and Stony Stratford.

In consequence of complaints as to vibration due to motorbuses, the Hull City Council has asked its works committee to pay special attention to the roads so that they will be fit to bear the traffic.

In view of increased duties in con nec" tion with motorbus services, the Birkenhead Corporation Tramways Committee has increased the salary of the tramways manager from £650 to £750 per annum, with bonus.

At a recent joint meeting of the streets committee and' the hackney carriage conimittee of the Middlesbrough Corporation the question of stands for motorbuses and taxicabs was thoroughly reviewed and the allocation of sites considered. • The Lanchester Rural District Council has been informed that the London and North-Eastern Railway Co. intend ,to discontinue their motorbus service between Knitsley and Consett on account of the alleged bad state of the highway_ A Swansea Bus Inquiry.

An inquiry is to be conducted at Swansea on June 20th by the representative of the Ministry of Transport ha° the refusal of the watch committee to grant bus service licences to Messrs. John Bros., J. Harries and G. V. Person, Market Day .Congestion.

At a meeting of the Peterborough Watch Committee the chief constable reported on obstructions in Cumbergate by vehicles on market days, and was authorized to take a census of the vehicles and empowered to prohibit all vehicles with the exception of bona-fide carriers' carts standing in the thoroughfare in question.

Parsons Engines.

The oil and petrol engines made by the Parsons Motor Co., Ltd., of Town Quay Works, Southampton, are very ' largely used for marine and stationary work, and the various types of engine which are Produced are fully described in the latest catalogue issued by the company, which goes very thoroughly into details of construction.

More Trams Doomed?

The Houghton-le-Spring Rural District Council has requested the Sunderland and District Electric Tramways, Ltd., who recently replaced their tramcar service between Penshaw and Herrington Burn with speedy and comfortable motorbuses, to carry out a similar substitution with respect to the route between Houghton-le-Spring and Fence Houses, where the existing track is in a bad state.

' - Long Eaton F.B. Activities.

The annual report of the Long, Eaton Urban Council's fire-brigade states that the year was an eventful one for the fire department, which changed from horse to motor traction, and took over the ambulance service.

The main apparatus of the department consists of a Dennis 60 h.p. 500-gallon fire-pump, a Buick 20 h.p. hose tender and escape, a Merayweather 450-gallon steam fire-engine, a Shand-Mason 450gallon steam fire-engine and a SiddeleyDeasy 15-20 h.p. ambulance. The Ford ambulance which was formerly used on the ambulance service answered 153 calls and ran 2,829 miles during the 17 months it was in use, 'whilst the Sieldeley-Deasy vehicle, which has now been in service for ten months, has dealt with 138 calls and travelled 2,566 miles.

New Star Catalogue.

The entire range of motor vehicles produced by the Star Engineering Co., Ltd., of Fredegick Street, Wolverhampton, is referred to in the latest catalogue which has just been issued by the company. This gives details of the various types of touring ear which are made, and also contains full particulars of the numerous Star commercial models, of which the 20-25-cwt. chassis was the last to be introduced to the British market. Apart from information relating to chassis themselves, cletn ils of various types of bodies which are suitable for passenger and goods carrying are included.

Star tipping gears, which are adaptable to any make of vehicle, are also described. These are made in three types for varying loads, including single-screw and twin-screw patterns.

Parcels on Oldham Trolley-buses. ,

At a meeting of the Oldham *Corporation Tramways Committee a letter was received from the local Chamber of Trade supporting the efforts of the corporation to obtain powers for the running of trolley-buses, end emphasizing the need for the retention of clauses relating to the transport of parcels of unlimited weight.

The mayor and town clerk reported upon the proceedings before the local legislation committee of -the House of Commons in connection with the Ashton-under-Lyne Corporation Bill, when the clauses authorizing the Oldham Corporation to run trackless trolley vehicles were agreed to, subject to a modification that the carriage of goods shall be limited to parcels not exceeding 56 lb. in weight.

The town clerk also reported that the proposal of the Ministry of Transport, with reference to the inclusion of powers to enable the Ministry to order the re, moval of tramway lines after the inauguration of trolley-bus routes has been successfully resisted so far as Oldham is concerned, subject to an understanding that the Ministry shall not be prejudiced with iegard to any action it may deem advisable to take in relation to any future application for trolleybus powers.

An Oil Company's Enterprise.

For the first time in the history of Londoederry Port petrol has been brought in bulk to the port by ship. This was accomplished through the enterprise of the Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd.; whose, coasting • vessel " Troja!' recently berthed at Londonderry with 100,000 gallons of petrol, the spirit having been. brought from Barrow. The company have recently had additional premises erected at Londonderry, and the shipment, referred to was conveyed to the port in connection with the activities of this branch.

Keeping Motors off the Sea-front.

The Bridlington Town Council has endorsed the resolution a the watch committee recommending that the county council be requested to apply to the Ministry of Transport for an order , prohibiting the driving of mechanically propelled vehicles along practically the. whole length of the north-side sea-front of the borough during the months of June, July, August and September.

Private Bus Service in Glasgow.

At a meeting of the Glasgow Corporation tramways committee the manager reported on the motorbus operations within the city of the various companies and proprietors running services to and from the city and outside districts. The town clerk, Sir John Lindsay, reported as to the statutory provisions with • regard to stage carriages and stage coaches, and the committee authorized the manager to call the attention of the police and the Police Procurator Fiscal to the practice of these companies and bus proprietors in taking un and setting down passengers within the city area. One of the most picturesque events in the populous manufacturing village of Leyland in Lancashire is the annual celebration of the May festival. The crowning of the May Queen is an attraction to thousands who gather from all parts of the county, and the lengthy procession that twice winds through the village as a preliminary to the ceremony la always assured of an enthusiastic welcome from the crowds that line the route.

The event this yea! was received with the usual acclamation, and when the Queen-elect arrived opposite the entrance to the works of Leyland Motors, Ltd., she was presented with

a set of -the new game of Trojan°, which has been devised by a member of the company's staff. Three attractive Leyland motor coaches—one is illustrated on this page—formed a fea, tare cif the procession. ,

The Rear-view Mirror's Value.

In view of the outcry which is sometimes raised against the amount of roadway which the average commercial vehicle occupies, and the fact that such vehicles occasionally impede the progress of faster machines, it is interest, ing to learn that part of the standard equipment of the Morris 1-ton truck made .by Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., of Foundry Lane Works, Soho, Birmingham, is a driving mirror. There is little 'question that the use of such a fitting makes for a better spirit of camaraderie on the road.

A Parade at Dundee.

In connection with the Lifeboat Pageant to be held in Dundee on June 14th, a commercial vehicle parade is being arranged. The Commercial Motor Users Association is giving prizes for the best-kept vehicles in certain classes, having regard to age. The first prize in each class will be £3, the second £2 and the third £1.