Men in the News
Page 6

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Ma. HUGH M AYNE, a well-known member of the Daimler Co., Ltd., has resumed his duties after recovering from a serious illness.
MR. E. W. I. ARK LE has become director of the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd. He replaces MR. J. E. M. Ronaars, who has resigned.
. MR. E. Hour has been appointed chief accountant of the Dunlop organization, with which he has been engaged since 1927, and was chief accountant to the Irish Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., from 1935 to 1940.
MR. J. PHILLIPS, A.C.A., and Ma. H. F. OSBORNE have joined the board of Vokes, Ltd. Mr. Phillips will continue as secretary. In addition to carrying out his duties as general manager, Mr. Osborne is now works director.
PROVOST G. W ADAMSON, who recently retired after 15 years as chairman of Fife sub-area of the Road Haulage Association and its predecessor, last week received a presentation at a complimentary dinner given to him by
members His haulage business has been nationalized, MR. J. STRANG, chairman of the R.H.A. Scottish Area, was present.
MR. J. F. E. PTE, J.P., M.INsa.,T„ has been appointed Honorary Colonel, 105 Transport Column, Royal Army Service Corps (T.A.). Col. Pye, who is governing director of a number af transport and wharfage companies, commanded 1561 Coy. R.A.S.C. Reserve during the recent war and later became second-incommand of No. 2 Transport Column. He is a Freeman of the City of London.
Ma. D E. WATSON, A.M.Inst.T., received a presentation at a luncheon given, last week, in his honour by the Merseyside and North Wales Area of Traders' Road Transport Association. He recently retired from the area committee, on which he had served for nearly 30 years (including office with . the C.M.U.A.). Mr. Watson celebrated his 73rd birthday on the day before the luncheon was held.
MR. JAMES HANSON, Of Huddersfield, who last February relinquished his appointment as joint managing director of the Holdsworth and Hanson group of haulage companies, which is owned by the British Transport Commission, has recently returned from a threemonth visit to Canada and the United States, where he studied conditions with a view to entering road transport in America. During his tour he covered about 20,000 miles by land, sea and air. He thinks that both Canada and the U.S.A. offer ample scope for new enterprise in haulage and passenger transport. He hopes to visit Canada again shortly to start in the road transport industry in the Dominion.
A30 MR. J. H. SHIELDS has been appointed north area manager of David
MacBrayne, Ltd., Glasgow. He succeeds MR. H. S. MacLaucuraN, who IS now general manager.
MR. A. T. G. Scon, A.M.Inst.T., previously a group manager in the Midland Division (Freight) of the Road Transport Executive, has become district manager for the Oxford-Warwick district. He was formerly managing director and secretary of Charles Scott's Road Service. Ltd., and managing director of Scott's Depositories, Ltd.
MR. R. BEVERIDGE, M .1.nst.T.,
formerly commercial manager of the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., has been appointed general manager. He has been a director since 1942. MR. R. HARRISON, A.M.Inst.T., chief traffic assistant, has been promoted commercial manager. and MR. J. MACK, 0.B.E., A.M.Inst.T., traffic superintendent, has
been appointed traffic manager.
ABOILER that weighed 34 tons instead of 27 flans, resulted in an action at Newcastle Assizes last week. The plaintiffs, Messrs, Sunter Bros., of Northallerton, said that the contract was concerned with a 27-ton load which was io be carried from Dalheattie, Scotland, to Doncaster. The price quoted was £90.
Because ;of the extra weight, which was not provided for, the trailer burst four tyres, for which a claim was made on Coupar Transport (London), Ltd., the defendant, for £280.
In respect of work done, Mr. Justice Cassels awarded the plaintiff £140, with an additional £160 for the burst tyres.
TRIBUNAL TO GO NORTH CITTINGS in Chester and Manchester aJare announced by the Appeal Tribunal. On June 21 the Tribunal will hear at The Castle,' Chester, two appeals by Messrs. Wright Brothers against decisions of the North Western Deputy Licensing Authority. There will be nine respondents.
Next day, two othPr appeals, one by Joseph Broad and the other by H. D. Griffith, both concerning decisions in the North Western Area, will be heard at Chester.
On June 23 the Tribunal will move to the Town Hall, Manchester, to consider the appeal of the Railway Executive against a decision of the North Western Deputy Licensing Authority.
AS from August 29, London motorbuses, trolleybuses and trams will not carry more than five standing passengers, instead of eight, as at present. No standing passengers will be carried on Bank Holidays and Good Fridays.
This decision has been reached jointly by the London Transport Executive and the Transport and General Workers' Union.