A Mobile Unit for the Telephone Service
Page 67
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IN order to have a mobile power unit capable of supplying electric Current to a telephone exchange should the normal source of supply fail, the General Post Office has ordered, through William Beardmore and Co., Ltd., of Glasgow, some interesting trailera. The chassis are being made by Carrimore SixWheelers, Ltd., North Finchley, London, N.12, and the outfits are for duty with the Glasgow telephone service.
These chassis are built in a sturdy fashion, since they have to be capable of carrying loads of 10 tons, comprising a power unit and heavy dynamo equipment, as well as five or six lengths of cable, which are used for connecting up with the exchange system. These lengths of cable are carried around a drum formed by the end panelling of the trailer bodywork, as will be seen from the accompanying illustration. The body panelling is fireproof, holes being provided for the cables.
The channel-sectioned main frame members are 8 ins, deep and 3 ins. in flange width, the wheelbase being 8 ft. in ins, and the overall length 14 ft. 9 ins. The front wheels are shod with single 180 mm. by 670 ram. solid tyres, and the rear wheels with twin 120 mm. by 670 rm. solids. The chassis has a built-up channel-steel drawbar and a turntable of 3 ft. 10 ins. diameter.
Internal expanding brakes with fabric-faced shoes are fitted to all wheels, the brakes being cable operated and compensated by means of a pulley arrangement. The brake actuation is by a winding handle and screw block located on the towing unit. The trailer springs are .3 ins, in width, an interesting feature being that no centre bolt is used. but, instead, a steel strap is recessed into the spring chair, which, inci dentaIly, is pressed solidly on to the axle. An automatic spray device is incorporated, the sprag being supported by a light cable coupled to the tractor. This cable breaks if the lorry and trailer be parted while travelling.
While at the works of Carrimore Six Wheelers, Ltd., we noticed an articulated six-wheeler, incorporating the Chevrolet 30-cwt. chassis,' which the company has supplied to the Vono Co., 21, Cockspur Street, London, S.W.1. The vehicle is interestingsince it has a body capacity of 900 cubic ft., the overall length of the outfit being 33 ft. The trailer portion is 22 ft. 1 in. long, the interior width and height about 6 ft. S ins. and 8 ft. 9 ins. respectively. The floor is only 1 ft. 81 ins.above the ground level, this low-loading level being obtained by using a cranked trailing axle. The wheelboxea intrude 1 ft. 6 ins, into the body space on each side.
Plymax metal-faced plywood is used for the panelling of this vehicle, -which is slatted on the inside. The vehicle has been built for transporting bedding.