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NSING Authorities will need to use their detailed knowledge of

10th March 1978, Page 7
10th March 1978
Page 7
Page 7, 10th March 1978 — NSING Authorities will need to use their detailed knowledge of
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the road )ort industry to the full if the admission to the occupation provisions of operator's ing are to be successful and gain the respect of transport men."

• s warning was sounded by Hugh ierstone, director general of the ht Transport Association, speaking week at the FTA's south eastern ties division AGM at Copt-horne, Crawley, Sussex. A pedantic: interpretation of the small print would require a person of "professional competence" at every outpost and would be a sure way of alienating support.

The emphasis should be on the minimum number of persons of professional competence consistent with the principles of operator's licensing — which were still about running safe vehicles.

A good transport manager with his finger on the pulse of a number of operating centres might be able to exercise far more effective control than a lot of depot or branch men to whom transport was but one of many responsibilities.

It was important that the administration of admission to the occupation fully recognised .the facts of industrial and transport life. There would be nothing more annoying to transport men than to find that a liberal and understanding approach in one traffic area was nullified by a strict "person of professional competence at every depot" in another, said Mr FeatherKone.