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• A new distributor has been appointed for Seddon Atkinson in the Northamptonshire and Coventry areas.
Brookside Garages (Wellingborough) is part of the food packaging and processing group Whitworths Holdings, which is an associated company of the Weetabix organisation. The company will offer round-theclock service, deliveries and recovery call outs.
Its workshops include three 17m truck paint booths and full bodybuilding facilities.
Brookside is at Finedon Road (the A510), Wellingborough, Northants, NN8 4BN. For further details phone (0933) 76651 or the direct parts line, (0933) 73302.
SCOTTS MOVE HOUSE IN CARLISLE I Cumbrian distributor Scotts Commercial Vehicles has moved to new premises on the Kingstown Trading Estate, Carlisle. Full address is Blackdyke Road, Kingstown Trading Estate, Carlisle, CA3 OPJ; general manager and director Colin Richards can be contacted on (0228) 511319.
MORE IDEAL OPENINGS IN THE MIDLANDS • Four months after opening a new depot in Ashford, Middlesex, Manchester-based Ideal Vehicle Rental has announced another new depot in the Midlands.
Situated next to the M6 motorway at Perry Barr, Birmingham, the new venue offers a full range of vans and trucks for short and long term rental.
Director and general manager Jim Duncan says: "This new Ideal location being so handy for the motorway network will enable us to service not only Birmingham but other major areas like Coventry, Walsall, Wolverhampton and Telford.
The address is: Containerbase, College Road, Perry Barr, Birmingham, B44 8DR. Phone 021-344 4464.
• Data Express, the specialist overnight parcels carrier, has opened a purpose-built premises at the Dartford Trade Park in Kent.
Situated only four kilometres from the Dartford Tunnel and the M25 motorway, the new depot will provide companies in East London, Essex and Kent with easy access to the Data Express parcels delivery network. For further information phone Alan Winters on 01-890 9363.
kilometre north of the Dartford tunnel near the M25. The modern premises is equipped with tooling and equipment to enable all repair, maintenance, test and overhaul work to be carried out.
The new facility is located at Motherwell Way, West Thurrock, Grays, Essex RM16 1XD. Phone (0708) 861986.
• Balvin Electronics has introduced the Fuelmonitor 2500 to its 8500, 8200 and 2200 range of fuel monitors. The unit is an enhanced version of the 2200 and is designed to be housed on the pump island. Fuel access is by a key or key and mileage entry. Periodic output on printer includes average fuel consumption, group totals, tank stock levels, number of transactions and pre-settable pump totalisor echoing mechanical totalisor on pump head as standard.
Options include, single transaction storage and listing, remote terminal operation, networking facility for multi depot application via British Telecom PSTN lines and up to 4 pump simultaneous operation from a single unit.
Pump selection is either automatically by key code or manually through the keypad.
For more information contact Balvin on 01-879 1171.
YELEHOIST SKIPS IN WITH LOADER • Telehoist has developed a new C11503A Skip Loader to succeed the CH503 model. Improvements include the use of shouldered bosses, a PGP plate floor and a slightly shorter rear overhang.
The new model has fast offload, an lit lift, and a capacity of 16m3.
For more information contact Peter Winrow at Telehoist, Manor Road, Cheltenham, Glos, GL51 9SH phone (0242) 521355, fax (0242) 222793.
RTITB COURSE BREAKS NEW GROUND • New Product Liability provisions under the Consumer Protection Act 1987 came into effect from 1 March 1988 relating to the production and supply of vehicles and parts and the Road Transport Industry Training Board has developed a seminar to ensure that the haulage industry is fully aware of the implications. The Board will arrange courses to meet the requirements of the customer.
The new law removes the necessity for plaintiffs to prove negligence on the part of the supplier or manufacturer. They now merely have to prove that it was a particular vehicle that caused their injuries. The law not only covers vehicles but accessories and their fitment so the design and suitability of these parts for a particular vehicle will be crucial in the event of a claim being made. This means that there is likely to be an increase in the number of claims and in the amount of compensation.
Liability for products covers ten years from the actual purchase date and relates not only to users of vehicles but to any bystander injured. For more information contact Andy Burns on (0952) 770441.
• The fifth annual 1RTE national lecture and display will be held over two days this year, 7 and 8 October at Erskine Bridge near Glasgow. The exhibition area will feature more than 120 indoor and 50 outdoor stands.
The Institute says that the Erskine Bridge site is already too small and next year the event will move to the Scottish Show Ground at Ingliston near Edinburgh on 6 and 7 October, • Carrier Transport Refrigeration, the Cheshire reefer body builder, is holding a short training course called Basic Transport Refrigeration on 15 and 16 February at its head office in Warrington.
The course is aimed at nontechnical distribution managers and sales personnel from contract hire firms who want a basic grounding in refrigerated distribution. It is free and further details are available from Adrian Saunders at Carrier Transport; phone
(0925) 36022.
COMPENSATION FOR ASBESTOSIS VICTIMS • The amount of compensation which is given by the Government to sufferers from dust-related diseases is to be increased by 8.5%.
A draft Statutory Instrument was laid before Parliament this week by Employment Minister Patrick Nicholls and subject to Parliamentary approval it will take effect from 11 April.
The new payments range from 21,263 for those first diagnosed as 10% or less disabled at age 77 up to a maximum £35,879 for some who were first diagnosed with 100% disability under the age of 38. The existing rates will continue to apply to those who first became entitled to a payment before 11 April, 1988.
The diseases covered are pneumoconiosis (including silicosis, asbestosis and kaolinosis), byssinosis, diffuse mesothelioma, bilateral diffuse pleural thickening and primary carcinoma of the lung (where accompanied by asbestosis or bilateral diffuse pleural thickening). They are mainly contracted in the cotton industry, foundries and by those working with asbestos.
Explanatory leaflets are available from Department of Employment, HSL 1 Level 2, Caxton House, Tothill Street, London SW1H 9NF.
N EW TRUOC ALARM SOUNDS OFF • Traxess has introduced a new model to its range of vehicle alarms which has been specifically designed to protect commercial vehicles where disconnecting or stealing chassismounted batteries would normally render the alarm system useless_ Immediately a thief attempts to disconnect the battery leads is activated which continues to sound for a predetermined period or until the vehicle battery lead is reconnected.
Back-up power is provided by a rechargeable battery incorporated in the controller. The auxiliary battery receives a fixed charge from the vehicle's main battery and is sealed for life although a siren and battery test button is provided.
The basic commercial vehicle alarm kit which is available in both 12V and 24V versions, provides detection of unauthorised opening of roller shutter and side doors and can be expanded to include infra-red detection of forced entry through the vehicle roof or other access points.
The Traxess alarm sells for around £50 and can be installed on most vehicles in less than three hours, says the firm. For more information contact Traxess on 01-367 2344.
EUROPEAN GUIDE TO PERISHABLE GOODS • A new guide to the transportation of perishable goods in Europe has been published by the Department of Transport.
A Guide To The International Carnage of Perishable Foodstuffs (revised edition) 1988 provides up-to-date details of the requirements and implementation of the Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs (ATP Agreement).
The ATP Agreement, drawn up by the Inland Transport Committee of the UN Economic Commission for Europe in 1970-1971, lays down common standards for the transportation of certain perishable foodstuffs.
The guide will be of interest to all operators and manufacturers of vehicles used for transporting frozen and other perishable goods throughout Europe.
The 27-page guide costs 75p (including postage) and is available from: Publication Sales Unit, Building 1, Victoria Road, South Ruislip, Middlesex, HA4 ONZ. Phone: 01-841 3425.
Cheques and postal orders should be made payable to the Department of Transport.