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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arisinl, as a carriage is by , The roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Standardization of Motor Vehicle Parts.
We referred in our last issue to the possibility of closer attentioribeing paid to the standardizing of automobile parts with a view to securing „cheaper producs tion, although it must be+cleerly understood that we strongly hold to the opinion that no system of stansierd4as ton should be adopted which would retard progress or hamper originality and
invention, •
We are glad to learn from one of the vice-chairmen of thessection committee (No. 14) on automobile and other parts of the British Engineering Standards Association that the work of this committee is now again _ping forward, after having been materially retarded during the war.
The committee is comprehensive, embracing many interests, including the Admiralty, the War Office, Ministry of Transport, General Post Office, Grown Agents for the Colonies, National Physical Laboratory, Royal,Afitomobile Club, Institution of . Automobile :`Engineers, Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Ltd., Association of 'British Motor Manufacturers, Ltd. which is represented by Dr. T. Blackwood Murray, Mr. A. A. Remington Mr. H. C. B. Undelidown, and Mr. W. D. Williamson), British Cycle and Motor Cycle Manufacturers' and Traders' Union, Ltd., British Rubber Tyre Manufacturers' Association Institute of British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers, Alloy Steelmakers Association, British Ignition Apparatus Association, Ltd., Commercial Motor Users Association, Automobile Association and Motor Union, and the British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association.
Now that the committee is in working order, it is strongly to be hoped that reignite will soon be obtained which will be satisfactory to the industry and gratifying to all who are concerned with this subject.
The hon. secretary of the sectional committee is Mr. Basil H. Joy, and the secretary of the British Engineering Standards Association is Mr. C. la Maistre, C.B.E., 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1.
Small Pneumatics at the Show.
We are favoured with a letter from Mr. T. H. Woollen, the chairman of the Pneumatic Tyre Committee of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, in which, referring to our editorial comment in last week's issue of rhe Commercial Motor on the question of the barring of small pneumatic tyres from the forthcoming commercial motor exhibition, he points out that the proposal was under discussion at a very full meeting of the Pneumatic Tyre Committee, the decision then arrived at being that the maximum size of tyre to-be admitted into the November exhibition (that it to say, for private cars) was to be 150 nue, or 6 ins., in cross section, and that that size was to be the minimum for the commercial motor. exhibition. Therefore, the members of the society concerned are the ones responsible for the regulation.
CS Mr. Woollen also tells us that the 'suppliers of tyres for the Ford, both in America and Great Britain, were piesent at the meeting referred to.
We must say that we ave rather surprised to get the information which Mr. Woollen gives us, because these is a very large sale in this country for tyres of 32 ins. by 44 ins. and 34 ins. by 44 ins. for vans, lorries, and hackney vehicles with a, carrying capacity up to one ton, or 14 passengers. We cannot understand why tyres of this size.sheidel be excluded from the exhibition appropriate to their use. We find it hard to believe that such a decision could have been unanimous, although let it be understood that Mr. Woollen does not say whether these. decisions were arrived it by a large or small majority of those present.
The Revenue Bill.
Now that the Revenue Bill has been dropped, on the understanding that certain of the clauses will be incorporated in the Finance Bill, it is to be hoped that the clause referring to the use of power alcohol as a motor fuel may be incorporated in another Act during the present session.
It is highly. desirable that everything possible should be done to enrieurage the development of this alternative source of motor fuel.
Major-General Swinton Joins the Scarab Co.
We understand that Major-General E. D. Swinton, who for two years has been Controller of Information to the Air Ministry, is leaving that post to take sip a civilian occupation. He is to become a director of the Scarab Oil:Burning Co., Charles Street, Haymarket, London, S.W., who are the manufacturers of the Scarab oil-burning apparatns used on locomotives and steam wagons.
Major-General Swinton was the official eye-witness at the beginning of the war, and he also commanded the first unit of Tanks. He will be recognized by many as "Ole Luk-Oie."
Mr. C. E. Esse has taken up an important post with the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd.
Passenger Traffic Control in London.
A report of the special committee of inquiry on trams was laid before the meeting of the London County Council held last week, in which the desirability was urged of forming a municipal body elected by the local authorities in greater London for the co-oraination and. public, control of the whole of the road passenger transport services of London, with -the exception of the steam railways. In the area affected there are 17 systems of separately operated tramways and a large number of motor omnibus undertakings in addition to numerous local railway systems. It is asserted by the committee that these various undertakings, except to the extent to which -certain of them have been combined under one direction (the underground system is no doubt here referred to),eare worked as distinct systems without any common guiding principles of operation.
The report contains remarks such as these:—" The importance of effecting anything like a permanent improvement until some concerted effort is made to regulate the present unrestricted, competition between various means of local passenger ti'ansport.'' Referring to co-ordination " Any step taken in this direction must be accompanied by adequate provision for public control, so that the interest of the travelling public may be safeguarded." The committee makes it quite clear in its report that the setting up of a municipal body for the control of passenger traffic should be regarded as a temporary initSure pending the reorganization of local government in greater London. What, is clearly foreshadowed in the proposal is a gigantic passenger transport monopoly which, in our opinion, would not be to the benefit of the public. After all, the common guiding principle of operation, which the committee asserts to be lacking, is actually present in the amount of traffic which is offered, or, in other words, the public demand for transport, and, without competition, experience toils us that the public interest would not be placed first.
We have always admired—and said so—the organization of the London General Omnibus Co, but the effect of the absence of competition -can be Seen in the central area late in the evenings.. At the meeting of the council the reeommenclatione of the committee of inquiry were adopted by 138 votes to 23, the opposition being led by Mr. H. H. Gordon, who objected-to the London County Council surrendering its guardianship of certain of the transit facilities of London, far, on any such municipal body as suggested, the L.C.C. would only be one of the local authorities Terpreaented.
Sir John Berm described the report as the most astounding document aver presented to the council, for the new municipal control authority would be similar to the Metropolitan Water Board or the Port of London Authority at which the public could not possibly 'make its voice fairly heard,
A Competition for Drivers.
We are firm believers in the value of the rear-view mirror as a means of overcoming the difficulty experienced by drivers of commercial motor vehicles and motor coaches in knowing when the driver of a faster vehicle desires to o eerta.ke.
We offer a Dependence rear-view mirror as a prize to the driver in each of the following classes who sends us a short account, accompanied by a rough sketch or diagram (which we will have redrawn for reproduction), of the best temporary repair or expedient for overcoming a roadside difficulty, or means for getting back to garage with a minimum of expense and with least loss of time, that has happened to him, or is so well within his knowledge that he can vouch for the facts. The classes are : Class 1. Undertype steamers. Class 2. Overtype steamers. Class 3. Petrol vehicles over 3 tons. Class 4. Petrol vehicles, 3 tons and Class 5. Electrical vehicles.
The matter should be written on one side of the paper, and, with the sketch or diagram, be addressed to the Editor, The Commercial Motor, 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C., to i'each that address by Saturday, May 28th. (The closing date has been postponed at the request of a group of drivers whose available time recently has been limited.) The Editor's decision will be final. Should there be no useful or interesting entry in one class, the prise offered for that class will be awarded to one of the runners-up in one of the other classes.
The Editor reserves the right to use and to pay for any contribution received in this competition.
Bournemouth. Losses.
The Bournemouth Corporation is faced with a loss of £15,000 in respect of the working of the municipal tramways and motoromnibus services last year. The minibus service Is but a small part of the system, however. The cause cannot be sought in lack of traffic, because few places in this country enjoy such a prolonged season as Bournemouth. Visitors are numerous and spend freely. What it amounts to is that tramways are too expensive to run.
Cheap Tool Kits.
The average commercial vehicle driver and mechanic who carries out his own running repairs and adjustments usually acquires the various tools needed for these jobs by the purchase and collection of odd tools from time to time. This method is more costly than the purchase of a complete kit of tools, and, moreover, it will often be found that by purchasing individual tools several necessary tools have been omitted and that their absenCe is not felt until some vital repair or adjustment requires to be carried out. We have, recently inspected two very handy and serviceable tool kits of British 'manufacture, which are being placed on the market by Messrs. Whiteside, Bloomfield. and Co., 8-9, Sherwood Street, Piccadilly Circus, London W.
i One of these kits s comprised of 2itools and is intended for lorry users, whilst the other, which is specially made is for Ford users, consists of 19 tools. Each kit includes a comprehensive range of tools, and each tool ts included for a set purpose, no space being occupied by useless and unnecessary appliances.
The larger kit, possesses a 9 in. adjustable spanner, a 6 in. -King-Dick-type wrench, 6 in. combination pliers, 7 m. combination cone pliers, hammer, chisel, pin punch, centre punch, two 8 in. screwdrivers (one all steel), 6 in. Nicholson file, five box spanners, three set spanners and two tommy bars. This kit is marketed at the reasonable price of 37s.
The Ford kit is made up of most of the above tools, of sizes suitable for the lighter class of vehicle.
Each kit is made in the form of a canvas roll and is edged with leatheroid. The tools are inserted in a strong leather strap, which is riveted in the centre, and a holdall pocket is incorporated.
In view of the completeness of these kits and the prices at which they are offered, they should find a ready sale amongst commercial-vehicle owners and drivers.
A deputation from the Motor Legislation Committee waited upon Sir Eric Geddes on Thursday last for the purpose of advocating the reinstatement of the i
petrol duties n place cthe new taxation and (alternatively) reductions on all charges for motor licences as from January 1st, 1922. Various amendments of the regulations under the Roads Act were also proposed. The course that might be practical, if the House of Commons would esi far abrogate its right to control all matters Of finance, would be for power to be given in the Finance Act, 1921, for the Minister of Transport to amend the scale of taxation for the yeas 1922, should the proceeds of taxation in 1921 exceed the amount estimated.
Liverpool Buses for Sale.
Twenty of the Liverpool Corporation omnibuses are to be advertised for sale, and the matter caused :a little discussion at the monthly meeting of the City Council last week, when two of the Labour members contended that the buses had not had a fair chance and that it was absurd to dispose of them while there was a clanger of the stoppage of the trams, owing to the failure of the coal supply. On beh.aif of the Tramways Committee it was Es:split-Med that the City Council would aCeept or refuse the tenders when received, and that no sale could take place within a month. The buses, it was stated, were being run at a loss equal to £32,000 per annum, and the wages and petrol alone absorbed more than the income. The recommendation to adarretiee ,theioffer of the buses for sale was adopted. The Liverpool Corporation buses on the route Bootle, Waterloo, and Seaforth are to be withdrawn on May 11th. It has been a pathetic sight to see these vehicles often running with a human freight of the driver and. conductor only.
General Motors, Ltd., Thurloe Place, London, S.W. inform us that the pries of the Chevrolet light delivery van has been reduced to £260.
The Empire Motor Fuels Committee holds a meeting to-morrow (Wednesday), at which reports of its engineering and denaturation sub-committees will be presented.
The Advisory and Co-ordination Subcommittee of the Bradford Corporation Finance Committee has disapproved a recommendation of the Watch Committee for the4purchase of motor vehicles of the taxicab cycle type for the use of the police department.
In the article which appeared in our last week's issue on the work of the Salvage Department of the City of BirLining-ham, the figures which were inch:idol showing the average weight in hundredweights of refuse removed per house per visit should have been .3628 for electric s-ehicies and .4982 for horse wagons.
The Rotax Motor Accessories Co., Ltd. Betas Works, 'Willesden Junction,
LOLE/N , N.W., have issued a brochure on.commercial electris lighting and starting equipments, which should be of special interest to heavy vehicle users. Full particulars and prices of the various types of dynamos, switchboards, and lamps are given, together with a useful wiring diagram.
Mr. H. E. Blain, C.B.E. assistant managing director of the Underground group of companies, has been retained by the Transportation Commission of Toronto to advise that important Canadian city on its transportation problems, and is sailing for New York in the " Adriatic " on May 18th. After he has completed his :report; for Toronto, Mr. Blain will be joined by Mr. C. S. Louch and Mr. J. L. B. Lindsay, the comptroller and accountant and the assistant secretary and treasurer respectively, of the Underground group, and the party will then make a tour of many of the important cities of the United States to study their transportation methods.
Another Oil-fuel Burner.
One of the results of the present situation regarding coal is that further atteution is being directed to the question of utilizing apparatus by which oil fuel can be blunt in the fireboxes of railway locomotives.
One such apparatus, the Scarab, has already achieved considerable success in this connection, and another has been designed by Mr. J. G. Robinson, chief mechanical engineer to the Great Central Railway Co. The difficulty with American oil burners in locomotives and, incidentally, similar types in steam wagons, has been dogging of the sprayiqg nozzles by carbon deposits. In the Scarab system this has been overcome by letting the oil trickle down a weir and blowing it into minute particles by means of a jet of steam. The results obtained with the apparatus designed by Mr. Robinson have up to the present been entirely satisfactory, and it will be interesting to see if this apparatus can be applied with success to steam wagons and road locomotives.
As regards comparative costs, Yorkshire coal used for locomotive purposes costa 50s. per ton ; heavy oil, on the other hand, costs about 90s. The coal, however, produces only 13,500 13.T.Iles per ton, whereas the oil gives 19,000 B.T.U.s. In addition to this, oil is very easily handled, and is, therefore, more economical as regard labour;--and is also efficient in use. Until recently oil fuel was certainly more expensive, even with these advantages, but now that the cost of coal has risen .so greatly, whilst the cost of oil fuel is gradually dropping, the differences in the cast of running are not nearly so important, and the balance may soon be in favour of the oil.
Tyre Price Reductions.
A recent price list issued by the North British Rubber Co., Ltd., shows a reduction of approximately 30 per cent. on those prices which prevailed in October, 1920, for ClinEaer motor tree.
The Burnett Motor Tyre and Rubber Co., of Trowbridge, have reduced the prices of their pneumatic • tyres as follow ee-Buctiort cup covers by 15 per cent. ; ribbed and grooved covers ar d tubes by 10 per cent. ; studded covers by 5 per cent_ their solid tyres, have also been reduced /0 per eerie.
C10 The B. F. Goodrich Co., of Akton, announce a reduction of 20 per cent, in the prices of all their pneumatic tyres, a reduction, it is stated, which will bring the prices down to the 1913 level.
W. and A. Bates, Ltd., St. Mary's Mills, Leicester, announce a, reduction in the prices of their solid tyres by 10 per cent. The company wish us to state that no alterations. have been made to the quality of their prodncts, and that the section of their, tyres is not 111 any way reduced.
Commer Cars for Australia.
Commercial Cars, Ltd., of Luton, are supplying 19 six ton chassis to the Metropolitan Abattoir Board of Adelaide, South Australia, similar to the picture of the chassis on this page. This authority has been operating 22 six ton Commers since 1912, and it is due to the satisfaction which these vehicle& have given that the repeat order has been placed.
An interesting feature of the chassis is the patent four-speed gearbox, which is, without question, one of the most compact unite yet designed, in which all gear changes are obtained by means of dog clutches.
The chassis, before being shipped, are subject to a severe road test, and it is worth recording that, unloaded, they can climb the Commer Car test hill with ease on top gear, while with a seven ton load they can take the hill on low gear with such a margin of power that another ton mild be -carried without the slightest difficulty.
Messrs. Sutton and Co., have inaugurated a road transport service between Congleton (Cheshire) and Manchester since the commencement of the coal strike_ The distance between Cottotiopolis and the silk town is about • 26 miles, and the scale of charges which has been adopted compares very favourably with those operating on the rail ways In .adclition, the service is a daily one, and promptitude in delivery' takes the place of the customary delay of the railways.
The taxi drivers of Oxford have waited on the watch committee of the town ciad have urged that licences for motorcycle and sidecar taxis should not be granted. Quite an instance of the dead hand placed upon progress !
Tractors for Rubber Estates.
A British 25 h.p. tractor behaved extremely well in a demonstration which was given in March on a typical Singapore rubber estate. Reporting this to the Department of Overseas Trade, His Majesty's Trade Commissioner in Singapore, who was present at the trial, states that the conditions were against a, successful demonstration. The soil consisted in parts of heavy .sand, ared in others of sand mixed with day, and rain had been felling heavily prior to the trial. The fact that under these conditions the operator was able to turn and manoeuvre with thegreatest ease made a great impression on the planters assembled to witness the possibility of the tractor.
Still more impressed were they when, after the metal flanges had been removed and replaced: by rubber studs, the tractor demonstrated its haulage powers on the road by pulling two large trucks, weighing approximately 11 tons, uphill on the adjoining road, a . fact of considerable importance when it is remembered that one of the drawbacks to the tractor, in the eyes of the planters, its that after two ler three years its use in the planted area would necessarily be discontinued teeing to the risk of damage to the lateral roots of the rubber trees.
There is a market for tractors in the rubber-growing districts of the East Indies, and in the opinion of the Trade Commissioneer, the business will be secured by United Kingdoila firms, which by such demonstrations as that reported above, satisfy the planter that his work can be done more cheaply and expeditiously than by coolie labour.
Saving by Steamers.
East Riding county surveyor reports that haulage by steam wagons owned by the county council last year worked out at is. 9.1d. per ton-mile. Hired haulage costs about 50 per cent. mote, so that there has been a considerable saving by the council having its own plant. In the cost allowance Eas been made for wages of extra loaders and also 15 per cent. depreciation. • There are five steam wagons, two of which were obtained after the beginning uf the financial year. The vehicles altogether hauled 10,301 tons over 34,937 miles, the total cost of working having been L3,076.
Starved Highways.
Reporting to tile East Riding amity Council, Mr. J. W. Chapman, the county surveyor, saye the fact that a year ago the council only voted half of the amount he estimated as necessary to put the roads in a satisfactory condition has been a serious check betels bringing the roads up to a ,better standard. As mechanically driven traffic had increased, putting more strain on the roads, the condition generally of the highways was not as good as it would have been 'had more money been available.
Mr. Jahn W. Davis, late Aarierican Ambassador in London. has been appointed a director of the United States Rubber Co.
According to an officiai cable from the American Attacheat Santiago, Chili, motor lorries, automobile tyres, and locomotives are unaffected by the new Chilian tariff.
A New Road Composition.
At the request of a metallurgical company, the Lyons (France) authorities laet year consented to the paving of a certain stretch of roadway` with a new surface composed of concrete, iron, and cement. The road was put into use last May, and has been constantly used for a year.
The first layer was about ten centimetres thick, and composed of concrete; then came a layer of similar thickness of Cement. In the cement were placed large iron studs, 25 to the square metre being used, each piece of iron being 20 centimetres distant from the next. The whole was then covered with a layer of fine concrete, carefully prepared, spread on before the cement was quite dry. The total cost per square metre-materials and labour, not including the iron etude---came to 26.70 francs.
The comparatively bio-ds price was due to. the fact that the fiiing in between the iron studs .'called for careful labour, and also that both materials and labour were more expensive last year than they are this year. In spite of the heavy traffic to which the new surface has been subjected, it has worn very well, and the Lyons authorities are ready to adopt it for use on other thoroughfares so soon as the cost of inStallation becomes less.
A Works Hauling Outfit.
An ingenious and economical hauling unit has been devised by the Hammond Lumber Co., of Les Angeles, California, for carrying lumber about their eatentrite yards, and also for short hauls in and about the city. The power unit eccisists of a converted Ford car equipped with .lorry wheels and a special device at the rear, by means of which coupling can be made with a loaded wagon without the driver leaving his seat. The wagons er trailers on which the lumber is leaded consist of four-wheel vehicles with a short tongue, which at all times is held in an almost horizontal position by a set of coil springs attached to the front of the. running gear. At the rear of the hauling unit is a sheetiron apron .extending down almost to the ground and slanting outward at its lower edge,.the•e.slant beingeabout 45 degrees. Pieces of angle iron riveted to this apron form a tapering way leading to its top.
When the driver desires to move a load of lumber, he hacks up to it until the end of the wagon tongue is against this apron. Then, by backing a little farther, the end of the tongue slides up the apron and into a socket containing a spring-held catch which locks it securely until eeleasect by the operation of a lever located alongside theteltiver's seat.
Two coil springs attached to the socket on either side tend to keep it in the.
proper position at all times. It is mounted on a pivot, and turns with the wagon tongue while rounding a corner.
The Dublin Show Abandoned.
The Spring Show of the Royal Dublin Society (in which were to be included exhibits of complete commercial motor vehicles, wheels therefor and solid rubber tyres), which wasfirst of all postponed until June, we now hear has -been abandoned.
Justifiable Expenditure.
Regarding the proposed purchase by the Rath Town Council of electric vehicles for refuse collection, the Ministry of Health has inquired whether, in view of present needs for public economy, the expenditure is justified at the present time. The surveying committee, whirls has considered this letter reports that it believes that the proposed capital expenditure is necessary to meet an urgent public requirement.
Horse Cartage Wasteful.
Hertfordshire County Council Highways Committee reports that large sums are expended annually on the hiring of horses and carts. The prices ruling are very high, and it is a wasteful expendi ture on long journeys. The Foden wagons which were Transport Efficiency.. A convention of the National Highway Traffic. Association, was held in Detroit on the premises _of the Detroit Athletic Club on April 29th, when the efficiency of highway transport and the need for theeregulation of highway traffic were matters that came up for discussion. Mr. Arthur H. Blanchard, president of the Association, was chairman of the session. There were addresses of welcome for the State of Michigan and for the City of Detroit, and among other matters that were dealt with during the session were the reports of the committees on :—(l) The regulation of overloading on eonenercial motor vehicles; (2) thetequitable distribution of the cost ef construction and maintenance of State. highways; (3) the status of the constructionsof highway curves, with a recommended _practice to. increase the safety of traffic; (4) the motorbus service of consolidated rural schools ; (5) highway transport clearing 'houses; (6) the inter-relationship of highway, rail way, and waterway transport : segregated traffic streets in municipalities ; (8) the regulations for speeds, weights, .dimensions of meter lorries and trailers. Damage by CorporatiomMotors The Turton Urban District Council alleges damage to its roads by heavy motor wagons belonging to the Bolton Corporation on their way to the reservoirs, and it suggests that the corporation should contribute towards the cost of tho.road repairs. Bolton Corporation has replied to the effect that • the journeys by the motor vehicles are made for the purpose of maintaining the proPerty of the waterworks department, on which theicorporation pays rates to the whamcouncil. and it can_not see any reason to'complain of the use, by the corporation, of the roads in question. The North-Western Division. (Manchester area) of the Commercial Motor , Users Association is hol•dieg a, parade of ›ommercial..motor vehicles on Saturday, Mat': 28th the arrangements being in tilehands of Mr Ellis Green, the divisional secretary. • The Djambi Oilfields. According to a. report from The Hague, the Second Chamber of the States General a few days ago rejected, lay 76 votes to 3, the resolution moved by M. Van Ravensleyn, urging that the Djambi oilfields in Sumatra should not be developed until the native population have obtained complete autonomy. Afterwards the Chamber rejected, by 45 votes to 25, an amendment moved by M, Allaarda demanding the exclusive development of the territories by the State. An amendment by M. Demuralt, to compel_ the Batavian Oil Co. to place at the disposal of the Government of the Indies, for special use by the Colonial Marine, 5 per cent. of the oil produced by this company, was rejected by 43 votes to 57, the Right parties voting against the Left. An amendment proposed by M. Treub urging that a part of the territories should be reserved for other oil companies, such as the Standard Oil Co., was also rejected. The Bill for the exploration and exploitation of the Djambi oilfields was eventually passed by 49 votes to 30. A.E.C. Buses for Hull. At a meeting of the Hull Corporation Tramways Committee the manager reported that he had obtained prices for the buses required for the service to Stoneferry as follow :— Double-deck omnibuses with A.E.C. K type chassis, 'Complete for 21,850. Single-deck omnibus, a new type, for £2,050. The committee decided to purchase three double-clock buses and to secure, on approval, a single-deck vehicle and to purchase this for £2,000 if it proves suitable. The committee decided that the fares on the new service should be a minimum of 2d. per mile. The L.C.C. and Driving Examinations. At a meeting of the London County Council, Mr. J. P. Blake called attention to the increase in the number of street accidents, and suggested that some arrangement might be made to see that persons who applied for motor driving licences were physically fit to be in charge of such vehicles, Now, 012 he said, anybody, even the blind, could get driving licences. Sir G. Piggott, chairman of the Public Control Committee, replied that legislation would be necessary before the licensing authorities could insist on a preliminary examination to ensure the fitness of persons asking for driving licenees. He added that the. council did all it could to ensure safety, and recently had made representations to the Ministry of Transport for the compulsory fixing of side lifeguards on heavy motors. Mud Splashing in Glasgow. Recently the Glasgow Corporation, .which has had complaints as to damage to persons and property in the city by the splashing of mud and water by heavy motor vehicles, communicated with the Secretary for Scotland with regard to the necessity for an Order pro viding for suitable splashguards being fitted to the wheels of vehicles. Now the town clerk reports receipt of a letter from the Scottiali. Office intimating that the matter had been referred to the Ministry of Transport, which has replied that the question is within the terms of reference to the Departmental Committee on the Taxation and Regulation of Road Vehicles. Windscreens for Commercial Vehicles. The campaign for the better protection of drivers, which was inaugurated some considerable time ago by The Commercial Motor, has had the effect of increasing the number of vehicles fitted with windscreens. Chars-a-bancs are almost always so equipped A special type of all-metal windscreen, which is suitable for commercial vehicles and will stand plenty of rough wear, is the Marvulc, manufactured by the Marvulc Accessories Co., Ltd., 43, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, W.C. Thus screen is made in various patterns to snit individual requirements. For chars-4,-ba,ncs it is usually made with the hinged portion in two pieces; so that the driver can have the screen open whilst the passengers in the front seats are protected. The company are also agents for many other useful fittings, such as petrol tin carriers, lighting sets, etc. Local Proceedings. Neath Rural District Council is borrowing £1,124 for the purcha‘e of a motor lorry. Chester Town Council has secured sanction for borrowing £1,650 for a motor fire-engine. Manchester Corporation , Cleansing Committee has decided on the purchase of a Karrier motor sweeper and collector. East Ham Corporation has asked a sub-eommittee to go into the question of the establishment of a repair shop for the council's motor vehicles. Accrington Town Council is purchasing a motor fire-engine at a cost of £2,359, having just received sanction to raise a loan for the purpose. Bolton Corporation has asked its cleansing superintendent to report comprehensively upon the use of mechanically propelled vehicles for street cleansing, etc. Lancashire County Council has purchased two Leyland five ton steam wagons, towards which the Ministry of Transport has contributed one-third of the cost. Manchester Corporation Watch Committee has accepted the tender of Messrs. Bywater and Co. for the supply -of a petrol storage tank for the chief fire station. Hull Watch Committee reports delivery of the Dennis 60 h.p. 500-gallon turbine motor fire-engine, with escape and first-aid attached. The tests were in every way satisfactory. Letchworth, which not long ago qualified as an urban district council, has obtained consent from the Ministry of Health to borrow £2,134 for the pur chase of a motor fire-engine. Hull Health Committee has empowered its chairman Councillor Lilley, the medical officer Of health, and the city engineer to purchase amotor ambulance at a cost of about £750 Bolton chief constable has complained of the obstruction caused to traffic by prospective tram passengers in various parts, and the corporation has asked the tramways committee to give the matter serious attention. The Health Ministry has sanctioned the borrowing by the South Shields Corporation of £7,500 for the purchase' of three electric vehidles and two Mxien steam wagons, fixing the term of repayment at seven years. The borough surveyor of Bournemouth has reported to the corporation on the question of mechanical transport for the collection of refuse, etc., and the committee concerned has deferred consideration of the subject pending further inquiries. The highways committee of the Hertfordshire County Council reports that there is no doubt that the roads will have to be maintained on a higher standard than in the past. Road users who pay increased taxes will expect better roads in the future. At a meeting of the Bridlington Town Council the borough engineer reported that the Sentinel Waggons, Ltd.,. had sent one of their demonstration steam wagons to Bridlington, and he proposed to make a trial -use of the vehicle. The highways committee was asked to inspect the vehicle.