News and Comment.
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The authority, circulation and influence of this journal rest upon facts.
A. serious phase of reckless driving receives notice on page 189.
The decisions of the C.M.U.A. Executive, in respect of the 1911 Parade, are given on page 204.
The prospectus of Kent-London Motor-Transport, Ltd., is now in circulation, and a short abstract of its contents are given on another page.
Members of the C.M.U.A. are reminded. that half-price tickets for the present Olympia Show (private cars) may be had from the Secretary, at 112, Piccadilly, W.
We retain the 191.1 Commercial Vehicle Show in our diary : it has been there for many weeks, and it has by now entered into the plans of numerOILS readers overseas.
" Carburetter Action " was the subject of a paper by Messrs. "Morgan and Wood, before the Institution of Automobile Engineers, last (Wednesday) night. We abridge the paper on pages 192-4.
" Commer Car" Shoots Warings.
The miniature-rifle competition between the sales staff of Commercial Cars, Ltd., and the cadet company of Waring and Gillow, Ltd., which was announced in our last issue, took place on Friday evening of last week. Warings was represented by Messrs. .Ashdown, Purhy, Sawyer, Polaeek, Fountain and Brown (all using the new-pattern service rifle), whilst the " Commer-Car " team consisted of Messrs. Coles, Field, Jackel, Perks, Neville and Simonis. A total of 14 shots was allowed to each man, and the aggregate team scores were: " Commer Car," 170 ; Warings, 159. A return contest has been arranged for the 18th inst. The Dennis team should then be " taken on ' by the winners.
Motors in War.
Captain C. Battine gave an interesting address last week at CIaridge's Hotel, before members of the Ladies' .A.C., on the subject of " Motor Vehicles in War," and urged the necessity for a wider recognition by all of the claims of the mechanicaltransport arm of the service.
We observe that the Co-operative Wholesale Society, Ltd., of Manchester, has made a further donation of 250 to the funds of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, and that this well-managed institution made a profit of 45,400 over last year's LiverShow. It has been decided that the show for the year 1913 shall take place at Bristol, which city last enjoyed a visit from the society in the year 1878. In regard to the show at Norfolk next year, some readers of this journal may care to know that entries in the Implement Section will close on Monday, the 20th Mardi, 1911. There is an agitation in Nottingham to secure the purchase of a motor ambulance.
H.S.H. the Duke of Teck, G.C.V.O., C.M.G., has accepted the Chairmanship of the Royal Automobile Club, in succession to his late brother H.S.H. Prince Francis of Tech.
The annual report of the Postmaster-General, Mr. Herbert Samuel, M.P., comments favourably upon the extension of long-distance motor-mail services, and upon the economies which the Department continues to effect. in this direction.
Ogden Smith's Advertisement.
A reference was made, on our last week's page of " One Hears "—to a smart advertising device upon a delivery van owned by Messrs. Ogden Smith. This vehicle, we may point out, is one of the latest-type Lacres.
In This Week's Mail.
From Western A ustralia.—" I should be glad if you would forward to me the issue of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR in which the particulars are given of certain requirements and investigations asked for by the Minister of Agriculture for Natal."
From Modderpoort (0.B.C.).— " Please favour me by asking some firms to send specifications and prices of motor lorries to carry from two ta three tons. They must be very low geared to do road work in this country; the tracks are of sand."
Two Reports.
The trading of Argylls, Ltd., for the year ended the 30th September last. has resulted in a balance of 23,071 to the credit of profit and loss account.. The directors have steadily kept 1,200 men at work. We understand that the company's commercial-vehicle department is developing satisfactorily, as it certainly deserves to do. A healthy feature of the balance sheet is the cash on deposit and in hand (261,587), whilst sundry creditors are only 25,876, compared with 226,218 in respect of sundry debtors. Having regard to the drastic writing-down of the property and assets two years ago, it is probable that occasion for further depreciation has not yet arisen.
The fourth annual report of the directors of Belsize Motors, Ltd., shows the following leading results, the figures in parentheses being for the previous financial year : gross profit, 233,183 (220,541); depreciation and debenture interest, 2.7,79-) (27,266); dividend 10 per cent. (6 per cent.); reserve, 210,000 (nil); goodwill account, 22,594 (nil); carried forward, 29,817 (27,177). This company is doing an increasing business in cab and van chassis. " Commercial Intelligence " reports the formation of a small transport company in Bermuda.
Off to Fiji.
Air. II. Howard Humphreys sailed front Liverpool yesterday (Wednesday), for Montreal, on route for Fiji, where he is to undertake certain important work. He will be away for not less than eight or nine weeks, but he has taken with him the text of a certain Bill, in respect of which he is conferring with the Editor of this journal, and the completed documents thereanent will be posted back to London when he lands at Montreal.
Albion Points.
Tliree more _Albion vehicles have been ordered by Harrod's Stores. A recent export. Albion is illustrated: it is a unique variation from the standard 20-cwt. type. When the sides, and tail-hoard are removed, a flatplatform lorry results; the hinging of the tail-board allows long pipes to be conveyed with facility ; the petrol tank, which is carried on the dashboard, is protected by a plate against damage from the forward ends of the pipes; the front axle is modified to provide a big clearance from the ground ; side and rear curtains are fitted to the driver's canopy.
Dennis's New Catalogue.
We are in receipt of the new Dennis catalogue of commercial motors, and find it an attractive book of some 96 pages, with copious illustrations and good line drawings. No intending purchaser of a commercial vehicle can turn over the pages of this production without his being impressed by the standing of the names of Dennis customers, as well as by the general arrangement of the cataloguenot forgetting the priced and numbered list of parts. One useful page, in regard to export sales, is that upon which the shipping dimensions and approximate weight of each model are given.
New Registrations.
Sneieltki a Exploitation des Etablissements et des Brevets du Carburateur P. jaugey, with an authorized capital of E40.000 in E5 shares, and with its office at 70, Queen Victoria Street, EC., to acquire certain patents .,granted to Paul Jaugey in respect of an invention relating to a carburetter for petrol and other internal-combustion motors, together with the business earried on by him at 29 bis, line St. Didier, Paris, etc. First directors: P. Jaugey, A. L. Lambert, and TT. H. Syms.
Carey Variable Speed Gear Syndicate, Ltd., with an authorized capital of E3,000 in El shares, by H. Dade and Co., 14, Queen Victoria Street, E.O., to carry on tho business of automobile and cycle makers, also to acquire patent No. 20,705 of 1909.
Lep Transport and Depository, Ltd., with an authorized capital of E10,000 in .E1 shares, and with its office at S. Upper Street, St. Martin's Lane, Wk., to take over the motor aml Continental department of Mee,srs, LangstaFf, Ehrenberg and Pollak now carried on at 8, Upper Street, St. Martin's Lane, W.C. First directOrs: 0. II. Pollakand H. R. Heitz (both permanent).
Sir Wm, Angus Sanderson and Co.. with anauthorized capital of E13,000 in El shares (5,000 preference), by Jordan and Sons, Ltd., 1104, Chancery Lane,W.C,, to take over the business of motor-body and coach builders, garage proprietors, etc., of Sir Win. Angus Sanderson and Co., Neweastle-on-Tyne.
AHGood American Type.
The petrol lorry shown herewith represents a modern U.S.A.. commercial vehicle. This particular lorry is the product of the Packard Motor Co., of Detroit. Mich., whose works have 26 acres of floor space, and whose em
ployees number 5,500. This vehicle enjoys a wide sale in the States the makers having rendered their production famous by the advertisement phrase " Ask the man who owns one." In this Packard vehicle, which is the only type of commercial car offered by the firm, the power is supplied by a four-cylinder vertical water-cooled motor; of 4", in. by St in. cylinder dimensions, which develops 24 h.p. at 650 r.p.m. With the exception of the Eisemann ILL. magneto for ignition, everything else in the chassis is of Packard build—carburetter, lubrication, dry-plate clutch, three-speed forward sliding gear, etc. It is for a three-ton load.
War-Office Notice.
The Secretary of the Mechanical Transport Committee notifies that vacancies at present exist for one draughtsman, a limited number of coppersmiths, and a limited number of drivers for both steam and internalcombustion vehicles. In the early future, it is anticipated that a limited number of skilled artificers (blacksmiths, moulders, boilermakers, wheelwrights and electrical fitters) will be wanted. The period of service is seven years with the colours, and five years in the reserve, and the age limits are 18 to 35 years. Married men will be enlisted if they are skilled artificers, whilst smart men, it is stated, will get good pay and rapid promotion. We are afraid that experience to date does not allow us to endorse this last claim, although changes may be contemplated.