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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever Points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness
of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crosier.
A Paper on Military Motor Vehicles.
The Requirements of the Military Motor Vehicle" is the title of a paper lv Capt. R. K. Hubbard, 0.B.E., which is being read before various Centres of the Institution of Automobile Engineers on the following dates :—Birmingham, November 9th, at the Chamber of Commerce, New Street ; Coventry, November 10th, at the Broadgate Cafe; Glasgow, November 30th, at the Royal Technical College ; Wolverhampton, November 17th, at the Engineering Club ; Manchester, November 25th, at Ilfouldsworth Hall, Deansgate ; London, December 1st, at the Royal Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, London, W.C. Tickets to admit visitors to any of the above meetings can be obtained on application to the secretary of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, Watergate House, Adelpiti, London, W.(1.2.
The paper is one of considerable interest to all those engaged in the commercial vehicle industry, and in our next issue we shall deal with it at length. We might mention, however, that the paper deals with the general type of transport vehicle used in the Army, and not with the fighting or, special type of machine.
Raiding the Road Fund.
The following resolution has been sent to the Chancellor of the Exchequer as the outcome of a conference of the institutions and bodies representative of the users of motor vehicles, the trade, etc.:—" This conference of organizations representative of owners, users and manufacturers of all classes of motor vehicles, views with the greatest concern the suggestion of the Chancellor of the Exchequer that a portion of the revenue from motor taxation should be diverted from the purposes to which it is at present devoted and to which it was pledged by the Finance Act (190910), 1910, and later enactments of successive Governments. In the opinion of this conference any such diversion of the moneys of the Road Fund would hamper seriously the process of highway reconstruction, development and maintenance."
The Bright Spot of Engineering, and a Warning.
Lieut.-Col. J. T. C. Moore-Brabazon, of the Ministry of Transport, speaking at the dinner of the Institution of Automobile Engineers held last Wednesday, referred to the motor industry as being the bright spot of engineering to-day, but he warned the industry against the danger of being swallowed up by. big foreign undertakings. This country was surrounded by keen, rich rivals, and he, counselled those in the industry not to live in a fool's paradise. It was an uphill fight all the way, but in the youth and engineers of this country there were the brains and potentialities which could beat the whole world.
Mr. H. Kerr Thomas, this year's preaident, put forward a plea for communal research ; that is, from the road makers' point of view. A good deal. .of research was needed into vehicle suspension, whilst, on the other side, there was need fot investigating the ideal ..surfaces on which vehicles should run.
Sir John Thornycroft, after a tilt at Lieut.-Col. Moore-Brabazon, who, he said, was engaged in a search to discover invisible lines by which the traffic could be divided, mentioned that Sir William Letts, this year'sv president 'r of
the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Ltd., many years ago sold him a steam oar. This led Sir William to reply that Sir Arthur Stanley, chairman of the Royal Automobile Club, was another of his victims, while he believed that he was the first to introduce Mr. G. J. Shave, operating manager and chief engineer of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., to the motoring world by means of that old sfeam car, which, he thought, Sir John, as an engineer, should never have mentioned.
Sir William remarked that, in his early days, as an office boy, he used to have to mark the calendar with a thought for the day. He wished he could be an office boy in the Cha.neellor's office to-day, when he would put on Mr. Winston Churchill's calendar as to-day's thought, "Hands off the Road Fund!"
Ready-reckoners for Welders.
As an adjunct to a simple costing method, designed to meet the needs of country workers of the type with which the Rural Industries Bureau are chiefly concerned, a ready-reckoner for costing the use of the acetylene welding blowpipe has just been produced in a form intended to make this task a particularly easy -one for the small user. The Rural Industries Bureau, which is responsible for its preparation, considers that the reckoner should prove of particular interest to motor vehicle repairers and garage owners who use acetylene welding apparatus, and the specification card which they have sent us clearly shows that considerable trouble has been taken to enable accurate figures to be arrived at. Ready-reckoners are at present available for the welding plant produced by the British Oxygen Co., Ltd.; AllenLiversidge, Ltd.; Thorne and noddle, Ltd.; Cubic, Ltd.; Hoggett, Young and Co.; and MacGowan, Wilde and Co., Ltd.. The price of each reckoner is 6d. Those who require such reckoners should write to the Rural Industries Bureau at 258-262..WesLtuinster Bridge Road, London, S.E.1.
Owing to great pressure on our space in this issue we are compelled to hold over the articles dealing with the development of chassis design as evidenced at the recent Commercial Motor Show.
The L.G.O. Co. and the Purchase of Tilling-Stevens Buses.
In connection with the recent announcement to the effect that the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., have puraased a number of Tilling-Stevens omnibuses, the company wish to make known certain facts. Some time ago the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., revised their agreement "With Thomas Tilling, Ltd., with the object of enabling the latter company to operate in Lomb1n a larger number of TillingStevens vehicles. These vehicles, all of which are double-deckers, are licensed in the name of Tillings, Ltd., and will, it is stated, continue to be so licensed There is one rouIe in South-east London which, owing to certain low railway bridges; has to be worked with singledeck buses, and the garages best situated for supplying the vehicles for this route are those occupied by Tillings, Ltd., at Bromley and Catford.
The company make it clear that it is inconvenient to have different types of vehicle in the same garages, and for this reason the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., have purchased 12 singledeck Tilling-Stevens buses for the special purpose of working this route. It will thus be seen that the purchase is solely due to a special set of circumstances.
Miller's Odometers at Olympia.
By an error, which arose from a confusion of names, we stated in our report of the components and accessories section at the Commercial Motor Show at Olympia, that the exhibits of Henry Miller and Co., of Weimer Road, London, W.11, consisted of lamps, jacks, etc. The chief range of exhibits upon this firm's stand. consisted of Dreadnaught indestructible hub-odometers, designed in respect of their housings to fit on to the wheels of practically every make of commercial motor vehicle, the instrument itself being reliable in its readings and well protected from possible injury. The jacks shown were devised for hydraulic operation and bear the sobriquet of Skyhi.
Roads and Transport Dinner.
A dinner is to be held at the Savoy Hotel on Monday, November 23rd, in connection with the Third Congress and Exhibition of the Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition, which takes place at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, London, N.1, from November 19th to 26th. Further details of the Congress and Exhibition appear on page 465 of this issue.
Belgian Railways Want Lorries.
It will doubtless be of interest to British commercial vehicle manufacturers to learn that the Belgian State Railway authorities are about to invite tenders for the supply of 39 3/-ton vehicles. Particulars of the type of vehicle required can be obtained from the 2me Bureau Of the Direction de la Traction et du Materiel des Chemins de For de l'Etat Beige, 21 Rue de Louvain, Brussels. A New St. Helens Tyre.
One of the outstanding exhibits in the tyre section of the Commercial Vehicle Exhibition at Olympia was the new A.C. concertina tyre shown by the St. Helens Cable and Rubber Co., Ltd., of Slough. This tyre contains several new features, and has an air chamber of unusual design, in which the air is contained at normal atmospheric pressure, whilst the internal and external walls are of corrugated pattern, and are claimed to give considerable displacement and resilience.
The tread of the tyre is claimed to possess special non-skid properties, being moulded in duplicate to prevent skidding when the top tread has worn away. An interesting feature in its construction is the safety strip of red rubber, and when this is reached it indij cates that it is desirable to replace a tyre. This is a very useful protection, for it is difficult to tell when the tread of the tyre is almost worn down to the top of the air cavity.
A Big Order for Thornycrofts.
Nor some time past the Devon Motor Traneport Co., Ltd., have been using a number of Thornycroft 2O-eater buses on regblar services in the West of England, and so satisfactory have these vehicles proved that the users have just placed a large order with John I. Thornyeroft and Co., Ltd., for a fleet of 20-seater passenger vehicles, in which the makers' A.1 long passenger chassis will be employed.
The Thornycroft Al chassis is proving very popular, and the manufacturers have already supplied many hundreds of them for service at home and abroad.
The Vulcan Safety Coach.
During the course of the Commercial Motor Exhibition at Olympia the new low-loading safety coach shown by the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1906), Ltd., evoked considerable interest, but for some reason difficult to explain a number of visitors formed the impression that the body was not a Vulcan production. We are asked, therefore, to make it clear that this vehicle is produced throughout in the works of the company, the bodywork being designed and constructed in the company's bodybuilding department. We hope to describe this new vehicle briefly in a forthcoming issue for the benefit of those of our readers who were not able to visit the Exhibition.
Securing Uniform Adoption of the White Traffic Line.
The Minister of Transport was recently made aware of the fact that considerable diversity of practice existed ins. different areas in the use of the white traffic line on highways, and in order that some standard method might be adopted, and confusion thus avoided, a conference was called over which the Minister presided. This was attended by representatives of the larger local authorities within the Metropolitan Police District and of the City and Metropolitan Police, and after a full discussion, a resolution was passed to the effect that a uniform method of procedure should be adopted, as set out in detail in several diagrams considered by the conference.
Steps have already been taken by the Ministry's divisional road engineers to obtain and collate the views of local authorities in the provinces generally, and, in addition, the County Surveyors Society and the Institute of Municipal and County Engineers have been asked to consider the suggestions made and to furnish their observations thereon.
When all these views have received consideration the Minister proposes to issue a circular letter to all authorities concerned with a view to the adoption of a standard white-line system in busy centres throughout the country, which will not only reduce risks but assist materially in the control of traffic.
Bearings for Worm Shafts.
With reference to the method of reducing the wear on thrust bearings of a worm shaft which we described and illustrated on page 355 of our issue dated October 27th we have been asked where such a set of bearings can be obtained. The designers of the method and the manufacturers of the bearings are C. R. Garrard, Ltd., whose address is 127, High Street, Sydenham, London, S.E.26.
Personal Pars.
We reproduce on this page a portrait of Mr. E. Latham Cadwallader, who joined the staff of C. A. Vandervell and Co., Ltd., 15, years ago to manage the commercial vehicle side of the company's business, which he still controls. Mr. Cadwallader was horn in Staffordshire and received his initial electrical engineering training with T. Parker, Ltd., of Wolverhampton. He has an extensive knowledge of the electrical equipment side of the motor industry and is a well-known and popular figure throughout the trade.
M. Charles Blum, of the Automobiles Industriels Lath, has just become managing director of the Automobiles Delaunay Belleville. He now rules the destinies of two great motor manufacturing concerns representative of all that is best in the industrial and touring car branches of the French industry.
M. Blum is an old student of the famous Ecole Polytechnique. He entered the motor trade in 1909 with the purchase of the Latil Engineering Co.; since that date the history of the Lathl concern has been one of steady progress. In 1921 he was made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honour for his services to the French industry.
M. Blum's genial personality has made him very popular in French motor trade circles, whilst in the great concerns which he directs with such success, his fairness of dealing and readiness to hear all sides of any question presented to him have earned him the respect and affection of his staffs.
M. Blum was recently elected President of the Union Francaise des Vehicles Industriels, which corresponds in a measure to our own C.M.U.A. The U.F.V.I. is an associati& of manufacturers and users, inruiy manufacturers being " users " in the sense that they undertake haulage and cartage by contract, or hire out their vehicles to tradesmen and storekeepers.
Mr. Charles A. Still, who recently retired from the secretaryship of the Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners Association, was entertained by his colleagues at a farewell luncheon, held' at Liverpool a few days ago, and was presented with securities and cash of a value running into four figures and a handsome silver bowl suitably inscribed. Mr. W. Edwards, president of the Asso-, ciatiou, said Mr. Still was retiring after :36 years' service with the Association, and he would carry with him the good wishes and respect of every member of the trade.
Immediately on taking office, Mr. Still was plunged into matters of vital importance to the industry. An enterprising Chancellor of the Exchequer had thought that a good way of raising revenue would be by taxing wheels. As a result of the opposition put forward by the transport interests the proposal was defeated.
Acknowledging the presentations, Mr. Still said the Association was an old
established one. He had left in his office records of an Association dating back so far as 1750. There was also a starter of a reconstructed body formed in 1815. The present Association was formed in 1871, with the late Mr. Wm. Bell as its first chairman. It had been his privilege, he said, to serve under 15 chairmen. Large Overseas Order for Guy Chassis.
Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, inform us that in face of keen competition, including that from American manufacturers, they have been favoured with a large contract for the supply of motorbus chassis to the Rio de Janeiro Tramway Co., of Brazil, the value of the contract being estimated at between £30,000 and £40,000. Before deciding upon-the purchase of Guy vehicles the company arranged for their own engineers to. visit this country, and also the United States
for the purpose of inspecting various types of British and American chassis.
Guy Motors, Ltd., have also just received an order for motor vehicles from the Hong Kong tramway authorities.
Traffic Increases in North Riding.
As a means of giving accurate data relative to the immense increase in the use of road vehicles since 1912, comparisons just presented by the highways committee of the North Riding County Council are of special interest.
As the outcome of a recent census taken on various important main roads it has been found that the average weight per day borne by the Great North Road has increased from 224 tons in 1912, and 717 tons in 1922, to 1,480 tons at the present time. Similarly, on the Thirsk-Yarm road, it has increased from 219 tons in the first-named year and 834 tons in 1922 to 1,465 tons, whilst the York-Maiton road is now dealing with 2,748 tons per day as compared with 779 tons three years ago. The figures show that these roads in the North Riding are now carrying from 600-700 per cent, more weight than in 1912, and from 100-300 per cent, more than in 1922.
• Danish Exhibition Announced. An international exhibition will be held from February 15th to March 15th next, under the auspices of the Wholesale Motorcar and Motorcycle Association of Copenhagen, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the association. There will be special sec
tions for lorries, buses, tractors and accessories. British makers who are interested are requested to write for information to Mr. S. Rosenberg, gade 7, Copenhagen, Denmark. Space may he rented at 100 kronen per square metre.
Scintilla's New Premises.
Scintilla, Ltd. , whose name is assoelated with the manufacture of magnetos, dynamos and starters, advise us that they have r emoved to more commodious premises at 331, Euston Road, London, N.W.1.
Messrs. Archie Simons and Co., 94, Great Portland Street, Loudon W., draw our attention to the fact that in their advertisement which appeared in our issue of .last week they advertised the Chevrolet 1-ton lorry and 1-ton van at £149 and £187, whereas the prices should have been £151 and £209 respectively.
Checking Sales of Coal by Motor Vehicles.
In the recent annual report of the London County Council it is stated that owing to the development of motor vehicles in connection with the sale of coal it became difficult for the council's inspection officers, who were provided with horse vehicles, to carry out their work of testing the weight of coal supplied in sacks. Accordingly, during the year an experimental motor vehicle was obtained at a cost of £511. The results achieved with this machine were so successful that a second vehicle has been ordered at an estimated cost of £500. During the year under review there were 26,759 inspections of vehicles carrying coal, the number of infringements of the regulations being 562.
The New Beardmore Van.
" Out of the Rut" is the title of a little booklet just issued by Beardmore Motors, Ltd., 112, Great Portland Street, London, W.1, the purpose of which is to draw attention to the outstanding features and merits of the company's new 15-cwt. van. This vehicle is a workmanlike little model and sells complete at £330, the chassis price being 1285. The booklet deals with some of the essentials required for successful transport, and shows how these have been kept in mind by the manufacturers in the design of the Beardmore light van.
Restricted Bridge Weights.
The Liverpool Area Committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association is taking up with the Ministry of Transport the matter of weight restrictions on Penkford Bridge, near Earlestown. The bridge crosses the L.M. and S. Railway, and is subject to the usual statutory limitations. As a considerable amount of heavy traffic uses the road on which it is located, the C.M.U.A. feels that there should be some relaxation in the minimum weights which are at present permitted.
Hyatt Specialities.
Delco-Remy and Hyatt. Ltd., 111, Grosvenor Road, London, S.W.1, have just issued a series of slips which deal with the main points of some of their equipment, these including Hyatt lineshaft bearings, Hyatt minetub wheels. Hyatt and ND. bearings, Delco-Remy starting, lighting and ignition apparatus, Maximaire • belting and Sylphon thermostats.
A Russian Producer-gas Trial.
Iris stated that a number of Russian engineers; acting on behalf of the Soviet Government, followed the recent trials in France and• Belgium: of motor vehicles fitted with producer-gas installations, and it is possible that a similar trial will be organized next year in Soviet Russia. •
Mining Valleys Road Scheme.
At a recent meeting the Monmouthshire .Urban District Councils Association considered a proposal far the joint construction of a new main road through the western (mining) valleys of the county. The work, for which the preliminaries are now being arranged, is estimated to involve the joint expenditure of £1,000,000.
Steam-wagon Drivers, Take Note!
A warning is issued by the city water engineer of Liverpool concerning the defacing of hydrant keys by the drivers of steam wagons who use the lock-mechanism device for acquiring water supplies for their vehicles. Col. Davidson states that reports have been received of drivers deliberately defacing the identification numbers on the keys they carry, and, because of that, it has been decided to have the hydrant keys regularly examined by a uniformed official. Any keys found to be defaced will have to be returned to the water department of the Liverpool Corporation, and if it be found that fresh seals are necessary a small charge will have to be made. Should any driver be found to he making a practice of hammering out stampings, it is intimated that legal proceedings will betaken.
• Jowett Commercial Models.
A useful little folder issued by Jewett Cars, Ltd., Bradford Road, Idle, Bradford, gives brief particulars of the various commercial models of which the Jowett light chassis serves as the basis. Thera are two models of the van, one or a bug-wheelbase chassis and the othei on a short-wheelbase chassis, as well a8 two neat little vehicles which should make special appeal to the commercial traveller. The essential particulars relating to each vehicle are contained in the folder, a copy of vvhich\can be obtained from the address given above.
Passenger Transport in Worcester.
For some time past there has been considerable agitation by the citizens of Worcester in favour of the abolition of the city's trains and their replacement by more up-to-date means of local passenger transport. The lease of the present tramway company ends in 1929, and the city council has given a good deal of attention to the question of replacement. An official of the Birmingham Corporation Tramways has been engaged to advise the council in the matter.
It is expected that the Worcester Corporation will either take over the present syatem from the tramway company upon the expiration of the lease or again renew it ; but, whichever course is adopted, it is felt that the present trams, built mostly in 1904, must go. But the corporation wants its electric current to be unaffected, so it is thought that trackless cars will be used on the present routes, which will no doubt be extended, and that motorbuses will serve those districts which at present have no services of any kind.
The Belgian Show.
From the list of exhibitors at the Belgian Motor Show to be held in Brussels from December 5th to 16th next, we regret to observe that no British commercial motor vehicles will be included in the display. Altogether, there will be 24 exhibitors in the commercial vehicle section, nine being French, eight Belgian, five American, and one each Italian and Swiss.
We regret that in our description of the exhibits of Railless, Ltd., at the Commercial Vehicle Exhibition at Olympia we gave the incorrect address of the company. This should have been Whitehall House, 29-30, Charing Claws, London, S.W.1.
Further Improvements to the Ford.
About a year ago several improvements were introduced into the design of the Ford vehicle, and now it is announced that further new features are being incorporated. These include a higher radiator and longer bonnet, features which will enhance the appearance of the Ford car, and greater comfort will be given by the lengthening of the body, thus providing more leg-room. Points which will chiefly interest commercial users are the increased raking of the steering column, the better disposition of the pedals (they are spaced farther apart), and improved brakes and cooling arrangements.
It is very satisfactory to learn that many of the improvements just announced by the Ford company in America have been standardized over here by the British company for the past year.
Welding Cast Iron.
Suffolk Iron Fouudry (1920), Ltd., Gipping Works, Stowmarket, have just issued a new edition of their welding booklet, which comprises a small treatise on the welding of cast-iron by the oxyacetylene process, and although its purpose is to emphasize the use of the company super-silicon welding rods, it also contains much valuable information of interest to the welder in general. A series of hints and other useful data serve to make the booklet of all-round value.
A.E.C. Birmingham Users Should Note.
The Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., Walthamstow, London, E.17, advise us that they have just opened a temporary sales and service depot in Birmingham at 159-161. Mary Street, where an adequate stock of spare parts will be available for A.E.C. users in the, district.
Motorbus Show for Detroit.
The first national motorbus show ever held in the United States will take place at Detroit from November 16th to 21st. Fourteen thousand sq. ft. of space was sold soon after the show was announced, 15 bus manufacturers being concerned in the transactions.
• Local Proceedings.
Ilford Urban District Council has asked the electrical engineer to obtain quotations for the supply of a 2-ton motor lorry.
East Hans Corporation has asked the tc.wn clerk to prepare a Bill seeking powers to enable the corporation to run railless vehicles.
Tat -Fechan Water Board has purchased a reconditioned Packard motor lorry from Messrs. Turner and Morgan of Newport, for £355 10s. ,
The Ministry of Transport has consented to the equipment of the Chesterfield Corporation tramway routes for operation by trolley-buses.
The local tramway and motorbus companies are being invited to meet the Northfleet Urban District Council to discuss traffic co-ordination.
The motorbus committee of the Merthyr Corporation has purchased an A.E.C. vehicle for use as a workmen's omnibus, at a cost of £450.
Uxbridge Urban District Council has appointed it committee to report on a proposal for providing a parking place in the town for motor vehicles.
Tynemouth Watch Committee proposes to authorize the use of the centre of the east end of Front Street, Tynemouth, as a parking place for motor coaches, etc.
Benfieldside Urban District Council has accepted the tender of Mr.. F. Robson for the supply of a 1-ton Chevrolet lorry for general municipal haulage.
Merthyr Corporation and Pontypridd Urban District Council are negotiating for a municipal bus service to be run by the Merthyr Corporation between the two towns.
The health committee of the Manchester Corporation recommends acceptance of the tender of Lookers, Ltd., for the supply of a 20 h.p. Austin motor ambulance chassis.
Sheffield Corporation has just taken delivery of a 6-ton Yorkshire steam wagon, which is fitted with a mechanically operated crane to lift 3 tons, together with a rope bollard.
Milford Haven Urban District Council has accepted the tender of Aveling and Porter, Ltd., Rochester, to supply a steam roller for £982. This was the lowest tender submitted to the council.
Guildford Watch Committee has granted an application from the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., for permission to run a new type of vehicle on their present service from Kingston to Guildford.
The Mynyddislw,vn Urban District Council has decided to establish a municipal bus service, and has ordered the application for sanction to proceed with the institution_ of the services and the preliminary purchases.
Having witnessed a demonstration with a Karrier motor sweeping and collecting machine the highways committee of the Cheltenham Corporation nas asked the borough engineer to report as to the initial cost and annual maintenance of such a machine and the annual saving wal.ch is likely to result from its use.
Oldham Watch Committee has decided to purchase a Crossley motor ambulance.
Chesterfield Watch Committee has decided to obtain quotations for the supply of a small motor fire-engine.
The tramways committee , of the Bournemouth Corporation has authorized the provision of a new petrol storage tank at a cost of about £.263.
Portland Urban District Council has authorized the inspector to stop at any time all motor vehicles licensed by the council for the purpose of testing brakes.
The transport committee of the Barnsley Corporation recommends that all motor repairs should be carried out at the municipal depot, which should be suitably equipped to enable this to be done.
The tramways committee of the Oldham Corporation has accepted the tender of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., for the supply of seven doubledeck motor omnibuses with enclosed top decks.
Middlesex County Council has accepted the offer of Alexander Duckham and Co., Ltd., manufacturers of petroleum products, to have the use for ar.`vertising of the covers of 5,000 motor driving licences for £215.
Seaton Delaval Urban District Council has resolved to approach neighbouring authorities with a view to discussing the establishment of a central fire brigade and the purchase of an up-todate fire-engine and other appliances.
Sheffield, Rotherham and Chesterfieldl"Corporations are negotiating for municipal bus services from Chesterfield to Doncaster via Sheffield and Rotherham, and a service between Chesterfield and Rotherham via Staveley and Eckington.
L.C.C. and Bus Competition.
The London County Council has had under consideration the question of the action to be taken as regards the tramway routes on which the fares in operation on competing omnibuses are lower than those charged on the council's tramways, and has adjourned the matter for six months.
Six-wheel Buses in Germany.
A fleet of eight six-wheel buses has lately been put in service by the trainway authorities in Hanover, Germany.
A Mobile Library.
The scheme for the provision of a mobile library for the benefit of residents in the more isolated district of Northumberland is rapidly nearing completion, and should be in operation by the end of the year. The scheme, which is rendered possible by the purchase of a light motarvan, is being arranged by the Northumberland Education Comraittee and has many interesting features. Six thousand volumes have been selected, and these will be controlled and distributed from the combined central library building and garage which is being erected at liorpeth. By means of .he motor vehicle, 50 rural library centres will be kept supplied with a constantly changing list of fiction and other works.
Canada's Growing Exports.
From figures which have just been circulated by the Canadian Bureau of Statistics, it is shown that during the month of September 1,517 commercial vehicles, of a carrying capacity of 1 ton or less, were exported from Canada, their value being $511,001. This number of vehicles is more than double that exported in the corresponding month of last year, when 750 vehicles left the Dominion. The number of such vehicles exported from Canada in the 12 months ended September of this year was 14,762, whilst only 11, of a carrying capacity exceeding 1 ton, were shipped overseas.
Trojan Taxicabs.
A correspondent tells us that a Cambridge firm is running a fleet of Trojan taxicabs, -on which the fares charged are at the rate of 6kb a mile, with a -minimum of is. (id.
A Change of Address.
We are informed that the head office of the Midgley Car Lighting Co„ Ltd., who are the makers of the M.C.L. car lighting and starting equipment, has recently been removed to 17-19, Cockspur Street, London, S.W.1, Distributors for Hermetic Couplings.
The Seal-tite Piston Ring Co., 4, South Place, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.0.2, inform us that they have been appointed special distributors for Hermetic flexible couplings, price lists Ciincerning which can be obtained from them at the address which we have given above.