Men in the News
Page 57

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Hit T. Bern' and MR. S. LINDSAY lease joined the hoard of Northern Commercial VehiclesLtd.
MR. B. P. WOOD hat been Appointed sales director of Ondura. Ltd.. which he joined in 1926.
MR. 0. W. HARRiMAN. ORE., has been appointed deputy managing director of the Meths Motor Co.. Ltd.
MR, CS, Hem STEIN bat retired front the technical sales staff of the Automotive Eninneering Co., Ltd,. after 28 years.
MR. I. Moo: .0011.vie has become advertising and publicity manager of High Duty Alloys. Ltd.. Slough, in succession to MR, D. C. EMIILEY.
MR. MILES BEEVOR hat become a member of the Central Transport Consultat ve Committee in place of MR. M. A. CAMERON, who has retired.
MR. E. II BROWN and MR. L. E. CRAwLEY have joined the board of Halls (Finchley). Ltd.. following the resignation of MR. LIONEL HALL.
Ma. A. F. COLTER. bulk storage manager of She 3-Hex and 13.P.. Ltd.. bas retired. He was a pioneer in the installation of kerbside pumps.
MR. A, P. ANGELL MR. I. P. Ci ...Key and MR. S. L. CoRDY have been appointed directors of Fgenons (Ipswich) Ltd., a company which recently celebrated its 40th anniversary.
Mn. E. A. EVANS, M.I.Mcch. E., will be the chairman of the automobile division of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers for 1950-51. He is chef chemist in the C.C. Wakefield group of companies. MR S. MARKLAND. 0.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., and Da. C. G. Witeieks. 11.Sc.(Eng.), M.Lkfech.E.. have been appointed to Me council of the automobile division.
MR P. Rer-Seorr has been made an assistant secretary to the Road Haulage Executive. MR. S. F. Cnx and MR. G. A. CuevERwrie. hasc etscorne finance officers. MR. W. J. C. GREGORY is now audit officer. Mit. C. W. RF.EVES, accounts officer, and Ma. L. G. BENNETT. budgets officer.
Ms. L. H. GOODMAN. advertising manager a The Avon Indic Rubber Co., Ltd. and Mn. A. T. SyDEE, Avon representative in Hants, Wilts and Dorset. have retired. MR. H. WARt AND has become deputy sales manaser of the company s tyre division. and MR. F. P. MORLAND has been appointed Glasgow area sales manager.
MR. S. E. Witerre. M.I.Mech.E., M.I.P.E _ has heen appointed to the board of the Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd. He recently returned from a trip to the U.S.A., where he visited Inc principal factories producing Vacuum and airPressure brakes. MR. 3. E. GRIMSPAW. eemptroller and seeretary of the compane, has retired.
MR. ALAN Hess, public relations officer of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., has been elected a Fellow of the institute of Public Relations, of which he is vice-president. MR. ROGER Vineauso, of the Ford Motor Co., ltd.. has also been elected to the fellowship. He is chairman of the Institute's council, and both he and Mr. Hess have been nominated to continue in office next year.
MR. .T. JEMMETT has been appointed Leyland district manager at the Plymouth depot.
Mn. S. C. POoLE, chief engineer and works manager of Jewett Cars. Ltd.. has retired.
MR. H. A. PARSON has been appointed sales manage! of Pirelli, Ltd. MR. G. 3, ATRINs has become export sales manager.
SIR EDWARD CUFFS and Siit WILLIAM COR1sTIE. K.C.I.E.. C.S.L. MC.. have been appointed dieectors of Thomas Tilling. Ltd.
MR. Warren BLADES, export sales executive of Seammell Lorries, Ltd. Is on a tour of Australia, Tasmania, New Zedand, Borneo. Singapore. Israel and Egypt.
MR. P. M. PLAsTOw, formerly of the Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd., has become aSsistant to Mn. Josue HARVEY. traltSpOrt sales executive of Vulcan Products, Ltd.
MR. H. R. CauemEtie-Gti Fs. M.Irtst.T.. has been --e-elected chairman of the Traders' Traffic Conference. MR. W. 1NGLESON is vice-chairman and MR. A W. H. BOWLER. honorary treasurer.
MR. HENRY SpURRIER, managing director of Leyland Motors. Ltd., is visiting South Africa. A new Leyland Le-tory is being opened at Elandetontein. Mr. Spurner also hopes to visit Rhodesii and Portuguese East Africa.
Mk. C. H. STATEORD, general manager of Leicester Transport Department, has retired. MR. A. E. KITCHEN, chief administrative officer. has been given authority an deputy general manager to Mr Stefford until a successor is appointed.
Mn. EDWARD BURGESS is to succeed MR. GEORGE BRYDEN as managing director of Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd.
CoL H. C. SMITH, C.B.E., J.P., DL., deputy, chairman of the Gas Council, has been re-elected president of the British Road Tar Association, MR. H. B. MACKENZIE has been appointed assistant sales manager of the India Tyre and Robber Co., Ltd. He was previously sales secretary.
!elk, W. M. LITTLE, B.Sc., has been appointed president of the Secatith Rood Passenger Transport Atsociation. Ma, W. L. SWORD is the vice-president.
MR. H. Wite.SHAW, 0, B.E. M . I.Me ch. E., chief engineer of the Dunlop Robber Co., Lid., is visiting the factory at Derban and that recently acquired at Johannesburg.
MR. J. B. HURST. formerly Sunderland Transport Department .traffic superintendent, etas been aimointed assistant traffic superintendent to Glasgow Transport Dec, _rtment.
MR.' W. NEwLAND, export manager of Simms Motor Units. Ltd.. is on a six-week visit to agents in Portugal and French Morocco. While away he will also appoint new agents in France. Spain and Gibraltar.
MR. JOHN H. Wen's. formerly Mint managing director of Red and White United Services. Ltd.. now acquire! by the British Transport Commission, is, it is understood. in West Africa to establish bus services there. He will be away for at least six months.
MR. C. P. GoRmi.Ey. previously audit officer attached to the eastern divisional office of the Road Haulage Executive, has been appointed divisional accountant for the North Western Division, in place of Ma. S. F. Cox, who is now finance officer (accounts and audit) at headquarters.