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A Successful Event, followed by a Procession of Vehicles (Competitors and NonCompetitors) which attracted Considerable Public Attention.
THE SPECTACLE of an imposing procession of 300 motor vehicles— steam and petrol driven—was the sight to which the Liverpool area committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association treated the city on Saturday, September 30th. The occasion was the third annual parade of business motors.
Liverpool is noted for its heavy transport fleets, and there can be no disputing the fact that these annual parades have provided, in a small measure at least; the opportunity for the public to estimate what the self-propelled vehicle means to the commercial and industrial life of the city. Some of the vehicles, of which over one hundred took part, were a treat to behold, and the working parts were in such a splendid condition that, obviously, there had been no sparing of either time or elbow-grease. There were two haulage contractor classes for which there were no entries— single steamers 1915 and single petrol vehicles 1915.
This year an improved method of classification was adopted. Hitherto, the vehicles belonging to motor haulage contractors and to privatecompanies had been grouped together and each judged on its merits. It was felt that this method was hardly satisfactory, for whereas, in one case, the user was employing the motor as an integral part of his business, in the other their use
was merely incidental, as in the case of the industrial firms, whose cost of transport was borne by the articles they produced.
Hence, it was decided that there should be separate classes for haulage contractors and for concerns that were not haulage contractors. Each section bad six classes—three for steam wagons and three for petrol-driven vehicles—as follow :—Machineg delivered before December 31st, 1915, December 31st, 1918, and December 31st, 1921. There were two fleet classes—one for steamers and the other for petrol vehicles; and in these the fleets of haulage contractors and private users were judged together. For the fleet competitions, any three vehicles, whether of similar or mixed types or makes, were entered for the respective classes, but the vehicles were judged together.
The Basis for the Awards.
In arriving at their awards, the judges worked on a basis of 100 marks, from which deductions were liable to be made for (1) front axle and steering, (2) engine boiler in the case of. steamers and transmission gear in the cage of petrol vehicles, (3) rear axle and brakes, (4) bodywork, general appearance, (5) work done for the parade. Where extra marks were deserved, the judges awarded them. One of the judges of steam wagons told the writer that, for excellence, this year's turnout of steamers certainly touched high-water mark.
No fewer than 42 steam wagons (Leylands and Sentinels) and 36 petrol wagons (Leyland, British-Berna, Reliance, Maudslay, Albion, Karrier, Dennis, Daimler, A.E.C., Straker-Squire and Commer makes) competed for the fleet prizes. In the steam class, each of the three vehicles entered by Mr. T. Lawrenson had over 100 marks, and his drivers and assistants won one of the Sentinel prizes for having the hest vehicles on parade in the Sentinel classes. One of the biggest petrol vehicle fleets was that of Messrs: Garlick, Burrell and Edwards, who had a dozen or so vehicles (Leylands and Daimlers) in the competitions. One of them—a 1921 Leyland—had just been adapted for using Discol (an alcoholic fuel). in place of petrol, and from in guinea made on the spot it. was learned that about four more units of this company's immense fleet are being adapted to use Disco', so that this alternative fuel may be thoroughly tested. Facts and figures bearing on the experiment so far as it has gone are not available, beyond that, while a greater power can be generated, the mileage is hardly as great as when petrol is used.
One of the features of the parade was the weight lent by the inclusion of a round half-dozen furniture vans, curiously enough all belonging to Birkenhead concerns. In this section a 1918 Maudslay, belonging to Messrs. Alfred Harding, carried off a first prize.
One of the hardy annuals of the parade was a 1911 Sentinel steamer belonging to the Wallasey Haulage Co. Last year the side of the body was covered with a sheeting on which as • , printed, "10 years old and still going • strong." This year it was, "11 years old and still going strong." A. 1909 Sentinel belonging to a Warrington brewery-Greenall, Whitley and Co., Ltd.-which has already done 150,000 miles, can, however, give it a good 'start.
There was keen competition for the first place in the 1921 single petrol vehicle class for -companies_ other than haulage contractors, Geo. Wall and Co., and Fairrie and Co., Ltd., with a Leyland and Derails respectively, tying for the first place, each with 102 marks. The Dennis machine, in the conese of its two -years on the road, has already
covered 21,000 miles. e The best represented make of vehicle was the Leylan-d.
The vehicles began to assemble from • 8 a.m., and at 8.30 a.m. judging commenced, and was not completed lentil close on 1.30 p.m., 'after which there was a procession through the city, led by the Liverpool Police Motor Fire Brigade.
The Judges. - The judging was undertaken by :Major-Gen. S. S. Long, C.B. (Lever Bros., Ltd., London), Messrs. F. G. Bristow, M.Inst.T. (General Secretary, C.M.U.A, London), R. C. Reynolds, O.B.E., M.Inst.T. (Bleachers Association; Ltd., Manchester), C. le M. Gosselin, M.Inst.T. (H. Viney and Co., Ltd., Preston), Alf, Goulding (Alfred Gould lAd:, Wigan), D. Moegan (Bleachers Association, -LW., Manchester), D. Brindle (H. Viney and Co., Ltd.; Preston), T. Molynenx, • M.B.E.; • M.T. Mech. E. (City Engineer's Department, Liverpool),_ H. Drapers A.M.I.Mech.E,, A.M.I.Auto.E. (Divisional Engineer, C.M.U.A., Preston), R. J. Armstrong, A .M.Init.T. (John Walsh, Ltd., Shef• field), R. H. Hollas (Kwick Transport Co., Ltd., Bradford). G. II. P. Dalgleish (Chairman, E. Mid. Division, C.M.U.A., Nottingham). •
The fact that 199 nonlconspetjtive vehicles (77 steamers 121 petrol-driven and 1 electric), owned by 33 concerns, entered for the route parade is an indication that motor users are alive to the advertising value of commercial motor parades. One of the interesting exhibits was an Autohorse trailer entered by S. E. Leach, Ltd.
The Awards in the Various Classes.
The following is the Trim list; with the number of points earned by each vehicle : Steam Vehicle Fleets.-(1) T. Lawrenson (Leyland and two Sentinels); (2) 'Greenall, Whitley and Co., Ltd. (three Sentinels).
Petrol Vehicle Fleets.-(1) Fairrie and Co., Ltd. (Karrier, Dennis • and Leyland) ; (2) -Geo. Wall and Co. (three Leylands); (3) W. and R. Jacob and
Co. (Liverpool), Ltd. (three Leylands).
Single Electric Vehicles.---Tate ;and Lyle, Ltd. (Driver and second man, W.
agin, A. Bunner), Electromobile, 75 points.
Single Steam Vehicles, 1915, Haulage Contractors.-(1) T. Lawrenson (J. Balshaw, J. Guy), Leyland, 111 points. (2) T. Lawrenson (E. Roberts), Sentinel,' 106. (3) Garlick, Burrell and Edwards, Ltd. (R. H. Lloyd, W. Lee), Leyland, 99. Certificates : Wallasey Haulage, Ltd. (E. Jones, H. Robinson), Sentinel, 95; Liverpool Cartage Co., Leyland, 90; Vauxhall Transport Co., Ltd. (P: Lyncl. H. Lloyd), .Leyland, 86. Single Steam Vehicles, 1921, Haulage Contractors.-{1) Thos. Lawrenson (W. Huime, T. Duncan), Sentinel, 100 points. (2) Wallasey Haulage, Ltd: (II. Welkin, J. Perigo), Sentinel, 88. (3) Wm. Harper and Sons, Ltd. (M. Evan, F. Taylor), Leyland, 83. Certificates : Livespool Cartage Co. (J. Smith, F. Puzzarf), Leyland, 81; Garlick, Burrell and Edwards, Ltd. (W. H. Jones, A. Idon), Leyland, 80; 3. Butler (Liverpool), Ltd. (F. Lewis, W. Jewell), Sentinel, 79. Garlick, Burrell arid -Edwards, Ltd. (W. Lewis, J. Baxter), Leyland, 77. Liverpool Cartage Co. (W. Escott, J. Seliasch), Leyland, 76.
Single Petrol Vehicles, 1918, Haulage Contractors.-(1) Alfred Harding (A. Cooke, J. Warburton), Maudslay, 80. (2) B. Dudley and Sons (J. Harrison, T. Jones), Maudslay, 64. Certificates : Garlick, Burrell and Edwards, Ltd. (P. Hall, J. Blease), A.E.C.' 57. A.• Harding (H. Walker, 3. Bagley), Mandalay, 56; B. Dudley and Sons (G. W. Maunder, S. Taylor), Maudslay, 44.
Single Petrol Vehicles, 1921, Haulage Contractors.-(1) Garlick, Burrell and Edwards, Ltd. (T. H. Horrocks, T. H. Ilead-Rapson), Leyland, .86 points. (2) B. Dudley and Sons (H. Adams, S. Ellison), Maudslay. 84. (3) Garlick, Burrell and Edwards, Ltd. (W. J. Tubman, J. McNeil), Leyland, 83. Certificates Garlick, Burrell and Edwards, Ltd. R. J. Edwards, A. Edwards), Leyland,
G., 13. and E., LW. (F. Franks), Daimler, 82; G., B. and E., Ltd. (J. A. Cook, J. Featherstone), Leyland, 81; G., B. and E., Ltd. (J. Daniels), Daimler, 80; G., B. and E., Ltd. (W. Nelson, F. Smith), Leyland, 79.
Single Steam Vehicles, 1915, Other than Haulage Contractors.-(1) John Blyth and Sons (R. Highton, W. Mercer), Sentinel, 116 points. (2) Fairrie and Co., Ltd. (W. J. Moulson, G. Shaw), Leyland, 106. • • (3) Greenall, Whitley and Co., Ltd. (J. F. Berry, A.Price), Sentinel, 104. Certificates : G. Wall and Co. (L. and C.), Ltd. (J. Perry, W. J. Shearer), Sentinel, 97; Fairrie and Co., Ltd. (T. Samuelson, D. Redmond), Leyland, 96; W. and R. Jacob and Co. (Liverpool), Ltd. (J. Martin, J. Kirkley), Leyland; 94.
Single Steam Vehicles, 1918, Other than Haulage Contractors.-(1) Tate and Lyle, Ltd. (E. Blunt, E. Munsey), Sentinel, 100. (2) Tate and Lyle, Ltd. (J. Bryan, J. Johnson), Sentinel, 90. Certificates : Twigge and Crosfield, Ltd. (J. Ridley, T. Evan), Sentinel, 87; Twigge and Crosfield, Ltd. (E. J. Hanton, W. Boyton), Sentinel, 85.
Single Steam Vehicles, 1921, Other than Haulage Gontractors.-(1) Greenall, Whitley and Co., Ltd, (A. Massey, G. Owen), Sentinel, 94. (2) Fairrie and Co., Ltd. (R. Cooper, R. Boyd), Sentinel, 93. (3) Fairrie and Co., Ltd. (E.
Redmond, A: MeGeagh), Leyland, 90. Certificates : Fairrie and Co., Ltd. (W. Abbott, T. Abbott), Sentinel, 90; Fairrie
• and Co.' Ltd.. (W. George W. Almond), Sentinel, 87; Fairrie and do., Ltd. (Wm. Evan, W. Roberts), Leyland, 87; Tate and' Lyle,' Ltd. (J. Carter, T. Taylor), Leyland, 86; Tate and Lyle, Ltd. (E. Mounsey, J. Elder), Sentinel, 85; John Blyth 'and Son (S. Jones, A. O'Neil), Sentinel, 80; Tate and-Lyle, Ltd. (Enoch _Alton, F. .Flannery), Leyland, 80; John Blyth and sSon's (3. White, R.
'Hogg), Sentinel, 80.
Single Petrol Vehicles, 1915, Other than Haulage Contractors.-(1) W. and II. Jacob and Co. (Liverpool), Ltd. (J. Woodside, H. Addey), -Leyland, 117. Certificates : Liverpool Co-operative Society, Ltd. (0: E. Antrobus, F. Bird), Austin, 109; Liverpool Co-operative Society (A. Irving, A. Furnival), Harrier, 103,'W.'and R. Jacob and Co. (Liverpool), Ltd. (S. Haskell), Ford, 89.
• Single Petrol Vehicles, 1918, Other
than Haulage Contractors.-(1) Fairrie and Co., Ltd. (S. Parker, G. Smith), Harrier, 109. (2) G. Wall and Co. (L. and C.), Ltd. (R. Phillips, A. Hazlett), Leyland, 103. Certificates : Twigge and drosfield, Ltd. (D. Bailey, T. Jones), Belsize, 91; Bryant and May's, Ltd. (F. Barker, R. Hale), B. Berne, 91; Bryant and May's, Ltd. (Filder, W. Murray), Reliance, 86; Bryant and May's,
• Ltd. (M. Strang, H. Featherbarrow), B.' Berna:' 84. Single Petrol Vehicles, 1921, Other
than Haulage Contractors.-(1) Tie, G. Wall and Co. (A. L. Gibson, J. Atkinson), Leyland, 102, and Fairrie and Co., Ltd. (G. Bywater, A. Anderson), Dennis, 102. (3) Fairrie and Co., Ltd.
(S; Scales, N. Ellis), Leyland, 100. Cer
tificates: Glover, Hill and Cu, (C. W. Bryan, 3. Cunningham), Leyland, 97; Al mey and Layfield, Ltd. (G. Sankey, J. Lyon), Commer, 95: G. Wall and Co., Ltd. (P. Brown, R. Guy), Leyland, .90; Glover, Hill and Co. (Ir. Bretherton, S. Hayes), Dennis, 89; R. Taylor and Sons, Ltd. (J. Hendrick, G. Rimmer),
87; Allrney and Layfields, Ltd. (E. Sim, J. Tilling), Daimler, 85; Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd. (A. S. Lyon, J. Sterling), Liberly, 85; Bryant and May's, _ Ltd. (N. Murphy, W. Temple), Leyland, 84; R. Taylor and Sons, Ltd. (P. Devereaux, J. Smyth), Albion, 84; Bryant and May's, Ltd. (H. Russell, J. Temple), Leyland, 82; W. and R. Jacob and Co., Ltd. (J. B. Griffiths, R. FrocIsham), Leyland, 77.
Best Petrol Vehicle on Parade.-W. and R. Jacobs and Co., Ltd. (1912 Leyland), 117 points. Best Steam Vehicle on Parada.-John Blyth and Sons (1913 Sentinel), 116 points.
Special prizes were given by the folz lowing manufacturers to the drivers and assistants of the best vehicles on parade 9f their own make :---Albion:Motor Car Co., Ltd. ; Dennis Bees., Ltd. ; Harrier Motors, Ltd. ; Leyland Motors, Ltd. ; Sentinel, Waggon Works • (1920); Ltd. The winners Were :-W. and R. Jacob and' Co., Ltd. (1912 Leyland); John Blyth and Sons (1913.Sentinel); Fairrie and Co., Ltd. (1916 Karrier).; 'Fairrie and Co., Ltd. (1920 Dennis) ; R. Taylor and Sons (1919 Albion). • The Sentinel silver challenge cup went to the owners of the best fleet of steam vehicles of any _ make, whilst the Thornvcroft silver challenge cup was the coveted honour of the petrol fleet,