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"The Wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crosier.
Standard Specification for Motor Spirit.
At the instance of the A.A. and M.U., the British Engineering Standards AM. cia,tion has taken up the subject of standard purchasing specifications for motor spirit, and a representative committee has been appointed. The first meeting was held a few days ago under the chairmanship of Sir Wm. Joyrison-Ricks, Bt., M.P., when•it was unanimously decided to go forward with the work, and a technical committee was appointed, under the chairmanship of Dr. J. J. Fox, of the Government laboratories, to prepare specifications on the lines. suggested by the A.A. and M.U.
Many prominent concerns and authorities are represented on the committee.
Anticipating Heavy Traffic.
Although the Welsh National Eisteddfod will not be held at Pontypool until August, 1924, the local U.D.C. has already taken steps to ensure that road facilities for the heavy motor transport that may be expected on the occasion are adequate.
Mr. D. C. Udell, at the last council meeting, pointed out that the main road bridge would have to be widened to cope with Eisteddfod traffic, and that by carrying out the work now a grant might be secured. It was decided to proceed with the bridge widening.
Avoiding Congested Kingston.
Kingston-on-Thames and Surbiton Town Councils are contemplating certain road improvements which, when completed,will forin a by-pass road which will carry London traffic from Coombe Lane and Hawks Road to the Ewell Road at the Tolworth tram terminus. This road will enable motor. vehicle users to avoid the congested main streets of Kingston.
More Splashguard Trials.
The tests of splashguard devices which are being organized by the Royal Automobile Club will take place on Wednesday, October 18th, on the new concrete road at Hendon. The tests will be divided into two parts—in the morning the judges' examination and road and kerb tests will be conducted, whilst at 2.30 p.m. mud-splashing tests will be undertaken. There are in all 31 different entrants, and 36 individual splashguards are scheduled to,be tested.
The Scottish Motor Exhibition.
The Society. of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has agreed to extend its patronage to the 21st annual Scottish Motor Exhibition, organized by the Scottish Motor Trade Association, Ltd., and to be held in the Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, from January 26th to February 3rd, 19234
It is interesting to note in this connection that a very close and harmonious . co-operation exists between the S.M.M. and T. and the S.M.T.A. The latter has two representatives on the council of the former, in the persons of Mr. T. Shaw (president) and Mr. 3. A. Thomson, and it is also one of the constituent bodies
B16 of the Motor Legislation Committee. Valuable help is rendered by the Scottish organization in the compilation of the register of the motor trade by the S.M.M. and T.
The Scottish Tractor Trials.
The arrangements for the Scottish tractor trials, it is understood, are now practically complete_ ,The trials will take place on land at Porde!, near Dalkeith, and will be conducted under the auspices of the Highland and Agricultural Society.
Essex Municipal Motor Costs.
In his 1921-22 report the Essex County surveyor says the mechanical haulage plant possessed by the council, consisting of 13 Foden steam wagons, 7 Aveling and Porter steam tractors, 4 Clayton and Shuttleworth steam wagons, 1 Garrett steam wagon, 3 Straker-Squire and 3 McCurd petrol lorries, and 3 Ford ton trucks, has worked satisfactorily, taking into consideration the coal strike in the early part of the year, when this was taken advantage of and a large number of the vehicles put into dock for repairs and overhaul.
The total' number of days worked by this plant numbered 7,275) the total tonnage hauled during the year amounted to 82,552, miles covered 140,610, and the ton-mileage reached the figure of 276,595. The total cost of upkeep thereof, including drivers' and mates' (2) wages, fuel, repairs and replacements, insurances and licences, and depreciation amounted to £21,559 2s. 3c1., as against the sum of £20,660 7s. 8d. chargeable to all roads under the Ministry of Transport scale ef allowances.
The cost per day of the individual classes of plant is given below, viz. s s. d.
• Steam wagons ... 60 7 Steam tractors 59 6 Petrol lorries 68 0 Ford ton trucks ... 32 7 New haulage plant to the extent of five Foden steam wagons and two Ford ton trucks was purchased during the year for the sums of 25,480 and £543 respectively, towards which the county council has received £1,826 from the Ministry of Transport. The rolling plant, consisting of nine Aveling and Porter steam rollers, one Green steam roller, and two petrol rollers by Messrs. Barford and Perkins and Messrs. Aveling and Porter, has also done good work during the year, and the cost of upkeep on the same basis as the mechanical haulage plant amounted to £5,976 10s. 3d., as against the sum of 26,611 12s, 5d. chargeable to all roads under the Ministry of Transport scale of allowances. The number of days worked by the above plant was 3,271, and the cost per day for steam rollers worked out at 38s. 10c1., and for petrol rollers at 24s. 2d.
Speed Limits Not Favoured.
The application of the Newton Abbot Urban District Council to the Devon Main Roads Committee for the fixing of a speed limit for motor traffic using Queen Street has nob met with success. The county authority would seem to be against the principle of speed limits altogether. Considerable bus and lorry traffic is carried by this thoroughfare, and the highways committee bf the council has now been asked what can be done to improve matters, the suggestion being made that notices should be placed at the entranoeis to the street asking road users to drive with special care.
Compulsory Pneumatics.
With reference to the decision of the Bridlington Town Council that no licences to ply for hire will be granted to motorbuses unless the vehicles are fitted with pneumatic tyres, the Ministry of Transport has written asking to be furnished with the observations of the council upon this decision. The corporation has also had a letter from the Daimler Co., Ltd., relative to the fitting of cheaper cushion tyres to motor vehicles plying for hire in the borough.
The Commercial Motor Users Association has also written the corporation on the subject and asked that a deputation should be received, a proposal which has been agreed to.
Agents Wanted.
The Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., Walthamstow, London, wish to rereive applications from agents for the following territories: — Lancashire (Northwest), Barrow district, Burnley and district, North Essex, and the counties of Huntingdon and Cambridge, Derby, Merioneth and Carnarvon, Denbigh and Flint, Westmorland and Cumberland, Lincoln and Northampton. It is necessary that applicants should occupy .premises in every way suitable for giving good service to owners of A.E.C. vehicles, and agencies are only offered to members of the Motor Trade Assoeiation.
Traffic Co-operation in Manchester.
A meeting of the newly formed Manchester Traffic Advisory Committee was recently held, when it was suggested by road users that they might act as a "Safety First Committee" for the city, in addition to tackling traffic congestion and other questions. The question of safety first is to be dealt with in a report for consideration by the committee of which, the Lord Mayor has been appointed chairman. The committee is out to secure co-operation between road users and those who control traffic.
French Surtax on Petroleum and Petrol.
By a decree, promulgated in accordance with a proposal of the French Ministers of Commerce and Finance, the surtax established on imports of petroleum and petrol by the law of July 9111, 1921, is reduced from 10 to 5 francs per hectolitre as from October 1st, 1922. Fixed originally at 30 francs, this surtax fell to 20 francs on October .20th, 1921. On the first day of the present year it was reduced to 15 francs, then tat 10
francs on April 15th.
For Starting Obstinate Engines.
Users of heavy vehicles the engines of which are obstinate to start will be particularly interested in the useful device designed by Mr. G. F. Whipple, of 38, Newton Road, Rushton, Northants, especially now that the -winter months are near at hand.
The appliance, which enables an engine to be swung at about 130 r.p.m., comprises a two-wheeled truck which carries an electric motor of 51 h.p. to 6 h.p. This motor drives through a clutch and reduction gearing of ingenious. design to a universally jointed shaft on the end of which is a clamp which can be easily attached to the starting handle of the vehicle. The wheels of the truck are so disposed that the whole -unit, weighing about 5 cwt., can be properly balanced and easily connected up. The cbst of the appliances which is estimated at about 2100, is probably beyond the purse of the average small user, but it should undoubtedly prove a considerable boon to large fleet owners, as well as to garages which accommodate a number of vehicles. Other uses besides engine starting can also be found for the machine, including running-inand back axles, and drivng a pump for pneumatic tyre inflation.
Where the Pneumatic Scores.
In the produetion of a film. entitled "The Grass Orphan," Ideal Films, Ltd., found it necessary to take a closeup photograph in one of the scenes with the cinematograph apparatus poised on a moving motor vehicle. The question
of vibration at once arose, but this difficulty was effectively overcome by securing the loan of a lorry equipped with Goodyear Giant pneumatic cord tyres. The accompanying illustration shows how the scene was photographed, and the following extract from a letter sent to the Good,year Co. by the producer of this film is an indication of the success which attended the operations
Lack of vibration enabled us to take some filins from the truck in which the picture I am producing, entitled 'The Grass Orphan,' I have found that this would have been impossible avith a solid-tyred vehicle."
Norfolk Bridge.
West Sussex County Council has issued notices to the effect that the Norfolk bridge, at Shoreham, will be closed for a period of six or seven months.
Bus Overcrowding.
With regard to complaints as to dangerous overcrowding of buses, the Worthing Town Council is now informing the Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., that the practice must cease, and that, in the event of any further infringement of the by-laws, except as regards standing inside, proceedings will be instituted to enforce the penalties without notice.
Salford Bus Fares.
The Salford Borough Council has recently discussed the question of bus farm, and the tramways department has agread that penny motorbus fares should he instituted as an experiment. Several members expressed dissatisfaction with the council's policy, and it was stated that last year the working expenses of the Salford bus services amounted to is. 6d. per mile, whilst the income was is. 5d. per mile.
The view was expressed that the adoption of penny fares as a minimum would entail a subsidy froxn the rates, and if. that policy were adopted it naturally followed that the tramcars would also have to be sabsidized. It was pointed out that the Salford buses carry 38,803 passengers weekly, and if the penny fares were adopted there would have to be carried an additional
5,00 passengers at least in order to snake up for the difference between lid. and 1d. fares.
A Conference on Charges.
The Aldershot Command recently suggested that taxicab fares should be revised, and the town council has arranged a conference with the taxicab owners, driver-owners, drivers and the Aldershot Command to go into the question of some reduction.
A Sight Discharge for Bowser. Pumps.
A novel attachment by which both the operator of, and the purchaser from, a Bowser petrol pump can ascertain with certainty that the petrol is passing through the discharge pipe is now marketed by S. F. Dowser and Co., Inc., 32, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1. It consists of a heavy malleable casting, well finished, and fitted with indestructible glass windows, between which is an alominium butterfly. The slightest movement of petrol causes this butterfly to revolve, and this helps to satisfy purchasers that the petrol is flowing from the moment the pumping operation commixes. The attachment can be fitted to any Bowser pump.
Hauliers' Charges Down.
A number of Bradford motor vehicle owners anticipated the reduction in petrol prices by lowering their charges during Aug*, and the rates are now from 10 to 15 per cent. lower than those prevailing at the beginning of that month. This reduction has been appreciated by those engaged in the textile trades, who show an increasing inclination to use road transport in preference to the railway. The following are the existing road transport rates, the figures in parentheses being those which were in vogue at the beginning of August : It is said on an average about 100 vehicles are engaged in serving local exporters, and that no fewer than 1,000 tons of merchandise are conveyed to the ports every week through the agency of these machines.
Pratt's Petrol Prices.
The Anglo-American Oil Ca., Ltd., inform us that the retail prices per gallon of their motor spirit in England and Wales are as follow :—Pratt's Aviation 2s. 4d., Pratt's No. 1 Perfection 2s., Pratt's No. III is. 10d.
In Scotland the prices are id. per gallon extra, in Ireland 30. per gallon extra, in the Isle of Man 20. per gallon extra, and in the Channel Islands, With the exception of Guernsey, 40. per gallon more, the Charge in Guernsey being 50. per gallon extra.
Birmingham Bus Fares.
It may be called to mind that at a recent meeting of the Birmingham City Council, at which the decision to reduce tramway fares was reached, it was urged that there should also be some modification of the present charges on the council's motorbuses.
A further meeting of the Tramways Committee has now taken place at which this question was considered, and it was accordingly decided that certain reductions in bus fares should also take effect. The reductions on the tramway and bus services came into operation at the beginning of this month. The question of passenger-vehicle fares is again to be considered at a later date, when other revisions may possibly be made.
Brighton Traffic Regulations.
Amended regulations for the better control of street traffic are suggested by the Chief Constable of Brighton. They are framed under the Police Clauses Act, 1847, and do not requireGovernment sanction. The general effect of the regulations is to simplify control by forcing vehicles at certain centres, where an island refuge exists, to proceed in one direction. This will enable the constable on point duty to pay more attention to traffic coming from cross-roads.
A Licence -Stipulation.
Ilfracombe Urban Council has granted bus licences to a company on the understanding that passengers will only be carried when the vehicles are travelling direct between Lynton and Ilfracombe. Some members of the council remarked that the restriction that the buses should not take up passengers on the road was absurd.
Yorkshire Road Schemes.
Fifteen road construction and imprei-eruent schemes have been submitted to the Ministry of Transport by the North Riding County Council with a view to finding. out what assistance the department is prepared to give if the work is undertaken. The estimated cost of these schemes is over £37,000, and they include main road improvements in the Rich mond, Whitby, Stokesley and Skelton and Brotton neighbourhoods. In addition, the council has forwarded seven other schemes prepared by the local authorities of Eston, Gisborough and Redcar to which the committee has announced its intention of contributing.
In a communication to the Ministry of Transport, the Highways Committee of the North Riding County Council has urged that the question of the taxation of heavy vehicles throughout the country, in proportion to the increased cost of road maintenance, should receive the very early consideration of the Government.
-Inst. P.E. Meeting.
The annual general meeting of the Institution of Production Engineers will be held at the Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1, on Friday, October 20th, at 7,30 p.m. On this occasion Mr. Max. R. Lawrence, M.I.Mech.E., /sI.I.A.E., will deliver his presidential address.
Tickets of admission are being posted to all members of the institution, and non-members may secure tickets at a charge of 2s. 6d. per head, application to he made to the hon. secretary at 6, St. James's Square, Holland Park, London, W.11, not later than October 15th.
The Motorbus in Stirlingshire.
In dealing with the development of motorbus traffic in Stirlingshire, the paragraph which appeared in our issue for September 19th contained one or two
slight t errors. The service between Bridge of Allan and Linlithgow is an hourly one, and not as stated, whilst the time occupied in travelling between Bridge of Allan and Edinburgh is about
hours, the distance separating the two places being approximately 39 miles.
Perth Road Inquiry.
The Scottish Commercial Motor Usera .Agsociation, 43, York Place, Edinburgh, ha,s received intimation from the Minis. try of Transport that an Order has been made restricting the use of the following roads.: (1) The road from Logiecrait by Dunfallandy to Foss ; (2) the Loch Tay south, road from Acharu to the district boundary near Kuhn; (3) the Crieff-Lochearnhead south road. from Dundurn Bridge to the district boundary near Ardvorlich Cottage; or the Stronachlachar road from the hotel at Aberfoyle to the county boundary near Stronachlecher ; (5) Coekhill • road from. the Doune-Callander south road at Braes of Greenock to the Thornhill-Port of Menteith road at Hammersmith; (6) the Kingshouse-Braes road from north-west road at Kingshouse to Monachylemore, in the county of Perth, to any locomotive or heavy Motorcar or any motercar with goats for more than 14 persons exclusive of the driver for five years.
Electric Trucks Wanted.
His Majesty's Senior Trade Commisaioner in Australia reports that the Victorian Railways Commissioners are calling-far tenders for *the simply' of three electric industrial truelcssone trailer and two spare batteries. Trucks are to be of the self-loading elevating-platform ta pc, and are to be capable of carrying a load of 4,000 lb. at approximately five
m.p.h. on level asphalt. Batteries to be of alkaline type, and of sufficient capacity to operate the truck for an eighthour working day. The trailer is to be of flat-platform type, with a load capacity of 4,000 lb., and so constructed that it can either be towed or lifted bodily and carried on the elevating platform of the truck.
. Further particulars can be obtained from Room 50 at the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London S.W.1. The Closing date for tenders is November 29th, 1922.
Manchester Cab Fares. .
There is a very fluctuating tendency in taxicab fares in Manchester. The recent reibletion has not -satisfied the owners, and the Manchester and District Taxiowners' Association ha.s decided to oppose the licensing of motorcycle sidecar taxis. Should the Manchester Watch Committee agree to this, and there seems a general
impression that it. is proposed to suggest that a charge of is. 3-d. per mile be made for one or two passengers, and for all other passengers Up to four 3d. Cads extra for the full journey covered.
This will make the third scheme that has been in operation within the last few weeks. Manchester is so differently planned from most cities and the disposition of its railway termini so peculiar that the taxicab problem is quite distinct from what it is' in any other city.
Lower Bus Fares.
The public will undoubtedly expect bus fares to be reduced now that a substan-tial drop in petrol prices has taken place, and although some companies are taking time to make ,up their minds on this inaportant point, others have been quick to act, notable amongst these being the United Automobile Services, Ltd., who advised officials of the company some days ago that the passenger fares on the Northumberland relates of the company were to be reduced immediately. • The Manchester Tramways Committee has also deoided to give the public the benefit of the drop in petrol prices by reducing fares on the motorbuses run by the corporation, and this attitude will, there is little question, ultimately permeate private and municipal bus owners in other centres.
Freeing Toll Bridges.
Bath City Council has received a letter from the Ministry of Transport stating that the Ministry is not in a position to entertain applications for grants from the Road Fund towards the cost of freeing toll bridges.
Lincolnshire Roads.
Improvements have recently been carried out to many Lincolnshire main roads to the great adVantage of users of commercial and other motor vehicles, and further important operations are con
It was reported at the last meetirg of the Holland County Council, which controls a long. stretch of highways in the Fen territory, that nearly P.46,000 had been expended up to a recent period on roads. s Mr. d. C. Haller, Nottinghamshire County road surveyor and _ consulting engineer to the Holland Council, stated that the full year's programme of reconstructing over 23 miles of main highways was likely to be carried out for £1,500 under the estimate, a further reduction in the price of tar macadam in he near future being anticipated.
Bus Letter Boxes.
Huddersfield Corporation, which runs a motorbus service' to Golcar, has been asked by the district councilto place letter boxes on the vehicles, but declines to do so' explaining that trouble.will be entailed by transferring the boxes to the trams anddividing the responsibility for the safe custody of the letters.
Mirrors on Motors.
Essex County Council hasbeen in communication with the Home Office on the subject of the carrying by mechanically propelled vehicles of mirrors se placed. that the drivers can see overtaking vehicles. The Home Office has replied that the matter is one whichshould not be dealt with by by-law, hat should form the subject of general legislation, and that it is the subject of one of the recommendations of the Departmental 'Committee on Road Vehicles,whose recommendations are at present before. the Government.
The Preston Parade.
The first annual 'commercial motor parade arranged by, and in the Preston area of, the Commercial Motor Thera Association, will take place. on October 28th, and should be both interesting and useful. There will be competitions in the steam and petrol fleet classes, as well as two divisions for the single vehicle class, and a special prize will be offered for the _machine h ow in g the best advertisement. Challenge cups have been presented by Messrs. G. and R. Dewhurst, Leyland Motors, Ltd., and Messrs. H. Viney and Co., and money prizes to the value of L200 are to be awarded to the drivers and mates of the winning vehicles. The Guild Mayor has promised to attend the judging, and will present the prizes at the Town Hall at the conclusion of the street parade later in the day.
Road in a Canal Bed.
A project for opening up the Aberdare Valley by the Construction of a good road in the bed of the now disused Aberdare Canal has been adopted by the Mountain Ash U.D.C. At the last meeting several members were of opinion that the work should be expedited so as to be completed during the winter months.
The newroad will extend from Abercarnon through Mountain Ash to Alierdare. The council derided to urge upon the Ministry of Transport the importance of .the undertaking, and to ask petards-&ion to widen the Abercynon 'canal bridge.
Roads in North Wales.
Flintshire County Council has taken no action in -regard to a complaint, by the Llandudno branch of the' North Wales Automobile Club that the roads in North Wales are -absolutely unfit for motor .char-a-bancs traffic and that no efforts are being made to macadamize the roads.
Welsh Road Closing
The Narberth Council, acting in conjunctionswith • the. Terrby Council, has decided to apply to the Ministry of Transport for. is closing order' to t.heavy traffic of the roads -from •Caterhook to Kilgetty, and Kilgetty to P.M. Church on Kingsmoor. The ground of application is that the roads are in danger of giving way owing to inadequate banking. B19 • •
Local Proceedings.
• East Ham Corporation has empowered a sub-committee to purchase a motorcar.
A second-hand motor vehicle has been converted into a first-aid fire-fighter for Chalfont, Waltham Abbey town bridge is to he constructed at a cast of E-5,216, in order to fit it for modern traffic.
Willesden Councirs medical officer of health reports that it is necessary to acquire another vehicle for the motor ambulance service.
Manchester Corporation has authorized the Tramways Committee to dispose of the departmental motorcar, and to purchase a new vehicle in its place.
Audley Urban District Council has given consent to a motorbus service, to he established by Mr. J. W. Allen,. of Knutton, between Newcastle and Balmer End.
Gillingham Town Council has resolved to make application to the Ministry of Health for sanction to a loan for the purchase of two one-ton motor lorries.
Bridlington Corporation has decided to purchase a small motor vehicle for the electricity department so that men and tools cad speedily be despatched to deal with breakdowns.
The Ministry of Health informs the Lancaster Town Council that it is unable to sanction additional borrowing powers for the excess expenditure in connection with the purchase of electric buses.
Norwich City Council has decided to purchase ;two more electric .vehicles for refuse collection. Experience has proved that the work can he done much more economically by such vehicles than by horses and carts.
In reporting in favour of the purchase of two electric vehicles for refuse collection, the Durham city engineer estimates that a saving of £1,600 a.year could be effected by supplanting horses and carts by vehicles of this type.
The Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., have received an order from the Doncaster Corporation for their latest single-deck buses, which possess separate doors for entrance and exit, and also a smoking compartment.
The Public Health Committee of the Manchester Corporation is prepared to receive tenders for one motor bedding van body. The type of bedding, van at present in use may be seen at 299, Oldham Road, Manchester. . Tenders must be delivered not later than October 14th.
Thornhill (Dumfries) District Committee invite tenders for a Ford ton chassis fitted with an ambulance body. Fall particulars as to the design of the body can be obtained front the County Medical Officer, Dumfries. Tenders have to he delivered not later than October 16th.
Trowbridge Urban District Council invites tenders for the supply of a new motet. fire-engine capable of pumping 400 gallons of water tier minute. Prices are also required for a detachable escape and extension ladders. Te:nders have to be delivered not later than October /4th.
13•20 Chesterfield Corpbration is erecting a motor garage at a cost of £1,4501 Bath City Council is purchasing a Ford ambulance for £217 from the Kingsmead Motor Co., Bath..
Manchester Corporation proposes the purchase of *a Karrier one-man singledeck petrol omnibus.
Gelligaer Urban District Council has decided On the purchase of a steam or a petrol fire-engine.
Bournemouth Corporation Parks Committee has decided to purchase an additional two-ton motor lorry.
Manchester Corporation has accepted the tender of Crossley Motors, Ltd., for the supply of a motor landa.ulet.
Exeter City Council is to consider the desirability of establishing motorbus services to districts beyond the tramways.
Trowbridge Urban District Council is inviting tenders for the supply of a motor fire-engine capable of pumping 400 gals. a minute.
Birkenhead Corporation Tramways Committee has decided to purchase another motorbus at an estimated cost of £1,100.
Wrexham Town Council has asked the borough engineer to make tests to ascertain the relative Cost of haulage by horses and motors.
The Transport Committee of the Halifax Corporation has fixed the charge for the hire of the motor vacuum gully cleanser at £5 a day.
York City Council has authorized the city engineer to accept a tender for the provision of hydraulic tipping gear at £130,for a four-ton Leyland motor.
Halifax Corporation Fire Brigade Committee has decided to invite tenders for a fire-engine to which the existing horse-drawn fire-escape can be attached.
York Corporation Highways Committee has authori2.ed the city engineer to purchase from Shell Mex, Ltd., a 1,000-gallon tank and pump for the storage of petrol at the Foss Islands depot.
Burnley Cerporation Gas Committee recommends that the tenders of the British Petroleum Co., Ltd., and the Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., to sapply 1,000 tops of gas ail at the price of 54. per gallon, be accepted.
Halifax Watch Committee has accepted the quotation of the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co., Ltd., Southport, for the supply of a 20 h.p. light .chassis for the sum of £495. • The chassis is required for the conversion of a horsed ambulance to a motor ambulance.
• Bolton Corporation Cleansing Committee has decided that part of a large shed at Wellington Yard he appropriated for use as a garage for the motor vehicles belonging to the cleansing department, and that the necessary works for the adaptation of such portion of the shed fur the Purpose desired be carried out under the directions of the chairman and vice-chairman.
• Roads and Traffic.
The annual report of the Manchester Corporation Paving Committee mentions that further lengths of concrete surface roadways have been laid, whilst several . experimental lengths of main road have been covered With a bituminous macadam surface on a concrete foundation. So far as can be observed up to the present, the concrete roads are giving satisfaction.
Mechanically propelled traffic continues to increase, and there is every possibility of a still further increase in the volume of traffic the roads are called upon to.carry as business conditions improve. The subject of road traffic dangers. is being considered by the committee in conjunction with the Watch Committee.
The length, width and construction of large motor vehicles will no doubt receive the attention of this joint committee, with a view to minimizing danger to pedestrians and damage to roads. The width to which vehicles may be loaded beyond the edge of the body of the conveyance also requires consideration.
Swansea Public Services.
The Swansea Watch Contmittee has declined, for the present., to grant a licence for motorbuses for service be. tween Swansea and Neath passing through Port Tennant. It is pointed out that important road improvements are in contemplation at Port Tennant.
The question of taxicab fares was also considered by the committee, which has been trying to agree r..1-1 a tariff with the Ministry of Transport, but SO far without satisfactory results. A small committee has been appointed to deal in detail with the matter, as well as to consider the question of vehicles plying for hire from private garages and from public stands.
. Fare Negotiations.
At a meeting of the Bournemouth Core poration Licensing Committee a letter was received from the Ministry of Health, suggesting that the council should endeavour to come to ,an agreement with the local hackney carriage proprietors, but in the event of its being unable to do this the Ministry was prepared to send an inspector to meet all tbe parties concerned.
It was left to the chairman and vice. chairman wills the mayor to meet three representatives of the local hackney carriage proprietors, and, its the event of no agreement being come to to accept the offer of the Ministry to send an inspector.
The Size of Coaches.
In our issue for September 5th we published a " One Hears" to the effect " that Mr. F. G.' Bristow thinks the 20 seater motor coach is the largest typo that should he allowed on the existing highways." Mr. 'Bristow's views on this matter were cbrrectiy set out in his letter, which appeared in our issue for September 26th, and are contained in the following paragraph extracted therefrom:— " On certain narrow, tortuous and hilly country roads, however, the use of motor coaches might, after negotiation between road authorities and motor coach organizations, be limited to vehicles with a seating capacity of, stay, 20."
Locomotive Trailers.
The County Councils Association is asking county authorities to join in representations to the Government for the general relaxation of the provisions of Section 3 of the Locomotives Act, 1898, which was countenanced ,during the war, and should no longer be per mitted. The association also states that the consent of the county councils to the drawing of more than three loaded wagons, exclusive of a water cart, should only be given in exceptional circumstances.
• Inst. A.E. Meetings.
Ordinary general meetings of the In.. stitution of Automobile Engineers are being held in connection with the London, Coventry, North of England and Sottish centres during the present month. Lt,-Co]. D. J, Smith will deliver his presidential address, entitled "The Need for a Wider Outlook in Automobile Engineering, at the Royal Automobile Club, London, on October 11th, at 8 p.m., and also at the Royal Technical College, Glasgow, on October 16th, at 7.30 pan. A paper entitled "The Light Car and Motorcycle and Sidecar Compared" will be read by Mr. W. H. Hingston at Coventry on October 11th and at Manchester on October 18th, the chair being occupied by the 'president in each case.
Cards of invitation to admit visitors to any of these meetings can be obtained upon application being made -to the secretary at 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1
Safety of Public Vehicles.
The Highways Committee of the Essex County Council reports that it has considered a suggestion fraern the Safety Fiist Council that it be a condition of the issue of licences for public-service vehicles, especially chars-a-banes, that they should undergo a periodical examination of brakes, etc., by a qualified engineer, and has expressed the opinion that, apart from the difficulty of carry
ing it out, the proposal appears to be a good one, and should be brought to the notice of the Departmental Committee on the Taxation and Regulation of Road Vehicles
A Big Deal.
Messrs. H. Northwood and Son, 15-17, Rockingham Street, .Newington Causeway, London, S.E., have just concluded an enterprising deal by which they have been successful in purchasing the whole of the £5.0., M.T., dump at Baupaume, Rouen. During the war this depot sup. plied the whole of the transport units of the British Army in France with spares. Thousands of solid tyres of all makes and sizes, magnetos, carburetters, radiators, jacks, springs, wheels, and complete engines are for disposal as well as many tons of spares for most of the prominent British and American makes. A number of reconditioned lorries is also offered at remarkably low prices.
The Burnett Motor Tyre and Rubber Co., Yerbury Rubber Mills, Trowbridge, Wilts., 'have appointed Mr. B. G. St. Alphonse--late of J. W. and. T. Connolly, Ltd., of 57, Wharfdale Road, King's Cross, London, N.—as their London manager in place of Mr. Flower, who is going to represent the company in Hampshire and Dorset.
A new motor road running into Hastings, and built at a cost of £350,000, was opened a few 'days ago.
Dunlop 1923 Programme.
The programme of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. for 1923, which has just been announced, contains remarkable price reductions for the various types of tyres produced. Particularly noticeable are the drastic cuts in the price of pneumatic tyres; as a matter of fact, the tyres of cord construction are now actually below pre-war prices of canvas tyres, whilst the prices for tubes are almost 50 per cent., below those prevailing
'beforethe war. All other grades of tyres for various types of motor vehicles, including industrial machines, are reduced in varying proportion. Apart from price reductions, the Dunlop programme for next season is of an ambitious nature. So far as commercial vehicles are concerned, a most comprehensive range is being marketed, including, in addition, standard solid tyres, giant singles in both standard and supercushion qualities, and giant pneumatics of the straight-sided type; alternative pneumatic equipment in the shape of twin tyres of the beaded-edge type is also offered. Agricultural tractors, too, receive their meed of attention, the Dunlop programme including segmental tyres (solid) and special pneumatic equipment for other light tractors.
Automotive Products Co., 3, Berrien Street, London, W.1; inform us that, as sole representatives and conce,ssionnarres for Timken axles and Continental Bed Seal engines, they keep in their London stores a comprehensive range of spares for all axles and engines of these respective makes, which, as our readers will know, are fitted to a large, number of American motor vehicles.
As the result of a typographical error, the Guy single7deck 'bus, which was illustrated on page 172 of our issue fox September 26th, was stated to have been built for the Edinburgh Corporation. As was quite obvious from the picture, this should have been the Huddersfield Corporation Tramways. The vehicle is one of two supplied to this authority.