Funds for new lorries
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EEC FUNDS should be used t help hauliers replace their ol lorries with new, fuel-efficie ones, according to the Europeal Parliament's transport commit tee, reports our Brussels corre spondent.
The suggestion is tucked awa. at the back of a report which ha investigated various means c saving fuel in the EEC, and suc gests that "investment subs dies" — a code-word for subs dies — be offered by membE states so that such fleet replae( ments can be made.
The committee, which ha been studying the problem ft two years, said that a 20 to 3 per cent saving is feasible ow the next ten years, and that up 1 a guarter of this fuel savin could be achieved by effecti% speed limits.
For lorries, the limit should ni be too low, according to ti committee, otherwise it woui only cause delays for other trE fic.
It suggests that speed limi be harmonised throughout tP Community, to get away fro the present variation from strict 1 0 Okm/h on Dutc motorways to no legal limit at on the West German autobahn Other measures which ti committee's clraughtsma Dutch socialist Willem Albei put forward, include synchroi sation of traffic lights and clear road signs.