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10th October 2002
Page 24
Page 24, 10th October 2002 — TIME TRAVELLER
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Our new column in celebration of the universal law...what goes around, comes around.

75 years ago ii October 1927

The number of vehicles running to and from Teesside was growing rapidly; consequently the Middlesbrough Corporation and Durham County Council had agreed to provide a new bridge over the River Tees. Engineers engaged jointly by the two authorities to report upon the position recommended that the new bridge should be constructed at Newport. They prepared two schemes: one for a bridge with a clearway for traffic of zooft, at an estimated cost for L47o,000; the other for a clearway of325ft al a cost of1585,000.

50 years ago ro October 1952

The number of people visiting the Commercial Motor Show fell by 4,000 to 112,476 compared with the previous show in 195o. However, the number of overseas visitors was more than double the previous figure. The interest shown by overseas buyers in specialised bodywork at the show had been keen, said WF Spurling, chairman and managing director of Spurling Motor Bodies.

25 years ago 14 October 1977 Britain was called to appear before the Europear Court of Justice on i January1978 for failing to implement EEC Regulation 43/69 if France tailed to agree to allow Britain a phasing-in period of the new eight-hour driving day.

Previously the French had refused to accept any changes to the regulation and said that allowing Britain a phased period was tantamount to a renegotiation of the Treaty of Accession. The European Commission had already approved the preparation of Court proceedings and legal advisers were being briefed.

A spokesperson for the Department of Transport claimed that it had not been told of the European Transport Commissioner's move: " If that is what he wants to do then that is his privilege. In any case, Britain cannot be in breach of the regulation until at least i January when the deferment comes to an end."