AIR TRANSPORT N EWS London and the North.
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Mentions have been made in the Press of an air-service project between Hatfield and Edinburgh, via Newcastle. We are informed by Orange Bros., Ltd., that whilst consideration of the idea has not been dropped, no definite plans have been made.
There is further talk of a service between Newcastle and Abridge (Essex), with possible calls at Leeds, Nottingham and Leicester.
Continental Holiday Traffic.
On Friday and Saturday, August 4 and 5, Imperial Airways, Ltd., flew Seven H.P. 42 machines daily to Paris Instead of the usual five; also two machines each to Le 'fouquet, Basle, and Cologne (calling at Ostend, La Zoute and Brussels) instead of one.
Sightseeing by Air.
. The Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., draws attention tothe growing popularity of its sightseeing flights over such areas as the Trossachs, Loch Lomond, the Royal Dee-side country, etc. Excellent views are obtained without loss of time in slow travel.
For one week, et 4 a.m. service was run from Renfrew to the Isle of Man with morning papers, prompt deliveries being made. The Other day a private eharter order was received at 3 a.m., and a party left Edinburgh for Bournemouth by 4.30 a.m.
Monospar News.
Recent deliveries by General Aircraft, Ltd., Croydon, include G-ACJF, the first of three standard Monospars for the Croydon-Portsmouth-Plymouth service of International Airlines, Ltd. The machines are fitted up as four
five-seaters. In addition, G-ACEW, which works on the Inverness-Orkney line, has been delivered to Highland Airways, Ltd., after overhaul, in time for the Scottish August traffic.
Some of the new Monospars will be convertible to the retractable endercarriage which tbe company is exhaustivery testing before it is marketed.
Spartan Service Trebled.
On Friday and Saturday, August 4 and 5, the Ileston-Cowes service of Spartan. Airlines, Ltd., had to be trebled, and three machines came up fully loaded from Cowes on Tuesday morning. There is an increase in advance bookings.
M. and S.A. Times and Fares.
On the Belfast-Glasgow air line of the Midland and Scottish Air Ferries, Ltd., there are daily departures from Renfrew (except Sundays) at 9.30 a.m. and 6 p.m., and from Campbeltown at 10.20 a.m. and 6.50 p.m., arriving at Aldergrove at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. In the opposite direction, Aldergrove is left at 11 11111. and 7.30 p.m., Campbeltown at 11:50 nen, and 8.20 p.m.; Rebfrew is reached at 12.30 p.m. and at 9 p.m. Tim fare is L3 single and £5 return, the Belfast-Campbeltown and Glasgow-Campbeltown fares each being
10s. single and 1.2 10s. return. On the Glasgow-Islay line, the departure from Renfrew re at 9.30 a.m. (except Sundays). Campbeltown is left at 10.20 a.m., and 13ridgend, Islay, is
reached at 10.45 a.m. In the other direction, leaving Bridgend at 10.10 a.m., and Campbeltown at 11.50 a.m., Renfrew is reached at 12.30 p.m. The fare for the whole distance is £2 7s. 6d. single and £4 return, and there are intermediate fares. On Fridays there is an additional departure from Renfrew at 6 p.m., and from Islay at 7.40 p.m. On both services the freebaggage allowance is 25 lb.,
40,000 Miles on Bristol Channel Ferry.
'The Cardiff-Bristol air service of Messrs. Norman Edgar has been running with absolute regularity twice daily since September, 1932, about 40,000 miles having been covered to schedule. There is DO doubt that the regularity has created an impression and, next year, the demand ought to justify bigger aeroplanes., R.A.F. Vacancies for Youths.
The Air Ministry announces that 245 aircraft apprentices between the ages of 15 and 17 are required by the Royal Air Force for entry into the schools of technical training at Halton, Bucks, and at Cranwell, Lines. They will be entered partly by competitive examination and partly by"direct entry" (on presentation of an approved first school certificate). Entry will take place in January, 1934. The competitive examination will be conducted at numerous local centres on November 7. Full details can be obtained from the Air Ministry (Aircraft Apprentices Department), Gwydyr House., Whitehall, London, Successful candidates will be required to complete a period of 12 years' regular service from the age of 18..
Hillman's Heavy Traffic.
Hillman's Airways, Romford, gives the following figures of passengers carried in the week to August 4 e—Romford-Clacton line, 44 single journeys; Romford-Margate, 51; Romford-Paris, 111. The figures for the week-end (August 5-7) are still more interesting, for they total respectively 141, 98 and 28. A. charter flight to Dublin was made by Flg. Offr. John Lock in a Puss Moth in three hours, including a halt at Heston Airport for customs clearance.
New West-country Connections
Swansea Borough Council is considering an application by International Airways, Ltd., Croydon, for facilities in connection with possible air services to Swansea via Bristol and Cardiff.
The matter has been referred to a sub-committee, which is not expected to do anything until September, and the delay is regrettable because this is not the only indication of the need for aerodrome facilities at Cardiff.
News From Loughton Aerodrome.
It is likely that Commercial Airways (Essex), Ltd., Loue,hton Aero: drome, Abridge, Essex, will be making a statement within the next few weeks concerning its air-service plans.
No Outer Hebrides Service Yet.
Reference to the plans of Highland Airways, Ltd., to operate a seevice between Inverness and the Outer Hebrides was made in our issue for July 7. Negotiations proceed but the company Writes this week to tell us that the service is not likely to start for a com siderable time.
G.W.H. Service Better Patronized.
The Birmingham-Plymouth air service run by the Great Western Railway Co. has yielded rather better traffic figures since, on May 22, the Cardiff-Birmingham extension was opened. In June, 54 passengers were carried, compared with 34 in May and only 11 in April, the aircraft departures numbering 43 in June, 27 in May and seven in April.
Hereford Wants an Aerodrome. Hereford Corporation suggests a site on the racecourse for the provision of an aerodrome.
No Aerodrome in Eastbourne.
By 20 votes to 6 Eastbourne Town Council has rejected the proposal made by the town-planning committee for the development of a site in King's Drive as a -municipal aerodrome. There is renewed opposition to any aerodrome proposal that could possibly affect the comfort and character of Eastbourne's residential districts. Some members advocated the Crumbles as an aerodrome, and others a site at Wilmington, about eight miles from the town centre.
471 Hyde Ferry Passengers.
Portsmouth, Southsea and Isle of Wight Aviation, Ltd., gives the following figures of passengers carried in the week to August 3:—Portsmouth-Ryde, 471 single journeys' I.O.W.-Shoreham, 27; Portsmouth-Sitanklin, ; RydeShanklin, 3; Portsmouth-Shoreham, 4.
Banco's Continental Week, The British Air Navigation Co., Ltd., Heston, has been engaged mainly on Continental work during the week to August 7, in which 5,822 miles have been flown on charter, 36 passengers being carried. In the main, Percival Gull machines with Gipsy Major engines (carrying two passengers) have been used. One trip to Deauville took hour, one to Frankfurt 3 hours.3335