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Coi, N. L. FitnimN, until recently chief inspector of the Army Fire Service, has joined the Pyrene Co., Ltd.

11th August 1950, Page 30
11th August 1950
Page 30
Page 30, 11th August 1950 — Coi, N. L. FitnimN, until recently chief inspector of the Army Fire Service, has joined the Pyrene Co., Ltd.
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Mn. D. MATHER, formerly with Sunderland Transport Department, has been appointed works superintendent of the South Shields undertaking.

Mn. J. B. BURNELL, MINST.T., London Transport's operating manager (central road services), has been appointed a J.P. for the county of Middlesex.

MR. E. KNOX EVANS has been appointed a representative of J. Payen, Ltd., in the southern and south-western counties. He replaces Mn. J. V.


Cos. A. JEattErr has been re-elected chairman of the National Road Transport Federation. MR. F. F. FOWLER and MR. F. J. SPEIGHT have been elected vice-chairmen.

MR. L. J. STOKOE, assistant to Mn. S. MILTON, Northern Area secretary of the Road Haulage Association, has been appointed Scottish Area secretary of the Association. He takes up his new position next Monday and succeeds MR. D. C. CRANSTON.

MR. W. L. DRUMMOND, manager of the export division of Sentinel (Shrewsbury), Ltd., is leaving shortly for an extended tour, including India, Pakistan. Australia and New Zealand. Apart from investigating the prospects for sales of Sentinel vehicles, he will examine the possibilities of establishing assembly plants and additional representation.

LIEtTf.-001... J. A. A. PICKARD, C.B.E., D.S.O., having reached the age limit of 65, is. at the end of this year, retiring from the post of director-general of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents. He will be succeeded by MA.10RGENERAL K. B. YOUNG, C.B.E., M.C., at present deputy director-general. Col. Pickard has been the Society's chief executive officer since it was founded over 27 years ago. General Young, who is 58, joined the Society in January, 1946. He was chief engineer to General Eisenhower at Allied Forces Headquarters in 1943.


C0ACH operators will be interested in Rochester's plan to hold an annual Dickens pageant. Next year it will be held from June 16-23, performances of a pageant of Dickensian times being given in the afternoons and evenings. Early in September, fuller details will be available from Rochester Guildhall.


THE first of five Leyland-M.C.W. Olympics which Birmingham Transport Department is to acquire has just been put into service between New Street railway station and Elmdon Airport. The vehicles have 36 seats. Standard models have 40.