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18 years for coke runners

11th August 2005, Page 18
11th August 2005
Page 18
Page 18, 11th August 2005 — 18 years for coke runners
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TWO TRUCK drivers are each facing a lengthy spell behind bars for separate attempts to bring huge quantities of cocaine into the country.

In the first case Canterbury Crown Court heard that driver Bruce Kaye was arrested at Dover on 18 July last year after 68kg of the drug, with a street value of £4.5m, was found concealed in pillowcases amongst his load of ventilation fans. He was jailed for 18 years.

Canterbury Crown Court also heard the case of driver Neal Roberts from Wisbech. He was discovered at Dover's Eastern Docks with £5.2m worth of the drug in two holdalls inside his cab. Sentencing him to 18 years in prison Judge Van de Bij1 said: "This is an extremely serious offence."