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Association did its best

11th August 2005, Page 28
11th August 2005
Page 28
Page 28, 11th August 2005 — Association did its best
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ROBERT DURWARD of the British Aggregates Association and I have exchanged correspondence recently so his letter in Commercial Motor (4 August) comes as no surprise.

So the trade associations were led down the garden path by the government over the LRUC? Maybe, but how interesting that in your survey 44% of hauliers polled were disappointed this happened, while 45% of hauliers were not and 11% were unsure. I think this demonstrates that we were correct in trying to deliver a solution to the tax problem the industry currently has,even though we knew the LRUC had many imperfections that needed more work to resolve.

Mr Durward then makes the extraordinary claim that so-called wins by the RHA over aspects of the Working Time Directive are not really wins at all because they will be overturned in the future. Oh, will they? So we do nothing to make hauliers' lives just a little easier now because of the prospect of some future action? His association might operate this way, but we do not.

He complains that the RHA (and presumably the FTA) are run by professionals that know little about the industry Wrong. We are run by our members,for our members; owner-drivers as well as Plcs. If he believes that British Hauliers run by Cambridgeshire Chamber of Commerce could do a better job, then it is not a view shared by the 101 new members thatjoined us last month.

Roger King Chief executive Road Haulage Association