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Unions ballot drivers over strike adion

11th August 2005
Page 8
Page 8, 11th August 2005 — Unions ballot drivers over strike adion
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There could be trouble ahead for supermarket Vlorrisons with 8,000 staff due to be balloted for industrial action. Jennifer Ball reports.

MORE THAN 8,000 Morrisons' workers, including drivers, are to be balloted on strike action after two unions failed to get a positive response on their demand for national bargaining.

The row. involving the T&G and GMB unions, has erupted following the takeover of supermarket chain Safeway by Morrisons.

Brian Revell, T&G national organiser for food and agriculture, says the merger of Safeway operations into Morrisons has caused no end of problems for its members.

"We believe the best way to deal with the situation would be to stop being in denial, as Morrisons appear to be, and agree to work with the unions to provide a national framework so we can address issues collectively."

Jude Brimble, the GMB's national officer, added: -They were happy under the Safeway management, but cannot abide the chaotic Morrisons' style."

A company spokesman says it has local agreements with both the unions, but refuses to be pushed into a national agreement. He adds that both unions have been invited for talks. -We find the GMB and T&G's approach perplexing. They have an open invitation at national level to each come and discuss any concerns they may have."

• The GMB will this week serve notice of a ballot for industrial action against Christian Salvesen at its Morrisons-owned RI/C in Bellshill following an overwhelming rejection by drivers of weekend working.

The union's Stephen Baillie says 92.4% of the 180 drivers at the site rejected the shift changes.