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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."--John Beattie Crozier.
Catering for London's Transport Employees.
Every week 164,500 meals are prepared for the traffic operating staff of the tubes and buses at the messrooms scattered over the passenger transport system of the Underground group. The feeding of this huge family takes 4 tons of meat, 1 ton of bacon and ham, 5 tons of vegetables, 3 tons of flour, 2 tons of sugar, 8,000 eggs, 4,000 quarts of milk, 1,000 1-1b. tins of condensed milk, 6 cwt. of sausages, 600 quarterns of bread, 2,090 rolls, '4 cwt.. of cake, 5 cwt. of lard, 1Je cwt. of butter, 2 cwt. of cheese, 5 cwt. of jam, 3 cwt. of mincemeat, 36 gallons of 'pickles, 15 cwt. of fruit., 36,000 pastries and 30 tins of biscuits. The beverages supplied include 10,000 gallons of tea and coffee, 400 gallons of cocoa., whilst the consumption of tobacco per week is 1 cwt. and of cigarettes 250,000; nearly 6,000 boxes of matches are also supplied in this period.
Persia's Growing Oil Importance.
One of the most impressive of many such facts concerning the fuel resources and supplies for road transport, brought out in the paper read at the. recent load Traffic Conference at Olympia by Admiral Sir Edmond J. W. Slade, K.C.I.E., K.0.17.0., the vice-chairman of the Anglo-Persian Oil Co., Ltd., is that the consumption in this country of motor spirit from the United. States of America and Mexico, which rose enormously between 1913 and 1918, has almost steadily fallen ever since, the rate of fall being shown on the accompanying diagram, which we reproduce from the paper. At the same time, the rise in the quantity coming from the Persian oilfields is equally marked, the increase from these fields being almost equal to
the reduction from the American oilfields. Our diagnam gives the percentages and the total consumption in each case. In the year 1913 we imported 359,650 tons of motor spirit, of which 74,944 tons came from U.S.A. and Mexico, 18,779 tens from Roumania, 48,797 tons from Russia, 137,418 from the East Indian Archipe/age, 48,323 tons from British India, none from Persia and 31,389 tons
from other sources. By 1918 the chief figure had altered to 501,434 tons from the United States, representing 76.3 per cent, of our totiadoonsumrption. By 1922, however, the quantity received from U.S.A. and Mexico, whilst it, 'stood at 537;142 tons, represented only 46.4 per cent, of the consumption, whereas the 348,258 tons received from Persia had reached 30.1 per cent, of the consumption. The supply from Russia has fallen to nothing, and that from Roumania only now represents one-tenth of one per cent. British India, too, is absorbing almost the whole of its output, whilst supplies from the East Indian Archipelago have risen in quantity, but have fallen from 38 per cent. to 17i per cent. of the consumption.
Northern Representative Wanted.
We, know of a prominent commercial vehicle manufacturing company in the North of England who require a good experienced representative for the Manchester area. Application should be made in the firstplace to " M," care of the Editor of this journal.
Co-operation Between Urban District Councils.
With the object of co-ordinating action, particekriy in reference to app.ications for licences for bus services &Id with a view to uniform steps being taken in the government of road traffic generally, the majority of the urban district councils of Monmouthshire—councila of contiguous areas—have formed a joint Transport Advisory Committee. The committee will deal with all transport matters arising in the various areas and recommend action to the council or councils concerned, which will be in conformity with steps taken in the county generally.
The aim with regard to bus services is to secure uniformity of local regulations, and in the case of applications for licences to avoid diverse action by councils such as • occurred when the councils separately considered applications for permission to ply for hire, it often happened that, in the case of a proprietor wishing to run a service connecting two or more areas, one council or other would decline sanction of the proposal and thus restrict the service permitted by other authorities from being instituted or being run to the satisfaction of the proprietor and the public.
The elimination of unfair competition is also a matter to be considered by the joint committee, and licences will be granted with due regard to the services sanctioned by one or other council prior to the initiation of the joint committee.
The advisory capacity of the new committee does not interfere with the independent action of the constituent councils, although the recommendations of the committee have so far been followed in every case or referred back for reconsideration.
The formation of the committee is an important step in the direction of securing uniform local regulations for bus services.
The constituent bodies represented on the new Monmouthehire committee are the urban district councils of Gellygaer, Tredegar, Bedwellty, Rhymney, Brynmawr, Abercarn, Mynyddislwyn and Blaine. The scheme is undoubtedly a commendable one, and the co-ordination of effort should make for efficient working.
Thornycroft Report.
The report of J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., for the year ended July 31st shows that, after deducting debenture interest, and interim dividend, a profit of £63,572' remains. The payment cite final dividend of 3 per cent. es the preference shares (making 6 per cent, for the year) will absorb £5,940, and the payment of a dividend of 5 per cent, on the participating preferred ordinary shares £12,500, leaving a balance to be carried forward of £45,132.
In the report the directors state that the commercial Vehicle sales, especially in the home market, have been adversely affected. by competition from countries with depleted currencies and by the sales of surplus War Department vehicles.
Beach Runabouts Successful.
. Bournemouth Corporation, which recently inaugurated a service of beach motor runabouts, is now considering the purchase of three more vehicles of a similar type. The original machines, of which we published a fully illustrated description in our issue for August 14th last, consisted of special Guy chassis fitted with an unusual type of body made locally by Messrs. J. and A. Steane, Where Lorries Can Displace Llamas.
One of the richest coalfields in the world is that of Oyon, in Peru, but at present no railway or good road runs to within 40 miles of it. Production is governed by the hauling capacity of teams of llamas, at present the only medium of transport, By these, methods only 500 tons of coal are delivered monthly. The Oyase coalfield is less than 60 miles from the Pacific, and the construction of a motor road to Enacho, the nearest seaport, would make it possible for Peru to become independent of imported coal.
Catalogues of the Olympia Show Available.
The S.M.M. and T. informs us that a few copies of the offibial catalogue of the International Commercial Motor Transport and Roads Development Exhibition recently held at Olympia remain for disposal and can be obtained on application to the exhibition manager, Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 83, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1, at a cost of 2s. each, plu,s 5d. for postage. The catalogue contains brief technical details and prices of all vehicles which were exhibited, A New Bridge Across the Tweed.
At last something bee been done to provide an adequate bridge over the River Tweed at Berwick. The Northumberland County Council, at a special meeting presided. over by Sir Francie Blake, agreed to a scheme put forward by the Bridges and Roads Committee for the erection of a new bridge at an estimated cost of £160,000, a grant of 78 per cent, of that, amount to be borne by the Ministry of Transport under its scheme for aiding local authorities. The reason for building the new structure is the costliness of repair necessary to make the old bridge adequate for the large amount of traffic which each day crosses between England and Scotland.
The Bridges and; Roads Committee reported that a new bridge was absolutely necessary, and as the townof Berwick itself was quite unable to provide anything like the sum necessary for the construction of a new bridge the committee suggested that the Ministry of Transport should contribute 75 per cent., the County Council 15 per cent, and the town of Berwick itself the sum of £10,000; the remaining balance, estimated at about £6,000, to be shared equally by the last two authorities.
The bridge when completed will be taken over by the county council, buf the latter will be in no way responsible for the maintenance, repair or the replacement. of the existing bridge. The amount of motor traffic of all descriptions has increased during the past year or two to such an extent that
the present Berwick bridge has been totally inadequate to cope with it. Some idea of the eeriorasness of the position is gained when it is stated that the structure represents the only read communication with Scotland on the northeast side of England. The existing bridge is a stone edifice, which adds materially to the beauty of the ancient border town, and whether it will be demolished in favour of the new ona is at present problematical.
A Transport Social Club.
At a meeting held a few days age it was decided to form a transport social club, with headquarters in London, devoted to the motor transport industry. A representative committee, consisting of Capt. A. Amor, Messrs. George Chapman, A. E. Escott, W. Flexman French, F. T. Randall, Frank Shorland, J M. Strad:Ian and Donaldson Wright, was appointed to consider details of the scheme. Those who are interested in the branch should communicate with the hon, secretary pro tern., Mr. R. A. Osman, Dorset House, Tudor' Street, London, E.C.4. The suggested subscription for founder members is £5 5senwith a reduction for country members.
inst. P.E. Meeting.
A general meeting of the Institution of Productien Engineers will be held at 7.30 p.m. on December 19th at the Engineers' Chile, Coventry Street, London, W.1. On this occasion Mr. L. W. Wild, M.I.E.E. chief electrician to the Westminster Electrical Testing Laboratory, will deliver a paper dealing with
Electric Furnaces," which will be illustrated by lantern slides.
A Super Fire-engine.
Manchester Watch Committee reports that in order to keep abreast of the times in regard to the provision of firefighting and fire-escape appliances it has inspected a new motor fire-escape, which exceeds in capacity anything hitherto placed on the market, and is satisfied that the acquisition of such an escape would materially improve the efficiency of the fire brigade. it accordingly recommends provision of £2,800in the next estimates for its purchase.
Personal Pars
We reproduce on this page a portra$ of Mr. Charles Duncan, who is one et. the most likeable men engaged in the commercial vehicle industry_ Mr. Duncan was, until, recently, manager of the commercial vehicle departmerst of. Ware and de Frevilla .(1922), Ltd., and in conjunction with Mr. C. E. Geiger (formerly works manager to the same concern) he has opened up premises at Warfield. Road, Eensal Green, London, N.W.10. This should prove a most happy combination, and the new company, whict is known as Duncan and Caiger, Ltd., intend to specialize in vehicles for commercial purposes.
Mr. Duncan has enjoyed a. wide experience in the operation and maintenance of business motor vehicles, and he is well qualified to proffer easeful assistanceto intending -purchasers. As Mechanist-Sergeant-Major Duncan attached to the Southern Command during 1916-19 he will be remembered by many of our readers, for almost all M.T. A.S.C. 'drivers destined for the EasFern theatres passed through his hands.
We are advised. that Mr.Raymond J. Mitchell, M.I.E.E,, M.I.Meeh,E., '''untiI recently chief engineer to Electricars, Ltd., and Edison Accumulators, Ltd., has joined the staff of Ransomes and Marles Co., Ltd., the ballbearing manufacturers of Newark-onTrent
Mr. Mitchell has been identified with the development of acciimulator electric road vehicles since the year 1911, and has during this period read a number of papers before engineering societies, in addition to having contributed numerous articles to the technical Press or) the use and develonment of electric vehicles.
We recently encountered .Mr. IL R. Fisher, a clever designer, who has had an almost unrivalled experience in, the industry. He was educated at the Public School, Cranleigh, Surrey, followed by three years at the Coventry Technical Institute. His first works' experience was with the Premier Co., of Coventry, after which he served an apprenticeship with the Daimler Co. and -was three years draughtsman on engine and car design. Following this he joined the Cowie Engineering Co., London, and was engaged for three years on experimental work with motor chassis and the developing of patents for transmission and air suspension. For four years he wa-s-in charge of the technical engineering department and assistant to the works manager of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., at Walthamstew. From there he migrated to Dartford and was for a year works manager to J. and E. Hall, Ltd., following which be became chief inspector to Straker-Squire, Ltd. For the past two and a half years he • has • been. chief. designer.. to Kirkstall Forge, Ltd., of Leeds, but having completed his work there he is now free to take up a suitable Tappointment. Any letters addressed to him, care of the Editor of this journal, will be forwarded.
We understand that Mr. H. Whitmore has recently joined the headquarters sales staff of Leyland Motors, Ltd., and is to concentrate on municipal work, this branch of business having been his speciality during the past five years which he has spent iei the employ of the Lure Motor Car Co., Ltd.
A Garner Catalogue.
Of the various types of vehicles which are briefly illustrated and described in the latest catalogue which has just been issued by Henry Garner, Ltd., of Moseley Motor Works, Birmingham, that -which will probably attract the most attention is the new patent, Busvan, chiefly because it is a general-purpose vehicle which can be used for goods or
passenger-carrying, or for both, according to the needs of the moment.
The Bus-van is an ideal type of vehicle for rural work and has achieved considerable popularity in various parts of the country. Many of our readers who visited the recent Show at Olympia will recall that the latest model of the Busvan was on view, and that it embodied in its design many new and interesting features which aim at increasing the allround efficiency of the machine.
Various types of Garner goods vehicles are also dealt with in the catalogue.
Taxi Luggage and Fares.
Leeds Watch Committee has asked a sub-committee to consider the suggestion of the Leeds Taxi Owners' Association with respect to the adoption of revised fares and the representations made by the association in connection with the licensing of mechanically driven hackney carriages without. luggage accommodation near the driver's seat.
Manchester Centre of Benevolent Fund
The annual general meeting of theManchester centre of the Cyole and. Motor Trades Benevolent Fund was hel a few days ago, when Mr. E. E. Brad ' bury '(Hans Renold, Ltd.) completed very 'successfuLyear of office, and Mr. 5. Shirley (Brown Bros., Ltd.) wa elected for the yeas' 1923-1924. Thi appointment was very popular, as th new chairman was a founder member ch, the centre in 1906 and has been con sleeted with the cycle and motor trade of the city and north-western countr since 1901.
Mr. G. H. Griffith (Wood-Milne, Ltd. was appointed vice-chairman, and Mr N. Randolph retains the office of genera hon. secretary. Mr. F. M. Nawell we, re-elected hon. treasurer and the sec tional hon. secretaries elected were: Messrs. W. M. James, A. H. F. Gook G. F. Arden, and J. A. Waters.
It22 At the meeting reference was made to the successful position of the centre and 'to the fact that, so far as membership is concerned, it is second only to the London centre.
Merthyr Cab and Bus Activities.
At a meeting of the Merthyr Town Council complaints were made that taxicab charges in the district were too hign and ehould be revised. The mayor stated that the matter was being considered by a committee, which was also considering the institution of a municipal bus service between Treharris and Merthyr.
Protection Benefits Italian Manufacturers.
There are about 30,000 •lorries in operation in Italy, and of this number it is estimated that. 20,000 are Fiats and about 7,000 Spas. Three to. 5-ton vehicles are most widely used, the weight limit for lorries being 8,000 kilos. At the present time high tariffs snake it difficult for foreign manufacturers Lo cempete with locally produced vehicles.
Fares at York.
York Watch Committee recommends the following scale of charges for hackney carriages :—
Motor or horse-drawn vehicles;— If the distance does not ex ceed one mile— £ s. d.
For the whole distance ... 1 6 if the distance exceeds one mile— For the first mile of the whole
distance • ..• .•. For each succeeding quarter
of a mile ... •.• FAR.ES ron TIME. Motor vehicles;— For the first, hour ... 15 0 For each succeeding quarter
of an hour or part thereof 2 6 Horse vehicles :— For the first quarter of an hour or part thereof ... 1 6 For each succeeding quarter 16 3 of an hour or part thereof For every day not exceeding 12 house -.• -•• 1 7 0 Hans Renold Chain Prices.
Hans Renold, Ltd., Burnage Works, Dlidsbury, Manchester, h:ave just sent us a copy of their latest price list of chains for general engineering purposes. This list, which takes the form of a booklet, depicts many applications of the company's chains, and it is worth while pointing out that Hans Renold maintain a staff of trained engineers, who act in an advisory capacity to those requiring information relating to chain drive.
"The Welding Test."
A new edition of the vest-pocket size of the booklet entitled "The Welding Test" has just been issued by Barinaar, Ltd., 14-18, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, W.C. It contains many illustration and descriptions of examples of welding and radiator and, lamp repairs, and a copy will be sent to any of our treaders upon application
A. Street-lighting Improvement.
The metropolitan borough of St. Marylebone has always been well to the front in the matter of municipal enterprise and, in particular, has been one of the first to take advantage of any new development in street lighting.
The most recent improvement made by this progressive bonough is the adoption of the white Osram lamp for street lighting. After exhaustive experiments and tests of 100-watt ' and 150-watt Osram lamps this type has been standardized by the council, and they are to be installed throughout the borough over eight miles of roadway, where their special illuminating properties should prove of considerable advantage to drivers of motor vehicles at night.
The white Osram lamp, as many of our readers may he. aware, is the company's gas-filled lamp, the bulb of which is subjected to a spraying process during manufacture. By this means it receives a permanent translucent coating, giving an effect when the lamps are lighted of a ball of snow-white light without glare.
The Solex Carburetter on Trig.
A specimen of the Sober carburetter, manufactured by S. Wolf and Co., Ltd., of Southwark Street, London, S.E., was recently entered for trial under the open competition rules of the Royal Automobile Club, the object being to demonstrate the economy in fuel consumption of the instrument. ,
The carburetter was of the type having the usual float chamber, fuel entering at the top. There was one main inverted and submerged jet, and one slow-running jet, which was entirely obscured by the revolving throttle as this opened. A device for providing exhaust-heated air supply was arranged, the proportions of
hot and cold air being regulated from the dashboard, although no device was fitted for admitting extra air.
The carburetter was fitted to a 6-ton lorry, which was run over a total distance of 1,008 miles, the route followed being from London to Eaton Socon and back. The trial occupied 10 days and the weather generally was fine and the roads in good condition. During the trial the lorry was run at an average speed of 11.9 m.p.h. (running time only), and the fuel consumption proved to be a, gallon for 11,28 miles running--i.e., equivalent to. 123.34 ton-miles per gallon.
A New Idea in Number Plates.
A new idea has just been introduced in the matter of number plates which should interest commercial-vehicle users generally. It is a simple device, which consists of a solid, bearded cast plate, which is provided with slots at regular intervals over its face. The letters are east and machined to register exactly with the slots and are locked securely in position by steel springs. The required numerals can be fixed in a very short space of time. In the London and southern area this ! accessory is being handled by F. S. ! Bennett, Ltd., who have arranged a scheme of distribution with garages in the territory which they cover. Their service depot is at Lodge Place, St. John's Wood, London, N.W.8 The hours of opening and closing of the British Empire Exhibition, which commences at Wembley in April next, have now been fixed, and the exhibition grounds will be open from 10 a.m. to p m., except on Sandays.
At the Cross Roads.
The Motorcar Committee of the Hampshire County Council reports that representations have been received in favour of the imposition of a 10-mile speed limit for motors at Otterhourne and Whitehareh. As previously reported, the Ministry of Transport has stated that, in view of the recommendations of the Departmental Committee set up to consider all questions affecting the regulation of road vehicles, it will not be prepared to make any fresh order under Section 9 of the Motor Car Act, 1903, imposing a special speed limit of 10 miles an hour, save in cases where new and, exceptional conditions have arisen.
The committee is of opinion that neither at Otterboutne nor at Whitchurch have such conditions arisen. In regard to Otterbourne, the attention of the police has been called to the complaint of excessive speed, and as to Whitchurch the committee is inquiring whether, by co-operation between the police and the Hampshire Automobile Club, it will be possible for either a constable or a motor patrol to be on duty at the cross roads where, the danger is greatest.
New G.W.R. Services.
The Great Western Railway Co. have extended their motorbus services in West Wales by the institution of a. service between Machynlleth, Talybont -and Aberystwyth. The buses will run three times daily each way.
.Co-operating Fire-brigade Purchases. The Haverfordwest Borough Council has invited the governing authorities of adjacent districts to join in the pureha.se of fire-brigade equipment, including a motor fire-engine, at an estimated cost of 42,000, to serve the whole area,
With reference to the Saucer hydraulic'tipping gear, which we described in our last issue, we are informed by the Saucer Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd., 21, Augustus Street, Albany Street, London, N.W.1, that there is a direct push from the ram to the operating arms, and that rack-and-spur gearing is not employed.
Where Roads are Wasted.
There are several railway feeder and other roads constructed in Sierra Leone, hut on none of them is ever to he seen what might be called a steady stream of motor traffic. Indeed, on many of the tine motor roads the main traffic is Mill done by head porterage, which, of course, can. be carried out just. as efficiently along jungle tracks or bush paths.
It is safe to say, therefore, that there seems to he a great opportunity for the introduction ef the light Wry into Sierra 'Leone. Those few colonists who awn. such vehicles declare that it pays to keep them for trade 'purposes, although they are not aboveysing them for pleasure.when they have the time or inclination to do so. These men, however, declare that personal attention must he given to the care anctereseevation of their machines. Thc'e eta v eS ,certainly make adepl, drivers, but their lack of knowledge of the vehicle's mechanism often results in lorries being laid up unnecessarily.
Until lorries are more widely introduced into Sierra Leoneet cannot be expected that the present mileage of motor made will be greatly increased. The colony has a very heavy rainfall and road maintenance is expensive. Before the sums uecessary to keep these roads in good condition can be raised, therefore, a sufficientenumbar of motor vehicles must. be introduced into the country in order to turn the road tax into a respectable aggregate.
A Change of Title.
Many of our readere will be awarethat the United States Rubber Co., • Ltd., are engaged in marketing the india rubber products manufactured by the Canadian Consolidated , Rubber Co., Ltd., of Canada; and dee United States Rubber Co., of 'America. The company inform • ass that for several years past their sales of the pioducts of Canadian manufacture have increased considerably, • the sales of the products of American manufacture having correspondingly diminished, land that at the present time the majority of the company's business is in ,connection, with the goods produced in the Canadian iertery.
re view of, this development the consB24
party have thought at advisable that their title should reflect more correctly the origin of the goods which they sell, and they have accordingly decided to change the name of the company to the Dominion Rubber Co., Ltd., by which title the company will in future be known.
Considering Bus Shelters.
A sub-committee of the Carlisle Watch Committee, which has been appointed to go into the question of the regulation of bus traffic, is to consider the advisability of providing bus shelters for the comfort and convenience of passengers.
Disc Wheels for Commercial Vehicles.
" Development " is the word which is used on the cover of aerecent catalogue which has ,euianatsel from the Shrewsbury S.T. and Challmer Tyre Co., Ltd., of Ardwiek Green, Manchester, and, as might be imagined from the use of this term, toe contents of the pages are really devoted to a description of the latest products of the company.
As is generally well enewn tney pro. duce steel disc wheels for ,all types of commercial vehicles, but. chief .:nterest is perhaps centred round a patented disc wheel which was described in our columns on September 26th, 1922. It may be remembered that this wheel, although outwardly resembling other types, is so built that its discs are in compression radially and in tension circumferentially, and through this feature any stresses acting at one pOint on the wheel are distributed over the whole area of the discs. We note that the greater part of the article to which we refer la published in the catalogue. •
Other pages of the catalogue are devoted to illustrations and descriptions of the company's wheels as applied to goods and nassenger vehicles and to Fordson tractor.
Lights for Cattle Drovers.
Representation has been made to the York Watch Committee by the local branch of the R.S.P.C.A. that cattle drovers should be compelled to carry lights when necessary, and the committee suggests that the Government should deal with this matter.
A 70-ton Load by Road.
A dynamo weighing 70 tons, manufactured by the English Electrical Co., of Preston, was brought to Liverpool by road a few days ago for shipment to Portland by the White Star liner "Canada." The dynamo was conveyed to Liverpool on a double-bogie wagon, drawn by two tractors, accompanied by a yin containing lifting jacks, etc., in the event of the heavy load sinking into the road. Also included in the convoy was a caravan which was used by the men on the journey for sleeping accommodation, making a train of six heavy vehicles, which covered the distance from Preston to the Mersey port in 24 hours. On the arrival of .the dynamo at. Liverpool, the White Star Dominion Line requisitioned the world's largest crane, the Mersey Dock and Harbour Board's mammoth appliance, this being the only means by which the consignment could be shipped. The "Canada" had to leave the dock and enter the wider space of the basin in order to take the unwieldy object aboard..
Elephant Motors Dinner.
To inaugurate the opening of their new premises, Elephant House, 97-101, Newington Causeway, London, S.E.1, Elephant Motors, Ltd., recently held a dinner at Andertoe's Hotel, when Mr. W. R. Wallace, the managing director of the company, occupied the chair.
The proceedings were of an extremely. pleasant nature aria served to show the admirable spirit of co-operation which exists, between the directors and the:r departmental chiefs and staff.
After dinner, a lengthy toast list was proceeded with. Mr. Wallace, in responding to the toast "The Firm," dealt with the remarkable progress which had been made by Elephant Motors, Ltd., which he attributed to the unswerving loyalty of every member of the firm. Other speakers also made reference to
• the "Elephant Family," as it has come to be known. The toasts were well received and were interspersed with a musical programme by talented artistes.
In our issue for November 27th the price of the Chevrolet, 1-ton tipping wagon was erroneously stated as £215. This figure should have been £235.
• Local Proceedings.
South Shields Corporation has decided to purchase a motor ambulance at a cost of 2440.
Oundle Urban District Council is still considering the advisability of purchasing a motor fire-engine.
Exeter City Council has decided to purchase a Merrywesather motor fireengine at a cost of 21,830.
Willesden Urlaan District Council has received sanction to borrow 2900 for the purchase of a motor ambulance.
Leicester City Council has decided to purchase six motor omnibuses in order to feed and link up the tramways.
The parish councils of Thorne, Hatfield, Stan/forth and Kirkielie propose to purchase a fire-engine for joint use.
The cleansing committee of the Glasgow Corporation recommends the purchase of a Lacre motor sweeping machine.
The Trodegar Urban District Council has approved a committee recommendation that a new motor fire-engine be purchased. '
Crediton Urban District 'Council has called a special meeting to decide whether a motor fire-engine shall be purchased.
Manchester Corporation Tramwa:es Committee has purchased six 7-wt.. standard Ford vans and two one-ton standard Ford vans.
Blackp.00l Watch Committee has given the tramways department a. licence for e motorbus to augment the bus services on the corporation routes.
A conference of representatives of Ilford, East Ham and Barking Councils. has -prepared a, schente for the 'coordination of ambulance services.
Blackpool Corporation tramways committee has appointed a sneeennemittee to consider the question ler. the establishment of motorbus services in various parts of the borough.
Salford Corporation Tramways Committee recommends the purcha.se of two Leyland double-deck motorbuses at a cost of 21,595 each and one Harrierdoubledeck motorbus at a cost of 21,330.
Bolton Corporation Parks Committee has authorized the purchase of a lorry.
Barnstaple Rural District Council has decided to purchase a Dennis motor fireengine and trailer.
Calcutta Municipal Council has agreed to a trial demonstration with a SuperSentinel steam wagon.
Enniscorthy (Ireland) Rural District Council is inviting tenders for the supply or a 2-ton motor Jerry, Leeds Corporation Health Committee has authorized a sub-committee to purchase a motor ambulance.
Leeds Corporation Cleansing Committee recommends the purchase of two Lacre motor road sweepers at a cost not exceding 21,050.
Wallasey Corporation Tramways Committee has appointed a deputation to witnees an A.E.C. trolley-bus demonstration at St, Helens.
Maidstone Rural District Council has decided to claim compensation for road damage by trahtion engines belonging to a local concern.
Brighton Watch Committee is urged by the captain of the fire brigade to consider the question or 'purchasing a mew motor fire-engine. .
Bournemouth Corporation bee appointed a sub-committee to consider the question of the provision of facilities for the parking of motor vehicles in the borough.
Bedford Fire Brigade reports that, in the interest of efficiency, it will shortly be necessary to incur further expendi• ture in connection with the equipment of the brigade.
The Ministry of. Health iespector has conducted an inquiry into the applicetion of the Gelligaer Urban. District • Council to .borrow 28,000 to equip afire station. at Bargoed. The result of :the. inquiry will be made known in due: course.
Burnley Corporation Tramways Committee has again considered the two tenders submitted by Leyland Motors, Ltd., and the Maudsla,y Motor Co., Ltd, , for the supply of four motorbuse,s, and recommends acceptance of the tender of Leyland Motors, Ltd., at an inclusive cost of 2985 per bus.
Nottingham's Project.
An improvement of considerable importance to commercial motor users was decided upon by the Nottingham Corporation at its last meeting, when it was determined to widen and strengthen, at an e,stimated cost of 2130,000, the bridge that crosses the River Trent at the southernmost end of the city and which has long been inadequate to provide for modern requirements. Towards the expendituase the Treasury has promised to contribute 60 per cent., the Nottinghamshire County Council having also agreed to subscribe 210,000;48o that. the /sky authorities will be able to carry out the project at a cast to the municipal exchequer of 242,000 only. a support of the necessity for the work, apart from considerations as to long-distance traffic, for which the bridge :affords the main means of communication between .points north and south, it was mentioned in the course of discussion that no fewer than 2,000 new motor-vehicle licenoes had been granted in Nottingham during the past year.
New Buses for Manchester.
Manchester Corporation tramways departmeut has purchased six Harrier 2e-ton single-deck motor omnibuses, four Bristol 3-ton single-deck motor omnibuses and two Bristol 2-ton single-deck buses.
Protection for Tramways
Blackpool . Watch Committee has agreed to -allow Mr. William Smith to extend his existing motor omnibus routee in the .borough on condition that he .does re% collect fares fore journeys within the borough on existing corporation tramway routes
The Merits of Shell.
Shell-Mex, Ltd., have recently issued a new booklet, under the title of "Shell, Nature's Mixture," chief amongst the contents of which are the opinions of many motor, veitiele experts on the reasons for the supremacy of Shell motor spirit. Certain information is also•given regarding the laboratory of Messrs. Ricardo and Co., at Shoreham, in which is installed a 'remarkable engine designed expressly for motor-fuel research.