ONE HEARS Oh for the status quo "1 Mostly the parade of the. personnel.
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That the R.I.A. should come to its own.
Of chastenings, after the hasty (money) chase.
That read-waves 'give civil enginmers "creeps."
Of strained relations between wheel and read.
That foot-pumps are not necessarily dancing pumps..
Much that we do we do because We are what we are; That £10,000,000 must not be spent "'in any old road."
That some upholstery reminds us of the old cushion tyres.
Something very flat about the ring in the new coinage.
Of "power pilfering" taking place in engine pockets.
That somebody aught to give a good rating to the Treasury. .
"'One month only, Sir Eric ! Indeed, it ought to be twelve."
That, in Australia, the Ford uphelstery is known as " down under."
That to get general satisfaction is to "stand and deliver "—the goods.
Lots of swear words on payment of the new Motor taxes iii the lump sum.
That many thiligs may be priceless, but we would rather see the price less.
That autocracy and the tinsmith's profession are very much boon companions.
That same lorry drivers the accessibility of their charge, whilst. others swear at it.
That the most popular suggestion for "New Uses for Rubber" was, Put some ol it into tyres."
Of manufacturers who are more inclined to " develop overseas" than "fog along" at home.
The sooner extremists admit that "Transport is King " in all phases of progress, the better for That the Indian Agricultural Research Institute ;s busy formulating plans for tractor trials this year on a big scale.
That a certain technical writer who used the phrase, "manipulating the pedals," ought to have known better.
Of mixed theories regarding fuel turbulence, dissociation, stratification and flame propagation, but a good M.E.P. cuts out the lot Approval of Hints on Overhauling.
That the wheels, of industry need a lot of lubrication.
But that they are not squeaking.
Of little else but pay pay !! pay !!: even when there's nothing doing.
That some people's education in psychology Seems to have been neglected.
From Coventry of no end of a splash, about that city's rain-forced road-crusts.
That they are .being "geographically displaced" (in part at any rate) quite frequently, That the appearance of The Uornmerc'k iliotor on the bookstalls is a "counter." attraction. '
If we were not so thoroughly constitutional we might call it a counter revolution.
That a lot of., people had not realized how much they were missing.
That they don't think we miss much anyway.'
That there is no truth in the statement that there's a call for bulk storage of commonsense at Lancaster.
The announcement (not by any means new to us) that a Mechanical Transport Advisory Board has been_ appointed.
That the rumour that the above board has strongly advised the provision of Ford cars for staff offieeis in the next war is entirely unfounded.
That motor manufacturers are not contemplating the advisability of following the sales example of the big London stores.
Someone suggesting barter as 'a, remedy, but that we have not found it yet necessary to open an " Exchange advertisement column.
If we did, it might contain some interesting announcements, such as "War profiteer, reduced circumstances, offers two fuecoats, diamond scarf pin, and piano (unused) in exchange for Ford van.".
That some people who would like to share out everything that does not belong to them, distinctly object to sharing out their own job with somebody else.
That it is one thing to. propound principles, but quite.. another to put them into practice.
Some erstwhile .hot-headed Labour leaders changing their tune somewhat, and delivering chesty New Year messages about. the "citifies" as -well as the " rights " of labour. Better late thannever, perhaps.
Also continued insistence on the fact that underproduction is the root of all evil. In present circumstances, it is too much to expect that bold statement. to be believed, without a little clearer explanation of the "why and how." 0.
That, in its absence, the obvious retort seems to be, "We. have produced, and now "You cannot sell." That, in its absence, the obvious retort seems to be, "We. have produced, and now "You cannot sell."