i .4 News and Comment.
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.
REMINDERS Widening Spheres of Influence.
"The Commercial Motor in the Ascendant," being an appropriately-entitled article from the pen of Sir J. H. A. Macdonald, K.C.B., P.C., is continued on pages 420 to 422, and concluded.
The Education of the North East.
The exclusive article in regard to the motor-transport department of the North-Eastern Railway, which was begun in our issue of a fortnight ago, is continued on pages 423 to 425, and concluded by an interview with the company's chief mechanical engineer.
Topical Subjects. Our leading articles this week deal with the following topical subjects: (1) "The President of the Scottish A.C. and the growth of motorvan traffic ;" (2) "The use of the reverse as a brake ; " (3) "Impressions formed during a further walk round the Royal Show; "and (4) " Agrimotors for market gardeners and for small holders."
New Registrations.
Wood Spring Tyre (Knight's Patent) Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of 21000 in 25 shares.
Hull and Willerby Motor Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £1500 in 21 shares, and with its registered office at Parliament Chambers, Quay Street, Hull. Yalam Motor Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of 22000 in 21 shares, and with its office at 24, Coleman Street, E.C., to acquire and carry on any agencies connected with the manufacture, etc., of motor omnibuses, cabs, and other vehicles, etc.
Current and t 81 tilln July French Military Trials (1912). Current and Canadian Industrial Exhibition at till 20th July ; Winnipeg.
Aug.-Sept. British Military Subvention Trials 25th Sept. to ) Agriinotor Exhibition and Trials
lltb Oct. at Bourget (France). 2nd to t.80th }
Oc German Military Trials (1912). Current and t
The Lancashire and Cheshire section of the Roads Improvement Association is actively supporting the campaign to keep slow-moving traffic close to the left-hand kerb in Manchester.
The Argyll Motor Works, at Alexandria, are closing for ten days, during the Glasgow Fair holidays, and advantage will be taken of the halt in production to add materially to the equipment of the factory.
Additional Grants from the Road Board Funds.
Further advances, amounting to 1123,315, have been made from the Road Improvement Fund, to county councils and other highway authorities, by the Treasury, on the recommendation of the Road Board, during the three months ended the 30th ult. Of this, £105,186 is for the improvement of road crusts, £13,259 for the widenings and improvement of kerbs and corners, 22523 for road diversions, and 22347 for the construction and improvement of bridges.
We may remark, incidentally, that the grants for the construction and improvement of bridges, for which specific relief owners and manufacturers have largely to thank the Commercial Motor Users Association, now reach a total sum voted of 217,475. Maintenance at Southampton.
The Parsons Motor Co., Ltd., of Town Quay, Southampton, has recently made considerable additions to its machinery and general equipment, and is well placed to deal with maintenance and repairs of all kinds.
Retreading Plant.
The West London Rubber Co. notifies its change of address to 215, Upper Richmond Road, Mortlake, S.W. One of the company's latest features is the retreading of pneumatic tires with a leather non-skid, and for this purpose special plant has been erected.
A Halda Birthday.
The Halda works in Sweden, where the well-known taximeters are made, during last week celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary, when gold and silver medals for long and valued services were distributed to the workers. The Raids works manufacture watches as well as taximeters ; the latter are well-known in this country and enjoy a high reputation.
North British Rubber Co.
Mr. A. C. Baker, for reasons of health, has resigned his position at Edinburgh in the service of the North British Rubber Co., Ltd., and has taken up the post of sales manager to the company, with headquarters in London. Mr. Alexander Johnston has been appointed general manager of the company, in succession to Mr. Baker, whilst Mr. G. A. Findlay has been appointed secretary, and Mr. W. A. Williams has become general works superintendent.
Fire—Brigade Matters.
Mr. E. G. Baines, of Scarborough, has offered to present a motor fireengine and escape to the town at a cost of 1000 guineas.
We illustrate herewith the first of the new Dennis pumps to be delivered to Croydon's order. Chief Officer Dane, as we mentioned' in our last issue, is pleased with the change from horses.
Coventry City Council wants to have tenders lodged, per Mr. J. E. Swindlehurst, M.Inst.C.E., at St. Mary's Hall, on or before the 15th inst., for a motor fire-engine (pump and first-aid appliance). 21 Is. must be sent for a form of tender and particulars.