In Public Service.
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Brighton Town Council is considering the obligatory carrying of conductors on motor chars-a-ba.nes.
The latest case of extension of business in the char-it-bancs branch, by a carrier, is that of Mr. W. H. Ireland, of Stapley, near Taunton.
The Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., is to use Edison batteries in connection with the C.A.V. lighting equipment on its latest Tilling-Stevens buses.
Lynton U.D.C. has been discussing the granting of a licence for a motor char-h-bancs to run between Watersrneet and Lyrimouth. The licence has been granted to Mr. Attree, of Myrtleherry.
We learn that the South Indian Railway Co., Ltd., has just placed an order with the Motor Rail and Tram Car Co., Ltd., 79, Lombard Street, E.C., for the supply of three Simplex 70-seated rail-coaches.
Birkeehead Corporation Bill, under which powers are sought to run motorbuses in the areas of various neighbouring councils, has had clauses inserted under which the consent of the local or road authority must be given before any service is begun, and given under seal. It is, however, provided that such consent must not be unreasonably withheld, and that., should any question arise as to whether such Consent. has been unreasonably withheld, or as to whether such terms and conditions are unreasonable, the same shall be determined under the provisions of the Arbitration Act, 1899. Any terms and conditions so agreed and determined may and shall be observed and performed by the parties to the agreement or the a.rbitration, as the case may be.
The total of licensed motorbuses being operated on the London streets on the 31st of last month was 3406. This shows an increase of 34 as against the preceding month.
The London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., carried no fewer than 2,750,000 passengers on its motorbuses on Whit-Monday last, compared with 2,233,000 on Easter Monday last..
The receipts of the Tramways (M. E. T.) Omnibus Co., Ltd., for the week ended 3011 May, 1914, were t9018 and for the Gearless Omnibus Co., Ltd., £195. These show an increase of -24639 and 222 respectively over the corresponding period of last year.
The receipts of the National Steam Car Co., Ltd., for the 10 days ended 31st May, 1914, were £6824. This shows an increase of £1969 over the corresponding period of last year.
There are now 65 taxicabs licensed in Nottingham.
Mr. G. Griggs, of Ramsgate, who has had considerable experience of Albion chars-a-bancs in the past, and already owns three of them, has jzi!t placed a further repeat order for a 29-seated example.
Interesting tests of a new splashguard were made on a National steam omnibus last month, at Nun, head Lane, Peckham Rye.
Mr. Harry Parsons, A.M.T.M.E., read an interesting paper on "Motorbuses and Southampton Traffic," before the Southampton Chamber of Commerce, on the 26th ult. He advanced much interesting data to show that Southampton might, with financial advantage, be served by modern motorbuses instead of electric tramcars.
Mr. Fearnley, manager of the Sheffield Tramways, in supporting the Sheffield Corporation Bill for extended motorbus powers, stated that, after allowing for interest, sinking fund and depreciation, the existing fleet of motorbuses in Sheffield had made a net profit of 21271 for the past 12 months. Th3 Corporation is working five routes.
Many drivers and owner-drivers of taxicabs find it a hardship that they are barred from certain parts of Hyde Park, and many would-be hirers are deprived of the reasonable enjoyment of the park in consequence. We are glad to see that the Parliamentary Committee of the Trades Union Congress sent a deputation to Earl Beauchamp, First Commissioner of Works, on the 20th ult., in regard to this matter, and that sympathetic consideration was promised.
The Reliance Taxicab Co., Ltd., will pay a first and final dividend of 3s. 311d. in the 2, and this is obtainable at the office of the official receiver, 33, Carey Street, W.C.
The Rotherham Motor and Taxicab Co., Ltd., in liquidation, will hold a. creditors meeting at the offices of Messrs. Hart, Moss and Co., 22, Moorgate Street, Rotherham, on the 20th June, when the liquidator's account will be presented.
Motorbus Inaccuracies.
We are surprised to read certain figures, contained in a so-called joint expert report to the Bristol City Council, from Messrs. J. B. Hamilton (Leeds Corporatida Tramways), 3. F. C. Snell and J. M. McElroy (Manchester Corporation Tramways). Two of the statements we condemn as conveying misleading views of costs. We refer to the assertion that the extra cost of motor omnibuses in Bristol, as compared with tramways, would be £78,872, and the further statement, that the cost. of operation fer London motorbuses in 1912 Jimounted to 9.76d. per mile run. The latter figure is fantastic, and it in our judgment illustrates the extremes to which pro-tramcar men will go when seeking to damage motorbus projects.
Fire-Brigade Matters.
Otley U.D.C. is about to purchase a motor fire-engine.
Clevedon U.D.C. hopes at an early date to acquire a motor fireeegine.
Sowerby Bridge U.D.C. is about to borrow /750 for the purchase of a motor fire-tender and escapecarrier.
Holmfirth Unity Fire Brigade Committee has nearly completed the collection of funds to purchase a 33-40 h.p. motor fire-engine.
The Lighting Committee of the Dunfermline Town Council has instructed the Burgh Engineer to receive tenders for motor fireengines.
Propesals and Purchases.
Liverpool Corporation is pun. chasing eight. more Halley motor wagons,
The Metropolitan Asylums Board has placed an order for three 18-24 11.1). Siddeley-Deasy chassis for use as a tabulances.
The L.C.C. has ordered eight AY:nstrong-Whitworth ambulances, at ,n44 each, and one Dennis ambulance, at 1560,
The Electricity Department of the Wolverhampton Corporation has decided to purchase a battery vehicle for haulage purposes. The Walthamstow U.D.C. is asking tenders for the supply of four steam .ractors, and all of these must be convertible for use as rollers.
Rotherham Town Council is about to call for tenders for the supply of a steam wagon (convertible to a watering cart) and a trailer.
The Metropolitan Asylums Board is desirous to receive tenders for the supply of six van-shaped ambulanee bodies by not later than 10 a.m. on the 22nd inst.
The Borough Engineer of Croydon will, on application together with deposit of .C1 is, furnish forms of tender and conditions in respect of the supply of a petrol motor ambulance. Tenders must be lodged by 11 a.m. on the nth inst.
Eastbourne's Profits.
The profits on Eastbourne's municipal motorbus service were approximately 12000 for the financial year ended the 31st March last.
Instruction of Taxi-drivers.
The British Motor Cab Co., Ltd., recently brought an action against a taxi-driver named F. J. Robinson, to recover the sum of 15 for fees for a complete. course of instruction in preparing the defendant to pass the police examination for taxi-drivers in London.
The evidence showed that the defendant entered the company's :e-hool of instruction, that he was charged nothing for the lessons, and that he signed an agreement that after he had obtained his licence he would remain in the service of the company for 12 months, but that he would pay La to the company if he left it within that term. The defendant driver entered the school on the 23th May, 1912, and obtained his licence on the teth December last. He had 173 h-ssons in " knowledge of London,and 23 driving lessons. On the 3rd February he applied for his licence, which was deposited with the compaey, in order to have his atklress changed, and never returned to service.
It was argued for the defendant that. the agreement was had, as he was never a servant in the employ of the company, and Judge Parry, who heard the case, observed that the effect of the agreement was that the company could under it keep a man for 12 months on unremuneraLive work.
The judge decided that the action could not succeed on the agreement alone, because it also stipulated that, if the defendant left durieg the time he was having his course of lessons, he was to pay the company 15s. a week in respect of the time he received instruction, but, if he succeeded in obtaining a driving licence, he was to remain the company's servant for t2 months after the date of getting it. Had the company agreed to pay the defendant a living and adequate wage, it would have been possible to sue him for damages. The plaintiff company was entitled to engage the man at some guaranteed wage, but it had not done so, and he was not the company's servant. He had no right to ask for any weekly amount, and if trade was bad he might be without any wages at all.
Judgment was given for the defendant with costs, but leave war granted to appeal.
L.G.O.C. in Surrey.
The L.G.O.C. has been granted 16 licences by the Chertsey
—10 for double-deckers and 6 for single-deckers. The Epsom R.D.C. has also recently been notified that this company will inaugurate a service through Belmont, Banstead,. Cheain, Ewell and Ashtead.