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Some Notes on a Well-arranged Event in Which the Allocation of the Points Will be of Especial Interest.
rp H E Aligemeine 1. Deutsche Autotnobil Club of Germany last
year planned an imposing general utility trial for all types of motor vehicle, comprising everything from motorcycles to the largest transport units, including coaches and buses., It was, however, not found possible to carry out the trial of the commercial vehicles, motorcycles and three-wheelers; consequently, only private cars took part. Nevertheless, this event convincingly showed that, from the standpoint of the user, this kind of test is of real value.
The forthcoming trial, in which the participating vehicles will have to traverse a great part of Germany, comprises ten different tests. These will be in two groups, one pertaining to economy and efficiency and the other to transport comfort.
In the former section the first factor is the catalogue mice of the vehicle concerned. Coaches and buses are classified solely by seating capacity, the actual divisions being up to 15, 22, 28 and over 28 seats. During the trial all seats must be occupied by passengers or by a corresponding amount of ballast (132 lb. per person). The goods carriers—including every vehicle of this type from the small threewheeler to the largest lorry—are divided into seven classes according to their pay-loads. The classes are up to 10 cwt., 30 cwt., 2-} tons, 31. tons, 5 tons, inoi4 than .5 tons and special machines '(refuse collectors, fire-fighting appliances, etc.).
Standard Models Only.
All vehicles must be strictly standard and only have equipment as supplied to every purchaser, even in respect of the tool kit. At least 20 buses, coaches or goods carriers of each pattern must have been produced. Competitors may use whatever fuels they like.
In each class the vehicle with the lowest catalogue price on April 1st twelves the highest number of points, which for buses, coaches and lorries, Is six. Vehicles costing more than two-and-a-half times as much as the lowest priced one will not be awarded any points in this section.
The vehicle for which the lowest German tax has to be paid receives the maximum of four points. The others are rated in a similar fashion as regards the price, with the difference, however, that all points are lost if the tax exceeds twice that of the lowest ht the same category. These items relate to standing charges. The .next three sections deal with a threefold test on the roads to establish general reliability and ability to cross rough country; there will be a final condition examination. Buses, coaches and lorries will not be called upon to cross rough country but will go over some very bad roads.
Speed Schedule Established.
In the reliability test the touring
speed will .be scheduled. Each driver will receive daily a plan on which are given times at which his machine has to pass definite con trols. Several secret checks are also arranged. Buses and coaches have to maintain an average touring speed of 21 m.p.h. to 28m.p.h., according to road conditions. Goods carriers will have to maintain lower speeds except in the case of . the 30-cwt. types, which are also expected to maintain the speed of the passenger machines. • Each entry will have an allowan& of plus or . minus 10 minutes in which to pass the controls. Every minute above or below. this, however, will involve a loss of 1 per cent, of the maximum. Fuel may be replenished anywhere along the official route. Repairs and tyre changes must be accomplished on the road by the crew and entirely with the standard tool kit. No outside assistance is permitted. Competitors requiring more than 40 per cent. in excess of the' time of the best in the class for the crosscountry and rough-road tests will be excluded from this section; buses and coaches receive five Marks as a maximum: The' fitting of such aids as chains will' only be permissible if they be supplied to every purchaser with the vehicle; the fitting has to take place within the time allotted to the test. Whilst all other participants must carry their full crew or ballast, buses, coaches and lorries will be allowed to dump one-third of their loads.
Checking Final Condition.
The final examination will take several days to complete. The cost of repairs and their duration will be considered. There will be five grades of . damage ; very heavy (total lees of points), heavy damage (up to 80 per cent. loss of points), medium damage (loss up to 60 per cent.), light damage (loss -up to 40
per cent.) and very light damage (loss up to 20 per cent.).
Following this, the fuel consumption test will take place. It will take into account the pay-load and the , price of the fuel used. Oil consumption will not be tested quantitatively, hut the state of the oil prior to and after the test will be examined. A certain speed must be maintained during this competition and any deviation from it by more than 2 per cent. will lead to losses of points. At 25 per cent. a total forfeiture of points occurs.
This completes the tests relating to the economy side of the trial. Buses and coaches can obtain a maximum of 48 points and lorries 55.
Now follow the sections dealing with comfort. Some of these tests are interspersed between the previous ones, such, for instance, as
the starting tests. This set of trials includes the following.:— Acceleration from rest, lowest speed, acceleration on top gear, braking distances, highest speed over a long or short course, hill-climbing, a simple starting test and a combined starting and efficiency test.
Easy Starting Tested.
The starting tests are repeated every morning 'during the trial. Generally a simple test is called for, but on certain mornings a combined one will be applied. In this the vehicles have to take a gradient immediately after. starting.
There are three further tests, the results of which, however, are not reckoned in the final results, namely, vibration, noise and the emission of odour.
Finally, the competition includes a trial of the personal comfort offered by each vehicle. In buses and coaches the effective width of each seat between the arm rests or outer edge and the body side will be measured. Points will be aWarded also for the body space allotted each passenger, the headroom above the seats (occupied), the vertical distance between the steering wheel and the seat, the horizontal distance between the back of the driver's compartment and the nearest pedal, the height and width of the gangway between the seats, the width of entrance and exit, and the height of steps.
Equipment is also to be tested and points will be awarded for the provision of oil and air filters, thermostats, radiator shutters, central lubrication systems, and assisted braking.