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Are Doing
An ambitious programme of talks on the subject of road transport has been arranged by the British Road Federation. Chambers of commerce, rotary clubs, etc„ in all parts of the country are to be addressed by leading personalities in the industry, who will deal with the subject from the national point of view.
Opening this programme, Col. D. C. McLagen, secretary of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, spoke at Croydon, on Monday, on " Road Transport Restrictions," whilst to-day (Friday), Mr. R. Gresham Cooke, secretary of the B.R.F., is speaking at Barking on the subject of " The Dependence of Industry on Modern Transport."
A number of meetings is to be held in the north, starting at Harrogate on June 22, when Mr. W. E. Ma.cve will address the Harrogate Rotary Club on the subject of " Road Service in Relation to Safety." Other talks are to be given by Mr. R. W. Sewill, national director of A.R.O., to the -Stoke-onTrent Rotary Club on June 21, to the Grays Rotary Club on June 24, and at a joint luncheon of the Truro and St. Austell Rotary Club and Chamber of Commerce on June 29.
Mr. G. Vincent:, public relations officer of the • B.R.F., will speak at Rochester on July 16 and at Dorking on July 20. He will deal with the question of Road Conditions and Public Safety." Mr. F. G. Bristow, general secretary of the C.M.U.A., is booked to speak on the same subject to East. bourne Rotary Club on August 9..
Lincs Association Link with A.R.O.'
The Commercial Motor understands that important negotiations took place yesterday (Thursday) between mem • hers of the Lincolnshire Transport Association and representatives of the
• yorkshire and Fast Midland Areas of A.R.O. Mr. R. W. Sewill, national director of A.R.O., and Major Eric Long, were present at the meeting. A further announcement concerning the result of the negotiations is expected early next week.
Freight Brokers Organize.
. A memorandum ,which sets out the history of the freight-broking side of the industry, and which contains recommendations designed to improve the relationship between clearing houses and hauliers, has been considered and approved at a meeting of the freight brokers committee of A.R.O. It is hoped that the decisions made will aim for more stable conditions in the industry.
The Man Who Tells the World.
Mr. Gaston Vincent, B.A., who was recently appointed public relations officer of the British Road Federation, is • responsible for the Federation's campaign against unfair restriction of road transport, and for an improved road system in the interests of public economy, safety and national defence.
.1331) Mr. Vincent has travelled extensively and has contributed to a wide variety of British, American and Continental journals. He has had experience of the practical aspects of surveying and took part in several exploratory parties in the far north of Canada. In 1931 he won the LO.D.E, prize for the best Canadian short story.
Chairman for East Midland A.R.O.
At a recent meeting of the East Midland Area committee of A.R.O., Mr. T. A. Kirby was elected chairman of the area for the forthcoming year.
Important Guests at A.R.O. Luncheon.
The Minister of Transport, Mr. E. Leslie Burgin, M.P., has accepted an invitation to be present at the A.R.O. luncheon to be held in London on July 12. Another guest will he Field-Marshal Sir Cyril Deverell, G.C.13., K.C.B., CE., chief of th,. Imperial General Staff.
A Licensing Amendment.
The British Road Federation is calling for an amendment of the Finance Bill with reference to Clause 7, which deals with the licensing of goods vehicles carrying containers. The amendment .urges that if goods be ordinarily carried on or in the vehicle, without the receptacle being placed thereon, the weight of the receptacle shall not be included in the unladen weight.
We understand that the associations concerned have agreed to this amendment, which will be dealt with by Col. Sandeman Allen, chairman of the Parliamentary Road Group.
A further stage in the reorganization of committee. work pi the Yorkshire Area of A.R.O., has been completed by the election of members (if, the four divisional passenger committees and of the Yorkshire Passenger Sectional Board, which is made up of representatives of the divisional committees. These committees' representatives on the sectional board are
Central varasinrc: Messrs. H. Foxton (York), S. H Everingham (Pocklingtou), W. H. HoYie (Halifax), L. Badneley iHolinfirth), J. T. Rogers (Leeds), F. Ward .1.13ingley), A. E. Aspinall (Fedset), and A. Feather (Bradford). South 'Yorkshire: (..k' mut-ales T. H. Borrows )Wombwell), Messrs. A. Reeky (New Topton), G. W. Cooper (Barnsley), and C. Smart (G'reasborough). East Yorkshire: Mesera. W. H. Barker (Scarborough), A. E. Noble(Scarborough), N. G.Horsley (Scarborough), and Capt. R. Hosard (Whitby). South-East Yorkshire: Messrs. E. Parrish (Hat. field), 3..1. Granter (Upton), II. Wilson (Stain' forth)", N. Wilson (Atinthorpel, J. H. ISELTIMS (Doncaster}, and E. L. Thompson (Swinetleet).
The members of the four divisional passenger committees are:—
Central Yorkshire Committee: Messrs. H. Foxtort (York), W. II. Hoyle (Halifax), L. Baddeky (Holudirth), J. T. Rogers (Leeds), F. Ward. (Bingley), S. H. Eceringham (Pocklington), IL Wilcox •(Ravensthorpe), T. Forder (Bingley), A. Aspinall (Pudsey), and A. Feather (Bradford). South Yorkshire Committee: Councillor T. H. Burrows (Wombwe)l) and hdessrs. C. Camplejoha (Darfield), A. Beeley (New Topton), A. Fester (Hinningtort), G. W. cooper (Barnsley), A. Wig' sates (DinnIngton), A.' Turner (Chesterfield), F. K. Saner= (Sheffield), J. MeAllin (Beighton), LA. Booth (Killaruarsh.), C. Smart (Groaaberough) and W. Pickarill (Wombwell). East Yorkshire Committee! -Messrs. W. Barker (Scarborough), N. G. Horsley lifterborough) 7. J. Rowling (Scarborough). .1 T. Fletcher(Scarborough), A. E. Noble Pleatborough). J. Roddy (Bridlington} and Capt. A. Howard (Whitby). South-East Yorkshire Committee: Messrs. E. Parrish (Hatfield), J. J. Granter (=Upton), J. B. Barns (Doncaster), T. Severn (Stamtorth), E. L. Thompson (Swinedeet), H. Wilson (Stair...forth).
W. Roe (Fisblake), Wason (Armtborpe), R. Store (Stainforth), T. S. Maack., (Blackstone) and W. Morpus (Rossini-an).
A.R.O. Elections for New Council.
Elections for the new National Coun. cil of A.R.O. will take place at a meeting of the haulage sectional_ board of the Association, to be held on Monday next, June 14.
Consideration will also be given to A.R.O. 's policy concerning the Baillie report on wages and conditions. Representatives from all areas of A.R.O. have considered the report, and the delegates to the meeting will fully discuss this important matter.
C.M.U.A. Success in East Cheshire.
Operators came from a wide area around to attend a C.M.T.I.A. meeting
at Congleton, last week. Following addresses by Mr. E. F. Topham (Manchester Area chairman) and Mr. IL H. Lapsley (Manchester Area secretary), there was a discussion regarding the relative merits of opening a local branch or linking up with the strong Macclesfield branch. Finally the latter course was decided upon.
The Congleton meeting was one of the most successful recruiting efforts ever made by the C.M.I.J.A. Manchester Area.
Mr. Burgin at A.R.O. Dinner.
Mr. H. Leslie Burgin, M.P., the new Minister of Transport, will make his first public appearance to-night, when he will be one of the chief speakers at the first annual dinner of A.R.O. Luton Sub-area.
A certain liveliness developed at the meeting of A.R.O. Devizes Sub-area, on Monday, which S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, addressed. Assessment of depreciation was the chief subject of controversy and the meeting as a whole accepted S.T.R.'s outspoken preference for allocating the item as a running cost.
Members heard with interest his suggestions as to how the average haulier, lacking sufficient experience to enable him to judge for himself what the mileage life should be, could arrive at a fairly accurate figure. Some experienced operators questioned S.T.R.'s Own basis, with the result that his data, were clearly shown to be a reasonable approximation to average conditions. Mileage lives of low-priced vehicles, ranging from 70,000 to 200,000, were quoted by members.
The meeting, under the chairmanship of Mr. A. J. Hillier, wa.s well attended. Besides Mr. E. R. Sudweekes, the local secretary, those present included Mr. C. E. Sealy and Mr. A. Akers, both from Bristol, Mr. H. H. V. Guest, from Bath, and Mr. W. F. Hancock, of Corsham.
Lanes Operators Discuss Rates.
As briefly reported in last week's issue of The Commercial Motor, on Wednesday of last week operators from an extensive area in Lancashire met in Manchester, at the invitation of the Amalgamated Horse and Motor Owners Association, to discuss prospects of rates stabilization. Delegates from Yorkshire explained the steps that are being taken in that county to maintain reasonable levels.
Discussions were directed towards deciding upon a sound basis, for goods rates generally. The Lancashire delegates are reporting to their organizations and further meetings will take place in the near future.
A.R.O. at Cornwall Show.
A.R.O. Devon and Cornwall Area was represented at the Royal Cornwall Show, Wadebridge, this week, where the Association had a rest room and a display of its literature.
Bradford A.R.O. Clearing-house Plan..
A scheme for the distribution of haulage work among members of the newly formed Bradford branch of A.R.O. was suggested by Mr' George H. Griffiths, chairman, when the branch was formed on Tuesday.
Giving a general outline of the scheme, Mr. Griffiths said that, in the event of a member having more work than he could cope with by his own resources he would obtain through the branch the assistance of another member. The member passing on the work would receive a commission for so doing, and the branch would receive a small commission to ,cover expenses incurred in connection with the scheme.
Mr. Griffiths's suggestions will be dis
cussed at a meeting of the branch committee.
In addition to electing Mr. Griffiths chairman, the meeting appointed Mr. C. S. Craven as secretary, and the following were elected to the committee: —Messrs. C. Parratt (Bradford), A. Rayner (Wilsden), N. Smith (Bradford), J. Hemingway (Bradford), H. Wright (Denholme), J. Newman (Bradford), J. W. Walton (DenhoIme), and Forder (Bingley).
B.R.F . Approves Weight-limit Concessions.
A reply has been sent to the Ministry of Transport by the British Road Federation on the proposed alterations to the permitted axle weights of vehicles having more than four wheels. The Federation welcomes the proposals and urges that an amendment of the regulations will be approved by operators. C.M.U.A. PLEA ON UNLADEN WEIGHT INCREASES.
The C.M.U.A. has made representations to the authorities, urging that the unladen weight of a vehicle, as certified by the taxation authority at the time of registration, shall thereafter be accepted for taxation or other purposes, so long as no structural alterations be made.
As many operators know to their cost, the unladen weight of a vehicle increases in service, owing to accumulations of mud, moisture, oil, etc., often bringing the machine into a higher taxation class.
C.M.U.A. Branch for Hounslow.
On Monday it was decided to form a branch of the C.M.U.A. at Hounslow, and a further meeting is to be held shortly. Competition between A and C-licensees was discussed at Monday's gathering.