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32 Years' Service and Still Going Strong

11th June 1943, Page 18
11th June 1943
Page 18
Page 18, 11th June 1943 — 32 Years' Service and Still Going Strong
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ALEYLAND machine, having a fine record of service, is shown in the accompanying illustration. The chassis was purchased by Leicester Corporation in 1911 at a cost of £565. During its 92 years of service it has performed such varied duties as the erection of overhead lines on new tram routes and, incidentally, the -dismantling of the overhead wires on two routes which have been converted to bus operation, pole planting, line inspections, towing obstructions from tram tracks and pulling derailed trams on to the track. In all, 16 people, two of them old horsed-tram drivers, have been taught to drive at the wheel of this vehicle.

The cylinders have not needed reboring, the original pistons are still in service, and, with the exception of one gearbox pinion, no new chassis parts have been required, It is interesting to learn that, with an estimated mileage of 150.000 to its credit, the leather clutch facing has onl■,once been replaced. This says much for the clutchoperating mechanism, when it is remembered that the machine has been extensively employed for instructional purposes.

The body and tower superstructure shown in the illustration were constructed in the workshops of the operator.