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Requests in Nine Areas
APPLICATIONS (June 2. 1965) F. and E. Robinson (Stockton-on-Tees) Lid., Stockton, new A lie,, 2 art, (Hit) and 5 veh. (170. Maid? goods for ICI Ltd.. British Titan Products Ltd, and Redland Tiles Lad., as required. (If granted. Contract A tic, will be surrendered,) Mrs. E. Rigg, West Hartlepool, new A tic., veh. (2;1) (lurnirure van). Furniture and household effects, GB. (If granted. B lic, will be surrendered.) H. M. reicher, Bishop Auckland, A var., add 1 veh. (4t 10c3.
V. Dillon Ltd., Newcastle. new It tic., 1 T. (40. Building mats. for James Burrell Ltd.. Gateshead. within 50 miles. Of granted, C lie, will he surrendered.) J. .1. O'Donnell, West Hartlepool. new B lie., T T. (40. Sand, gravel and shale, within 50 miles.
APPLICATIONS (June 7, 1965) R. H. Fox and Son (Chemical Engineering) Ltd.. Thundersley. new A lie., I art. (80. Acid, within 75 miles. Anglo European Transport Services Ltd.. Felixstowe, new A lie., 3 art. (360. G.g.. GB, to and from ferry ports for export and import. Ferrymaster Haulage, Felixstowe. new A lie.. 12
an. (1200 tall types including TIE). All classes of goods. GB: mainly export and imports to and from ports served by Ferrymasters Ltd. and Ferrymasters (Scandinavia) Ltd. (If granted, A and Contract A lies, will be surrendered.)
Transport Holding Company, Pickfords Ltd.. Ipswich, new A lie., 6 art. (40)4). G.g.. Eastern Counties. London and Midlands. (If granted, these units will be deleted from A lic, held by Ives and Smith Ltd.) Turners (Soltem) Ltd., Forditarn. A var., add 2 veh. (At) Ground's Transport Services ILK, Snaldine. A var., add 2 art. (1610.
Bartrum's Road Services Ltd..", Diss, A var.. add art. (1.5H), (including 1 veh. (4H) to he acquired.) (If eranted. Contract A lie. will be surrendered.) Anglin Heavy Haulage Ltd., Molest, A var.. add 1 art. (5)1) (lw. ldr.)
Transport Holding Co., British Road Services Ltd.. Ipswich. A var., add 8 veh. (2811). (11 granted. veh. will he deleted from A lic, held by Ives and Smith Ltd.) A. and R. HYde, Meppershall, new R lie., I yell. (40. Building mats„ 70 miles. Cambridgeshire Growers Ltd.. Longstanton, new It lie., 4 veh. (12)). Horticultural produce, containers and horticultural sundries. within 40 miles. J. W. R. Hetes, Farces, Hunts, new R lie,, I T. (310. Building mats., earth and requisites, within 45 miles. C. Whi(ehead, Southcry, new B lie.. I T. (3)1). Earth moving front various sites, within 100 miles of King's Lynn, Mobile Clearance Ltd., Thetford. new B lic.. 2 T. 1130. Collection and disposal of contents of licensee's own containers. 'Tydd Transport, Tydd, isle of Ely. B ear., add 1 veh. (410. S. Hicks. Tydd St. Mary, B var., add 4 vch. WHY General farm produce and straw, within 40 miles for delivery within 2110 miles. Grounds Transport Services Ltd., Spalding. B var.. add 2 veh. CIO. Empty boxes our of and collection of flowers and produce into licensee's depot. ail within 23 miles.
S. C. Barham. Diss, B var., add 1 T. WI). Aerie. produce and requisites. within 80 mites. (If granted, Contract A ;lc will he surrendered.)
Grange's Transport Services Ltd., Sculthorpe. add 1 veh, CHO. (cont.) Livestock, any distance.
Tate and Lvle Transport Ltd., Elswell, B var.. add 1 art. NO. (If granted, yeh, will be deleted Irons C tic, held in Metropolitan area.) NORTH WESTERN
APPLICATIONS clime 4, 1965) W. T. Watkinson, Beam Lancs., new A Sr.. 2 -eeh. (120. Mainly goods for Fred Temneriev and Sons Ltd., J. Duckett and Sons Ltd. and Lancashire Fire Clay Co. Ltd. as required.
T. Fierrleastle, Drnylsrien. new A lie., 1 ▪ art.
(6)10. Mainly steel, textiles, bottles, paper machinery and foodstuffs: Lancs. Yorks, Cheshire. NE Coast, London, Midlands. Bristol and South England.
J. William., Bonthstown. Lancs.. A vat.. add 1 veh. (40. Sludge Disposals Ltd.. kport. A var., add ; veh, (13)0 (vacuum tankers). Cortields (Abermule) Ltd.. Abermule, Mont., new
B lie., I T. (31). Goods for Montgomeryshire County Council, within Montgomeryshire.
H. Taylor and Son. Ashton-under-Lyne. new B lie. 1 T. (210, 1 veh. OHL Building and road mat., excavtuion mat.. Fibreglass Plastic laminations. ducting, pipes, fittings, fabrications, engineering fabrications, and paving mat., contractor's plant, within 75 miles. K. O. Evans, Beddgelert, new B tic., 1 T. 141). Pre-cast concrete. concrete aggregate, dry and
coated road stones, building mats, and plant,
quarry plant and equipment: Anglesey. Caernarvonshire, Denbighshire, Flintshire. Cheshire. Cardi ganshire. Merionethshire. and occasionally to Surrey. Kent. Leics. and Lanes. (11 granted, Contrac( A lic, will be surrendered.) R. and F. Gradwdl Ltd., Blackpool, new It tic., art (3)). New and used Renault, Simea, Citroen. Volkswagen, Volvo ears and light vans from Southampton, Slough. Ramsgate. Uprninstet to Preston and Blackpool on behalf of R. and F. Gradwell (Preston) Ltd.. Harrowside Motors (Blackpool) Ltd., Volkswagen Services (Blackpool) Ltd. (associated conmanies): new and used cam and light vans from Liverpool and Manchester to Devon. Cornwall, Somerset and Wiltshire on behalf of By-pass Transport (St. Austell) Ltd. C. Devine. Caernarvon. new Ft tic_ 3 T. (143,1). P re-cast concrete, concrete aggregates, dry and
coated road stone, building mats, and plant and equipment: Anglesey, Caernarvonshire, Denbighshire, Flintshine. Cheshire, Cardiganshire, Merionethshire and occasionally to Surrey. Kent. Leics and Lancs. or granted. contract A tic., will be surrendered.).
J. R. Williams, Cacrnarvonshire, new B lie., I T. (511). Pre-cast concrete. concrete aggregates. dry
and coated road stone. building mats, and plant. quarry plant and equipment: Anglesey. °tenter
vonshire. Cheshire, Flintshire. Denbighshire, Merionethshire. Cardiganshire and occasionally to Surrey. Kent, Leic.s. and ancs. S. Evans, Clynnog, nets B lie.. 1 T. (41). Pmcast concrete. concrete aggregates, dry and coated road stone, building mats. and plant and equipment. AllRIC5CY, Caernarvonshire, Denbighshire, . Flintshire. Cheshire, Cardiganshire, Merionethshire and occasionally to Surrey, Kent. Leics and' Lanes. Of granted, Contract A lie, will be surrendered.) I. F. W. Williams. Holywell, new B tic,, 1 T. (3_40. Sand, gravel and quarried mats. (all direct 10 sites) within 25 miles. (If granted, Contract A lie, will he surrendered.) Evans and Hughes. Lianwnda, Caernarvonshire, new B lie,. T. (40. Pre-cast concrete, concrete aggregrates, dry and coated road stone, building mats, and plant and ecniinment: Anglesey, Caerner vonshire. Denbighshire. Flintshire, Cheshire. Cardiganshire. Merionethshire and occasionally to Surrey. Kent, Leics. and Lanes, (If granted. COntract A lic, will he surrendered.) M. Trowbridge. Manchester, new B lie,, 1 art. (8)1) (ear transporter). Cars from Rover Co. Ltd„
1.0 James Gibbon Motors Ltd., Glasgow and ro the latter company's distributors and agents: carriage of Rooms mini-cars from Paisley lo Manchester and Coventry, on behalf of Masterways L C. A. ROSS. Manchester, new B tic., I veh. (4)0. New furniture only. Manchester, London,
Lee's Motors (Norihwichl Ltd., Northwich, new
B tie., 1 veh. (610. Motor vehs. within 200 miles. FYIde Haulage Coal Co., Preston, new 11 tic_ 3 veh. (23+0 (includes I veil. (810 to be acquired).
Scrap metal between Southampton and Preston area.
Wallington, Portmadoc. new R lie., I r, (4)t). Pre-cast concrete, concrete aggregates, dry and
coated road stone. building plant and mass.. quarry plant and equipment; Anglesey. Caernar vonshire, Cheshire, Flintshire. Denbighshire, Merionethshire. Cardiganshire and occasionally to Surrey. Kent. Lcics and Lancs. A. Williams, Whist nit Nr. Preston, new 11 lie., I edt, (3)10. Turf, market garden landscape and
gardening requisites. within 250 miles: demolition mats, and rubbish from factory sites; oxygen bottles as required for ROC. J. ptckavanee Ltd., Sr. Helens. B var.. add 21 T. (11210. Sand, soil, shone, fly ash and other excavated mats.. within 15 miles.
APPLICATION (June 2, 1965) .
Robertson, Buckley and Co. Ltd., Beverley. Hull, new A lic„ 3 art. (3410. Imported and exported goods including liquids, chemicals, ores and other commodities as required in bulk. Mainly in connection with the Continental Ferry Services over the Humber ports.
Howson Bros. (Bowden) Ltd., Howden, Goole. new A lie., 4 art. (420. General export and import good, to and from Continental Ferry Trailer Services as required.
Quinlan Bros. Ltd., Keighley, new A lie., 2 veh. (St). Mainly steel drums, textiles, timber. building mats., electric washers and machinery. Mainly Yorks, Lancs, Ches, Midlands. London and the South, Bristol and South Wales. (If granted, B lie, will be surrendered.) I. Scare and Sons Ltd., Brayton, Selby, A var.. add 1 veh. (100. (If granted, Contract A lie, will surrendered.) J. Harper, East Cottingwith. A var., add 9 veh. (460, plus removable livestock cont. (2210, Of granted, B lie. and Contract A lie, will be surrendered.) G. Lawty Ltd., Helperthorpe. Matron, A var., add 1 vets (100 (bulk flour carrier).
Humber Stores Contractors Ltd., Hull, A var., add 2 art. (151t). Chrisltmass Transport Ltd., Hull. A var.. add 2 art. (140.
Frank Phillips (Haulage) Ltd., Sheffield, A var., add 9 veh. (2910; 1 art. (60. (If granted, A and B lies, will be surrendered.) R. H. Thisdethwaile (Leybum) Ltd., Bellerby, Leyburn. new B lie., 2 veh. (710. Road-making mats, and spoil for North Riding County Council; grit, sand, gravel and building mats, and plant, within 30 miles.
J. O'Donnell, Bradford, new B lie., 2 veh. (70. Goods for the North Eastern Gas Board, within 25 miles.
Denford Machine Tools Ltd.. Brighouse. new B lie., 2 veh. (410. Machine toots and accessories for Denford Small Tools (Brighouse) Ltd.. and Futurmill (Conversion). Lids as required.
United Premier Oil and Cake Co. Ltd., Hull, new B tic., 6 veh. (520. Bulk oil for late subsidiary company. John L. Seaton and Co. Ltd. Northumberland, Durham. Wawicks, Lanes and Yorks. H. Featherstone, Melbourne. York. new B lic., 1 art, (60. Agric. produce and requisites and building mats.. within 50 miles. D . and E. M. Norfolk, Pudsey, new B lic., I veh. (410. Sand and gravel on behalf of Nosterfield Gravels Ltd.. Bedale, within 50 miles.
W. E. Leach (Shipley) Ltd., Shipley. new B lic., 1 vela (410. Scrap metal for Crossley Bros. (Shipley) Ltd., within 60 miles. British Clog Sole Manufacturers Ltd., Snaith, Goole. new B lie.. 1 veh. (40. Building mats., within 25 miles.
R. E. Harris, &laid'. Goole, new B lie.. 1 veh. (41t). Cnrriage of new and second-hand caravans tor manufacturers and dealers as required.
Thomson (Bradford) Transport Ltd., Bradford, B var.. add 1 veh. (4t). Collection and delivery of goods in connection with licensee's long-distance services within 25 miles: goods for (3. C. Morley. Bradford. within 60 miles.
Securicor Ltd., Doncaster, B var.. add 2 veh. (S10.
Reynolds Transport (Leeds) Lid.. Leeds, B var., add 1 veh. (5t), (Mellier Kipper Container handling unit. plus removable cont., IL) Containers of rubbish, within 65 miles. Scrap metal for I. Stephenson. Leeds. as required.
Security Express Ltd., Leeds, B var., add 4 hired veh. (1310.
Securicor (Midlands) Ltd., Sheffield, B var., add
2 vets, WM.
APPLICATIONS (June 2. 1965) F. Spence and Sons, Alford, Lines, A var., add 1 sch. (410. Annie. produce and requisites, building and road-making mats., furniture and household effects, foodstuffs and chemicals. Lanes, Yorks. North East Coast. Midland. London. and Home Counties. Eastern Counties. South Coast. Wales.
E. T. MOMS, New York. Lincoln, A var S add 1 veh. (61t). Agric, produce and requisites, imported nods, timber, canned goods, Lanes. Yorks, Western Counties. Midlands. London and Southern Counties, fir granted. Contract A tic. will be surrendered.)
J. Johnson and Semis. Rothwell. Northants, A var„ add I veh. (310. Mainly basic slag. aerie, produce and rcquisite,s, building and road-making mats.. engineering products mainly within 200 miles. (If granted. Contract A tic, will be surrendered.) Corringdon Lid.. Weldon. nr. Corby. A var., add 3 art. (231). Steel and steel products, goods for the purpose of agriculture. building and roadmaking Slats. and other goods. Mainly to Midlands. but to all nails of England and Wales.
I116 Banbury Plant Hire Ltd., Banbury, Oxon. new B tic.. 4 veh. (1510. Goods connected with the building trade and industrial refuse, within 35 miles. Hitchcock of Relper Ltd.. Reiner. Oxon. new 13 lie.. 5 veh. (1710. Bagged solid fuel as directed by Wm. H. Short (Coal Distributors) Ltd., Newthorpe. Notts.
S. Parhoo, Derby, new B lie.. 1 veh. (41 3c). Coated and dry stone for W. H. Phillips Ltd., in connection with the construction of MI motorway extension between Shepshed and Nuthall.
G. Hare! and Son Ltd., Freeland, Oxford, new -13 lies 2 veh. (7t 3c). Agric. lime and fertilizers for immediate spreading for the Bath and Portland
Group Ltd., and subsidiary companies as required: quarried products for H. Haines (Witney) Lid. and Calcofil Ltd., within 150 miles.
C. J. Law, Great Kimble, Aylesbury, new B lie., 1 veh. (6ft). Grain. agric, feeding stuffs and fertilizers. within 100 miles.
I. P. Hedges. Grimsby. Lines, new B lie., 1 veh. Ott 12c). Agric produce and requisites within 50 miles.
F. and E. Horde], Horsley Woodhouse, Derbys. new B tic_ 2 veh. (St !SC). Domestic and industrial coal and coke to non-rad connected depots and private yards for Brownbridge and Co. Ltd. (IF granted, Contract A lic will he surrendered.) A. J. Harwood and Co. Ltd., New Yatt, Witney, Oxon. new B 11c.. 2 veh. (7t 7c). Anne. lime and fertilizers for immediate spreading for the Bath and Portland Group Ltd., and subsidiary companies. as required; quarried products for H. Haines (Witmy) Ltd., ando Calcofil Ltd„ within 150 miles.
R. Fs Griffin, Woodstock. Oxon,. new B lie., 1 veh. (410. Agile. lime and fertilizers for imme diate spreading for the Bath and Portland Ltd.. and subsidiary companies, as required; quarried Products for H. Haines (Witney) Ltd,. and Calcotil Ltd.. within 150 miles.
R. A. Conboy. Wrawhy. Bring, Lines, 1 veh. (55 14c). Agric. goods, within 50 miles into and ex-applicant's own store.
P. C. Howard Ltd., Kings Citric. Peterborough, B var.. add 1 veh. (6t). Goods for Inns and Co. and road-making mats., as required.
W. Smith (Haulage) Ltd., Leicester, B var.. add 2 veh. (90. Goods for Frederick Parker Ltd.
(excluding goods for export) any distance: buildmg and road-making mats, and plant, within 60 miles.
S. and R. Motors, Newton-on-Trent. B var., add 4 veh. (160. Goods for H. G. Pesten (Potatoes) Ltd., Torksey. Lincoln and W. and J. B. Eastwood Ltd., Kettlethorpe, Lincoln, both as required. (If granted, Contract A lie, will be surrendered.) M. J. Bradley, Nottingham, R var.. add I vett. (310. Household removals within 60 miles. Furni ture for Bradley Upholstery Service. Perrins Furniture Warehouse and Williams Furnishing Store as required.
A. R. Marshall and Sons (Haulage) Ltd.. Nottingham. B var.. add 5 veh. (MO. Goods to and from the warehouses of A. R. Marshall and Sons (Bidwell) Ltd.
Blades and Waite Ltd.. Waddington. Lincs. B var.. add 1 veh, (50 (dump truck). Excavated mats.
from builders' and contractors' sites within 20 miles and road-making and building mats. for Cliffside Construiction Co. Ltd., as required.
APPLICATIONS (June 3, 1965) P. F. Semen. Hartlebury. new A lic.. 1 art. (610. Grain, animal feedingstuffs. fertilizers, metal hints. within 12)) miles: timber and timber Products. as required: chemicals. within 150 miles: breeze blocks and Concrete products. within 50 miles.
Road Services (Caledonian) Ltd.. Birmingham. A var.. add 1 art. (630. Mainly distribution and collection of motor vehicle parts on behalf of RootesMotors (Parts) Ltd.. Birmingham, within GB, and the collection front main dealers of material for return to Rootes' premises at Luton. Coventry, Birmingham and Maidstone. (If granted. 1 veh, will be deleted from A lie, held in Metropolitan area,)
P. H. Cartwright and Sons Ltd., Stourbridger A var., add 4 T. (291t) (art). Coal. coke, sand. refractory mats. Midlands and South Wales. (If granted. Contract A tic, will be surrendered.)
W. A. Cooper (Transport) Ltd., Wolverhampton, A var., add 3 art. (2210, 7 veh. (30(t). Mainly milk, in churns, attric, goods, foodstuffs, machinery, metals and metal products, rubber and rubber products. Midlands, London. Lancs. Yorks and South Wales. (If granted, 13 lies, will be surrendered.)
Morton's Scottish Transport Ltd.. Coventry. new B lie.. I art. (910 (car transporter), Built-up, cars and vans for Standard Triumph Sale_s Ltd. and Humber Ltd.. as required.
I. E. Davies and Son. Cressage. new B lie.. 1 veh, (60 (includes cons. 20. Livestock, agric. produce and requisites. within 60 miles, Loosemore's Motor Services Ltd., Shrewsbury.
B var.. add 2 T. (710 0.g.. within 20 miles. W. Smith and Son. Stoke-on-Trent B var.. add 1 veh. (St). Collection and delivery of goods which have been conveyed by or to be conveyed by licemee's trunk yen. within 25 miles.
APPLICATIONS (Ione 1. 196S) W. Dewey and Sons Ltd., Henstridge Ash, Moser. A. var., add 2 T. (191 9c). Mainly coke for the Southern Gas Board, agric. goods and solid fuel within 200 miles. (If granted, veh, will be deleted from B Munsdon Haulage Co., Blunsdon. new B I T. (41 4c). Building mats. and plant for the Building and Public Works Construction Co. Ltd.. within 40 miles: excavated mats, from their sites within 10 miles; goods for Hall and Co. Ltd. only when being supplied to the Building and Public Works Construction Co. Ltd., within 40 miles. (If granted. Contract A lic, will be surrendered.) J. Morel (Bishops Waltham) Ltd., Callington,
new B lie., I veh. (3t Sc), Animal feedinntuffs for Woodland Bros., Callingtom from London to Caliington.
G. H. Dawes and Soo (Olvesimo Ltd., Olvestots, Clot,. new B lie,. I yell. (60, (includes cont., 110. Bulk grain, cattle, pig and poultry food, within 120 Miles, F. W. and B. F. Clarke, Chew Magna. 13 var.. add I veh. (31 2e). G.g., within 25 miles.
T. Webb and Son, Puma. Wilts, B var.. add I veh. (at 19e), (includes cont., Ift). Livestock, within 150 miles: farm employee's furniture, within 50 miles; other goods within 15 miles.
C. W. Cook, Wells, Contract A var., add 1 T. (8t 18c). Goods of Foster Yeoman Ltd.
APPLICATIONS (June 3. 1965) British Railways (Southern Railway Board), Wimbledon. SWI9 (Walton-on-Thames Railway Station), A var., add I art. (2t 18e).
James Harrison and Co. Ltd., Covent Garden, WC2,. A var.. add 1 veh. (310.
T. Banks. Dartford, Kent. new B lic., 1 veh. (2t 19c). Minerals and soft drinks for J. L. Davies and Co. Ltd., within 30 miles.
P. J. Bedford Clayton, ES, new II lic., 1 veh. (at I9c). G.g. within 25 miles.
L. P. Hammond. Wimbledon. SW19, new B lie., 1 art. (510. G.g., within 120 miles.
R. A. Leggett. Morden. Surrey, new B lic.. 1 veh. (21 4c). Light removals. within 50 miles.
F. W. Woodruff and Co. Ltd., El, new B lie., 1 veh. (21 lc). Printers' machinery and equipment, within 50 miles of Stepney Green Station.
J. Houston and Co. Ltd., SE!, B var.. add 5 veh. (200. Goods for Peter Dixon and Son (Holdings) Ltd. and its subsidiary companies, G.B.
A. W. Murray Ltd., Hanwell, W7, B var.. add 2 veh. (multi-bucket units). Rubbish and excavation, within 20 Miles, A. W. Somerville. Greenwich. SELO. B var.. add 1 T. (411). Road-making mats., within 55 miles.
R. T. Walker, Tooting, SWI7. B var., add 1 T. (3(t).
APPLICATIONS (June 3. 1965) J. E. Winter. Offham. new A lie., 3 veh, (710. Mainly fruit and vegetables, paper, coal, lime and chalk. agric, goods, produce and requisites. Southern half of Engand. Of granted, It 11c, will be surrendered.) W. A. Smith. Eastbourne. new B lic., I veh. Mt). Machinery and rolled steel joists, within 20 miles, Edburton Pliant Hire Ltd., Eriburton, new B lie., I T. (40. Building mats, and rubbish. within 30 miles.
C„ C. Talbot, Ilailsham. new B lic.. 1 veh. (nth Metal drums and tanks containing waste, Haiisham. Rye, Newhaven to Ilford and return.
F. F. Littlejohn, Herne Hay. new 13 lic., 1 Vela (310. Coal and coke. within 40 miles.
P. Lambert. Rochester. new B lie.. 1 T. (410. Coal, coke, stone. sand and ballast, within 50 miles.
H. and H. Partners Furniture Removals. Snort/and. new B lic.. I veh. (50. Furniture and effects as household removals contractors, within 50 miles.
W. J. Auger Ltd., Chatham. 13 var., add 1 T. (410, W, Lamport. Farnham, B var., add I T. (440.
L. A. Stocker, Maidstone. B vac.. add I T. (4(t).
Nicholls and Co. (Brighton) Ltd.. Rainham. R var,. add 1 veh. (31) (art. tractor). Loaded or empty trailers between the port of Sheerness and the licensee's depot at Rainham, which are to be or have been hauled by the licensee's trunk veh.
A. Hadley (Pilgrim) Lid., Shimfield. B var.. add I art. (610. Plant for members of Mid-Southern branch of contractors' mechanical plant engineers within 20 miles.
Dolphin Sand and Ballast Co. Ltd.. Woodingdsan. B var. add 1 T. (Tft). CONTRACTIONS: add., additional; agric., agricultural: art.. articulated unit: c,, cwt.; gr.. geoeral goods ; GB., Great Britain: ind., indivisible : lie,, ticence low-loader ; man., materials :N U normal user :S.T.. special type ; t, tons: T., tinner: tn.. trailer var., variation : wh., when's