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and Publications
Automotive Refinishing THOSE concerned with vehicle refinishing should find much of interest in a new edition of the Automotive Refinishing Catalogue just published by Brown Brothers Ltd. This covers a • wide range of requirements, from the repair of damaged bodywork to a complete refinish.
The catalogue contains three main sections: paints and miscellaneous refinishing materials, paint shop equipment, and body shop equipment. The section on •paints deals primarily with ICI Bele° and Dulux refinish materials (for which Brown Brothers are sole distributors) and includes details of Bele° 300, Id Acrylic and Dulux low-bake systems. Masking tapes, abrasives, and the Tinsley gauge are also•covered. The paintshop section includes all types of spraying equipment, sanders, polishers and dust prevention materials whilst the body-repair section is devoted to a wide' range of body repair tools, hydraulic press equipment and welding and cutting equipment.
Published by: Brown Brothers Ltd., Great Eastern Street, London. EC2.
Slimline Reversing Light THE Styla Slimline reversing light, to be available on July I, I is produced by K. F. Ward Ltd. It is fitted with a mounting bracket made of stainless steel, which, it is claimed, will fit any bumper—located either above or below it.
The slim lamp has a brass shell, heavily chromed to BSS 1224 and a specially designed prismatic lens which gives maximum light output from the 12V, 21W bulb.
Made by: K. F. Ward Ltd., Styla Works, Stour Street, Birmingham, 18. Price: El. 9s. 6d. (suggested retail price).
Suspended Oil-fired Air Heater A NEW range of Econheat suspended oil-fired air heaters is now being produced by Benjamin Cromack Ltd. The range
comprises three units, output of these being 100,000 Btu/hr., 150,000 Btu/hr. and 200.000 Btu/hr. Dimensions of the heaters are 3 ft. by 2 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in., their compactness making them suitable for applications where space is limited.
Operating efficiency is claimed to be 80 per cent—achieved by an unusual arrangement of the main air circulation fan, which passes air through the heat exchanger twice to extract the maximum amount of heat.
The burner's flame head burns the air without a surrounding " cushion " of air, so that the flame does not impinge on the combustion Chamber walls and damage them:the combustion chamber is made from high-temperature stainless steel.
After passing over the large-section heat exchanger the warm air makes its exit through a flush-mounted 16 in.-square discharge grille, which can be controlled horizontally and vertically by means of a series of vanes.
When the unit is switched on, the heater, which is thermostatically controlled, operates automatically. A photo-electric cell visually checks that no flame failure occurs and can Shia down the entire unit within 10 seconds.
Temperature rise obtainable is 67.5°F for. the smaller unit, and 100°F for the larger units. Oil consumption is 0-83 gal/hr., 1-25 gal./hr. and 1-6 gal./hr. respectively The unit weighs from 290 to 3201b.
Made by: Benjamin
Cromack Ltd., Granby Works, Stanley Road, Bradford, Yorks. Where to get Service at Night A REVISED edition of the AA booklet "Where to Get Service at Night" has now been published by the Automobile Association. This lists more than 1,000 garages and filling stations and nearly 200 cafés and restaurants which are open for all night or late night (until midnight for garages) service in England, Wales and Scotland. A page is also devoted to motorway service areas.
This booklet is available free to AA members at any, of the Association's offices.
Published by: The Automobile Association, Fanum House, Leicester Square, London, WC2.
Service for AECs in W. Europe QERV10E facilities for AEC vehicles in Western Europe are Is-) listed and classified in a new 28-page booklet "Europa Service ", published by AEC. An easily comprehensible system of symbols indicates the range of service facilities available from each of the concerns listed. Entries, which include the name, address and telephone number of the company providing the service, appear under the name of the town in which the company is located.
Published by: AEC Ltd., Southall, Middx.
High-speed Soldering Iron AHIGH-SPEED miniature soldering iron with an 18W element, called the Model G, is now available from Antes Ltd. This new iron, which features a high heat-capacity/size ratio, is designed to complement the I5 W Model C240N; much of the additional heat available is stored in the heavier shank of the bits designed to fit the new model.
A range of four " Ferraclad " bits (from rill in. to -Iin.) is produced for this iron—the Standard fitting is a type 1020 -Abit. High heat-transfer efficiency is obtained by placing the heat source inside the bit.
This lightweight model (weighing from 2 to 3 oz.) also features a heat-proof red handle. Models can be obtained for 110 V. 220 V and 240 V supplies.
Made by: Antes Ltd., Grosvenor House. Cros. don. Surrey. Price: 1 12s. 6d. (quantity discounts available).