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Wheel Speed Haulage Co. Ltd. Cap. 53.000. Dire.: W, 3. Gliddon and I. C. GlidclOn, SYcarnore House. Carbis Bay, St. Ives. Cornwall. Sec.: W. J. Gliddon Reg. office. Sycamore House, Carhis Ray_ 51. lees. Cornwall.
Mount Caravans (Transport) Ltd. Cap. v1(10. Subs.: 1. H. Lewis and F. A. Dean. 6 Surrey Street, London. WC2. See.: F. A_ Dean. Reg. office: 6 Surrey Street, WC2.
P.' and FL Garage arid TranSport (Rotherwelh Ltd. Cap.. 612.000. Subs.: W. A. Walker and J. 0. Crider, 48 Meadow Road. Kettering.
Harold Brown Car and Commercial Lid. Cap. 61.000. Dirs.: B.; Brawn and D. Brown, 92 St. Werburghs Rd.. ,Chorlion-cum-Hardy_ Sec.: D. Brown. Reg. office: 30 Devonshire Park Road. Srocknott. Cites A. E. Seothern and San Ltd; Cap. 120.000, Objects: To carry on the business of haulage contractors.. etc_ Dirt A. E. Seoffiern, 154 Green Lane, Rawinarsh, Rotherham; E: Ft, Scothetn, 23 Claypit Lane, Rawmarsh, Rotherhft. Sec.: "C. R. Scothern.
Voloktrails Ltd. Can. €1110. Objects: To carry on the business of • motor haulage contractors. etc. Subs.: I. Herbert and T. .4._ Herbert, 156 Strand. London. WC2. 'Sec..: T. A. Herbert,
Sherwood Haulage. Ltd. Cap. 6250. Objects: To acquire the business of haulage' contractors carried ort by D. and J. Transport at upper Langwith. Derby,: Dirs.: D. H. Roberts. 65 Dale Close; langwith. nr. Mansfield: 1, A. M. Kettle. Devonshire House. Upper langwith. nr, Mansfield. Notts.
S ic.: S. A. M. Kettle Reg. office: Devonshire House. Upper T angwith. nr. Mansfield, Notts.
lotin Hall and Sons (Cockfield) Ltd. Cap. E5,000. objects: To carry on the business of proprietors of buses. :tithes. motorepaChes, etc. Dirs.: J. Hall and D. Hall, Stonecrest, Cockfield. Co. Durham; Gordon W Hall. I Brough Grove, Bishop Auckland: Gerald W. Hall. Hallsmuir. Staindrop Road. Cockfield, Sec.: M. N. Hall. Reg. office: S tonecrest. Coekfield. Co. Durham.
C. Slade and Son Ltd. Cap. £100. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage contractors. etc. C. EI ,T. Slade. lid Cowbridge Row West, Cardiff, W. H. C. Slade. 13 Fairwater Avenue, Fairwater, Cardiff.
W. H. Lancaster (Transport) Ltd. Can. 6100. R. S. C. Lawton arid R. Lawton. 17 Shepherd's Bush Green, London, W12. Sec.: R.. 5. C. Lawton, • Kiipasfoot Haulage Ltd. Cap. £100. Sobs.: J. Herbert and T. A. Herbert. 156 Strand. London, WC" 'ice.: T A. Herbert.
t34/ Thomas Ogden Ltd. Cap £1,000. Objects: To carry on the bushiess of haulage econtractors, etc. Subs.: S. Hart and A. Hart. 1-3 Leonard Street. London. EC2. See.: S. Hart. R,ee. Office: /16 Low 'Bank Lane, Dakworth, nr Keighley,
Goulding & Hasstes Ltd. Can. CM, Objects: To operate motor transport, etc. Dirs.: 1. W. Goulding. 16 Mcadowsland Avenue. Hamden Park, Eastbourne; E. CT. Hawkes, 4 crosain War, Brighton. 6. Sec.: E. G. Hawkcs. Dee. office: 4 cresol', Way, Brighton, 6.
Eightypull Haulage Ltd. Cap. £100. Subs.: J. Herbert and T. A. Herbert. 156 Strand. London, WC2. Sec.; T. A Herbert, Sabotown Haulage Ltd. Cap. £100. Other details similar to Eightvnull Haulage Ltd.
G. S. S. Ifaulaae Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.: G. Sarwar Saleern. 50 Queen Street. Bradford, A; M. . Sharif, 27 Lomb Lane, Bradford, 8. Sec.: G. S. Salem Reg. office: 50 Queen Street, Bradford, g Irwell Carriers Ltd. Cap. £1.506. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage contractors, etc. Hire,: V. H. (toffinge, " Hempsteads", Burnley Road. Baena: A. R. Collinge. " White Lee"
Fence. See.: V. H. Collinge. 'Lett. office: Pippin Bank, Baena, Lancs.
Nesbitt's Transport illaulniry) Ltd. Cap: 0.000. Dire,: E. Nesbitt and W. Nesbitt, 34 Castle Street East, Danbury, Oxon. Sec.: G. J. S. Ellacott. Reg. office: Lloyds Rank Chambers, Banbury, Oxonf It. T. Palmer (Transport) Lid. Cap, £100. Dire,: B. T. Palmer. M. A. Palmer and D. W. Palmer. Star Hill. Woking, Surrey. Sec.: M. A. Palmer. Reg. office: Star Hill Cottage, Star Hill, Woking. Surrey,
Cunninghams Delivery Services Ltd. CapE2.0130. Objeeti: To carry on the business of haulage contractors. etc. Subs.: 1., H. Lewis and F. A. Dean. 6 Surrey Street. London. WC2. Sec.: F. A. Ilean. RCR. office: 6. Surrey Street, WC2,
South Wales Roadways (Swansea) Ltd. Cap. €.2.S00. Objects: To carry on the business of general carriers, etc. Dirs.: A. Oxlade. Three Gables. Ridgebill., Hereford; C. H. Oxlade. 4 Trewyeldfa Road, Plasmarl, Swansea. Reg. office: 4 Trewyddfa Road. Piasmarl, Swansea.
B. W. Perkins Ltd. Cap. £100. Objects: To carry on the business of a haulage 6-mu:v.:tor. Dirs.: H. W. Perkins and S. Perkins. In Coggeshatl Road. Eeering. nr. Colchester. Essex. Sec.: B. W. Perkins Reg. office: I Elarncombe Close.
• Thundersley. Bennett. ESSEX Thomas Johnson & Sons (HaUladel Ltd." Can. £100. Dirs.: C. T. Johnson and L.: Johnson, 19 Church Lane, Brighouse. Sec.: C. T. Johnson. Reg. office: 19 Church Lane, Brighouse
John W. Hutchinson (York) Ltd. Cap. £100. Objects: To carry AM the business of haulage contractors, etc. Dire,: I. W. Hutchinson, 23 Nelson Street. York; T. Linfoot, Brandon Bungalow. Hessay. Sec: W. J. .Reichinann.
C. W. Humphrey (Transport) Ltd. Cap. 11.000. Objects: To acquire .the business of 'fish' hatiliers, etc., carried on by Charles W. 'Humphrey as " C. W. Humphrey ". 'Dims : C. W. RumPhreY. A. E. Humphrey and R. C. Humphrey. 4 Wilmingron Close, Brighton: 6: 'R.E. Peacock, 154 Ladysrnith ROad, Brighton, 7. . Sec.: R.: A GergOod. Reg. office:. 70 Church Road, Hove. 3.
R. E. Salsbury Ltd. Cap. £100. Objects:. To c.irry. on .the business of haulage and transport contractors, etc. Dirs.: 5, C. Rigginson, AIDowns Valley Road. Woodingdean, Brighton. 7: R.E. Salsbury, 37 Downs Valley Road, WoodingdeMt, Brighton. 7. See.: S. Elford. Reg. rage: 9 Marlborough Place, Brighton, I.
Carters (Furniture Removals) Ltd. Cad. 6100. Obicets: To acquire the furniture removal side of the business carried on by Carters Removals 'Ltd. Dirs.: T. Hazelwood. SO The Oval., Ellesmere Port. Cheshire: J. C. H. Carter. 13 Poollosvn Road. Whitby, Ellesmere Port; W. B. Carter, 10 Stanney Lane. Ellesmere Port. Sec.: W. B. Carter. Reg. office: Coronation Road, Ellesmere Port, Longleys Travel Ltd. Cap. 6100. Objects: To carry (Ai the business of aircraft, shipping, railway, coach and tourist agents and contractors, ete. Dirs.: P. J. LeagleY. Its Conden Bea Road, Bexhill-on. Sea. Sussex: J. M. Tinian. 11 Queens Conn. Bexhill-on-Sea: D. Newman. 210 Willingdon Road. Eastbourne, Sussex. Sec.: D. Newman. Reg. offiee: 51-63 Devonshire Road, Bexhifi-on-Sea.
K. Poole Ltd., Cap. £7,500. Objects: To carry on the business of coach proprietors, etc. Dirs.: K. Poole, 352 Bordesley Green, Birmingham; C. E Poole, 350 Bordesley Green. Birjrkingharn. Sec.: C. E. Poole, Reg, office: 352 Bordesley Green, Birmingham,
Howe Transport Mull) Lid. Cap. 61,000. Dire.: N. A. Howe and A R. Howe, 45 Rokeby Avenue.
Mull. Yorks. Sec.: N. A. Howe Reg. office: 41 Rokeby ....‘enge. Hull