Psv two
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men to face ier licences?
TWO NEW public servicl vehicle licences will be issuei from January 1, 1978, if draf regulations circulated fo comment by the Departmen of Transport this week coin into force.
They are intended to intro duce conditions for access ti the profession of road pas senger transport operator.
The licences will be desig nated "standard" and "reE tricted".
The standard licence woull involve an applicant for a ps' licence providing proof o good repute, adequate finan cial standing and professiona competence.
Alternatively, an operator a good repute and adequat financial standing ma: appoint a transport manage who meets the competenc requirements.
A standard licence will bi .equired for operating pasenger service vehicles on ser!ices which consist of, or nclude, publicpassenger ransport services.
Two new definitions will be ntroduced into passenger egislation.
"Passenger service vehicle" vill mean a motor vehicle :onstructed and equipped to arty more than nine persons ncluding the driver and ntended for that purpose.
"Public passenger transport ;ervice" will mean passenger ransport service provided for he public or for specified 'ategories of user, in return for payment by the persons tranported, or by a person who xranges for the persons to be ransported.
It will not include any serice provided by vehicles with iot more than 17 seats, ncluding the driver, other han in the course of a busiLess of carrying passengers or ly a person whose main occupation is not the provision of oad passenger transport serices.
There will be "national" and 'international" standard icences.
Restricted licences will be equired for vehicles which are pot passenger service vehicles, Ind for passenger service rehicles used on roads other han for the provision of public passenger transport services. The DTp has said that there s no intention to include .ehicles at present excluded rom public service vehicle icensing, as provided for in 'art 3 of the Road Traffic Act 960.
Only vehicles which are subject to public service vehicle licensing in accordance with those provisions will be required to have one or the other of the new licences to operate.
The provisions of the 1960 Act will continue to apply to restricted licences without any amendment, says the DTp.
Commenting on the pro posed system, D. R. Quin, director general of the CPT told CM: "The trouble is the Bill leaves so many questions wide open, particularly in relation to safety. Moreover, we believe the Bill should relate to vehicles seating up to 12 persons, not 14. There is already talk of increasing the figure to 17."