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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the-use of commercial motors. Letters should he On, one side of the paper only and type-written by preference. The right of abbreviation is reserved, and no responsibility for
views expressed is accepted. •
Steam Vehicle Developments.
[1,728] Sir,—From Mr. Jones's letter in your issue of April 27th, it is evident that he feels hurt at some of my recent remarks. This I naturally regret, and wish him a speedy recovery. . _ Pleasant, surprises have been all too few during my
25 years of steam research, bat I am bound to say that the "thimble tube" as a steam generator is one of the most conspicuous of pleasant surprises that I have experienced. -
The question of eirc.ulation in a, short tube closed at one end, would obviously cecur to anyoneat the first blush, and I can assure Mr. Jones.that this question received at the outset very thorough experimental investigation. The ordinary form of circulation is obviously impossible in such a tube, but experience has taught in the world of engineering, as well, as elsewhere, that there may be "snore things than are dreamed of in our philosophy," and, as grey hairs appear, one becomes less inclined to be positive and dogmatic, but more disposed to preserve an open mind.
I think it is a pity that Mr. Jones rushed in to
criticise, "to la, down the law," and to condemn the "thimble tube" as a steam generator before he knew more about it. Frankly, I have found no form of tube so effective and -so generally satisfactory. Its qualities may be briefly summarized as follow :— 1. It is simple, and suitable for the highest pressures.
2. It needs no expanding, and keeps tight auto-. matically. 3. It is easily cleaned externally, and is practically self-cleansing internally.
4. No strains are produced in the tubes by expansion at the highest. rate of steaming, or in raising steams from "all cold" in record time.
Such a combination of good points is not to be despised, and when the character of such a useful device is ignorantly assailed, I have no alternative but to let the facts be known. I am confident that: as the qualities of the " thimble tube" are better known, B40
they will, be appreciated.. The "thimble tube" may be likened to some friends who are difficult to under: stand at first, but the more we know of them the better we like them.-Yours faithfully,' THOMAS CLARKSON;
Member Inst. Civil'Engineers. • Chelmsford. [This coxrespondenoo is now closed.—En..1
The Agency Question Again.
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL Moron..
[1,729] Sir,—I have occasion to pay visits to a large number of -manufacturers in the commercial motor industry, and during-thee visits I have gathered some impressions regarding the agency question.
in my opinion, success always depends upon the class of agent selected. It is not advisable to make a choice of agents -Who treat the commercial vehicle as the ugly duckling of the trade, or who sell both commercial vehicles and private ears, and devote undue attention to the latter at the expense of the former: Agents should not treat commercial vehicles as a side line. They should push them as they push private cars, only in a, different way. They =St be able to talk in terms of cost per ton mile, must be sure of the particular merits in a commercial vehicle which the manufacturer would like pointed out and -wherever possible, the agent who deals in commercial vehicles should be ready to do service not only in connection with the supply of spare parts, but also as regards maintenance of the particular vehicles in which he deals.
It is the fault of a few careless and slack-agents that certain manufacturers and concessionnaires are of the opinion that eommereial vehicles should be sold only by agents specializing in this branch of the-trade, and who can go fully into the question of service in every direction. Some of these manufacturers have gone so far as to establish depots in ; various parts of the country with a view to dispensing ' with as many agents as they can-.----Youri faithfully,