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MR. E. V. DYSON, of Stalybridge, has been appointed rolling-stock superintendent by the transport committee of Rotherham Corporation.
MR. REGINALD G. POR.TE, Of landie," Elmer Beach, near Bognor Regis, has severed his connection with the Longford Engine Co., Ltd.
SIR PATRICK HENNESSY; .K.13., general manager of ,the -Ford Motor Co., has ,become a director of th company, • the appointment dating' from March 2L . • ALDERMAN IIAYES,Arice-chair
man of the transport committee of Leeds Corporation, has been elected chairman of the Yorkshire Area of the Municipal Transport Association.
MR C L. CAMPBELL TAYLOR has we are pleased o lea.rn, returned to business after his recent indisposition. It will be recalled that ne left his post through ill-he,alth in June of last year.
' MR. F. D. Ascom has been released by the Minister of Supply from his appointment as Director, of Rubber, His services will continue to be available to the Ministry inthe capacity of adviser., He is succeeded by MR. J. RIDOELL, Deputy Director of Rubber.
Mn, L. G. HAsuirors has been appointed managing director of the Davies Tyre Co., Ltd., and its associated ,companies, Tyre Retreading and
Recapping Co., Ltd., and Re-Cord Tyre co., Ltd.; in succession to Mk. D. T. DAVIES, who -retains the position of chairman. Mr. Hamilton has been associated with :the industry for the past 21 years. He is vice-chairman of the Retread Manufacturers' Association and liaison officer between that Association and Rubber Control (Tyre
CAPTAIN C. BROUGHT0N-BLACK. publicity manager of Pyrene, Ltd,, is with the 'B.L.A., and writes totell as that he -has had some heetic times in Nor,mandy since D-Day.. As-with many other trade personalities, bets looking forward to returning to Ills old duties, and, in the meantime, asks us to convey his greetings to all friendS, TVIR, FE= LEVY, a director of _ George Cohen, Sons and Co., Ltd„ haS been ,released by the Controller Of Iron, and Steel. He was seconded in Sep, .tember, , 1939, to the . Ministry of Supply, where be has been Assistant Director of Scrap Supply. Now hn will devote his time to the administration of the Cohen' concern and its 'associated
companies. •
MR. R. H. CoAILEy, joint managing director of the Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., of Melksham, has been elected president,. for -the ensuing year, of the Federation of British Rubber 'and Allied Manufacturers' Associations, Tin' .sucCeSsiOn to Mr. AleX Johnston, director of the North British Rubber. Co., Ltd. TIse . new vice
presidents .• are MESSRS. ' ALAN SiNCLAIR, director of the B.T.R. Group, and H. H. HILLIER, A.C.A., who is a diieetor 'of William Warne and Co_ Ltd.
MR. T. B. TURNER, secretary of the Royal. Agricultural Society of England, has agreed to continue in his position for another two years, although he was due for retirement in Februaity last. He 4 was appointed secretary to the Society in 1921, and has held this position for a longer period than any former secretary. H.M. The King honoured Mr. Turner with the M.V.O. at the Royal 'Show in Windsor in July, 1939, although, on account of the war', his name did, not appear in the ,Honours
List until 1041. He is remaining to organize the 1946 Show at Lincoln, His experience in the period of transition shOuld be of the utmost value to the Society.
ACOMPANY under the name of Radio mobile, Ltd ., with a capital of £10,000, has been formed to nianufact ure; distribute and service radiator motor' irehii:les. The shares are held ja equal parts by S. Snlith and Sons (Motor Accessories), Ltd., and the
Gramophone Co., Ltd. .
THE British Legion is planning more publicity for its campaign to ask the travelling public to let disabled and wounded 'Service or ex-Service men move to the heads of queues, so that they can boardvehicles first.
MORE 'HINTS TO BUSINESS MEN ANOTHER booklet, this time concerning business men who propose to visit the Central American Republics (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and El Salvador), has been issued by the. Department of Overseas Trade. This and other booklets may be obtained on application to the Department by representatives. Of United Kingdom firms interested in the export trade. Those about to travel overseas are invited to call at the Department for advice.
OBITUARY We regret to learn of the death of our old friend, Ma. GEORGE FAGAR0, which took place in Belgiurn on April 30. He was, for many years,a much-liked member of the staff of the Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., and was well known in the motor industry for his association with the development of the Dewandre vacuum • braking system, Shortly before the war he retired from business and returned to his 'native country, where he remained during the German occupation, The industry will learn r with regret of the passing, on May 5, at the age of 79, of SIR WILLIAM. LOWRIS SLEIGH, AL., LL.D. He was chairman and managing director of Rossleigh, Ltd., and formerly Lord Provost of
• Edinburgh.