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RHA seeks delay on planned HFA protest

11th May 2000, Page 7
11th May 2000
Page 7
Page 7, 11th May 2000 — RHA seeks delay on planned HFA protest
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• The Road Haulage Association S attempting to put a block on the national protest planned by the Hauliers & Farmers Alliance in June.

HFA chairman Len Johnson says the HFA is "in direct talks with the RHA" which wants it to hold fire on the action until the Transport Select Committee's report on the haulage industry is released. But Johnson says it will be up to his members to decide whether to proceed.

RHA officials were upset by comments made in a letter by the HFA to its members which slammed the BHA for doing nothing to help the cause of British hauliers (CM 4-10 May).

As CM went to press RHA national chairman John Bridge had contacted Johnson directly

Johnson says he will raise Bridge's comments at an HFA meeting this week but for now "it's full steam ahead".

Bridge says: "We are both fighting the same cause and are totally in tune with what the issues are. I would like us to coordinate our strategy and will talk to Mr Johnson again after he has spoken to his members."

The RHA will not find it easy to convince HFA members to back down as they have already secured support from hauliers In Manchester, Birmingham and Shropshire.

The protest is scheduled to start in Glasgow on 18 June, heading south to London via a number of major cities. Hauliers have been invited to take part for the week, join the convoy for part of the distance or take part in a city centre protest.

Contact the HFA on 01207 281488.