LabourExchanges as Freight Exchanges.
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THERE ARE, THOSE who believe in freight exchanges ; there are those who do not. There are many who., seeing a need (let us not be thought too unkind if we say that it is rather an obvious need) jump to the &inclusion that it can.-at once be turned to account; there are others with sonie experience of the problem who go so warily and cautiously that, in the long run, it would be difficult . to indicate that much:cliange,had been effected. All, however, are...agreed upon the need for the coordination of the work of any freight exchanges which may be established; the co-ordination to coverI,the establishments in very largo areas, even throughout the whole country. The more Complete and thorough the creation of bureaux for the registration of freights and transiort the greater the possibilities of ultimate success.
In a recent discussion the suggestion was advanced , that the existing Labour Exchanges up and.down the country would provide a ready means to the desired end. They are established in suitable centres a,nd in large numbers, and they are linked up in way which is probably not excelled by any other organization. The function of the Labour Exchanges is to find work for unemployed men:why not 'amplify the duties. of the staffs and .employ themto find work for uneinplayed. transportl As nearly as possible the work is analogous, The new duties would not call foe any special talent,. _ They entail registering the freights offered and loads required and the dovetailing of the load and freight which fit or fit sufficiently well to justify the union. * .
With the backing of the Ministry of Labour and the co-operation of the Ministry of Transport there would seem, at least, to .be a prospect Of sufficient, success to warrant an examination of the suggestion by the two Government departments.