T HERE ARE SOME who say that, -six months ago,_ they
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knew that Sir Etic Geddes was actually a friend of road transport.' In the:really wonderful' speech (there is no other description that is adequate), which he made to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders ,last Wednesday, he asserted that the Ministry knew the value of mechanical transport—that it did not have to wait for the proof afforded by the performance of road transport. in the industrial strike—it had learned it in. France. As His Eric, no doubt,meant all that be said in his speech, we feel that there, is some ground for the criticism that, six months ago, he did not give a display of his friendship, for much bitter fighting could then have been averted. , The opposition to the granting of such Wide powers as were asked for the projected Ministry of Transport was based on the fear that the railway octopus was seeking to absorb and smother the other useful forms of movement. Sir Erie now definitely removes the disguise a'nd .shows that each tentacle is an arm held out to safeguard and to bless. It is verily a great transformation.
It. was eminently satiSfactory to hear.. that he is "heart and soul with the motor industry," that the " motor industry was never more appreciated by the public than it is to-day " that "but for mechanical transport, the war could not have been won," that "there must be better roads kept clear from slow moving traffic," and that there must be an "end of the red flag barrier and that motor traffic -must move faster!' All this Was excellent talk from the right man to say it. .
We were pleased, too, to-find that Sir Eric greatly extends the radius of effective operation for road transport beyond that generally considered economical inthe offices of his Ministry. There, they talk of 13, 20 or 25 miles: Sir Eric says 50 miles. It would be more but..for the subsidizing of railway traffic, and wi// be more when-railway rates are raised.
Never a truer thing was Said than that the problem of reducing labour costs in road haulage must be faced and a solution found. More than three tons on two axles must be handled by each labour unit and the road train, advocated times enough in these columns, Must be developed quickly. And, as -Sir Eric says, cheaper fuels must, be found and legisla tive restrictions must be removed. .
We feel sure that the motor industry thanks the Minister of Transport .for his speech. It rang true, its spirit was just and generous. It was the speech of a business man to business men, and the war has done the country a good turn by bringing such a man into so high a place in its councils.