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The Fourteenth Parade of Commercial Motor Vehicles. An Outline of the Conditions Controlling the Competition.
THE foniteenth Annual Parade of commercial motor vehicles and 'examination of drivers, organized by the Cornmereial Motor Users As.ociation (Inc.), with the object ofeneouraging drivers i o take a personal interest in the driving and condition of their vehicles, and to run them without ami.;lent, will take place in London during the month of larch, 1925.
The organization of these annual parades and examinations continues in the hands of a special committee. Prizes will be awarded to drivers for results obtained in written, in practical, and in oral examinatiens„ coupled with inspection of their vehicles under running conditions. In this way the C.M.U.A. is carrying on the educational work among drivers, which has been one of the aims of the Association since its for/nation. .
. The Commercial Motor Challenge Cup is again offered for competition amongst owners of " teams " of six vehicles or tractors, and a parade will be held in March, 1920, to determine the successful "team." The method of marking is as follows: The inspecting engineer will visit each garage before the examinations, and his reports on those visits, together with the marks obtained by each driver in the examinations, will be received by the committee, and the awards based thereon. Each driver obtaining more than a fixed percentage of marks will receive a money prize, a medal, a badge, or a certificate.
With regard to entries, members of the C.M.U.A. limy enter any number of their drivers free, and nonmembers upon payment of a fee of 10s. for each driver entered. Entries may be made forthwith on a form to be obtained from the offices of the C.M.U.A., , ao, Pall Mall, London, S.W., and must be received not later than March 1st, 1920. The details of the individual examinations are as follow
Class 1.
(a) Written and practical examination for drivers of steam vehicles and tractors.
(hi) Written and practical examination for drivers of petrol vehicles.
These examinations will be divided into two parts, in both of 3vhich a candidate must pass in order to win a prize or certificate. The first will consist of more advanced questions than those asked in the Class II examinations, and the second part will consist of. practical Work such as will 'satisfy the examiners that the knowledge gained by the candidate has been properly understood, and that he can apply such knowledge in practice.
Drivers who have obtained first or second prizes, (ir who have obtained not less than 85 per cent. of ;narks in previous Class IL examinations, may enter for either or both of the above examinations. Drivers who have won first prizes in previous Class I. examinations are not eligible to sit Par the same subject, and no driver may enter for both Class 1. and Class II. examinations in the same subjects.
Class II.
(e) Written examination for drivers of steam ve hicles and tractors. • (d) Oral examination for drivers of steam vehicles
and tractors. .
(e) Mitten examination for drivers of petrol vehicles.
(f) Oral examination for drivers of petrollvehicles. (g) Written examination for drivers of electric vehicles. (h) Oral examination for drivers of electric vehicles. These will be based on the information contained in "The Commercial Motor Drivers' Handbook," copies of which may be obtained from the Secretary of the C.M.U.A., Is. 9d. each, post free. All drivers are at liberty to write and ask questions arising from the inflerination in the Handbook. The oral examinatioes will be spreadover several evenings, and the written examinations will be held on separate evenings, all in London. There will be in addition, a practical examination, entry for which is optional, but success in. it will earn additional marks.
Drivers may enter for all three subjects—steam, petrol, and electric, in either oral or written; but no driver may enter for written .anc/ oral in the same subject, The competition amongst the teams, with the conditions covering it, is outlined as follows :—The silver challenge cup, which was presented in 1910 to the Commercial Motor Users ASsociation (Incorporated) by the proprietors of The Commeeial Motor, will again be awarded to the owner of the successful team of six commercial motor vehicles of tractors entered for the " team" section, subject to the conditions set out hereunder. In addition to the cup, the owner will receive a suitable diploma in relation thereto, and the driver Of each nia,chine in the winning team will be given a cash award and a silver medal as a souvenir of the event. The drivers of each machine in the " runners-up" team will aLso receive a cash award.
Conditions i(or 1920. •
1.—Any "team " of six vehicles or six tractors, or of six commercial motor vehicles or tractors entered is eligible.
II.--Entries must be addressed to the Secretary, The Commercial Motor Users Association (Incorporated), 50, Pall Mall, S.W. 1, on or before March 1st, 1920.
III.—Entrants, who shall be the bona-fide owners of the machines entered by them, shall state their willingness to abideby these condition's, ancrto accept as final the award of the judges.
IV.—No special entry form is required in respect of the "team" entry. V.—There.will be no examination of the drivers, except in the eines. of •men who are also entered for the written, practical, and oral examinations. VI. --No entry from a motor manufacturer will be accepted, except in respect of vehicles which have been upon contract or hiring work under hana-fide contracts.'
VII.—The cup will be awarded to the entrant whose "team," in the opinion of the Judges' Conimittee, is in the best oondition, having regard to the class of
work upon which the units are employed, the ages of the machines, and the total, distances run by them.
The award will be made on-the result of the inspecting engineer's report and the judges' inspection of the "
team" on parade. It,will subsequently he delivered to the holder Sor-the year, on the due completion by him of undertakings for its safe custody, its insurance against loss by burglary or fire to a value.of -.E50, and its return to the .Association in April, 1921:
TIT following is the prize list:—
.(A)—" Team " Section.
Winning owner, The Commercial Motoi. Challenge Cup and Diploma.
Drivers of winning team', £1 10s. and silver medal each. Drivers of " runners-up " team, El each.
(13)—Class I—Championship (Written and Practical) Examinations.
Steam.—First prize, £10; second prize, £5. Petrol.—First prize, 210; second prize, 25. Electric.—No competitor has yet qualified for entry in this section. .
Winner of these prizes -will also -receive a special medal -and diploina, and each driver who gains more than 75 per, cent. of marks will also receive a certificate.
(C)—ClassiL—(Written) Examinations.
Steam.—First prize, -25 ; second prize, £3; third prize, £2 ; 10 prizes of El.
PetroL—First prize, 2.5"; second prize, 23; third prize, £2; 10 prizes of £1. Electric (provided by the Electric Vehicle Commit tee of Great Britain).—First prize, £5; seCond prize, £3; third prize, E2. The winners of first, second, and third prizes will each receive a special badge and certificate, whilst Li prize winners and each driver who gains more than
certain 'percentage of marks will also receive a certificate. -Winners of first prizes in previous examina. lions are not eligible to compete in this class.,
(D)—Class II.— (Oral) Examinations.
These prizes, which will amount to about £56 in total value, Sub-divided into cash prizes of £2, El, and 10s., and badges.; will be awarded at the discretion of the inspection committee to drivers, based on the number of marks awarded. Drivers who do well in this examination will also receive certificates.