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11th November 1919
Page 16
Page 16, 11th November 1919 — OF HEAVY-VEHICLE INTEREST AT OLYMPIA.
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Large Pneumatics for Chars-a-bancs the Principal Feature.

rr HE OLYMPIA SHOW ia one essen•

. tially devoted to private ears and to accessories for the same. Although it is probably of general interest to tiose concerned in the commercial vehicle world, yet there is little need for editorial mention of the _majority of the exhibits. We have, therefore, purposely refrained from teaching -upon exhibits relev.ant only to private-car work, and have confined ourselves to a brief description of equipment and those accessories which apply wholly or chiefly to commercial

vehicle work. The majority of these will be found in the gallery. If visitors enter by the Addison Road entrance and mount to the gallery by the stairs at the. right of the. hall and then proceed round the gallery in a clockwiee direction, the first stand of interest to them is that of the Coventry Chain Co., Ltd. Here is shown a fine assortment of all types of Coventry inverted tooth chains of all standard sizes, and roller chains up to the size -used on Tanks. The next visit should be paid to the stand of W. T. Mather, Ltd., where are shown various alloy steels and their well-known speciality, Ubas case hardened steel. ,

• A little farther on, 'at the left-hand corner, Aare S. Bowley and Bons, Ltd. They ealibit samples of lubricating oils suitable for all types of vehicles, and a large variety of paints and varnishes.

Continuing, they will find the stand of Burton Griffiths and Co., Ltd., who show a:fine assortment of small hand and machind tools.

Next to this stand is-that of Drummond Brea., Ltd., where can be seen large and small screw-cutting lathes, sensitive and Tadia.l. drilling machines. On the left is the stand of the Steel Barrel Co., Ltd: Here • will be found measuring and recording pumps for use with petrol storage, also a fine example of their kerb petrol distributor. Almost opposite to this are Sterns, Ltd., who, as usual, show their well-known Ambroleum gear greases.

Continuing in the direction indicated, visitors will find themselves at the stand of Zenith Carburetters Ltd. where examples are shown Of carbUretters, 'specially designed for the Albion Co, the Associated 'Equipment Co., Guy Motors, and other commercial vehicle manufacturers.

The next stand is that of the Bowring Petroleum Co., Ltd., who have a large display of tins of their well-known Max motor spirit.

Further on will be found numerous examples of the well-known Ferodo friction linings manufactured by,Herbert Freed and Co., Ltd. A few yards away

the Skefko 13.earing.Co., Ltd., show bearings suitable for all kinds of work -ttp to that requiring balls of'Uns. diameter. At the next corner are situated,Messrs. W..-Coan. This concern exhibits all kinds of oaluminium castings, particularly of the die cast type, and also their wellknown cast aluminiuminumber plates. Bramptoni Bros., Ltd:, show an assortment of roller and silent chains.

The Aster Engineering Co., Ltd., have on their stand a fine selection of engines suitable fer commercial work.

Not far from the -last-mentioneel•stand will be found Hans Reneld; Ltd., with a • well-staged exhibit-of -roller and silentchains of all desCriptions.

Another corner stand is that of the Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd., who show cases of the various types of bearings manufactured by them.

Close by David Brown andSons, Ltd., have several fine examples of their worm gears. The casings of these gears are cut away in order to show the interior mechanism.

Further on are several engines shown hy W. H. Dorman and Co., Ltd. Of these, two are especially suitable for commercial vehicle work.

The chief exhibit, of interest. to thoseconnected with commercial vehicle work on the stand of E. G. Wrigley and Co:, Ltd., is an example of the Tank gearbox-7a wonderful piece -of work.

If visitors have passed round the gallery in the direction indicated they will now find themselves very close to the starting point, but before leaving the gallery they should inspect the exhibits staged by S. F. Bowser and Co. (Inc.). They comprise several exartiples•of their measuring pumps designed, for the. Bowser petrol storagb system,

Our visitors will find exhibits of pate ticular interest in the Annexe,where is situated the wheel and tyre 'section.

The Michelin The Co., Ltd., show examples of pressed-steel built-up wheels, both single and double. An example of the twin-tyred wheel is shown in section.

It is quite probable that, for certain classes of commercial vehicles, large pneumatic tyres will replace solids. With commendable enterprise the 'Dunlap. Rubber Co., Ltd., have brought out a wired-edge pneumatic tyre known as the Magnum-type cord tyre. • This tyre will be made in large sections up to 9 ins, • for heavy work, but only in standard inch eizes. Beim, of the wired type, these tyres are fitted to rims or special wheels, which are each provided with one removable flange., permitting of the. ready removal of the tyre. The wheels themselves may also, Of course, be of the detachable type. The tyres have a moulded rubber non-skid tread, -the depth of the non-skid portion being approximately half-an-inch. A most interesting point about these tyres is that the foundation is woven from cord.

Eight-inch tyres, also suitable for heavy eommerciAl vehicle work, are shown on the stand of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. Both this company and the Dunlop Co. show a large variety of the smaller sizes of tyres suitable for the -lighter types of commercial 'vehicles. .

On the Shrewsbury and Challiner stand will be found a fine assortment of detachable and contractible rims and tyres,'suitable for the lighter typ-e.s of commercial vehicles, such as delivery vans. . •• J. Sankey and Son, Ltd.; have a large assortment of their well-known built-up pressed-steel wheels of the spoked variety and also a new type of built-up pressedsteel wheel in which -the spokes are replaced by a single .plate. Chas. Macintosh, Ltd. in addition to their display of pneumatic 'tyres, show examples of the N.A.P. cushion tyre, which isparticularly suitable for light van work.

The North British Rubber Co..; Ltd., show pneumatic tyres only, but they include their well-Icnown Clincher crosstype, 'which is a. rubber non-skid much favoured by light van users.