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A Feature which Hauliers Find Helpful in Estimating and Anticipating Chances for Obtaining Contracts'
MLLE news this week is brighter than / ever. Almost every trade is improving. The cotton strike is over and there are indications of better prospects on every hand.
North-east Coast.
Haulage of house coal has now commenced in real earnest, and Newcastle reports a steady inquiry. Timber imports are being fairly well maintained, especially as regards pit-props.
Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson' Ltd., Wallsend, has awarded a 1200,000 contract to Robert McAlpine, Ltd., London, for the construction of s large new graving dock to accommodate the largest vessels visiting the Tyne.
At Easington the Rural Council has decided to construct 200 houses on various sites by direct labour. Messrs. S. Tarran, of Hull, have been given a £19,000 contract by Middlesbrough EducaEon Committee for the building of a new school at Hmmerson. Newcastle City Council has received sanction to build 600 houses. Contracts have
already been let.•The owners of the Middlesbrough
Estate, Middlesbrough, propose developing 21 acres of land involving the building of 262 houses. Work is to begin forthwith at Sedgefield on the erection of 100 houses by direct labour by the Rural Council.
Dorman Long and Co., Ltd., has secured the contract for building, a viaduct at Victoria Docks, London. Work has started on the reconstructionof Seahouses Harbour in Northumberland and is being carried out by Holloway l3ros. (London), Ltd., at a .cost of 120,000.
Reports from rayon factories in Yorkshire are particularly good, and this relates to all branches of the industry. Orders for woollen piece goods for spring dresses are coming through. In Leeds in particular many orders have been received for fancy worsteds and some large contracts for flannel for suitlugs have been placed. Manufacturers in the Guiseley and Yeadon district are busy. Leather manufacturers report that orders are frequent, but small, a circumstance which is satisfactory for the haulage industry.
The engineering industry in Middlesbrough is not•so good, but the paucity of orders is principally from overseas. Business with home firms, which involves road haulage to some extent, is pretty fair. The Christmas trade in cutlery and plate has now begun. Factories in Sheffield are busy and there is a good proportion of work for urgent delivery. There is a tremendous business doing in steel strip in Sheffield. One firm alone, Sanderson Brothers and Newbould, is producing 235 miles of steel strip a month, out of whieh will be made 8,250,000 safety razor blades.
Lancashire and Cheshire.
Now that the cotton strike is settled rayon factories are likely to be busier. The silk factories of Macclesfield and district report a further improvement in business. The demand for leather
from the tanneries in Runcorn, Warrington and Liverpool., is well main tained. Some of the boot and shoo manufacturers in the Rossendale Valley are unusually busy. In Manchester it is rubber hoots that are most in demand.
Messrs. H. Heaton and Son, of Golborne, are to erect a Roman Catholic church at Newton Road, Lowton, Lancs. The Lyceum Cinema, Wallasey, recently damaged by fire, is to be rebuilt. Messrs. Beyer Peacock and Co. have secured a large order for tank locomotives. Nantwich Urban District Council proposes to borrow over 155,000 for the reconstruction of sewage purification and dis
posal works. Stockport Council is to widen and reconstruct the Mersey Bridge at a cost of £17,000. A Swiss firm is proposing to establish a factory in Crewe for the manufacture of clock and watch hands. A new silk manufacturing company is opening up at Macclesfield. A 92,000-gallon concrete reservoir is to be constructed for Wigan Rural District Council. and in conjunction with it some 3,500 yds. of piping are to be laid,
In the Midlands manufacturers are now definitely experiencing the beneficial effects of the import tariffs. Both Nottingham and Leicester report considerably increased business in rayon goods of all kinds, hosiery, cloths, lace, and lingerie. The Northampton boot and shoe trade continues steady; some factories in Wellingborough are working overtime. Hinckley manufacturers are working full time and from Kettering comes the report that the recent improvement is being maintained. A revival in the hosiery trade of Hinckley is reported.
Of the engineering industry in the Midlands the most active branch is the motor trade, which is using a considerable amount of steel strip, so that there is a fair amount of haulage of this material between Midland 'rolling mills and car manufacturers. The motor industry is also absorbing considerable quantities of sheet metal, tubes, sections and castings, most of them in special alloys. Manufacturers of aluminium hollow-ware are well employed on home orders. There is greater activity in the pottery industry than for many months past. Some factories have orders which will keep them occupied until well into the new year. Messrs. J. Hickin and Sons, Rose Hill, Willenhall, are to build 34 houses in Clothier Street, Willenhall, Staffs, for• Willenhall Urban Distriq Council. "
The West of England Cinema Co., Ltd., Cardiff, is to build three new cinemas at Newport, Pen arth and Elaverfordwest.
East Anglia.
Orders for boots and shoes are coming in very well, according to reports from Norwich.
A super cinema, with shops, garage and café, is to be built in Glasgow Road, Paisley.
West Country.
West of England makers of cloth are experiencing a rush of requests for prompt delivery of repeat orders in winter coatings ; orders for materials for spring suitings and costumes are also
plentiful. Leather manufacturers in Bristol say the sameas those in Leeds, that orders are frequent but small. The boot and shoe trade in this area is improving. Makers of heavy boots whose chief centre is Singswood, state that small orders are arriving daily.
London and Home Counties.
The London boot and shoe trade is active. Wholesalers are beginning to receive orders for goods intended as Christmas gifts. Work is about to commence on the viaduct at Victoria Docks, London. It will be 3i miles long and will connect Barking Road and the Victoria Docks. The Coliseum Cinema, Manor Park Road, N.W.10, is to be reconstructed and enlarged. A large new cinema, to seat 1,200 people, is to be erected at Hertford. John Ray, Ltd., of Letchworth, Herts, is the builder. We understand that the Castle Cinema, Hertford, is to be enlarged.
A large new cinema, costing 120,000, is to be built at Westbury House, West Street, Fareham, Rants. Croydon Town Council is to erect and furnish a municipal hospital at a cost of 1150,000. Essex Public Assistance Committee is to erect and furnish extensions to the Institution at Sutton; Hornchurch, at a cpst of £325,355.