Bradford Fares Up: Increases Too Small ?
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DRADFORD Corporation's applica.Utions to ritige fares has been largely successful. The Ministry of Transport and the Yorkshire Licensing Authority have approved a general increase of Id. on ordinary fares ranging from 2d. to 5d., but modifications have been made in the proposed increases in Workmen's 'and scholars' fares.
. Most of the Bradford. undertaking's fares were raised in September, 1947; but at the public inquiry into the proposals for new increases the town clerk Stated that 'unlesswere again raised an annual deficit Of about £78,000 could be expeeted, because of " the ever-mcreasing • cost of labour and
materials." . .
Giving evidenc..1 at the inquiry, Mr. C. R. Tattam. transport manager, said the estimated surplus of €17,000 a year from the proposal§ would not meet any unforeseen circumstance. He would have liked much larger increases.
A BERDEEN Corporation sought ./-1 permission at a. recent 'public inquiry to' raise tram and bus fares. Proposals were to increase the children's Ad. fare to ld., the adult ld. fare to lid., and the cost of season tickets by a third. The transport -department, it was stated, had operated for the year ended May,1949, at a loss of €70,000. The estimated loss for this year was more than £100,000.
Mr. H. A. Shewan, K.C., gave these figures when putting the corporation's case before the Scottish Licensing
Authority. Two trade union officials objected to the proposed increases. .
Mr. Shewan said that someone had to make good the deficit, and it would be folly' to continue with the present fares. Unless something radical were done, the renewal and depreciation fund, which stood at £144,000 last May, would have to be raided to the extent of £107,000 to make good the expected deficit this year.
The decision Was reserved.
A PPL1CATIONS for the scholarship l'Aaward of £50 and seven grants of £10 each, made under the Sir William Charnbarlain .Metuorial scheme, should be made to the Institute of Transport,
. 80, Portland Plaee,. London, W.1, by May 31, 1950.
Candidates for the scholarship should have passed the graduateship of the institute or have attained. equivalent . academic standard. Consideration will . normally., be givenonly to applications which involve three months' absence from. the candidates employment.
--NEW ECONOMIC SURVEY URVEY of economic and corn" 'ine'reial conditions in Nigeria, the Gold Coast, Sierra Leone and Gambia has been published for -the COMmercial 'Relations and Exports ." Department of the Board of Trade by the Stationery Office, price Is. 3d. 527