1 -IN June 30, 1938, there, were 365,021 I.–IC-licensed vehicles in,
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this country,. but' by September 30 last the total had risen to 659,755. The number or additional vehicles authorized under, C licences during 1948 was 103,365 and in the first nine months of this .year. 62,239. The total on December .31, 1948, stood at 590,516:. •
. The Minister of 'Transport gave these figures • in -a written answer to "Mr.
T. Reid. • In a question to the Minister et' Fuel and Power, Sir John Mellor asked whether proceedings against alleged illegal users of commercial petrol could be abandoned, as the presence of diphenylarnine dye in petrol could not be proved by chemical analysis.
The Minister. Mr. Hugh Gaitskell, replied that this' was not his intention, and referred to his new legislation whereby the term " diphenylarnine-" includes similar compounds.
A deputation from the National Farmers' Union is to meet Mr. Glenvil Hail, Financial 'Secretary to the Treasury, to discuss the increased taxation on agricultural tractors.
Mt.. Hall: stated in reply to Mr. Heathcoat Amory that the 5s. tax was only a war-time concession. Farmers had an advantage over ordinary .cornmcreial users and. there was no reason why it Should continue.
Mr. Amory considered that the new . .E.12 tax would 'hit poorer farmers and discourage mechanization.
ARESOLUTION pledging those present "to fight at every stage any attempt • to .intreiduce a scheme in the eastern area of England for the nationalization of road passenger transport" was unanirimusly passed at a meeting of public service vehicle operators in Northampton,' on Monday (see pages 370-371). The meeting was Organized by .the Passenger. Vehicle Operators' Association.
C(-LAPWING to be one of the pioneer Isseoperators of fully inclusive coach tours. Salopia SaloonCoaches. Ltd..
Whitchureh. Salop, carried ,248t pas . sengers, in the season just ended. The tours were of eight days' duration and covered the West 'Country, Yorkshire and the. Scottish Highlands. • Altogether. 69 tours were run, Cl being fully boOked. In. September the average loadiog figure was 96 per cent CRELLIN DUPLEX NOT PASSED
THE maker of the Crellin Duplex coach has appealed to the Minister of Transport. against the refusal of a certificate of fitness for this type of vehicle. The Minister's decision will be announced later.
The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport . gave this information to Mr. Skeffington-Lodge, in the House of Commons, this week.