ccessories, Components and Service Equipment
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The Needs of Operators, Maintenance Executives, and Repairers Are Well Catered For in a Record Display Covering all Types of Vehicle Operation HILST the accessory section of the Show is not so representative as at the London exhibitions, it does not lag behind in general interest. • Four _examples of the Gardner oil engine form.the exhibit of the maker, Norris, Henty and Gardners, Ltd., Patricroft, Manchester, on Stand 95. These include the 6LW, 5LW, a 4LW of the non-unit-construction type, and a 4LK of the unit-construction type. The high standard of reliability of this make of engine is well knOwn for which the continued development of a standard basic design, instead of the introduction of entirely new types every few years, is mainly responsible. James Bowtm and Sons, Ltd., 45-59, Pitt Street, Edinburgh, Stand 66, includes a Gardner 6LW engine amongst its exhibits.
The display staged by William Anderson and Co., of 113-117, Cowgate, Dundee (Stalid 176), includes ball and roller bearings, starter rings, crown wheels and pinions, Girling and Bendix brake shoes and other items.
There is a number of interesting components to be seen on Stand 143, where the Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Tachbrook Road; Leamington Spa, is staging Lockheed hydraulic brake gear, examples of the Purolator Micronic oil filter, and spare parts for Borg and Beck clutches. An item
worth examining the LockheedHydrovae servo, brake Unit, .which is shown in sectioned form.: This unit is for use oil vehicles of up to 10 tons.
The Bowes Seal Fast process is a method of repairing inner tubes without the use of beat, the results obtained beMg on a par with those resulting from vulcaniYing. Full information about the process an be()Mt-Lined by paying a visit to Stand 152, where. Messrs: ,Automotive Parts and Accessories. Tlailsham, Sus§ex, arc" giving demonstrations.
Service and maintenance equintrient
in great variety can be seen on Stand 107, where Thomson and Brown Brothers, Ltd., Great Eastern Street, London, E.C.2, stages its display." Air compressors, degreasing tanks, tyre changers and ping cleaners form. but a few of the items: to be seen. This concern is showing its accesSories and components on Stand 135, wherebearings,, brake facings, pistons, etc., are Staged.
Visitors whose particular interest lies in coachwork should make a poipt of calling on J. C. Bennett and Co. (Coachbuilders), Ltd., of Springblirn. Glasgow, at Stand 170. This exhibitor is showing Dunlopillo products for use as furnishings for passenger vehicles. together with components Tor all lypcs
of coachwork. "
The display of C.A.V., Ltd.. Acton, London, W.3, on Stand 163, includes many items of interest, comprising fuelinjection equipment and electrical gear. • The recently introduced hydraulic • governor, which is shown as a unit with the N-type pump, forms one of the high-spots of a generally noteworthy display.
An interesting demonstration is that concerned with the CAN. electrically operated door gear,.which is applicable
to both sliding and jack-knife doors. Direction indicators for heavy d u t y, selection of flushmounted head lamps, a range of C. A. V. and C.A.V.-Nife batteries, and a fluoregcent-I i g 11 ting assembly arc in. chided irs this interesting exhibit.
A comprehensive range o f. C.A.V. electrical and fuel injection equipment is also shown by Irvine Electrical Services, td., 14, Terrace Street, Glasgow, on Stand 120.
Driving mirrors, lamps, horns, fire extinguishers and licence holders form part of a large variety of accessories to be seen on Stand 168, occupied by Desmo, Ltd., SchoIefield Street, birthinghani. Garage equipment forms the display of Fast of Scotland Fact" ltd., 31, High Street, Dundee (Stand 101). Here are to be seen electric welders, compressors, a 60-ton hydraulic press, spraying equipment, and numerous other items for the maintenance of commercial vehicles.
Edmunds, Walker and Co., Ltd., 114, George Street, Edinburgh, displays, on Stand 121, equipment ranging from valves and valve guides to universal joints and ignition cables.
As Scottish agent for Bromilow and Edwards, Ltd., the Garage Equipment Co., 31-33, Douglas Street, Glasgow, is showing on Stand 97,a range of tipping gears. These include the B. and E. front-ram end-tipping type, twin underbody tipping gear, Stability Minor, and the D.64 Wood Hoist. Compressors, spraying plants, electric tools, vehicle washing plants and many other pieces of servicing equipment can also be inspected on this stand.
Oil Engine Pistons
The well-known concern of Hepworth and Grandage, Ltd., St. John's Works, Bradford, is showing, on Stand 150, a full range of its specialities, including pistons, rings and cylinder liners. Operators interested in piston design should make a point of examining the Hepolite de luxe piston designed for use in oil engines. One of the objects aimed at has been to reduce ringgroove wear, hence only three compression rings are used, the top ring being positioned well down from the piston crown. This means that the top land is much deeper than in the case of pistons having four compression rings.
Radiator blocks and gilled tubes for radiators will be found amongst the exhibits of Marston Excelsior, Ltd., on Stand 144.
Compressors, battery chargers and a range of garage tools are staged by Lawrie Bros.. Ltd., 16, Dixon Street, Glasgow, on Stand 116. This concern also has much of interest for bodybuilders, including sundry fittings such as locks, handles. hinges, trimming and panelling materials.
Stores Equipment
Examples of panels which have been repaired by welding arc included in the exhibit of M'Kenzie Wylie and Co., 35-37, Pitt Street, Glasgow (Stand 166). This concern, which specializes in body repairs, shows various examples of such work. The Riches interlocking storage system, the components of which are shown by Messrs. Riches of London, 19-21, Store Street, W.C.1, IStand 98), should prove of interest to stores department managers. The standard units employed can be built up to any desired height without losing The demonstrations of a Paddon cylinder reborer which are given at intervals serve to show the efficiency of this workshop tool. Included in the display on this stand are wheel-alignment equipment, degreasing tanks, compressors and hydraulic presses.
Stands 106 and 117 are occupied by Messrs. James Robertson, 95, West Nile Street, Glasgow. On Stand 117 they show a comprehensive range of c6
service equipment including compressors, presses, cranes, battery chargers. and degreasers. Demonstrations of a Crypton B.100 motor analyser, a Bums in-line boring machine, a Bristol two-stage compressor, and a Wayne Mini pump are given on Stand 106.
Garage signs, name plates and vehicle number plates form the exhibit of Chas. Wright, Ltd., Edgware, Middlesex (Stand 126), and on Stand 165, Messrs. George M. Smith, 102, Bothwell Street, Glasgow, stage a range of small accessories, such as sparking plugs, mirrors, foot pumps and so on.
The popular adjustable-seat mechanism, made by A. W. Chapman, Ltd., Ranelagh Gardens, London, S.W.6, is to be seen on Brockhouse, Croft and other bodies, and special displays are arranged, on Stands 127 and 187 occupied respectively by J. Adams (Coach Supplies), 66, East High Street, Kirkintilloch, and Messrs. J, H. Lightbody and Son. 147, North Street, Glasgow.
In addition to its range of pistons, cylinder liners, valve-seat inserts and so on, Wellworthy Piston Rings, Ltd., Lymington. Hants, features on Stand 160, a series of components which has been subjected to the Al-fin bonding process. This is a means for chemically joining aluminium to non-ferrous metals, one important application being in the construction of brake drums. Another interesting development is a compound used for joining metal to metal, and specimens so joined are available for inspection.
A number of articles made in Triplex safety glass forms the exhibit of Triplex (Northern), Ltd., St. Helens, Lanes, on Stand 124. Examples of laminated safety glass, both flat and curved, for use as windscreens, windows, sun visors, goggles, etc., are shown.
S. Smith and Sons (Sebtland), Ltd., 153-155, Bothwell Street, Glasgow, is occupying Stand 131, where a complete range of this concern's accessories is displayed. A feature is made of a winterproof service which embraces Bluecol anti-freeze, a Smith's car heater and batteries, and K.L.G. plugs.
Compressed-air Wipers
Direction indicators, screen wipers and driving mirrors form a few of the items to be seen on Stand 136, occupied by Trico-Folberth, Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex. Operators of both goods and passenger vehicles will find items to interest them, included in which mention should be made of the compressed-air-operated screen wipers, and the Trico screen washer.
A full range of sparking plugs, with 14-mm., 18-inm., and 4-in. S.A.E. threads, are shown by the Champion Sparking Plug Co., Ltd., Felthani, Middlesex, on Stand 122.
The Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., Clifton Junction, Manchester, the maker of Exide batteries, has its display on Stand 119. Young batteries are to been 'seen on Stand 155, occupied by Day and Night Auto-Serve, Ltd., 8-10, Carbon Place, 'Glasgow.
Ramp springs for cattle trucks and horse boxes, auxiliary springs for Chassis, road springs and bodybuilding compOrtents, are .featured by William E. Cary, Lid., Red Bank, Manchester, on Stand 184.
In addition to a range of heavy-duty batteries, Oldham and Son, Ltd., Denton, Manchester (Stand 177). shows service-station equipment, including battery chargers, moulds, testers and other battery-servicing a ppliances.
Messrs. Petri and Radford. on Stand 175, feature various types of Dagenite battery, whilst on Stand 154, Messrs. Runbaken Electrical Products, 71-73a, Oxford Road, Manchester, show a wide range of products, including battery chargers, tachometers, • electrical test benches and other pieces of apparatus employed for the scientific analysis of the faults of engines and electrical components.
The exhibit of Joseph Lucas, Ltd., Great King Street, Birmingham, is staged on Stand 164. Here are shown batteries, the new Lucas battery filler, dynamos, starters, coils, many types of lamp and other electrical equipment.
Coach Radio Operators interested in radio equipment should visit Stand 161, on which E. K. Cole, Ltd., Southend-on-Sea, stages a display of Elcco instruments.
Equipment for bus-lighting installations, fuel-injection equipment, ignition apparatus, magnetic oil filters and level indicators, and various types of coupling, are included in the display by Simms Motor Units, Ltd., Oak Lane, East Einchley,,London, on Stand 130.
Items of special interest will be found in .the L92 head lamp, and the 6E1104 interior lighting switchboard, which is a stronger and improved version of the earlier 6B series. The latest versions of the Simms 5-in. and 6-in, axial starter are other items wOrthy of inspection.
Three well-known oil companies have representative exhibits, these being Alexander Duckham and Co., Ltd., 346, Kensington High Street, London, W.14 (Stand 134), Challenge Oils, Ltd., Howard Works, London, N.16 (Stand 172), and Silvertown Lubricants, Ltd., Minoco Wharf, West Silvertown. London, El6 (Stand 112),
, :Engine Tuning .
Reclex engine testing and tuning eqnipmenrwill toren part of the exhibit of the Wayne V. Myers Co., Ltd, 363365, High. Road, Chiswick; London, .art Stand 135. This 'coneern's Lithrocharger, a 'dashboard fitting, gives visual indication of the qbantity of Reclek passing to the upper parts of an
engine. . , • Probably the high-light on Stand 153;
occupied by Teeatemit, Ltd.. Great West Road, Brentford. Middlesex, is this concern's Syndromic chassis lubrieatar,_ a belt-driven component having a number of pumping units, each one of which is responsible for supplying; lubricant to a given chassis part. Engine oil and fuel filters, lubricating guns, grease
nipples, and the many other lubricating accessories made by this concern, are inChided in the display.
In addition to the Edbro tipping gears to be seen on a number of the vehicle exhibits, Edwards Bros. (Tippers), Lid., Bradford Street, Bolton, is showing a range Of gears on Stand 142. Included is a No. 1EL ram-cradle sectioned assembly. Examples of a' Model No. 4T twin underslung ram-cradle assembly, handoperated hydraulic end-tipping gear, the Edbroist slant-type unclerbody hoist and a combined power take-off and pump unit are other items to be seen.
Tyre manufacturers are well represented, there being the products of nine makers displayed. These are Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., Melksham, Wilts (Stand 151), British Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., Herga House, Vincent Square, London, S.W.1 (Stand 114), Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.„ Fort Dunlop, Birmingham (Stand 125), Firestone Tyre and Rubler Co., Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex (Stand 162), Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., Bushbury, Wolverhampton (Stand 123), Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., 51-53, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.1 (Stand 132), India Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., 30, St. John's Wood Road, London, N.W.8 (Stand 118), Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent (Stand 178), North British ,Rubber Co., Ltd., Castle Mills, Edinburgh (Stand 158), and Pirelli, Ltd., Burton-on-Trent (Stand 141).